IVF/ICSI Support Group


i think all these jabs will make our body temp increase.. including pregnyl
as long as u dun feel feverish.. i think should be quite normal

Hi hopes,

Thanks for tha advise, I dun feel warm only till these few days esp at night... donno is it the weather or the effect of the injection thus just asking for advise. Thanks a lot.
hi sisters,
glad to see so much activity in this thread...
anyone having sleepless nights like me? last night i couldn't sleep until 3.30am when i finished my book, n even then i tossed n turned until finally slept. So tired today... Maybe cos i'm kancheong abt my coming blood test...

i find in very difficult to fall asleep too at nite... and extremely sleepy during the day too!
Hi hope,

Understand that you told me the injections are to increase our body temp but these few days I keep pespiring so much, feel very warm, even worse after i take warm water. Have been waking up at night cause I couldn't stand the heat.Donno whether this is normal.
oh.. doesn't sound very normal leh.. do u sleep in an air-con room..? if in air con rm u still perspiring then u better call up the nurses to check woh.. i remember feeling warm..but not to the extend of perspiring alot..

that's normal, you are having what we called hot flushes, that is the side effect from the treatment, at times you felt that you are having fever, very hot and at times you are normal, dun worry, it will past.
hi hopes, piggy09

Thanks for the reply, only at my first injection of Lucrin, hope everything will go smoothly for me.

By the way i doing my own injection my husband dun dare to inject me.
i also find doing my own injections easier, cos i know exactly when the needle goes in and i can control the speed. after the initial worries, u'll become a pro...
Hi sisters...
Most of us feel "hot" last night....I tink cos of weather.
piggy, I feel warmth too, maybe cos of pregnyl injection I guess.

My ET yesteday is not as easy according to Dr Loh..the cervix canal should be straignt but mine is slightly curved while moving towards the uterus, so he has to use a number of instruments to assist the eggs in.God knows how agony I'm in, I'm just afraid if its a failed ET...but Dr Loh is indeed good.Dat is why I guess its not easy for me to conceive naturally + male factor.
My colleagues told me to talk to the 2 embryos just like we're pregnant...so to all,talk to your embryos daily to cling and grow well inside for the next 9 months...

dun worry..u are in the gd hands of Dr Loh.. it'll surely be a success
be positive and u will get positive results!

hehe..when u say tok to our embryos.. is talk aloud..?

Thanks for ur concern. I'm fine. Rested on Sat itself after the transfer. Had my MIL take care of my son that day so that he will not disturb my rest at least for a day.

Yup....got hold of HL this time.
But will only rest for this week. Will be back to work next Mon.


Congratulations. Very happy for u. HPT is quite accurate....so it's more or less very certain that u r preg liao.


I was also at KKH last Sat for ET. I think I might know who u r. Coz' I was super urgent that morning, wondering y it's taking such a long time. Then I saw a young lady came out with a pic of the embroyos in her hands, sitting just outside the 1st room, waiting (think for hubby). Were u wearing a short skirt then, sitting near the counter?

I'll also be doing my blood test on 22 May. Guess might see u again then??
weiwei ..

thanks.. ! certainly hope the HPT kit is accurate..
keeping my fingers crossed.

btw..u have a son already..? wow.. so this time is also FET for u..?

Yes, I do have a son, thru' IVF. Was v lucky to conceive him on 1st try. He's now 15 mths old so we reckon it's time to try for another one. We'd 14 eggs left after 1st try. After using up 6 for the last FET and present one (each cycle thawed 3, transferred 2), now left with 8. Hopefully, this try will be successful.

wow.. so many eggs leh.! shiok..!

so what happened to the last rd of FET?

can i also check with u.. for FET, HPT will be more accurate than for fresh cycle is it..?

Yup....had quite a lot of eggs retrieved coz' was young mah.

Well....failed the last cycle of FET. So, was v sad coz' that was my 1st failure. Now learn to accept failure liao.

I think the accuracy of HPT for fresh or FET is the same. I also tested at ard D14 after ET during fresh cycle & was positive. Once HPT is positive, most likely it's positive liao.

glad u hear u got over it.

you will be successful this round..! jia you!
keep us updated on ur progress ya!


i've changed my blood test day to tmr.. same as u..hehe.. "cya" here again tmr..
awaiting ur good news!
yay, u also test tmrw...good lah...hope i also have good news to share...
keeping fingers and toes crossed!

wish u a smooth and successful FET this time! Good that you got hospital leave this time...try and rest as much as you can...i guess more difficult for u to rest when you have an active son to look after at the same time...
anyone knows how much can we claim from medisave for ivf? I know first time IVF claim is $6000. What abt the limit for subsequent times? I think it gets lesser right?
oh, i just found the answer on a govt website. it's $6k, $5k then $4k limit for 3 tries of assisted conception. Anyone used their medisave to pay for their FET since the bill is prob less than the $5k or $4k medisave limit?

i used my medisave to claim for my fresh cycle.

claimed $6k for this try.

FET can use also.. according to nurse but not worth coz FET only costs abt $2k and if claimed for 2nd time.. they will not refund the excess to us i guess.
yeah, was wondering too...i also used the $6k claim for my fresh cycle. now wondering if shld use the $5k claim for this FET, but my bill is less than that. So i guess better not waste it. Thanks.

how abt we double check with the hosp again tmr to check whether can refund the extras..? if can.. i dun mind woh..hehe...

but i remember the nurse told me not worth using when i did my FET, so i was thinking.. prob no refund.. but i'm not 100% sure abt that..:p
Hi Vonvon,

Are you the one who's waiting outside the scanning room at KKIVF alone? That time I was wondering why you're alone and not with your husband, tot it's ur first try, yah u are right I'm the one you described.Was waiting for my husband to get the pregnyl from the phamacy, he was taking more than half an hour. Hmm hope to see you as well on 22 May. Are you still on leave?

Hi sisters,

About feeling warm, I've asked the nurse this morning when I was in KKIVF to do the injection, she told me it's normal.
Hi hopes...
Talk to the embryo means to talk to it silently from your heart and touching your tummy together...if you talk aloud should be ok provided nobody is around you..(wait scared people tink siao)...
My colleague who went thru ivf and succeded twins shared this exprience wif me...I tink its a psychological encouragement bonding...I enjoy doing dat...

Been calling KKH for half an hour already..still cannot get thru.. *sigh*

Still trying to call them..
congrats!! happy for you! Must take good care of urself yah?

As for me, couldn't sleep for whole night...finally used my HPT at 5am and got a negative. Both hubby and I were quite shocked and very sad...but at the same time relieved i'm past the kancheong 2ww and can now move on to my next cycle. So already mentally prepared when i went for blood test and didn't burst into tears when my doc called later to tell us the result.

i'm sorry to hear abt ur news.

i've been thru that before also and i totally know the feeling.

brance urself and get ready for the new cycle, dun give up ya! jia you!


thanks thanks!

sori to hear abt ur news. hav a "grand" dinner and start again. jiayou!! do u still hav frozen embryo? when wil u start e next cycle?


so when s ur scan? do u still need to take any meds to stablise e implantation? take care, ya?
piggy, weiwei,

thanks! next scan is ard 22/5. Yes, now gotta take another kind of medication to stablise the implants, quite ex leh..abt $70 for a mth's supply. on top of that is the usual estrogen tablets and frolic acid.

oh yah petals... how abt some acupuncture sessions before u start the next cycle..? or u wanna start asap after ur next menses?
hi hopes

Congrats on the postive beta test, btw whats your reading? Any chance of multiples? How many embryos you transferred? Any "secrets" to share for this successful FET? ie any difference from your fresh cycle? Sorry for so many questions... a bit excited to hear another successful case.

Hi petals

Sorry to hear your result, anyway do rest well and take good care. Go for another try when you feel better
gd morning fond..!

thank you!
my hcg reading is quite high i guess..at abt 1840+ (can't remember the exact figure.. too gan chiong already..haha)

i've transfered 3 embryos for this FET. two mths before my FET, i've tried to improve my body condition by going for yoga classes and twice a wk acupuncture at an AMK TCM clinic.

FET is much more relaxing than fresh cycle. coz no more FSH injections and other jabs prior to retrival.. physcially and mentally..i feel so much more relaxed.. maybe that's why the embies can implant this time ..

i think my fresh cycle failed was bcoz of my OHSS after the ER also.. my body just feels horrible after the ER, that's why, during the ET also very uncomfortable.. probably why the embies did not stick.. also , i only put in two embies during my fresh cycle.. chances even lower.
good sign to see ur HCG level keep increasing... next appmt is to scan already? so exciting hor! actually $70 per mth sounds quite ok already (is it also progesterone?), compared to crinone which i found it very exp to use crinone (abt $24 per day)...do u still use the progest tablets?

thanks for ur encouragement. i don't have any more frozen embies liao...next try will have to be fresh cycle. Doc said can try again after resting for one cycle. Not sure abt acupuncture leh, scared pain...

Sorry to hear of your result. I admire u coz' u r much more positive than me. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll succed in next cycle, which will be a fresh one, right? Fresh cycle usually will hv higher chances. In the meantime, try to build up ur health while waiting for next cycle to happen.
We are all here for u.


See, I told u....hpt is usually quite accurate. Blood test is the most accurate, so if hpt can test positive, most likely it's positive one.

So, you'll be a KKH also on 22 May huh? Piggy09 & I will also be there too for our blood test. Hopefully piggy09 & I will bring good news for our blood test result & for u to bring good news of the heartbeat of your baby (or babies).


Hmm....standing alone outside FET room? No leh, I was sitting diagonally across u in the waiting area until my name was called. Then I waited outside the room, with my hubby.

Don't worry, I'll walk up to u & intro myself when I see u on 22 May.

Yup, am on leave this week. Will rest till Mon then go back to work. U? Go back to work already?
hi all,
i have been a silent reader all this while cos i consider myself to be a failure and my story can be quite demoralizing for gals who are embarking in this ivf journey but finally after 4 fresh n 1 fet , i have finally make it, i am pregnant, its really a miracle!
we have spent so much $ seeing doc ( like chris chen, prof ng, sheila loh, noel leong and finally sf loh who made my dream come true), goin thru lapo and hysteroscopy and countless tcm (i mus thank tan siew bouy of thong chai for taking care of me during this period).
this is my 1st ivf with sf loh, he has been very pro, + and encouraging, he pity me for going thru so much! i proposed to sf to use a diff propotocol(this is more common in uk) this time cos i have been a poor responder( with very high dosage like 600 puregon or 450 gonal f) although each time i have 3 good quality embies to et but no implantaion ( this could be due to my adenomyosis). this time, i tried natural ivf with no stimulation at all, it really depends on my body, so they retrive whatever foolicles they can find during my o and icsi. the day before my er, i kena food poisoning , fever of 38.3 but i refused to tk any med n drank glucose water. the next day sf retrieve 3 follicles ( 1 mature n 2 immature, i mus thank tsb's herbs, i am taking her herbs throughout this period) so in the end they transfeered 1 embryo, we were grateful, we were prepared that there might not be any to et at all. btw, the 1st ivf bb brown in the world was also conceived using this method.i am grateful that sf is receptive to my suggestion cos not many docs in sin are as receptive as him.
according to my hb who was with me during et, he noticed sf put the cathether much deeper than my precious cycles with other docs. moreover, i din have a full bladder that day, mayb nt even half cos based on my previous exp, i always rushed for the toilet aft et n reading from the postings i understand sf is able to et wihtout a full baldder so i decided to go without full bladder. when sis phua scan me, she said, hw come don hv full bladder , go drink more water but sf quickly said , its ok! amazing, it was a breeze, i only go to the loo two hours later when i was at home. but the next day while i was taking a nap, i felt a sharp pull below my belly button then when i go to the loo, i saw a red stain on my panty, size of a 50cent coin so i thot to myself this time gone liao cos its too early to be impantation bleed. luckily next day, it had stopped. this time round , i tk things pretty easy, mayb because without the stimulation drugs so my mood is much better.

so for those who had failed, pls do not give, look at me, i quit my job, 5yrs ago to ttc and i m not young, 36 this year, i have come a long way but i din give up. i still don believe , i have crossed the 1st hurdle of receivng my miracle bb. i still have a long way to go , the next 9 mths is crucial to me, so pls don gv up!
hi hopes,
if i din remember wrongly , yr fet was on 23/4.i did my et on that day too, according to the nurse, only two et tat day, i was the 1st 1, u should be aft me. i oso hpt on my own on the same day u hpt, so happy for both of us !so on the advice of my tcm , i went for my beta on tue instead of today.
yes, u can c sf at tps, jus call and change yr appt. the ivf nurse oso schedule me to c him at clinic d on 22 but i changed to tps on 23/5 nite.i prefer tps cos sf will be the 1 scaaning us instead of the sonographer.
take care!
thx for sharing ur story. You are very courageous to do so. Congrats on your MTB status! Very happy you succeeded. I feel impatient to be one too!

I feel that once we embark on the ivf journey, we are all mentally prepared to be MTBs. The cost of any failed attempts is very high and may hit us in the pocket, but sometimes it's really the mental and emotional pain of failure that lingers and is more painful. So i'm glad that we have this forum so that we can encourage one another. Else it's very easy to think we are the only ones suffering and can get depressed easily.

no no..acupuncture not painful one..i mean.. a bit only..it's quite bearable
yah.. agree with vonvon..fresh cycle chance is 40+ % ..so much better..!


oh... what time will u gals be there..? i'll be at clinic D leh.. so sian.. everytime so crowded. i wanna go TPS but they say 1st appt after tested positive must go clinic D first then nnext appt can fix at TPS.. so silly..

yah..remember to update us once u and piggy get ur results k..?


yes yes!! i remember u..! u were with ur hubby and went in before me ! u where wearing a sarong looking skirt and socks with slippers rite..?

glad to hear u've made it also! finally.. we've reached the light at the end of the tunnel..!

really ah..? can do direct to TPS ah..? i wanna call them to change already..the night appt is from what time onwards huh..? will he be around at abt 7+pm..? any idea..? call iVF side to change appt or call TPS direct huh..?

So..what is ur Hcg reading..? u take care too leh.. everything must be careful...

Thank you for sharing your long IVF journey here... its an inspiration to all the gals who wish to fulfil their dreams of being "mothers".
Take Good Care and see you around...
