IVF/ICSI Support Group

Sigh ... gals, sorry to blabber here ... actually i am abit scared tonite. Tomorrow, hubby and me are going to do the blood tests for HIV and Rubella Immunity check.

Not that we have been promiscous. Hubby only has 1 sexual partner before me while i had 2 before him. But its just that since we have been so jinxed the past year in our TTC efforts and discovering so much infertility problems along the way, it wont be surprising if more bad things were to come our way, like maybe freakly, one of us HIV is +ive or lost our Rubella immunity?

I know i am probably worrying too much. But i just cant help it. Nothing has been smooth for us so i cant help but feel there is just going to be more jinx stuff for us.

Sorry to blabber here. I just feel very down.

By the way, anyone know what are the chances of us losing our Rubella Immunity? I mean the jabs we took in primary school should last us for life rite?

i m with Dr Loh SF in kkh. think i saw a forum here abt what to eat in 2ww. maybe u want to check out e 2ww forum? i remember not all fruits and vegs can be taken during this period.


the lucrin jab only start on 21st day of menses. yeah, we r here t help each other. dun know til now did anyone had any gathering for all e ivf buddies? it wil be a lot of fun and encouragement to those still trying veri hard. just thinking only, maybe not everybody wants it.

maple babies

dear, u really think tooooooooooo much liao. the hep B,C, HIV, rubella test are to make sure both of u are free from these infections so wont pass on to ur baby. usually wont hav any prob. as for rubella, no matter u had e jabs done in primary school or not, it's a must before any preg as it will cause major deformity of e baby. no matter how soon u want to start e ivf treatment, u must hav all these potential probs cleared 1st.dun wori too much as wori wont help anything but make u sick only. if u think all signs r not good, then maybe u want to hold off 1st. u must hav a +ve thinking then wil hav a chance of succeed. there will hav a lot of uncertainty along the way of ivf treatment. dun discourage urself when u havnt even start anything yet. pls relax and do all ur preparation step by step. dun waste ur time, effort and $$ when u r not ready. giv ur hubby and urself sometime to think through carefully, ok? we will always be with u.
don't worry too much...these blood tests are needed as you don't want to start checking only when you are preggy. It's better to know now whether ur bodies are ready for ivf. You have our support, ok?
i see u are also up late...hee hee...i myself couldn't sleep until i finished my book at 2am...prob due to my afternoon nap yest

i haven't seen the list of food weiwei was talking about. but during 2ww, i'll just skip all the usual food that people usually say not to take when preggy...like pineapples, watermelon, coffee/tea just to name a few.
hi ladies,
can i join ur thread? i'm also with KKIVF under Dr. Loh.

E2 value had to be lower better as lucrin is suppose to suppress ur hormone before stimulation step....
hi ladies,
can i join ur thread? i'm also with KKIVF under Dr. Loh.

E2 value had to be lower better as lucrin is suppose to suppress ur hormone before stimulation step....
Hi Petals,

Thks for your well wishes

Yes,I'm waiting for my AF to start the dream

Jia you and take care

Hi Hopes,
I bought this book "Is Your Body Baby-Friendly?" Just to name you a few WHAT TO LIMIT OR AVOID :
Red meat, smoked or preserved meats
Hard margarines
Fried foods
Processed foods
"Diet" foods and drinks

Jia you and take care,too
Hi sn0wball,
to this thread
Remember Vonvon said tat : We r all here to encourage one another & be ard as 'listening ear' shd u need someone to 'talk' to.
Hi WeiWei,

If you r organsing any gathering, pls cow me in

Jia You and hv a nice super long weekend (if u r not working on Monday)

u under dr SF loh too..? me also leh!

he's real nice isn't it?


thanks so much for the tips!
okie..i will cut down my fast food and preserved meats from now on.. hope it's not too late..:p
deer deer..

how r u getting on..? which stage are u at now?
do u stil remember me...? our fresh cycle in feb was very close ..remember?


dun worry so much..just take things easy.. rubella is very uncommon in sg one.. only ppl in africa or very undeveloped countries will kenna rubella nowadays... so..dun worry ya..!

as for hiv, as long as u know u and ur hubby didn't sleep ard .. u dun have to worry that much too.. most of the couples will be able to pass the blood test one...dun worry okie?
Hi Hopes,
Dn't worry, u are not eating like Ang Moh (3 meals of fastfood, rite)

Hi Petals,
Keep it up !

Gals try to choose Organic to eat
Thanks gals! Ya, i must be thinking too much. Thanks for comfort and encouragement. We have completed our tests so now just have to wait. IF no news from KKH, means ok rite? I be seeing Dr Loh again on 16 May. Now, just hoping all is well and looking forward to a brand new journey TTC!
hope everything will turn out well for you...anyway you can always call kkh a few days later to enquire abt the results, rite? it'll ease ur worries rather than waiting for a non-call.
when r u scheduled to start? i haven't make the booking yet...so need a rough idea now the q is until which mth alredy.
Ya, thanks for reminding me, Petal. Hope they wont find me a pain. Up till now, service at KKIVF still ok, contrary to what i heard about KKH staff being cold, rough and unfriendly. But i must say the nurse who drew my blood not very good at it leh, now i have bruise.
Hi Snowball, me should be in June bah cos i started queueing since Feb, that time nurses already said earliest is June. Dont know yet also cos havent sign consent form and firm up schedule with Dr Loh. If in June, and if IVF successful, i probably conceive in Jul and have a Apr 08 baby! Cool! You leh? Sign consent form already? Counselling already? When you plan to do yours?
Hi gals,
Wow tis thread moving abit fast, trying to catch up.

Hopes, me did not go for any acu or TCM b4..abit too late to start now cos going ivf in jun but may consider TCM if needed so nx time. Wat abt u?..does the acu b4 yr FET helps to strengthen yr body?

Snowball, Welcome!
u can call the ivf ctr to chk wif the nurse..they r quite friendly one.

Lily, is the book interesting? me thinking of borrowing or buying some bks to read..got any recommendation do let me koe thks!

Maplebabies, i oredi did my Rubella test recently together wif my hormones test. I got anti-bodies for Rubella so dun need to go for jab..luckily, if not got to wait 3 mths then can do ivf. Dun worry, thk most of us oredi have immunity but need to chk just in case. Thk u can call the nurse nx wk to chk the outcome of yr test. For me, i still need to retest my Prolactin level at any time of the cycle, hopefully will b ok. Reg the HIV,Syhilis screening etc, u would have known by now that they r all part of the required tests b4 embarking on the ivf prog. Me and my hubby also need to do the HIV blood test nx mth.

WeiWei, oh can onli start on 21st day of menses...that means to say i got to wait longer lor..21st day of my jun menses likely to be end of june. Is it on the 1st day of yr IVF mth u muz abstain fr sex?
Maplebabies, i also kenna bruise that time when i went for my hormones blood test..afterthat i complained to my hubby abt the skill of the nurse.
hi lily05..

hehe..no lah..i eat like one meal of fast food every 2 days or so.. not so bad lah hor..?


yes, i went for acu after my disappointing fresh cycle attempt. actually, if you want, can still do leh.. acupunture i mean.. i also do abt two mths only (started in end feb, stop just before FET), but actually the physician says 3 mths best to see results.. but i didn't take any TCM herbs thou.. just plain acu and few sessions of yoga..hehe..


no lah..they won't find u a pain one..dun worry.. they are there to answer all our questions.. feel free to caLl them if u got any queries at all... hey.. we pay them alot for our treatment ok..hehe.. dun pai seh to call them.. in fact..i feel they should have a 24HR helpline for IVF patients like us.. coz we are so vulnerable to all these IVF related problems.. :p
hi maplebabies,
i havent got ny idea yet, my next appt with Dr. Loh is on 23rd May, tink by then he would let me know the details...
tat means i'll have to wait very long, so sad...

TCM indeed will help to 'bu' ur body stronger but it'll take longer to show the effect. so must start early...
hopes and petals,
do u have any dos and don'ts after ET? BTW, FET means fresh embryo transfer or frozen embryo transfer? sorry for the ignorance....

FET generally means Frozen Embryo Transfer.. u r right leh.. Fresh embryo transfer also FET hor..? hehe.. but in the forum, they mean Frozen.

i think generally after the ET, must rest alot alot.. for me.. i try to sleep at least 12 hrs a day..hehe.. (night plus nap) and no vigorous exercise and housework and lastly eat healthy!

oh yah..during the 2 WW, dun do any chemical treatment to urself.. (eg hair rebonding/ colouring etc).
gals, this is e forum for dos and donts during icsi/ivf



ya, frm ur 1st day of menses til ET is abt 8 wks time. hav t practice safe sex during this period.


dun knw how, when & where to organize the gathering leh. me never did this b4. :p i was thinking maybe the ivf centers should organize such gathering to bring pp the correct concept of doing ivf. by such gathering, they can also promote their package and get some more business. maybe they already hav it, just we dun knw. next time when i go there should ask them. hehe..........................


welcome!! oh, my E2 is quite high, think maybe i wil need more lucrin. FET means the frozen one.


ya, ya, i m a night owl too.................
how r u, feeling alright?
Weiwei, thk my E2 also quite high at 110. According to the table wh Koala gave, the range shd be 25 to 75. The explanation in the table says:

"Levels on the lower end tend to be better for stimulating. Abnormally high levels on day 3 may indicate existence of a functional cyst or diminished ovarian reserve"

Dun know whether got any other implications or not...

R u in 2ww after FET? i ever thought of going Thong Chai Tan Suoy Mei(dunno name correct or not) heard she quite gd in infertility..but was abit put off by the long waiting time n crowded environment. May try nx time. Where u go for acu?

Snowball, u also tried TCM before? Acu?
Hi Gals

Anyone of you know whether adenomyosis will pose problems even for IVF? Cos adenomyosis means implanation may have problems thus even if put in embryos from IVF so IVF may still be wasted effort?
wah, the thread's really active...
as usual, i felt so sleepy in the afternoon...can be reading and i just doze off for a nap..

agree that u shld just call kkh if u have any qns abt ivf, as it's part of their job to answer any queries rite?
I also find that doctors seem to draw blood better than nurses. I've encountered a couple of nurses that weren't that experienced and after a few tries, had to call in a colleague from another dept to help out...ouch...
ya, me and hubby r on TCM and acupuncture since last year. we plan to start trying for babies once we got married, but found tat i got problem ovulating and hubby's SA also not good. so no choice lor, had to try all ways to improve our condition and thru friends we came to know abt this chinese Dr tat is very good at treating male infertility and we thot could give it a try...

early pregnancy (less than 6wks) will not have very obvious symptoms except for those similar to PMS, MS only comes in at abt 6 wks of pregnancy.

agree wif petals, u should call kkivf or email Dr Loh of ur Qs. they r e best to explain to u.


dun knw why our E2 is high also. but if e Dr said can proceed wif ivf, i think should hav no prob. maybe just need longer time to stimulate.


drawing bld is a skill and need experience. practice make perfect mah. cant blaim them as drawing bld frm us is part of their practice also. of course, if u get e experienced one, u r lucky lah
but for me, i doubt is my own prob. coz wherever i go, whoever take bld for me, i wil still get e blue-black it wil b painful for a few days over e needle area. dun knw why leh.

my blood test day is on 10th May.. very long hor.. 17th or 18th day I think... dunno whether i should take leave or not.. sianz.. i scared no mood to work if negative..


yah..heard of thong chai medical before.. but i find it very far and heard that they dun see patients during the wk ends one...so.. i a bit sianz.. i did my acupuncture at this TCM clinic called Zou Yumin TCM at AMK. She is quite specialise in infertility cases too.. I know a few of our sisters here at the forum seek treatment there too
you might wanna try, her rates are quite reasonable, $25 per session of abt 45 mins acu.

me feeling ok. just came back from watching the movie " Wild Hogs". very funny..laughed so hard i'm afraid that my embies will fall out! haha..


u are preggy already..? congrats! how many wks already..? 1st time strike already is it..?

i think ur embies were laughing together wif u. acturally relax is e most important thing during 2ww. as long as u feel comfortable, should be no prob.

this dr Tat u mentioned.... got his contact? i have a fren who has male factor problem too, what kind of treatment is given to the guy huh..?

wow.. still up at this hour..? hehe..

dun sleep too late hor.. hehe..i'm going to retire for the day liaoz...

cya tmr! gd nite!
HI HOPES... how areyou?
yes... I am pregnant. my HCG at 13days after transfer was 549... two days later was 1079.. but till now I still dont feel much symptoms... I dont know if you consider constipation, sleepiness symptoms or not... My is FET... I remember you now... you remmber me?
sorry I have been missing for sometimes.
Good luck to you too.
OH ya... girls.. do you all feel or scared we get a less than healthy baby? I am worried. dont know why... maybe later i go get more healthy baby photos to see.. any thoughts girls?
congrats on your preggy status!
don't worry too much abt not having symptoms...not all MTBs have morning sickness. How many wks are you now? Do you know whether u are carrying singleton or twins yet?
Sorry for the kaypoh qns...
It's natural to worry abt the baby's development in ur tummy...maybe u can also borrow some wk-by-wk bks to read up on the foetus' weekly devpmt. Might ease ur mind. Also impt to take folic acid in 1st trim to reduce baby's risk of neural tube defects (if i remember the term correctly).

Wild Hogs good har? Was thinking of watching but the review wasn't good.
Dream, Weiwei,

When you say your E2 is high, what is the metric of measurement? Cos mine is 195.5 pmol! But when convert to pg/ml, its 53.3, then falls in the range Koala's table show. So must make sure the metric of measurement is correct, ie. convert to pg/nl

early pregancy wont hav any symptoms usually. some pp just feel a bit tired and some dun feel anything. dun wori too much, ur baby just settled down and not stable yet. later on u wil notice ur body's difference. may not be MS for everyone as one of my friend vomitted like nobody's business while another friend just feel sleepy all e time and ate 3* of her usual. ya, constipation is one of e possible symptoms for pregnancy. as ur baby grows, the uterus become bigger and it will compress on e bladder and ur large intestines. it wil last through out the 1st few mth of ur pregnancy. when e baby grow bigger, it wil move to ur upper abdomen and u wil feel better. if u really feel uncomfortable, ask from e Dr for some meds to relief ur constipation but DO NOT force urself to poo poo as u may push e baby out accidentally also. i beleive all e mummies wori abt their babies. but as told by Dr Loh, ivf/icsi/fet hav e same chance of getting healthy babies as compare t e natural ones, so we r not going to hav higher chance to hav less healthy baby. but premature babies will be weaker than e full term ones as they r not ready to come out yet and some organ may not develop completely if it's too early. it's e best to keep ur baby within ur womb until 36 wks and above, that's call full term. r u having one , two or three babies?
maple babies

wow, u really did ur homework well ha. me was just told of e numbers but not e measurement leh. now blurblur already.................

hav u been for e counselling by e medical social worker? what wil they talk abt? can i skip this? can not find time leh, al my leave kept for e post-ET period.
not sure if it's what u r referring too, but i did get a pre-ivf counselling from the ivf nurse during my prev fresh cycle but that was just abt half hour and she just explained to us what is the whole procedure and dos/don'ts and forms to sign. but this was at a pte hospital, so may be diff from urs.
.. sorry this morning went out for breakfast then went library to borrow some books... came back and slept till now.Dont know if singleton, twins? but my beta was 500 plus then 1000 plus... now is about 4, 5 weeks? how do you calculate?
hi deerdeer,
oh, i don't think can tell whether singleton or twins from ur hcg level, as the range is quite big.
prob in another 2-3 wks time you will be able to see how many heartbeats...

The date of your FET is prob roughly counted as 2wks. So, for example, if it's been 3 wks after your FET, then you're abt 5 wks now... once your doctor is able to scan ur baby's size, he'll give u a more accurate EDD.

aiyo...this is my third day at home, and i'm getting very restless already... what did u do during ur 2ww?
