IVF/ICSI Support Group


i'm a buddiest.. so i went to kwan yin temple to ask whether i should go ahead with the ivf for my condition.. the lot i drew was quite an ok lot.. so i decided to go ahead

for me...initially i went for so-iui, but ended up after all the puregon jabs, towards the end, i have too many follicles and doc says i have to either convert to IVF or abort the whole cycle. so, not much of a choice for me.. giving up the cycle is just too much after all the hardwork..

hi koala

Agree that TCM is more of individual choice, i just asked out of curiousity. Anyway i just start on the cycle not long ago, today is only my 6th day of lucrin.

hi hopes

Also thinking of putting in 3 embies if i have just worried of having multiples.

By the way anyone know what to expect when you go for the first ultrasound scan and blood test after Lucrin? What are we testing for? Do we know the result on the spot or need to wait? Do we buy puregon on that day also? Sorry for so many questions.
Hi maplebabies....

Ivf is indeed not an easy decision,I was fortunate that I was not recomended for iui but straight for ivf when the doctor saw my hubby's report after 3 cycle of clomid...(initially I'm wif other gynae).
Although doctor says I'm "still young" which I don't tink so after 5 long years of waiting, I'm mentally prepared for the procedure.Important thing is you must have support from hubby cos this process is an emotional turmoil if you feel alone..Have faith in god and yourself to guide you to make the right decision which is best for you.

Emm....I still feel bloated on my lower abdomen which hinder me from walking like normal people(have to support my abdomen)???
Agree with Samirah, main thing is both u and hubby need to support each other throughout the process. IVF is a big step to take, both financially and emotionally, so you both need to be sure before you decide to go ahead. With each other, you can get through anything. Because sometimes even the small things like routine blood tests seem very scary for first-timers...at least that's how i felt, everything also worry cos dunno what to expect at each stage.

For me, we ttc for so many yrs yet still never get preggie, so decided to try IUI. Like Hopes, I had too many follicles so had to convert to IVF. Hubby and I both see ivf as simply another method to assist us in getting preggy and saw no harm in trying if it could help.
i see...so it seems like a few of u spent abt $6k-$7k+ for one freah cycle at kkh...didn't know it was so much cheaper. Will think about it.
Also congrats on ur little singleton...in a mth or two, you shld be able to see if it's a girl-girl or a boy-boy!
Hi samirah,

No I dun have bloated heavy abdomen. Whenever I visit KKIVF the nurse keep asking if I feel bloated. But I dun loh. Think each person react differently so dun worry.
thanks to the senior sisters for your encouragement and support.

i have never forumed b4 , so a bit confused with so many names and can't quite follow the thread

and don't really check mail very often, so got quite a shock when I got so many new mails

I'm also with Dr SF Loh KKH. was initially with Sheila Loh but she going private so got transferred to him, which sounds good also bec so many of you have so much faith in him. Hated the extremely long waiting time in Clinic D for sheila Loh.

but must say once trasnferred to IVF side, the nurses there more efficient, proffesional and friendly. payment counter is still disorganised and inefficient tho!

Guess for the first timers, I feel like alot of what to expect is not explained very well to us. its just follow instructions from visit to visit, but don't know what to expect. Maybe can come up with a brochure for KKH . eg: qns that fond asked. what is bld test, u/s for etc. I have already gone thru that stage and still don't know the answers. feel abit blur going thru the process.

on a personal note, lucrin was relatively easy, with not much symptoms but a hate the puregon. not only have to have 2 jabs but also very bad headaches and nausea. and also moody. feel like crying like that, don't know for what also - guess its like PMS as hopes said.

Koala, congratulations!!

the other day when I was waiting for my turn, heard the nurse answer a phone call and told the person on the phone that she was pregnant. I almost wanted to cry. can't imagine what it'll be like when its my turn
Hi Koala,

Can i know is the $6K - $7K inclusive of all the cost such as insurance, medicine cost, pre-ivf blood test and ivf procedure? My ivf procedure alone already cost me $4K plus and they quoted me my ave. medicine cost is abt$2K+ ans also ICSI about $1K+...

you go in the morning for tests then can go off. call back IVF centre in the afternoon for results. they will tell you to cont lucrin, come back abt 1 wk later to buy puregon. thats what happened for me anyway. may differ fr person to person

and be prepared to pay at least $1000+ for puregon.depending on your dose which they will tell you on that day. got quite a shock when i saw the bill. never pay so much for med b4 my whole life!

TPS is The Private Suite

Have u checked out that place before..? it's quite nice.. like SPA like that..hehe..

All the best for ur IVF journey. When u are down..just remember u are not alone and think of sisters like Miricles and you will be very inspired

Jia you !!
hi Lena

Thanks for the explanation. By the way which stage are you in now? Is it 2ww ?

I got some question hope you can help since you have gone through

1) When you go back later to buy puregon they will teach you how to inject and you start on that day?

2) Is puregon injection also in the morning? Do we need to buy extra lucrin if not enough? Or the nurse will instruct you to buy?

3) Is payment of puregon by cash? Can use credit?

4) Do you find difficult to work while on puregon? I am a little worried coz my work quite stressful and also got problem with transport.

Sorry for so many questions.

Thanks. Your turn wil be coming soon.

Personally I like KKIVF, most of the staff are friendly and can caring (not all). I did my SO-IUI at TMC, I had very bad experience with some of the nurse staff there, surprisingly they are quite rude, rough and got attitude problem. 1 of them can show "black face" to me cos my so-iui timing was delay due to the doctor emergency delivery and indirectly affected her lunch time!! But all these are my personal experience.

However, I have to admit, KKIVF's nurse is too busy, so they will tell you the minimum info only. So what I always do was:- asked and asked until I get my answer. If I couldn't get from the 1st nurse, I will ask another one...

FYI, the base line scan and the blood test after taking 14 days lucrin is to make sure we are sufficient surpress before we could start puregon. If not sufficient surpression, the body may not able to produce enough eggs/will produce the immature eggs.

Not sure which stage you are in now, if you are still taking puregon currently, please take enough rest, relax yourselves, drink more water... If you feel nausea, please avoid sour and spicy food, break your meal into small portion will also help. I was worst than you, I vomitted my breakfast out and had bad backache when I took puregon. May be our dosage were quite high.

But when you see your +ve eventually, all these are worth it.

Ya, if you want to take a look on the TPS- The Private Suite, you just go straight after pharmacy and you can see TPS before 7-11.

No, S$7.8k is inclusive everything but exclusive of the insurance.

Are you with KKIVF? Not sure what do you mean by "IVF procedure". I didn't do a break down, but all my bills are about S$7.8k in total.

actually I not so lao jiao. This is my first time IVF and I just only collected my puregon 4 days ago, altho it feels like I've been doing it longer. So I think i'm only abt 1 wk ahead of u in the journey.

1. lucrin u draw and jab. puregon is fr cartridge. so have to use injection pen which is provided. on day of collection, dey teach you how to jab and u jab 1st dose in de clinic.

2. puregon also in the morning with lucrin. lucrin on one side of abdomen and puregon on the other.

2. no need buy extra lucrin. the bottle will last u until next visit. which is 1 wk later. de nurse very good. she will tell u in detail and calculate how much left, so don have to worry.

3. payment by credit.

4. actually i think its better for me to work. takes my mind of the symptoms. just find it a little bit difficult to concentrate and need to be extra careful that i don't make mistakes. junior staff also suffer bit more I think coz my patience bit short. try not to blow my top too much, so taking lot of long,deep breaths each time I feel angry at them. good practise if I ever get pregnant

the nausea not all the time. comes in waves. usually early morning and evenings for me. my hubby has sweetly bought sem boi for me. poor thing feels very helpless.

i very stress at work too
. Guess if not stress, den its not Work, will be called Play.
I told my hubby today, that i have a feeling that won't be pregnant bec I got so much stress.

maybe consider take half day leave? i'm thinking of dat. flip side is leave is so precious. guess at the most if no more leave just take no pay leave.

MSW say work will always have shortage of manpower. this time don care so much and have to be little bit selfish.

Is pte suite only for inpt?

May be I can share with you my experience too with regard to your questions :-

1) I bought puregon on the second day after the nurse confirmed that I had enough surpression and on that day itself, I and HB learn how to do the puregon injection from the nurse. If you go down after lunch is a better timing cos the nurses are more relax and have more time to teach you.

2) Yes, peregon injection is in morning too. 1 bottle of lucrin is consist of 28 days supply, so if you do not need any extension of lucrin, (normally 2 weeks), you will not need to buy extra bottle. The nurse will count for you whether the balance is enough.

3)You must buy the puregon from the KK pharmacy, it accept either cash, nets or credit.

4)Yes, I had a hard time when I took puregon. Besides all the side effect and discomfort, my work also very very stressful, during the 10 days of puregon, I still need to work until 10 + every nite. Now I think back, this may be the main reason I couldn't produce good quantity and quality eggs.. so please please take a good rest and don't stress yourself during this critical period.

Thanks for the encouragement n advice

so did you have to cont lucrin together with puregon? heard some pple stop lucrin once dey start puregon.

Ya, going by de old threads, some of you jab 600! I only 250 bec scared over stimulate but also scared understimulate so instead of usual 200 added de extra 50.

Are u in TPS? more ex? how u register?

also read some of you email SF Loh. Does he do it for all pts?

You are welcome.

Yes, we MUST continue lucrin with puregon otherwise the eggs will be "released" from the body any time.

I jab 400 iu due to my high FSH. The dosage is determined by our FSH. Not everybody will have OHSS, only for those have PCOs got higher risk.

Yes, I am currently with TPS, we have to pay $6.00 more for consultation and can get medicine there too, so you no need to go to phamacy to take med separately. Previously I was with clinic D, I transferred to TPS since I confirmed +ve. The reason I switched is TPS has nite and Sat a.m. sessions. But now TPS q is very very long can be even longer than clinic D and very crowded, just like a market. Ya, actually you can switched to TPS anytime, and TPS accept anybody.

Dr Loh normally reply my e-mail within one or two working days.

No I'm with SGH. That means at KKIVF, only need to pay for medicine, insurance, scan & blood test?

I'm preparing myself if this round not sucessful then will consider kk....

Of course KKIVF also charge on ER and ET... may be differnt hospital got different name?

SGH also got suceessful cases, stay positive.
hi Lena and koala

Thanks for your reply and detailed explanation at least i have a clearer picture on what to expect now.


Just to check with you? Did the doctor decide the puregon dosage for you? Before deciding do you have chance to meet and discuss with doctor or you only told of the dosage by nurse?
Hi gals, thanks for sharing.

Wow Weiwei, 7 IUIs! You sure have alot of patience. For me, we only did 1 IUI. Actually we did consider opting for another IUI before plunging into IVF but IUI require sperms to be good quality and active but hubby's not good. Further i am suspected of blocked tube with fluid so i guess even with IUI, may not be successful. I had also taken 3 cycles of clomid so dont really wish to stimulate my ovaries further especially when IVF wil be another round of intensive stiumlation. Plus, i am also nearing 30 and wish to have 1 before that. Hubby and myself both are tired of waiting and hoping cycle after cycle so we are planning to go ahead with IVF. Do you think my reasons justify? Am i being too impulsive?
Hi Samirah, is your hubby morphology problem? Mine is only 3% normal. Is that the reason why your gynae recommended IVF? Cos for poor sperms problem, its still more effective forcing the sperm near or into egg (as in IVF/ICSI) instead of leaving the meeting between sperm and egg to chance?

Hubby is supportive as he is also tired of waiting. I share his same sentiments. Its just that i worry for my case, with adenomyosis, even IVF may also not work as adeno can affect implantation.

Maybe thats what i need Dr Loh to clear. IF he thinks its ok, then i can go ahead with IVF in peace. Dont want to spend all that money and efforts if IVF is not going to work on adeno patients like me.

What do you think?
Hi Petals, for me, we only ttc past 1 year, not a very long time so actually not so urgent to IVF but i thot IVF success is higher now than later ages so we tot might as well do it now and try to get our first child soon at least.

I think i am ready for the journey but i cant guaranttee for the physical bit, whether i will survive side effects from Purgeon etc ... but i guess all that is not important. If i start the program, i will persist and hope the end result will make everything all worthwhile.

My worry now is that, even IVF might not work for me as i have adenomyosis so may hinder implantation. Have to see what Dr Loh say. Hmm...

ya, i was a bit crazy of doing 7 iui.......somemore mine only 1%!! aiyo, when sf loh 1st saw me, he laughed at my previous gyn that should just do ivf n not wasting time on iui. actually no fix criteria for ivf. but heard frm my previous gyn, below 5% is an indication for ivf as well as badly blocked tubes. think u need to clear ur adenomyosis 1st with sf loh. when s ur appt? me wil start on lucrin jabs cm, a bit wori,butdun knw wori for wat, just wori. aiya............very luan...........
How was your first lucrin? are you doing yourself or hubby?

I have not seen any dr at all since I started my injections. all handled by nurses. Dr Sheila Loh had discussed with me earlier the reason for choosing the dosage bec I think mine abit complicated. I had a small procedure to remove fibroids b4 IVF. post op follow up she discuss with me abt the IVF and dosage. maybe she want to wrap up properly b4 she leave.

Not sure how u manage to be so persistent to keep trying and trying. I do not think I will be able to take so many cycles with its associated emotional rollercoster
Same for We wei, with 7 IUI's !
Hi Weiwei & Petals, ya, going to see Dr Loh on wed. Thats actually for consent form signing so i am not sure if Dr Loh will spend some time to look thru my reports and advise whether i need to be checked further for adeno or not. Hopefully, he can do a scan and see for himself whether i really have adeno then decide if i should go on to IVF. If ok to go ahead, i should be starting my FET cycle end May. But if not ok, then i have to wait till Sep i guess. Sigh ... really scared and worried.
Hi ladies, I have a brand new and sealed full pack of Cyclogest Progesterone Pessary (worth $50) to be given away. Let me know if this is the drug that your doctor prescribed after your transfer to support your pregnancy. Bought extras and would like to pass the good luck to some one else (I'm pregnant with a baby girl and will deliver next month)
Hi maplebabies...
Yap my hubby has only 1% normal morphology plus I myself had slight ovarian endometrosis....so ivf is been recommended by most gynae I visited.I had a number of gynaes opinions and then I decide to try ivf/icsi....
for u yap its good to discuss wif Dr Loh cos I believed he will tell wat is best for u truthfully....(he is very confident in his medical approach)

I do hav a fren whom done it in SGH and she had Polycystic and she succeeded on 1st try !!!I tink its luck and have faith....

Called hosp for my progesterone results and nurse says its 700+....which is high but according to her it does not determine if the eggs stick to uterine wall or not...it just indicate the hormones injections given to us post ET is sufficient or not...so I still rest RIB at home like a queen wif hubby helping around doing the chores,meals etc....

I'm not the one whom you described leh coz' I need not take any injections, so I can't be the one you saw or smiled at. Nevermind, I'm sure we'll get to see each other on 22 May.

Good for you to be able to test your progesterone level & gauge your progress. As mine is FET, all I can do is to wait at home for the blood test 17 days later.


For those who did their own hpt, how many days after ET did you do the hpt? I'm soooo tempted to do a hpt but afraid may be too early (today is D9 after ET).

Was very unlucky last Sat. My hb was driving (with myself & son in back seat) & all of a sudden a car from carpark swerved out & bang into our car. Luckily my son was ok, but I'd a sudden jerk lor....thereafter got slight stomach cramp. Kept on praying that it'll go away & it did after 2 hrs. Hopefull the impact didn't do any 'damage'. Very fearful....that's why I feel the urge to do a hpt.

aiyoh .. scary leh.. u ok now..? any pain..?

as for the hpt, i did it on day 13. i think day 12 onwards can test already coz the embies usually take abt 10-12 days to implant.

according to the nurse, if earlier test and hpt result is positive, then the chances of getting a positive blood test is even better coz it means the hcg lvl is already high enough at an earlier date..

still remember me
I did hpt on Day 8 after ET got a faint faint line so u may try to do hpt if u want. Good Luck!!

ET, ya....I remember you. How r u now? D8, so early can detect huh?

I want to do soon but afraid will be -ve if too early. But on the other hand, if +ve, want to know early too. If I do it & don't get even a fine line, it may not mean that I won't b preg right? Maybe becoz' hcg level still not high enough?? Ai ya....really in a dilemma.

Been having slight cramping on & off today. Just went back to work. Dare not think too much at this point.
pookums, maplesbabies

ya, today s my 1st jab of lucrin. feeling alright, expect i got headache. i did e jab on my own. it's veri simple n e pain s less than an ant's bite. usually e injection site s 2 fingers away frm navel. i will b veri disorientated n blur when wake up in e morning. so i had already prepared 5 doses in e syringes on sunday. for these 5 days i just need t take one syringe out frm e fridge n jab into e fatty area over abdomen, tat's it. it's quite fast n i dun need t wori so blur until i iv e wrong dose. so far so gd, still ok


remember i read a book writen by a japanese gal for her story re infertility treatment. she mentioned in her last part of e book tat she experienced earthquake after her iui. she was so scared n her will of getting a baby was stronger even. in e end she was preg with a lovely son. i think sometimes when we r in danger, our boby wil b stronger automaticly to fight againest e danger n fear. tat's y she made it. same as u, dun giv up.
Hi Cookiemz,
What about during the flight? Do we need to ask the air stewardess to keep Lucrin in their fridge? Will be going to Australia so not so worried about the temprature when reach there.

Hi weiwei,
glad that the jabs is okie for you.... Jia You.... will join u end of the month...
hi orangedots,

i did not keep the lucrin in their fridge coz afraid i might forget to take it back. wat i did was to put the lucrin, needles and swabs into a small lock & lock container and kept the box sandwiched between 2 slabs of frozen icepack in a cooler bag which i kept under my seat. it was good enuff for 8 hours (from home to hotel)... hope this helps.. ;)

hi vonvon,

good luck!!
hi ladies,

i have an extra bottle of Lucrin (unopened) to give away. bought it in Mar 07 and the expiry date is in July 2007. comes with syringes too. my previous bottle lasted me beyond 4 weeks, so i never got to use the extra bottle i bought.

pls PM me if you are interested.
Hi von von,

Yah after i post the msg, i come to think of it dun think you're the person I described.

I have a HPT given by my sister in law but my husband dun really want me to use it leh... i also very dilemma if +ve happy loh if not also very sian leh..

Hi sisters,

Can i just check if anyone feel that your virginal is wet most of the time after ET. When I feel wet i always very paranoid that my menses may come so always go toilet and check...
hi Lena/pookums

At least you know your dosage. For me till now i still blur not sure if got chance to meet up with doctor and discuss on the dosage?

hi orangedots

Now airport got new regulations on the amt to bring aboard plane right? Also need to pack into plastic etc right? Think better to double check before you go.

hi vonvon

Dun worry and stay relax, everything will be alright.
u can try calling IVF centre and ask nurses there what the procedure is. whether u meet e dr to discuss dose. actually I also blur blur. half the time what is told to me in the clinics I also cannot remember, so I only know my dosage of puregon only when I went down to collect it on the day itself.

can anyone tell me how much MC we are given for ER n ET? need to roughly forecast my leave to boss so can plan coverage.

Thank goodness you n family OK. Take care

i noe some sisters from pte hosp get up to 2 wks MC.
but hor.. if after 5 days still not ok, can ask for a few more days.. but u gotta go back and ask from doc
Hi Cookiemz,

Where did you buy the icepack? For the cooler bag, is it those that is available at supermarket where pple will buy to put ice-cream for the long journey home?

Hi gals,

Finally I plucked up my courage to do a HPT coz' my son kicked me pretty hard last night when I tried to carry him away from the electric plug. Then had cramps in the night & this morning. So was afraid & got myself a HPT to try my luck.

Nothing happened for the 1st min but after that, I saw a faint line. So, I'm not sure if that's considered +ve or -ve leh. Guess will hv to do another one this Thurs. Hopefully will see a solid +ve line.


U can ask for more MCs. That time when I did my fresh cycle with KKH, I was initially given 5 days. Then I went back to ask for more. In the end, I got almost 2 wks mc.
