IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi everyone,

I was an IVF patient with Dr Chris Chen. I have quite a number of crinone tubes left in my fridge, if not wrong, expiring in aug07. Anyone interested? I am giving away FOC. Self-collect at my place. Let me know or pm me.

Congrats... very encouraging journey. Have a smooth 9mths ahead.. Lots of baby luck and take care. I am also preg, edd in Oct07.

i've been reading ur story over and over again.. you are truely an inspiration to all of us.
thanks for all the well wishes!

yes, tats me, u hv very gd memory, still can remmber me and what i wear. u may call tps directly to change. i think the 1st appt is at 6 and i took the last appt at 8.20pm but the nurse said appts that day are not full so she will call me on that day if i need to come in earlier. hope to c u!

i managed to change my appt from Clinic D to TPS liaoz.. yahoo!! .. hehe..but hor..earliest slot is Sat 26/05. but nvm lah.. at least i dun have to take leave..

keep in touch here wrt ur progress ya!
Hi miracles,

Congrats on your sucess and thank you for sharing your inspiring story...


Then are you the one who I saw on 08 May the person who came out from the injection room? I was the next, and we smile at each other for acknowledgement?
hi miracles,
Your story have changed my mind set to be positive and perservere....Thanks sister.

To hopes....
really happy dat you are on the journey to be a"mummy". Happy advanced mothers day....

To petals...
Admire your strong spirit...we are here together to support each other."Wonder if I can be as strong !!"
My blood progesterone test will be tomorw,saturday...jUst wonder, do you know you get twins, triplets at this time yet?? You hav to take injections still for now by yourself or must go to clinic ??

Anyone can tell me is it ok to feel "slightly heavy" on abdomen,I have no vomiting or dat sort but I just have to walk slowly and support my abdomen when walking...I used to be a fast walker...but not now ??Is it OHSS ??
Morning Mircales

Wow I am so impressed with you. I personally don think it is a miracle, yr perseverance, yr research and knowledge, yr beliefs that makes your wish for a baby comes true.

I am so inspired by you. Wish you a smooth 9 mths.

I dunno whether fresh cycle and frozen is it the same or not. I didn't need any injections at all for this frozen cycle, which is quite a relieve.

At this point of time, I still dunno how many embryos implanted yet, will know in abt 2 wks time after the 1st scan

I dun really feel heavy at the tummy area leh..i'm basicially heavy all over coz i quite big size..hehe.. but ..i do have the very bad cramp kind of feeling during my last fresh cycle and very bloated.. which is some symtoms of OHSS.


I spent abt $12k for my fresh cycle inclusive of the FSH medications.

is ur body very responsive to FSH medications..? did u use Puregon the last rd..? for me.. i spent alot on the stupid Puregon coz my body wasn't reacting very well to Puregon in the initial stage therefore i spent alot more.

if your body is reactive and dun need much of the Puregon, i think abt $11k should be sufficient for KKH. only thing abt KKH is that the Queue very long.. gotta wait..
hopes how come u spent so much... my fresh cycle was about 7.5k, and already my puregon is higher than normal at 600IU plus i think i injected with puregon 2-3 days more than u gals. thought mine is already onthe high side... how come yours came up to 12 k?

I was also on 600iu for the last wk before my ER. My fresh cycle takes more than 20 days i think, close to 27 days perhaps?

if i remember correctly, on the Puregon injections and other medication, I've spent abt $3k+?

I remember claiming $6k from CPF, on top of that..i spent another close to $6k from my pocket.. :p
msh / hopes,
hmm, how come ur KKH amts differ by quite a lot? mine included $2k+ puregon i think... i was on 250IU puregon, can't remember how many days.

ya, agree wif u,e nurse said i will need abt 6-8k for e whole cycle.


how come u spent so much? did Dr do extra test or anyth for u during e cycle? aiyo, must mentally prepare my hubby for such high cost. :p


i wil be starting lucrin jabs on monday. can share how many days of lucrin u all had before starting puregon?

heard dun knw frm where, cant remember already, that we cant sigh up packages if we having twins or triplets. any idea y?
Hi Ladies,
Does anyone experience very bad side effects when taking Lucrin injections (D21)? Thinking of travelling overseas while doing the injections and wonder if it is ok?

u r such a strong lady
u hav encouraged all of us here!! thanks sooooooo much for sharing!!! i think if all of us willing to share our own story, maybe we can make up a book. diff background, diff dignosis, but same destination. at least i will write a "book" for my future baby/babies, to show them that how much suffer we went through for them. they r diff from other kids bcoz their parents worked extra hard. maybe i shall ask Dr Loh to giv me e photos of my embryos on e day of ET. then i can put in e book. hee hee, siao already

hi, u r back! when wil u start on lucrin? think if within e 1st 2wks of lucrin should b ok as e 1st bld tes n scan will be on e D15 of lucrin. provided if u dun develop any side effect or even allergic reaction. better check check wif ur Dr and tell him/her ur departure date as well.
weiwei, i have thought about the book idea b4 while doing lucrin... very emotional.... wantedt o record down all the ups and downs of the cycles i had and thought of getting u gals to contribute too... but eventually too tired and lazy to proceed. anyway at KKH, they give u a pic of the embryos put in on ET day.

hopes: i think u calculate wrongly la.... i remember i add up all my bills onyl come up to 7.5k leh... which is already on the high side... cos b4 i started i heard of people paying 6k at KKIVF one.

hmm.. i dunno leh..i only know i kept paying and paying..haha.. i was on puregon for a very very long time.. (or at least seems very long :p) and on the day of ER, i was given some more special drips.. which costs a few hundred dollars more i remember...

hmmm...i think i better consolidate all my bills and count once more..hehe..
hi hopes,

I think part of the $6k u paid in cash will be covered by the 6k claim from Medisave, so you should be expecting a refund from KKH in the next few weeks for maybe 2k+?


so far i have gone thru 2 fresh cycles at KKH and 1st cycle cost $7.2k and 2nd cycle 6k+ from BCP to embryo storage and insurance.
Hi Weiwei,

Will start Lucrin end of this month. Have checked with the nurses and they are ok with travelling. Heard Lucrin has very little side effects but just want to double check if anyone has any negative experiences.

Wah ... u will start on Monday... all the best :p
Hi orangedots,

just to share, i also travelled during my 1st 2 weeks on Lucrin... no side effects from the jabs. it may be good to get your gynae to issue a letter explaining that you are required to bring your Lucrin along as part of your treatment, in the event that there are checks on liquids carried on board flights. you would need to keep the Lucrin in a cooler bag with ice packs
Hi Petals,

I only pay like 6.5k that include doc Loh's consultant and scanning when I see him like twice as well as the IVF insurance.
oops, hopes i made a mistake, my puregon was 400iu and i did it for 12 days. my whole fresh cycle from lucrin start to ER is 34 days!

yes majority of my 7.5k was on the puregon.
hmm.. i dunno why i get the idea i've spent so much leh..hehe.. and i can't really find all my reciepts... damn..:p dunno can ask the nurse to print out a stmt of a/c for me or not..haha..

actuallly i was thinking of going KL for friend's wedding next mth. but it clash with e puregon jabs. sure i wil need frequent scans and bld test to see when can do ER. hai..........
i hav t say no no to my dear friend lor.


think ur duration is at e average of e estimated days that given by ivf staff. hopefully mine wil be like urs also, if not hav to adjust my leave. btw, how come puregon is sooooooooooo ex?? lucrin only cost around 100 leh.

since u've foegot e actual amt of $$ u paid, then leave it la. whatever u need t pay already paid ma, dun think abt it la. but maybe e ivf clerk can help u with that.
weiwei, i thought mine is on the long side... most people i know of had puregon only for 8-10 days. one puregon cost $200 i think, and it contains 400 IU. whereas 1 lucrin can be used for 28 days. so depending on your dosage for puregon, if you are those who need only 150-200IU, which i think most girls do, then your puregon expenses will be lower.

have ur dr and u discussed your dosage for the puregon yet? who are u seeing?

e nurse said that 2-4wks after lucrin, u wil start on puregon for abt 10-14days which lucrin should continue also. i m with sf loh. he hasnt discuss with me for any dose yet leh, even lucrin also he did nt discuss. not wait until 2wks after lucrin then see how ma? how they decide on e dose?
for me cos its my 2nd fresh cycle, so i discussed with dr loh b4 i started 2nd cycle. anyway good luck... key is to relax and go with the flow and don't fight back ... what i mean is don't worry, or kanchiong.
hai, sure i wil be veri kanchiong
still remember e 7 IUIs that i went through, so nervous until can not sleep in e night and keep having palpitation. this time more serious and complicated, how can i not be kanchiong?

btw, i hav a tiny hole in my heart, think it's from e fetal time. my heart Dr veri relax, he said since i can be alive for 20 over years, it should nt be life-threatening. i asked him that whether it wil affect my future baby, he said it wont. he also said it may due to my mum's flu n diarrhea during e 1st trimester. so, ladies, pls take care of urself as well as ur babies.
hi hopes

Your beta reading is good, feel so happy for you. Also heard that acupuncture is good. So you got positive after putting 3 embies this time. Think i really need to consider putting in 3 if i have. Can ask what is the grade for your embies?

hi miracle

Really touched after reading your story. Thanks for sharing.

hi koala

YOu taking TCM now? Can ask how many weeks are you in now? Safe to take TCM when pregnant , when you starting taking?

hi weiwei

Same as you also quite excited about the whole process and also puzzled why no one discuss with me on the dosage for puregon etc?? Today is my 5th day on Lucrin so hope will get to know the details soon.

Long post...no choice so many posts just in one day
Hi sisters,

I've gone for my progestrone test today and the nurse ask me to call for result tmr, does the result have any effect on BHCG test?

thanks! hmm... if remember correctly, i've got 4 grade 1 embies and 4 grade 2 upon my ER. during my fresh cycle, i put two and it doesn't work..so..this time kiasu a bit..put 3 lor..hehe

i think acupuncture more or less got help a little.. since this time i got a positive . we have another sister who went for the same acu treatment too and succeeded on her first fresh cycle.. so.. maybe it did help somehow
but i think for acu to work.. it will take a period of at least 3 mths.. twice a wk session..

i not very sure leh..i wasn't asked to go for any progesterone test at all leh.. but logically speaking..it might.. coz progesterone level will determine whether the embies will stick on or not..and thus the chances of embies implanting and thus the chances of pregnancy and thus.. bHCG lvl will go up..

hehe.. so many thus...all inter-related.

dun be too nervous.. during ET, must be very relaxed.. easier for doc to stick the embies to the walls..
hi ladies,
thanks for sharing ur cost of fresh cycle at kkh...seems a lot cheaper. Thinking of maybe changing to kkh to cut costs. Only thing is that i find the waiting period till the actual lucrin stage very long...haiz, have to balek queue for fresh...

u so cute... want to ask kkh to print for u ur stmt of acct...hee hee...
Hi Fond

I think whether to take TCM during the pregnancy is really up to individual decision, esp in the 1st 3 months. The other important factor is the sinseh is trustworthy and you have faith in her/him. And please discuss with your gynae if you want to take TCM cos as I know some doctors really prohibited the patient to take any TCM during the IVF treatment and whole pregnancy.

Which stage are you in now? I am about coming to the end of my 1st trim.


Are you referring to me, who was taking acu?
Hi all, I just joined this group. I've just started my 1st cycle and puregon a few days ago. Feeling pretty nervous abt it.
Hi sisters,

Just called KKIVF to check my progestrone test result, the nurse say it's very high very good, I ask her for the readings she told me it's 202
another hurdle crossed now left with one more jab of pregynl and final blood test..

Hi pookums,

Welcome, don't be nervous just take each stage at a time and every stage is a hurdle crossed. Jia You!!

i really pay until lost count liaoz..haha..
maybe some of the puregon got into my head..haha.
petals..if u decide to go KKH..u gotta take Dr SF Loh, he's really good..


yes.. u under zou yi shi also rite..? hehe..
come to think of it.. got one more sister, blackcurrent also succeded under zou yi shi's acu..


welcome to the thread! how u feel so far..? i remember when i was on puregon.. i feel quite uncomfortable..like PMS all the time like that


glad to hear the gd news.. jia you jia you! all the best for ur blood test..!
don't worry...now u've started ur puregon jabs, time shld fly quite quickly. Wish u a smooth ER/ET!

good that ur progest is high... jia you!

if i summon the courage to go for acu, will get details from u...hee hee... Yeah, seems from the thread almost everyone under dr sf loh.

hi koala,
thanks for all the 2ww info u posted, it was very helpful. U nearing the end of ur 1st trim...how many babies are u carrying?
Hi Dream, Snowball, Weiwei, we are all drawing near to start our IVF ya? I am meeting Dr Lof on wed to sign the consent forms. Am abit scared and worried about decision to go ahead with IVF. Not sure if its a right one.
Hmm ... can any of you gals share what made you decide to go ahead with IVF the last time?

This is really an important decision hor? Once decided, there is no turning back, and we have to be mentally and emotionally strong to take all that treatments and face the final blood test result.

I really wish i am clear about my decisions and prepared to face what's coming ...

well, i did 7 times iui in 2005, until i was much mentally distressed. my previous gyn was nt gd at infertility treatment and now when i lok back, i was not well treated. but hav to say tat he is gd in gyn surgery, no complications at all. i m 28 this yr, want t giv birth b4 reaching 30. i hav read a lot of books available in s'pore. both hubby n i realised that having a baby is part of our life, we cant n dont want t skip tat. there were times tat we feel guilty n shameful of going ivf. after understand e whole pic and many many time discussion, we realised tat it's nothing shameful to go through ivf treatment and we r proud of ourselves for so brave and perseverant.

same for u, u hav t think of all e consequences and decide wat wil u do if this happen or tat happen. also, figure out wat u actually wori is and clarify with Dr Loh when u see him. no need to feel shy of taking long time to talk to him as he is to clear all ur doubts. btw, did u try other alternatives b4?


You are welcome, I just wanna to share whatever I have been through with all the new sisters here. TTC is never easy to me until I finds this forum and got a lot of help and benefited from the senior sisters. Sometimes, even I finds that even HB also couldn't understand exactly how I feel but I know I can get the supports here.
So I hope I will do the same as the seniors sisters.

You are a very strong gal, please don't give up. You take a rest 1st before starting your new cycle, but for the time being, if you really want to switch to KKIVF, I suggest you fix an appointment with Dr Loh first see if you are comfortable with him and nowadays the q is longer than 3 months, so you can wait for your turn and for the time being to "tiao" your body.

On your question on the KKIVF bill, I spent abt 7.8k in total, CPF 6k and 1.8k cash for my fresh cycle. Like Mesh, I spent most of the $$ on puregon, cos I took 400 iu, (for age below 35, they normally recommend 200iu) for 10 days. If you don't need so high dosage, you should be able to pay even lesser. KK's puregon is cheaper than other hospitals cos they bought in bulk. I went to TMC, they quoted me for at least 14k for my condition, so KK really can save us a lot of $$ and most of the nurses are experience and friendly.

Oh ya, I am carrying singleton.
