IVF/ICSI Support Group

Petals, me fine thks except recently kenna rashes on body. I now more or less will auto remember to take folic. Ya using hp reminder is a gd method also.

Ya i thk very likely it is due to the skill of the nurse. Last time i drew blood also never got such 'long lasting' bruise.
oh dear... i also have very small veins... hopefully when it is my time, i will be lucky to get a experienced nurse. Do u gals notice that there seem to be many different nurses working at KKIVF? i saw different nurses each time i go there. shouldn't they be experienced enough to do a good v-scan and blood test?

i think i was quite lucky i got a very experince nurse to take my bld. i abit chubby so not easy see my vein but she still got it first try and not very pain some more. and no bruise. can't really remember who tho. u recall who was ur nurse?

i think the u/s lady is always de same . straight short hair with bob right? everytime i scan its her. think she maybe fr china fr her accent. ha ha. really like cooking curry
i agree she very rough. but what to do.

n she also not too friendly. only scan. won't talk to u one. if wan to know scan result just have to wait to see nurse.
so i usually just go in, lie down spread my legs , finish scan den come out. no need say anything. the assistant sometimes even worse. de paper never even change n ask me lie down!
think shd fill in feedback form. send dem for some course. after all it is A class right?

so when u have to start ur puregon? did u manage to find out ur bld test level n scan result. i until this day still don't know what my result is. bec 1st time scan, didn't really know what to ask. after everything finish, dey just tell u can go home n call back in aft for result.

i think dey got quite a few new staff there. sister phua most senior, then sara. who is also v experience. but most others new to department i think. fd out all this by gossiping with nurse after my ER in recovery.
i was the only pt so she v free.

i'm ok la. trying to rest +++ after my ET. will be on leave until my progesterone bld test 1 june, den preg test on 11 june. don't think i will do UPT on my own. but see how la. maybe nearer de date cannot tahan anymore.

first 5 days after ER bit of discomfort in lower abd. esp when sneeze/cough/bend over but not severe la.

its a funny feeling having the embies in me. immediately after ET was so scared to go pee immediately. i know its different track n all that but psychologically i think that somehow the embies can come out.so stupid right?
so tried to tahan as long as i can.

now, i also scared if cough too hard or strain will push it out. i know no logic la but putting in 2 'babies'so precious. so far its only been jabs and scans but dis is de REAL thing.

nurse said cannot go swimming or cycling or exercise only brisk walk. but also cannot not do anything. n stay home all de time will munch!! i will be fat blob at the end.

i on sc pregnyl 1000u every 3 days. 4 doses. but dey keep reminding me if anytme got breatheless or distended abd have to go down bec maybe OHSS. maybe have to admit n change fr sc pregnyl to IM progesterone daily which is also more painful. so far have 2 doses and ok. fingers crossed.

few tip for those going for scan. earlier less crowd. ie 730am. once 830/9 am more crowded. first thing u arrive for scan, don't bother queueing at counter 1st. put ur form on de 1st white box, den go tell nurse at counter u here for scan. kiasu la but dats what dey'll tell u to do anyway - "put ur form on de box n wait!"
thanks for the tips...will try to go early for my future scans. Didn't know they opened so early at 7.30am?

Did u check w doctor on your rashes? sometimes could be due to hormone changes. I noticed that I had itchy dry skin patches during my fresh and fet cycles prob due to some of the tablets I was taking...using body lotion didn't help and they went away after a while once my period started.
hi ladies, thks for all ur encouragments, having tis support group is a great help....

u started ur lucrin already? the rashes from reaction to the lucrin?

when r u going for the msw counselling, r u also starting in june?

the thread is moving quite fast leh hard to catchup, well rite now tink weiwei is alredy halfway thru' the journey followed by dreams, maplebabies, orangedots and petals, rite?

i'm actually looking forward to start my journey but i'm very scared of needles...tat's a very big hurdle to cross, esp the jab for ovulation, according to the nurse it's on the thigh different from the one for iui which is on the tummy. tink it's going to very painful....can anyone tell me whether it's endurable??

my E2 s 11, lining: thin. e nurse said it's a gd result. wil b collecting my puregon cm n start frm 31/5. she din tel me e dose, so, let's see cm.
fond, i m 1/7 ahead of u. maybe we can hav same day for ER.


thanks for sharing ur experience. i think we r having different scan lady. mine s a local chinese gal, long hair. i went quite early leh, abt 8am, but stil many pp...so next time wil go at 7.30am sharp to avoid e crowd. oh, btw, e warning re ohss got nothing to do with e jabs u r having now. mostly it's puregon's late side effect. glad to knw tat so far u din hav severe symptoms after ET. e sis here adviced to take plenty of h2o n 100+ for abd bloatedness. ur wori s reasonable. e embryos wont come easily, but if u strain too much, may affect e implantation part. so, try not to strain too much.

dream, orangedots,

sori if i scared u abt e scan or drawing bld. maybe when ur turn comes, it wil b different pp doing n u wont feel so bad as me.


ya, u should check with e Dr for ur rashes. sometimes s allergic reaction. better find out, ok? GP wil do, no need purposely go back to Dr Loh-- veri ex!!
Hi WeiWei, Petals, snowball,

I saw a skin doc oredi. Dr said me sometimes might be due to hormone change, allergy as what you all told me. Haiz, never in my life got such rashes.

Petals, for me lotion doesn't helped much also..sometimes itchy until cannot tahan..the hot weather made it even worse. Me trying to refrain fr sratching in case it might leave scars.

Snowball, me haven't start lucrin so not possible due to it. Will start only in June. Maplebabies supposed to be first to start. By the time i start shd be end of Jun.

The jab for ovulation will be on the thigh? Is it also called HCG?..cos last time i did IUI dr jab on my arm to induce ovulation.

Er..Me got a question..may sound stupid, anyone can advise do we have to shave our pte part for ET, ER? Thks
Hi pookums,
Do we need to fix appoint for doing scans? The nurses told me to come at 8am. Would they start scanning when we arrive at 730?

Just collected lucrin and needles on monday. Only starting the injection on Friday so did a dry trial run with the nurse. Hmm... the procress looks simple and the needle looks very fine too. ... hee hope everything will be okie when i start injections.

so wat r u allergic to? better find out n take precaution b4 u start e cycle. dun want any allergic reaction happen to u during 2ww coz u cant take certain meds to stop e rashes n itchness. worse if u preg later on n got e rashes again. hav u told e skin Dr abt ur ivf treatment? or hav u told Dr Loh abt ur rashes? some of e meds r steroid, n some r hormones tat wil interfere with our ivf treatment. once u start on, must be careful of everything tat u take.

for e shaving part, dun think we hav to as it wil b like e u/s prop going to e vagina then frm vagina a needle wil poke through n reach ovaries. u wont hav any wound outside. however, e nurse havnt brief me anything re details abt ER & ET procedures yet. so i m nt sure also. if i hav e option, i wont shave. fel veri uncomfortable after shaving. :p


oh, u r starting lucrin this friday. relax as u knw it's nt difficult. u can do it!
tips for u: aim properly n jab in e needle fast. u wil hav less pain. if u r scared of pain n push e needle in veri slow, u wil hav more pain. after e jab, dun rub. just let it be. usually wont bleed. if u rub, may cause bruises. gd luck!!

i wil b starting puregon injection frm 31/5. 200units per day. wil go back for scan on next thursday. was quite excited to proceed with phase 2. it's like i wil go for ER cm. heee......


wat s ur dose?
Hi I'm new here, hope to join u ladies. Today I went to the hospital and got my 1st lucrin jab. although the nurse taught on how to use the jab & needle.. I just couldn't do it myself and in the end my hubby did it for me. Couldn't imagine that i have to continue for 4 weeks.

Any ladies can advise whether what kind of food to be taken during the whole process of ivf?

it's veri sweet tat ur hubby helping u with e injection. dun be sad, at least u can enjoy hubby's TLC ( tender, loving, care)
dun get urself stress up. always look at e bright side. ok? abt food, no idea leh, pp mostly talk abt food during 2ww, but nt injection period. i just eat per normal.
thanks 4 advise re OHSS
think i going thru this process very blur bt things. but i think its coz i don't want to know too much also. den will worry bt things..

good luck with puregon. things move very fast once u start puregon. do u have to jab 2 times on de last day?

hang in there. my hubby also give my jabs 4 me. altho i can do it myself but most times i have this fear of poking de needle into my skin.
also somehow when he does it, its not as painful as when i do myself. says its coz he does it with lurve
. but some of de other sisters say its better to do themselves coz know when needle going in n speed. try doing it urself. might be less painful. key is to relax. if u tense, den more painful

but i know how u feel. u are not alone. don't think too far ahead. take it one day at a time


no need to shave. its as weiwei said.

for me, i was given IM pregnyl to ovulate. 10,000unit. give in buttock cause say if in thigh, will ache. which it did for bt 2-3d. cannot sleep on dat bum for few days

so when it comes to ur turn, remember to choose de bum cheek dat u don't usually lie on.

dey not very strict in following appt. if u come b4 ur appt time, just put ur paper on white box, n dey will call whose paper 1st on de box. ya dey start scanning at 730

good luck with lucrin jabs. Just take a deep breath and Gan gan lai
actually its not as painful as i thought it wld be. just lot of psychological fear ..sometimes even no pain when needle go in. as weiwei said, go in fast

can i just check with u, de syringe for lucrin did u use 2 types? 1 50u one dat comes with de lucrin box n 1 30 u one fr de pharmacy?

did u find any diff bet de 2?
I am looking forward to joining your guys in this thread... planning to do IVF in October...

Jia You... for all the sis out there....
Hi Pookums, Weiwei,

thanks for the encouragement. okie... will try my best to gan gan liao when doing the injections :p.

i bought the extra syringes at the pharamcy too... but they are the same, both for 50u. We actually took a wrong packet and the cashier lady alerted us and bring us the correct box. Tot only 1 type of syringe for the injections?

all the best to ur next stage of puregon injections!

i got 50cc ones, too. 50cc n 30cc should b e same, right? anyway we just need 10 units only. heard a lot of pp said puregon wil stronger side effect. hopefully mine wont b so bad. which day u mean "last day"? is it D7 puregon when we do scan? e nurse said to cont lucrin, but puregon hold off until scan done. she ask me to bring e puregon jab there. Dr wil decide whether need to cont or nt after e scan. for food during 2ww, u can check out here: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/5/417329.html?1161621821
hi weiwei

The thread really moves so fast...cannot catch up. I will only collect my puregon on 1 June coz will only be coming back on 31 May. You collected the puregon? How much you pay for it?
Heard from the nurse mine also 200iu but will can only confirm on 1 June. So glad our dates for ER and ET may be quite close...like that can exchange more info and share. Is the injection for puregon same as lucrin?

i bought4 vals of puregon. each val contains abt 400+ units, can last for 2 dose. spend 800+ in total. it's just nice lor. i also dun want to buy too much at one go. as read frm sis here tat e dose may change if our D7puregon scan not veri gd. e injection s quite diff. it's pen type. e nurse wil teach u again when u collect e med.

i asked e nurse when i called her in tat afternoon. she told me s 11, n she told me e level s gd. forgot t ask her wat s e range for gd result for now. :p
hi pookums....
Dis is the best time to RIB,it is killing me tt time cos I hav backache cos of resting.Really hope you'll be succesful and hav gd news for us in June.

Wishing u guys all the best in your injections and procedure.I also phobia with v-scan nowadays cos very discomfort.Usually there will be definitely dr,nurse consult after the scan...so best u ask dem about your results.We hav our rights to know.
For me,I more kiasu....I even ask for the result copy for my blood results if possible just in case....like now,it is useful especially i want to hop to other hospital....

Seeing dr loh 2day and see wat happens nxt....Intending to do again in october....
the rashes issit the bumpy type? (like lots of goose bumps and very itchy) if yes, u got to apply lotion, dun let it be dry and refrain from scratching even tho itchy. it will go away after sometime.

so ur counselling is one day before mine. But i can't start in june cos got to do my day 2 hormone tests first, so got to wait til the next cycle which is july.
Hi Hopeful_bb and msfamily,
Welcome! All of us jia you together on our journey!

All ladies,
I'm also finding that the thread is moving very fast and sometimes i forget what's happening. So I just compiled a brief listing of the more recent postings to show who's at what stage now. I won't include many details in case some people don't want to show too much details. Anyone who wants to be added to the list, just let me know. Paiseh if I've left you out by mistake. We can update this list every couple of weeks.

Maplebabies, Dream, Petals, Snow_ball, Samirah, msfamily

*On Lucrin/Puregon
Fond1711, Xixiweiwei, Orangedots, Mika, Hopeful_bb


*BFP!! +++
Vonvon78, Piggy09
i thought can still go for CD2 hormone blood tests then proceed with the lucrin jabs on CD21 of the same cycle? When did Dr Loh say u can start lucrin...only in July huh?
Hi ladies,
Thanks for the encouraging words.. Really need some support from the sisters here. I'm doing my IVF in SGH but it seems alot of pple here do it in KKH.

Weiwei & pookums,
Today my hb do the 2nd jab for me and it is not as painful as the first. Yap, he is really gentle and appreciate him doing it for me.

Btw do anyone of u have the side effects of Lucrin? I just have my 1st jab and I'm now down with fever, sore throat and flu... not sure whehter should go and see the doc. It seems very heaty. Also do anyone consult a chinese sinseh while doing the jabs?

i din hav any side effect with lucrin. but e nurse said may feel heaty. dun suggest u to take any herbal drinks as heaty s a sign tat lucrin s working on us. just drink plenty of h2o, it should help. also e herbal drinks may interfere with e lucrin. fever, maybe just happened to hav fever at tis piont of time. dun think it comes frm lucrin. go n see Dr, tel him also u r on lucrin, he should b able to giv some meds tat suits u now.


i really "hate" tat scan lady!!
i'v been having small amt bleeding since e scan!! i was only having slight brownish stain tat left frm menses b4 e scan. but after e scan, i m having fresh bld!! not veri much, no pain, just feel angry. i think she traumatized my vagina wall already, tat's why i m having fresh bld. really feel like calling kkivf ctr to complain abt her!! it's been 3 days already
now i wori tat if they only hav one scan lady, n she cont to b rude like tat day, wil she irritate my uterus later on? wil she spoil my whole cycle??
Hi ladies,

I have been reading this thread all along. Dont know why, I have been feeling so ashame to post anything here. Perhaps is because of my failure again & again. I find myself so useless. But today, I am really feeling very very down and in need of someone to talk to.

This is my 4th fresh cycle. Actually I made it on my 3rd cycle. Unfortunately, I lose my baby after 8 weeks. After a long consideration, we decided to try again. I am now in my 2WW. Today, think i must be out of my mind to used the HPT to test. It return a -ve... my heart dropped and I was just too upset to cry. It will definitely help if I could have a good cry. But tears just wont fall anymore.

I cant help but keep blaming myself... why should such things keep happening to me??? What have I done wrong??? why?? why???

My blood test is this sat. Dare not let my husband know about my test result yet. Am afraid it might affect his work....

think i am going crazy soon...
Hi Seow,

There are many up and down in life, of which conception is one process based a lot on luck and fate.....

Anyone who is in your situation will be naturally demoralised and discouraged after having gone through so much and few attempts......but you have tried your best and that is the best you can do.......

Where are you doing your IVF now? Private or KKH.....does the doctor assess the reasons of failure or no one exactly knows why.......many times, I think medical science is just not good enough to diagnose the reasons....

Well, as for me, I have not attempted any IVF journey yet........and conception is still a long way to go........no success stories to share.........it just seem so difficult at this pt in time........leaving to fate and God that we all will be blessed with gifts soon........

Cheer up, Seow.....I am sure you will be able to make it in no time........are you working?
Hi Seow, understand how you are feeling now. I debated for a while before I decided to go for IVF. Have been asking myself the question why too. Sometime as what Joan said... leave it to the fate (Yuan fen).

Hi Weiwei,
Thanks. guess I will go c doc if the condition worsens. I'm drinking a lot of plain water trying to cool myself down. THis feeling is like when I got chicken pox... heaty and uneasy except omitting the itchy part.
hi seow,
pls take it easy... all is not lost yet as your blood test is this sat.. you could have tested too early! for the next few days, just relax and do things you enjoy and most importantly, think positive! talk to your embies to be good and implant to mummy... i understand that this is a tough journey cos i've been through it before...

pls press on !! and you can try deep breathing to relax your body and mind ...
Hi Joan, Cancerian,

Thanks for your message. Yes, perhaps is really fated that things should happen in this way.

I did twice with Chris Chen, for the 2 times, his expanation was low grade embryo.

The previous time was with KKH, good grade. Tested positive but low HCG. Lose it during 8 weeks. Embryo couldn't grow well.

This time, I have only 2 grade 5 embyro. Both Dr Loh & nurses said they are beautiful and chances are high... but I really do not know why it turn out this way.

I am not working now just quited a month ago. Partly to concentrate on the program and partly wanted a break from work.

Now i can only hope that miracles will happen on Sat. But I know is hard...haiz
well, i just called ivf ctr. e nurse said it does happen when we on lucrin injection we might hav slight bleeding, she said it's frm e vagina. but if e bleeding become heavy like 1st or 2nd day of menses type non stop, i should nt cont with puregon n inform them at e same time. she said during lucrin injection menses come n go, if i hav heavy bleeding, tat means my menses come back again.
dare nt to ask wat if my menses come back again, wil i hav to wait for another cycle? so sad, i dun want tat to happen...........

pls hold on there n wait til saturday's bld test. as wat dodo said, u may tested too early. i m in e process of ivf, so far din hav any reaction except for e slight bleeding i m having now. really hope e bleeding wil stop n i can cont with my journey. havnt think anything yet re wat if i fail. or i should say, dare nt to think yet. can understand wat u feel now, i hav done 7 iui b4, but all of them failed too. mow just follow e steps n hope everything wi b fine. wil pray for u n ur embryos. jia you!!
hey, ladies
was feeling veri sad, but found these info on e website:

Common side effects of Lucrin:

hot flushes
loss of menstruation (amenorrhoea)
withdrawal bleeding
sexual dysfunction
reduced libido
vaginal dryness
changes in breast size breast tenderness
joint pains (arthralgia)
muscle pains (myalgia)
peripheral oedema
mood changes
injection site reaction
thrombophlebitis - inflammation of a vein with an associated blood clot
decreased bone mass
Hi JR,

I have not posted for quite some times too, when i first came to this post, I just failed my fresh cycle too, at that time, I only want to vent out all my frustration, just wanna complain and complain, no need comment, no need comfort cos I know no amount of these can help, I tried every methods that can help me to conceive, fertility pills, 2 laprascopies, drilled my ovaries, 2 HSG, TCM, IUI, needles after needles, IVF, FET,IVF.

Seen doctors who are supposed to be renowed, dr chris chen, PC wong,etc.....chinese physician, xia rong, tan lee kee, tan siew buoy etc.... ALL FAILED

Irony is that twice I got pregnant (sort of naturally while trying all these) but ended up MC. Except birth, I experienced all kind of emotions, up and down, up and down, many times I thought i cannot continue anymore, I went thru the D&C after no fetal heartbeat deteched at week 8, went home without telling anyone except my hb, no confinement, no nourishment food cos none of my family knew about the 2 miscarriages, I just go home and sleep, many times I thought I cannot breathe anymore, I lie down on my bed, refused to eat, refused to talk, basically a zombie then suddenly one day I woke up again and started looking for answers and solutions on the internet, found new methods or new doctor, I called up immediately, all these while just looking for hope to have my own baby.

Ended up with long menses period or no menses at all, acne problems which I never had before.

Like you, I asked god all the questions you asked, I even went to sunday church, prayed but still .....Till today I kept praying and I know there is a purpose in whatever god has in store for me, I just kept trying becos there is nothing else that I can do.

Finally after switching from NUH IVF to KKH IVF, Dr Loh, I managed to conceive but again things do not always come easy for me.

Did the first scan on week 7, 2 sacs with 2 heartbeats, was happy and all of us incl dr loh felt that I am lucky not to have triplets, I thought finally I saw light at the end.

Went for the second scan happily during week 9, one of the baby split into identical twins, I still remembered dr loh shaking his head when he did the scan, I thought I lost 1 or both babies but he said nope, all 3 are okay, thus making me having triplets (1 pair of identical twin and the other one in a separate sac).

Dun think that this is even better, triple happiness. No way! Multiples pregnancies post too much risk and chances of survival are no good, even if managed to, due to extreme premature, babies could have developmental disabilities in childhood etc... all these can be found in the medical reports. Given a few options by the dr. 1. To keep them and take the risk of losing all 3, 2. To "kill" the pair of identical twins and give the other one a higher survival rate but still there is risk for the remaining bb. Doctor gave me a few examples of his cases, seem like most of them chose to "kill" one bb to let the other 2 have better survival chance. That night was a sleepless night for me and hb, we just dunno what to do.

Few days later I have staining, went to 24 hrs immediately, scan showed that identical twins heartbeats gone, only 1 left. To be honest, when dr told me I am having triplets, I was so upset and but the MO told me the heartbeats for the identical twins gone, I was relieved at that moment. I felt so guilty for feeling that way but that was my first instant feeling. Went to clinic A to confirm result, the dr told me it is better that way for I need not make any decision, Dr Loh emailed me and told me that he dunno if he should be "happy" for me. From then on, I have constant worry for this remaining bb, is he/she alright? any risk? etc.....

Pregnancy is not the end but only the start of non stop worrying and heartache for me too, occasionally I will come across some pregnancy friends who also finally managed to conceive thru IVF having complications, MC along the way, having to make difficult decision to terminate the pregnacies, all these adds on to my worries.

Whether you chose to continue to pursuit to conceive or finally succeed, there are many hurdles in life we have to cross, others seem to have no hurdles but we cannot be sure about that, maybe he or she does not consider it as a hurdle at all. Whether childless at the end or able to fulfill motherhood, there are also joys and hopes in life that we can enjoy and focus on, dwelling too much on one particular issue will only blind us to many great things in life or even make us forget to cherish those that are with us all these times.

Your hubby first concern is definitely not the blood test result on Sat but is your reaction and feeling after that. My hb told me that he hates it whenever I failed a certain treatment and always feel so stressed when the result day, not becos of the result itself but how I will react to it, he HATES to see me become a "zombie" that's what matter to him most, not the result. Your man will share the same feeling as mine.

I am sure that since your dr said you can go thru IVF, that means there is a chance you can conceive, only a matter of timing, some succeeded the first try, some after numerous tries, that's what I told myself, I dun believe after trying for 10 times, I cannot even strike once, in fact, you had but just turn into MC, that means you can be preggy, only a matter of time. Similarly I had phobia of pregnancy after 2 MC but I told myself the same thing, I dun believe all my pregnancies will turn into MC if dr checked and said that I dun have generic problems that disallow me to be pregnant.

It is hard! but NOT impossible, rest well. Vent out your frustration, go ahead for the result on Sat, you never know, urine test could be inaccurate too. Good luck.
Hi Happy,

Really thank you so much for sharing. Frankly, you made me cried while i was reading it.... it really helps after crying.

Yes, likewise, my hb is more concern if i can manage the outcome. He keep telling me 'what will be will be'. To make me feel better, we had plans for Korea if things doesnt turn out well. Not that he is being negative. But he just want to get my mind out of worring.

Yes, I shouldn't be dwelling too much into this. Afterall, life has been in this way (just the 2 of us) for so many years. It just means going back to normal.

I will be fine and will still go ahead with the blood test. Leave it to GOD, he knows what is best for me.

Once again, thank you very much...
Hi Happy, thank you for sharing and bringing some senses to me. Frankly, now at my condition, feeling sick, flu, fever and sore throat is not what I expected when I started my 1st jab. 2nd jab seems to worsen my condition.. and makes me wonder whether have I made the wrong decision to go ahead with IVF.

Nevertheless, i guess ur posting has knocked me into my senses.."knock" "knock" my head. For sake of having a bb..it is worth while...

Hi Seow, Jia you! dun fret yet.. from now to sat still have 3 days.. there's still hope.

Hi Weiwei,
dun feel sad. Thanks for the info. guess it is kinda weird that I developed all the flu like syptoms. I will try to drink the H2O and hopefully it can ease the heatiness.
Hi cancerian,

At your stage with lucrin, your flu will not post a problem with the treatment, you can still take normal flu medicine. However do go back to your dr and ask for some flu medicine to clear it.

some of us do consult chinese physician while doing IVF, some do accuputure to make the womb in better condition for the implant, but do remember if you are stress about doing acp, then forget it, it does not help, only make it worse for you wanna your womb to be as relax as possible for implantation. I stopped chinese herb one week before lucrin stage but after that, with Dr loh's approval, I took yomeishu every night till one day before ER to keep my womb warm, I also went for body massage to ease all the aches and stress to make myself relax during lucrin and puregon stage, it helps alot. you might wanna do that after your flu is cleared.
Hi JR,

Glad that you are feeling better, yes alot of us do make plans for tour after we failed our treatment, sort of consolation for ourselves, I went straight to BKK a few days after my D&C, needed to get out for a change instead of dwelling on it.

sometimes straight to eat sashimi and sushi after failed IVF too, start to eat all those fav foods that are off limit during the treatment, cockles, shellfish, raw stuff etc....

To ease my hb tension, the last round, i told him in advance that if I failed again, i promised not to be "zombie" again, we will go straight to our fav japanese rest. to feast on all the sashimi after getting neg result. I tried to make plans in advance to my hb, asked him to follow the schedule no matter what is the result for that "result" day just in case I am too down to make any plans at that moment, at least it will not be another straight to bed, under the cover, turning into zombie again. I guess making alternate plans like this is not being negative but trying to prepare for the worst and find some consolation in it.

was reading ur post again n again. i was so touched by ur perseverance!! tears just came out without knwing. yes, i also believe tat one day we can hold our own baby on hand.
so u r with ur little darling how many wks already? how r u now? ur baby must b a strong gal/boy tat went through all these with u.


my bleeding has become better, hopefully it wil stop by cm. me also hav to take plenty of h2o. :p

I am now 14 weeks, still crossing my fingers everyday. Suffering from hemorrhoids (piles) due to bad constipation, on medication now :-(

i also hav constipation prob. now wori wat should i do during 2ww or early preg. i've been taking senokot for my constipation. must ask Dr Loh whether i can cont with it during 2ww or nt. btw, r u still working?
Hi Seow,
I hope that your Sat's blood test result will be better. I know it's hard waiting...I couldn't sleep the night before my blood test. Wish you all the best! In any case, you are already very courageous to have come so far...jia you!

Sorry to hear abt your bleeding...hope it stops soon. Are we supposed to have a period during the lucrin stage which is so long? I'm so confused...I must have missed out this during the nurses briefing...
oh btw, what do u mean by "cm"? :p

I felt very sad when I read ur post. I cannot imagine what you have gone thru and the difficult decisions u had to make. You are right that we all have our sad stories...and once we finally have our babies, they will be all the more precious to us after what we've all gone thru. Sometimes when I see my friends getting preggy so easily (and in some cases unwanted pregnancies), I feel quite envious and wonder why it's not that easy for us to get preggy...hiaz...

hi ladies.. had my 1st jab today.. my HB jab 4 me as i dun have the courage to jab myself..imagine sticking a needle into ur own skin??Haahaa.... but ok lah... just have to pass that initial stage...and some rashes which i could be allergy to the alcohol swab..but worst is.. had a very very bad exp wif caroline...

my appt wif her was 330pm.. went there on time, had registered and the staff had informed her.. but from 330pm i waited till 415pm!!.. yet she din call me in.. and i saw her going into her boss room and then dat it... never see her out of that room!!. flared up cos i been waiting so long and there was no one else except me plus i duno y i was sooo tired after the jab. i asked the staff and they helped me to call her yet no response from her.. FINALLY at 430pm..1 hr of wasted time... her colleague come over to take over for the counselling...wat my HB and me were not happy were that she shld let us know she cant attend to us when she saw us sitting outside when she go over her boss room rather than making us waiting outside dunno wat going and when she will see us. sooooo frustrated!!!!....and no apologies from her leh..wah liew!!!!!

anyway...hopefully can move on to purgeon stage...heehee

as for that scan lady..is she a nurse or a sono?? cos as far as i know only sono are allowed to do these kind of scan... cos i m a sono 2.. heehee...but i dun do OnG scan.. i understand how uncomfortable when doing v scan.. me oso hate it!!!!haahaa......
