IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi vonvon,

wont be wrong one lah....think u're pregnant leh...congrats! congrats! have a smooth 9 mths and take care...dont carry Marcus too much from now until you are stable.
sounds like u are preggy! prob the line will be stronger when u test again in a few days...
congrats! rest more... no carrying of heavy things or people ah!
Hi Vonvon,

Admired your courage, not sure if I wanna do the HPT kit leh... very dilemma...

Congrats! yah you should try to rest more..
I do experience "wetty" last few days and called up kkh.The nurse reassure me dat its ok if no itchiness and smell.

It should give u a gd tve result...jia yeo !!

Have anyone of u heard of people hav high progesterone bld results and not get pregnant ??? (emm just curious)

Glad that you have a faint line, hope it become darker in a few days time. Just want to check with you on the MC. Who you ask for the extra MC? Doctor or nurse, did you specify how many days you want or they just auto-extend for you to nearly 2 weeks?

I will need to go there next week maybe will check with them then. Hows your puregon injections? When will be your next scan?
Hi Samirah,

My progestrone level is 202 and the nurse already say very good asit's very high yours is even higher!! My result is 2 days b4 yours are you planning to use HPT first?
i'm going down for scan this thurs.

bit more used to getting 2 injections now. seem to get more bruising tho. with lucrin very easy straightforward and no marks but quite a bit of bruises since starting puregon.

got headaches too. but not sure bec of med or just stress / tired
not my usual kind of headaches tho. bit more jia lat. just take panadol to relief it.
and only nausea.. no vomiting
Hi samirah,

I also very dilemma to do it or not? Had a dream last night that I tested and got a positive... but these few days I really feeling very stressed out..always been very paranoid. It's an agony to wait for the BHSG....
Hi gals,

Thank you all for ur encouragement & concern. Sure hope that it's definitely a +ve. Will test again tomorrow & if the line is darker, will call KKH to see if I can bring forward the blood test to this Sat.

Still having slight cramping on & off. Will try not to carry my son so often (who's rather sticky towards me, esp during sleeping time). But it's kinda hard to totally 'hands-off' from that little rascal though.


It sure takes quite a bit of courage to buy & use the hpt. Anyway, you'll know sooner or later, so why not try it earlier, maybe tomorrow r Fri?? If +ve, then u can also try to arrange for blood test on Sat & we can meet each other then.

congrats u hav seen a +ve
however regarding e cramps, u may call up e ivf staff n ask whether u need t bring bld test early? coz they can giv u progestrone if it's nt so stable. pls take care!!
Hey gals, anyone know whether do we ovulate from just 1 ovary per month or is it possible that sometimes we might ovulate from both ovaries in a month?

Cos my uterus scan today showed that i had corpus leutum on 1 ovary and a mature follicle on the other. Meaning 1 ovary would have ovulated and the other waiting to ovulate. Is it possible?

it is possible tat we O frm both ovaries, but, at same time. e extra mature follicle tat showed on ur scan will be overmature n shrink after e ovulation. ovulation s induced by LH ( a kind of hormone) n it wil only induce those follicles tat big enough (16mm n above). e extra mature follicle maybe just 13,14,or 15mm big at e time of ovulation.
Hi Samirah,

Dun think too much, mine progestrone level is also high, just think positive ok, we only have around a week to go for the result.
Hi gals,

Took another HPT test last night & seems like it's indeed positive. Very happy. Just called up KKH to bring forward my blood test to this Sat morning. Hopefully blood test is also positive.
Hi Weiwei, thanks. Meaning at point of ovulation, i probably had 2 follicles but only 1 is in correct size thus that one has ovulated. Whereas the other wasnt big enough hence didnt ovulate and thats why i could still see it on the scan? Ok, meaning its unlikely to ovulate already rite? It will just shrink? Hmm ... but then how come my BBT still so low? Its as though i didnt ovulate at all despite scan showed there was 1 corpus leutum. Sigh ... this is really confusing. And frustrating too. I suppose to start IVF end of this mth when my new cycle reports but now that my O is a question, its gonna delay my next cycle to start IVF, so frustrating. Urgh! Maybe i just go induce my menses come end of month to still start my IVF cycle on time. Sigh ... dont know can do that or not?
Dream? Snowball? Erm ... where my soon to IVF kakis? I sign already le ... going to start the long and challenging journey soon. Gals, when you starting lucrin 1st jab?
Hi all

I'm new here. Glad to see that all of you have good news.

Piggy09 - you are right. Stay positive and faithful. I'm sure your result will be positive =)


happy for u!!pls take care! ur gd news s really giv me e courage to continue my ivf journey. hopefully another mth i can join u also.


dun wori, sometimes due to stress or other factors our menses may delay a bit. as long as ur eggs grow, proceeding to ivf isnt a prob.
hi orangedots,

u can buy the reusable ice pack from any pharmacies, abt $4-5 each. the cooler bag is the Fridge-to-go kind, with cooling panels in the walls of the bag which lasts much longer than the kind for icecream from supermarts..

congrats..! u have did it again!!

i think u are the most experience here leh..hehe...

u can do it also .. jia you!
Vovon, congrats and wish you a smooth 9 months.

Can i check with you gals whether anyone experience red spotting during lurin injection? I was told to inject one more week.

wei, how's your lurin injection going? You have mentioned that u will prepare 5 doses in e syringes and every morning just take out the syringe and inject... Can we do that? If yes then i will do the same too coz every morning esp weekend eyes hardly can open..Now i always has stomache cramp dun know why??
Hi vonvon,

Congrats, guess i won't be able to see you on 22 May then.

Hi sisters,

Dono if any of you experience bad tummy ache in the morning, have been having tummy ache these few morning then keep waking up very early and can't get to sleep. Donno is it sub consciously a bit stress or...Pls advise...
Thanks gals. I can't wait for the blood test result tomorrow to firm up everything.


No lah....where got experienced? Actually I find that some of u know much more than myself. For me, I just went with the flow, seldom try to find out more....whatever nurse ask me to do, I'll just follow lor.


Hv u tested or intend to test with HPT? If u test & it's +ve, u can also arrange for the blood test tomorrow, then we'll get to meet each other.

As for ur stomachaches, I'd on & off cramps since last Sat. Even until last night, had slight cramping. Stomach just feel bloated & uncomfortable at times. Don't worry, it may be implantation or the injections that cause these aches.
Hi Piggy09,

Not to worry about your stomachach. It may be due to the implantation. Btw, i also having the result on 22 May. Maybe will see you then. Remember the 3 key words. Positive, positive & positive =)


congrats. let us hear your good news tomorrow =)
Hi Everyone, I'm back!

Just came back fr a trip. Wow tis thread is getting busy, alot for me to catch up.

Had my blood test today, really dun like blood test...my veins always 'blue black' after drawing blood..find it abit painful also.

Hi MapleBabies,

Yr Kaki is back in action! I've been pretty busy since back..went to kkh today to take my blood tests, the results r all ok..thank God! Sign my consent form and went for couselling...so all done leow, now waiting for my June menses to start ivf. Gd to hear that u oredi signed..so u confirmed starting during June menses also?..yrs also 1st time IVF rite?

Me supposed to start Lucrin jab on D21 of my June menses..is yrs the same? Do u know when will we b told abt the dosage? Is yr Long Protocol?
Dream!! So happy to see you back here! At least i feel i am not going thru every phase alone.

Hey gal, i also waiting to start lucrin on day 21 of my june menses. And it will be easy to remember cos i expect my june menses around 31 May or 1 June, so day 21 of june's menses may very well land on 21st june! hehe ...

I dont know when we will be briefed on the dosage leh. Maybe when we call up on D1, they will ask us to go down collect the lucrin then brief us there? Eh, now can know which protocol? I dont know leh, never ask Dr Loh. Oh no ... !!

Btw, did you guys opt for semen freezing? We did leh, cos scared on ER day, hubby may be so anxious that he faintz or cant produce good quality sperms. Kia su hor? :p
Hmmm ... dunno where Snowball is?

Hey Piggy & Faith & Samirah, got good news next week, must share ok? You gals will be great encouragement to me. This is my virgin IVF ... very scared ...
Weiwei, guess what ... i finally O this month, just O yesterday i guess cos my BBT today shoot up by 0.6 degrees! Must be that follicle Dr Loh scanned and saw on Wed. Then the corpus leutum he also saw must be left over from last mth's O then. Sigh ... make me worry for nothing. See ... i knew i havent O but Dr Loh insist i O already ... sigh ... only me know my crazy body best i guess. After O, my BBT sure shoot up one. Ok lah, at least now i dont have to worry about inducing menses and just wait for it to report then call KKH, hehe ...

i m doing fine with e jabs. i dun hav any spot leh, almost feel nothing. is it ur menses? coz we r suppose to hav 1 more menses during lucrin jabs as told by e ivf staff.
one of my friend's mum is a diabetic patient. e mum cant see well, so she always prepare e mum's insulin (a hormone to control bld sugar) jabs for e whole wk n tat s recommended frm e diabetic educator. i think since insulin n lucrin r all hormone, so should b ok if prepare early n keep in e fridge. that's all my own assumption. :p if u dun feel comfortable preparing for one whole wk, then maybe u want t prepare e jabs every 2-3 days before ur bedtime?


welcome back!!
Dr Loh dint discuss wif me re lucrin dosage leh. but never mind, got faith in him, should b e best dose for me.


see, u wori for nothing. sometimes BBT is nt accurate, so u/s is more reliable. guess almost > 90% of us r under long protocol, but dun knw why. hee hee...... u wil be never walk through e path along coz all of us wil be here 24/7 for u. stay cool n enjoy ur free time now coz u wil be busy going kkh for blds n scans veri frequently later.

I expect my June menses to falls on 8 June so I will b starting later than u.

Hey, i can't remember the nurse got ask whether want to freeze semens...but i remembered one of the questions asked is whether hubby can masturbate on his own to get the semens? It is quite a gd idea to freeze it since i believe hubby will be quite stress on that day ah...n wat if they spill the precious semens?..haa me thinking wild oredi.
Btw how much does it cost to freeze the semens? Also, when muz produce in order to freeze it?
Will chk wif hubby to c whether he wan to do that.

If i'm not wrong, today shd be the 5th day of yr Lucrin jab? Hope u r coping fine. Any side effects fr the jab? U jab on yr own?..me initially thinking of asking hubby to jab for me but now i think probably i will try to jab on my own when the time comes.

The nurse told me the long protocol usually got better results n higher success rate cos the body better controlled for the whole process...is this so?
Thanks Weiwei, ya, thank God i have you all here to accompany me on my IVF journey and learn tips from. Oh ya, you are nearly a week into lucrin soon hor? Ok or not?

Dream, i also intend to ask hubby to help but dunno whether he will scared or not. Think i try on my own first lah, if very scared then ask him to help. Anyway, intramuscular jab should be quite easy hor? Just squeeze out my rubber tyre and jab hor?

The freeze sperm thingy cost $160. Ya, hubby can produce any time in advance of ER then store at KKH in case ah, he ... then on our actual day, still got spare to fall back on. Otherwise i will have jab for nothing.

ya, remember sbd told me abt tat also. long protocol hav better control but short protocol hav less side effect on our body, eg. ohss.

e jab s veri easy n nearly painless. as long as u got nice fatty tummy like mine, shd b ok. dun wori. think u wil hav less stress if u separate e drawing meds phase n injection phase. try t do it urself coz u wil feel e needle going in n be able t control ur pushing strength. trust me, it's wil b more painful if u ask hubby to do it. he wil be even more nervous than u n may jab into wrong place at wrong angle with wrong technique n wrong strength. haha.........nt trying to frighten u, just some advice.
Hi Vonvon & faith,

Thanks for the advise. Hmm I'll wait for 22 May for the blood test, already waited so long so dun mind wait a few more days...

Btw vonvon do keep us update of your result!!

Hi Maplebabies,

This is also my first IVF, I also sometimes get stressed up as well..but must learn to relax... maybe you can try listening to some soothing music, it does helps.
maplebabies, dream

think e fresh semen got better quality leh. however, if u wori hubby can nt produce on time, u may freeze some b4 e ER. but, maybe let him try on e ER day itself also. supposedly u hav e frozen semen standby already, think ur hubby wil hav less stress n "perform" better. in case he able to giv e fresh ones, better chance of pregnancy.
Hi sisters,

Think I'm getting more & more nervous as the day draw near. If I dun get a positive will have to do a fresh cycle again.

Btw just to inform those who are under Dr Shela think she's moving to Raffles Hospital to set up the new IVF centre there.
