IVF/ICSI Support Group

will u get your test result back today? let us know your good news...

i just went to see dr loh, and he said i can also start my fresh ivf with my June menses too...
So u gals got one more kaki now...

Gals, when i went for counselling at KKH, was told that the injections for lucrin and purgeon is gonna cause some side effects: bloatedness, adominal discomfort, nausea, headache and even mood swings. Any of you had these? How to cope if have to go to work? What medicine can take together with lucrin / purgeon?

And in preparation for a successful implantation and embryo growth, can we take TCM to bu our womb? Can drink DOM? Any special food we can take, other than folic, fish ok?

I am very nervous ... although still a month more before i start lucrin ... hehe
And for hubby, in order to have good sperms on that day, are your hubbies taking supplements?

Mine is taking Vit E, Zinc and cordyceps. Not sure if we are too sensitive but we did notice hubby's ejaculate are less odourous these days. My past TCM say if odour strong mean alot of dead sperms ... now odour better, i am hoping its becos there are less dead sperms. Anyone has any clue on this?

good to hear u r starting a fresh cycle soon. jia you!!


still remember e sis here said must ask ur gyn in charge re tcm n u must find a trustworthy tcm also. to bu our womb, think u hav to start at least 3mth b4 ivf coz tcm take at least 3mth to regulate out body. as i said, lucrin jabs r fine. as for puregon, think drink a lot of h2o should b ok.

hubby can take supplement, no restriction.
Hi maplebabies...
definitely will share the good news with u guys, for now....I really feel nervous,anxious ++, very triggerd to do HPT but no guts to see the results...so I guess the best is to wait for the final day !!! frankly, my hubby don take anythng b4 the ivf,the person tt need to be most healthy is our own health condition...

I do have breast engogement,tingling sensation (like menses coming of feeling)on and off....this thing makes me kindof more anxious dis few days....err...

Do u hav dat same feeling too piggy09,hope and vonvon ??
Hi Samirah,

Yah I have the same feeling as well, I'm also very anxious and stressed out of the result that I'll be getting on tue, btw are u gals calling for the result or going down personally. Feel calling a bit weird leh... was thinking of going down to get the result.
Hi Petals bloom, glad to have u as our June's kakis! When is the expected 1st day of yr June menses?

Previously told my hubby that i wan him to inject for me but think he abit scared...that's y i might want to do it on my own instead. Ya like wat WeiWei said, if u jab on the own u can better controlled the angle, strength etc...same thing as wat the counsellor told me.

Reg the freezing of semens, hubby said dun need so wun be freezing..though i think it is a gd idea to freeze jus in case.

My hubby has been taking Andriol for abt 3mths..tis so wat Dr Loh prescribed. Besides that, i let him take the cordyceps pills fr nature farm. Vit E sometime will take also. Hope there will be improvement in his sperm quality.

Btw, is it true that if the odour is stronger it means alot of dead sperms?..is it something new to me...interesting.

Weiwei, glad to hear the jab is fairly easy n painless for u. Hopefully i will think so too when my turn comes. Since the needle quite fine so i not so worried but jus dislike the drawing of blood part. My vein still bruised fr the drawing of blood...i think the skill of that nurse who did for us is not too gd. Hubby also got bruised till now after we did our HIV blood tests.
Hi Gals,

Good, then i try jabbing myself first and see how it goes ...

I think, Vit E + Zinc + Cordyceps is the basic supplementary diet at least. With these 3 taken over 3 months now, hubby's semen seems less odourous. Dont know whether what my TCM say is true, but anything not so odourous is always better? And as what she say, too much odour means too much dead cells also make sense leh. Anyway, no harm taking those supplements lor ... so we are continuing and hopefully got good improvements come ER. Anyway, dont try, wont know hor?
Hi gals,

Went for my blood test on Sat morning & confirmed +ve. Very happy!
Didn't have access to internet over the weekend so had to wait till this morning to tell you all.

Not sure when my next appt with Dr Loh is coz' nurse told me to pick up my medication from 9.30am to 4.30pm today (my hb will go on my behalf) & then they will let us know the next appt.

However, been having on & off crampings leh. Told nurse & she said it's ok.
So if our menses on time, MapleBabies u r the 1st to start June IVF, me after u and followed by Petals_bloom. Hmn..me starting to feel excited and looking forward to start the program.

Petals_bloom, Maples, do remember to eat yr folic acid.
Vonvon, congrats! Is this your 1st FET? What makes you decide on just 2 embryos? Issit becos the quality all quite good thats why Dr Loh say 2 will be good enough? Or you still young?

For me, i have slight adenomyosis, fear will hinder implantation thus want to put in 3 to maximise implantation leh ...
Hey Dream, Petals, ya hor, i be kickstarting in June first ... aiyo, abit scared leh ... Luckily, Weiwei not very far from us, can still check with her for most recent developments and what we can expect next.
Eh gals, can we drink Dom during our IVF cycle? To bu the womb and make it more conducive for implantation and if implanted to nourish the pregnancy? Can drink from ET onwards? Anyone know?
Hmm ... Vonvon, can share what you did during 2ww to nourish your womb or enhance implantation? Any special food you took? Any supplements you are on also?
VonVon, thks for the info cos i still thinking whether to put 2 or 3 embryos...that time Dr Loh said better put in 2 if worried abt getting triplets...but triplets very rare rite. Is it correct that after ER there will be a session to c Dr Loh to discuss no. of embryos to put in?

Maple, the alcohol content for DOM quite high so dunno ok or not to take during ivf. Me also got a bottle but din take so far...cos me can't dun really like alcohol taste but thought of using abit for cooking if can, at least taste not so strong...but no recipe.

There will be no discussion with Dr Loh before ET. The nurse will be the one asking you how many you would like to put in. If this is your 1st try for your 1st child, I think you should go for 3 embryos to maximise your chances.


All the best for ur blood test tomorrow. I hope both of u will succeed, then next time we can discuss abt our babies.
Do keep us updated as soon as u hv the info, ya?
Hi Maple Babies,

Well....we decided to put in only 2 embryos is becoz' we already have a son (thru' fresh IVF), so didn't want to take the risk of having multiple pregnancy (i.e. twins or triplets) should we succeed. This is my 2nd FET, had a failed one in March.

During the 1st FET in March, I didn't rest enough (went back to work after 4th day & also had to take care/carry my son, who is now 15 mths+). I think this is why that cycle failed.

As for this FET, I rested at home for abt 10 days & I abstained from carrying my son too much. Didn't take any supplements, ate as per normal....just rested as much as I could (which wasn't as much as I managed to when I went thru' my fresh IVF to conceive my son).

To my experience, resting is key, not food consumption. You should rest as much as you can after ET to ensure success.
Hi Vonvon,

how are you informed of the result? Did you call in or the hospital call you or you go down personally?

Does anyone know if any of the injections prevent menses from coming? If mine havnt come since the 1st few days of Lucrin (now more than 40days), does it more or less mean i shd be safe?
Ok..din know that there is no discussion wif Dr Loh. Will the nurse give advice based on embryos gradings?

Ya tis is my 1st IVF..on one hand i wan to max chances but on the other hand i abit scared got triplets(if really so lucky) so muz thk whether to put 2 or 3. Envy u aredi got a son...hope can be so blessed like you.

Faith, all the best for yr blood test

Tomorrow is your appt with Dr, right? That is how long after u confirmed +ve huh?

My hb went to collect medication from KKH & was told that our next appt with Dr is on 05 Jun, which is 2 wks away. I find it very long leh....really can't wait till they scan for baby's heartbeat.


I didn't care that much when I was trying for my 1st child. When I was told that I could put in a max. of 3 embryos, I didn't hesitate at all. But now that I'm going for my 2nd one, it matters coz' it could jolly well mean from 1 child, will turn to a total of 4 children (which is a vast difference). The nurses will sure advise you to put in 3 to max. ur chances. Of course the consequences of having triplets are not borne by them. But it's really personal choice, so do discuss with your hb.

i remember e nurse told we should hav 1 more time of memses after starting of lucrin, n i m having my menses now on D8 lucrin. how come u dun hav? did u check wif e nurse/Dr?


hopes has lost her babies over e weekend

faith, piggy

all e best for ur bld test cm
do keep us updated.

i m fine n feel veri minimum side effects frm lucrin. some times i wil even forgot e jab n just pack everything wanted t leave to work. lucky i set reminder in my hp, tat reminded me of my duty. hee hee...............maybe i over relax already................. wil b going for my baseline bld test n scan on next monday, tat also must thank my dear hubby, i almost forget abt it again. aiyo, i m becoming more n more forgetful......................
Hi ladies

Like to check with you your puregon dosage. Just went for my first ultrasound & bloodtest today and heard from the nurse that mine is 200iu. Wonder if its too little, a bit worried not enough for simulation.
Hi gals,

I will be starting my lucrin jabs end of next week... counting down the number of days. Hopefully it will be smooth as what wei wei has described. Wondering if we can do some light exercises like swimming and yoga. only during puregon then not advisable to do exercises right... haiz i am the type that will put on weight easily.. worried i will balloon during puregon jabs... hopefully all these is worth it.
Hi fond,

i remember the nurses mention the amount of puregon dosage is dependent on the hormones test done earlier. i guess there is a certain amount they have to follow...

hi. how s ur u/s n bld test result? when wil u start on puregon? ya, e dosage is based on e bld result tat done on our D3 menses previously. if ur data showed tat u r fine n u r below 30 ( or 35, i cant remember), Dr wil start u on lower dose. wat we wori is ohss.............. dun wori abt understimulate, i m sure e nurse had already instructed u on e dates for subsequent scans. just come back n do e scan, Dr wil review ur dose accordingly. u r 1 wk ahead of me, i wil do my baseline on next monday.


dun wori, so far din heard many pp complain abt side effects frm lucrin, i think more on puregon.
exercises r fine, u can do everything as per normal during lucrin time. i also e type tat putting on weight easily. since we decided on going for ivf, my dear hubby encouraged me to eat more nutritional food to make my body stronger. i m nt small size, actually now moving towards big size liao, heee heee......... to us, nt so much wori abt putting on weight, but more wori tat whether my body wil be strong enough to adapt e hormone changes as well e ER &ET procedure. (i m nt veri strong n often having fainting sensation due to my heart condition.)

do take care of yourself. i didn't really take any special nutritious food. Just try my best to keep a positive mind... btw, have u thought of how many embroys to put in? During the briefing, the nurses and doc was saying that for my age and 1st time try, it is advisable to put 2. but on seconds thoughts, dun mind have twins so maybe want to put in 3 to maximise chance....
Hi piggy....

Congrats,Gd 4 u,wats your reading ??

I wen to kkh and sad 2 say that I'm not pregnant...mine is 2.7 only.Decided to do it early by 2 days...Really confused right now....A sad gift for my b'day on this friday but life has to go on...emotionally very sad but physically strong still...
Hi Vonvon,

Thanks my reading is 1000 over, which is really high.My next appointment is on 5th June afternoon, gotto take leave. So surprise that the nurse recognise me and can call my name even when I have not reach the counter.

Hi Samirah,
Sorry to hear that but you must be strong! You'll have our support....
Congrats, Piggy!! Take care yah?

I understand how you feel...do you still have any frozen embies left for FET? Don't despair ok? Can try again...
hi gals,

just to share my experience so far for those going thru lucrin. I have completed all my jabs. had total of 31d lucrin continuously. lucrin very easy, minimal side effects and life almost goes on as normal.

then puregon starts. for me started d 21 of lucrin but some pple D14 only I think. I fd puregon bit more stressful. more nausea, headache, don't think so well. I even didn't feel comfortable driving coz felt reflexes slower.but I think maybe diff pple react differently. oh ya also got more zits! big painful ones

anyway had puregon for 10d total. starting dose for me was 250 for 6 days but I think usual dose is 200. I only have 3 good size follicle(others too small). but I thank God for those 3. then another 4 days of 400puregon, then after total 10 days, final day only lucrin in the morning and IM pregnyl at 8pm at night. have to go down to KK 24hr WC for the jab. altho my husband gave it for me cos he could. I was very chicken bt it
so scared pain. bum still hurts bit fr the jab.

I think once puregon starts, things start moving quite fast.

after pregnyl, no more injections for one day.was quite a relief not to have to jab anymore. then fast fr 1030pm on that day and I'm going in for my ER tommorow. Pray everything goes well

Piggy congratulations. all the very very best.
Can I ask whether you took any leave after ET? Or will they give MC?


I'm sorry to hear your news. take heart and be strong!

Dear Hopes
I'm sorry. Pls take care

woo, ur reading s 1000+, s tat mean u having twins or triplets? happy for u leh!! pls take care ya!!


sori to hear tat
r u planning for FET later on? dun giv up, we wil be always here. get urself some time to prepare for e next step. u must be strong, ok?


hee hee........i forgot my jabs again today,was a bit late. already got a "gentle reminder" frm my hubby tat this s veri serious n can nt play play. aiyo, i was nt purposely la, wil nt forget again la. we wil put in 3 although Dr said i m young n can just try 2. we dun mind having twins/triplets, but we do mind nothing happen. veri kiasu type hor.
by e way, i m 28 this yr, how old r u?
Hi Pookums,

Thanks for sharing your experience.. actually I also have follicle and only retrieved 3 eggs, was disappointed then, but have 2 embryos transferred which I'm glare.

For the ET, we will be given 5 days mc from the day of ER, i didn't take any more leave after that. If you feel unwell think you can go back to KKH and ask for more MC..Think it's up to you loh.

woo,u hav been so strong n brave to come this long way. tomorrow s ur ER? pls rest well n hav a smooth ER cm.
how many follicles u hav in total? how many u r putting in? r u with kk also? kk wil giv 5 days HL after ER. of coz our sis here recommend tat should rest until 2wks, or e bld test day. oh, btw, pls dun drive if nt feeling well. get ur hubby to drive or just wave a cab.

hi weiwei

My ultrasound and bloodtest was ok, which was what the nurse told me but not too sure what they are checking for. The lady scanning me just say something 6 and 4 then everything good and all was done in about 5 minutes. I will be starting puregon later on 1st June as will be travelling and will only be back on 31st May.

By the way you know how is hopes now? Hope she is coping well. She is such a nice person so sorry to hear that.

hi pookums

Thanks for sharing your experience. Like to check with you when you start your puregon on D21 of lucrin did you actually go for another ultrasound and bloodtest? (Which should be the second one?) or you go straight away start to jab puregon on that day?

By the way mind sharing your FSH level? Coz you started at 250iu, i was told by nurse mine is 200iu only.

hi samirah

Sorry to hear the news but pls do take care.

hi piggy

Congrats and hope everything goes well for you.
