IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Hopes,
The TCM in AMK need to take any herbs or only thru acu? Also, may i know how he treat the guy?..thru acu or herbs? My hubby SA also not gd so I may consider nx time. Ya Thong Chai abit troublesome but thk that lady quite gd also.

MapleBabies, yr pmol measurement is the one u got fr kkh? If yes, mine shd be the same also. May i know how to convert to pg/ml?..sorry ah my maths not gd need yr help.

WeiWei, Dr did not say that my E2 is high so i also not sure whether normal or not...maybe like u mentioned it doesn't really matter cos still can proceed for ivf..only simulation part need to note? However, according to Maple's metric of measurement thk ours shd b ok then.

deer deer..

so happy for u leh.. when u did ur FET one huh..? how many embies u put in during ur FET?


"wild hogs" is quite ok lah.. i mean...just a comedy..good for ppl like us.. makes us happy..hehe.. go and watch and kill time..not too bad.. some of the parts really quite funny..

so petals..u mean to say..if let's say we are tested +ve during our blood test day.. it's considered as abt 4 wks + already huh?

for the AMK one.. i only go for her acupuncuture sessions. she didn't suggest any herbs for me so i also never insist.. anyway, the gynae advise me not to eat chinese herbs, so.. i also dare not really try.

for treatment of guys..i not very sure leh..coz for me it's female factor. but i heard from her it's also acupuncuture and herbs for the guys.

Thong Chai should be good also..no doubt abt that, alot of sisters recommend also..
yah, cos they start counting from the 1st day of last menstrual period...and ET/FET is usually done around end of week 2 of ur cycle. So by the time u take ur preg test 2 wks after trsfr, it'll be end of wk 4 already. Of course, not that exact, and gynae will adjust your EDD based on size of foetus.

Anyway, i'm getting very bored already. Watched tv, dvd, read books... maybe tmrw can go out for a while.
hi ladies,

wow, the thread is moving very fast....got so much to catch with...


the chinese dr does acupunture and gives chinese medicine for the guys, and ladies he only does acupunture for them before ovulation. after ovulation he only gives medicine.

the chinese dr is at clementi,
Dr. Tan Kian Sing
Tel: 68723237
he got clinic everyday except mon and wed.

weiwei and maplebabies,

dun worry abt d E2 values the normal range is very wide, range from 77 to 2382 pmol/L for females. anyway, since u still can proceed with the ivf, it should be alrite.
oh yah, weiwei, have u ever emailed Dr. Loh? he got 2 email addr on d name card which one to use, and usually how fast he replies? a bit worried tat he finds my qns 'wu liao' dun wan to reply me....and also do i need to give full name and nric for him?
Hi all ,

Actually I did my FET on fri, then started new job on MOn.. can you imagine? I totally have no rest. BUt but but, then again, I rested very well on Fri and sat. I do go for lunch, dinner, and breakfast. I even did the laundry, hang the clothes, etc. Then it is work on Mon. It was a new job somemore. Now I dont know how to tell my boss.

ANyway, I was more not thinking about it, just treat as if nothing.
Now I just hope everything goes smoothly.. and I wish the best for all too.

wow.. tough on u leh.. only rest over the wk ends..but FET really quite senang..not so stress right..? nvm.. now that it's positive, u dun have to tell ur boss until two mths later mah..hehe.. just act blur first lor..! :p

sorry, check with u again deerdeer, u did ur FET in early April?


acupuncture not very painful... slight prick only when the doc poke in the needle
but during 2ww totally dun have to do acu. in fact, once tested +ve dun have to do acu already..
oh, the thread is moving veri fast.


i din email Dr Loh before. dun knw also which one to use. mbe u just email to both la, then see through which one he reply lor. heard that he reply quite fast, usually 1-2days time. i think u need to giv him ur full name n ic as he has too many pt to remember.


i hav already done wif e nurse and e Dr. i mean with the medical social worker. dun nw what will they talk abt. u dun hav it last time? that means it's a new thing lor. e nurse said they will show u video and talk abt e possible outcomes of ivf. aiyo, can not buy the video and watch frm home meh?

i did mine 10 days after urs
u faster this time round..hehe..

hope to yield gd results like urs tis time also.. ! wish me luck!


i think it's the wk end that's why most of us very free these few days...haha..

the counselling session is a bit redundent lor..i mean it's like.. they can advise u this and that.. but when things happened..it's still up to ur own EQ to cope things lor.. but hor..i was quite surprised when the counseller told her she has undergone ivf before also but not successful, that's why she is a gd candidate to counsel potential ivf patitents
i can't remember abt seeing any video last yr...memory getting worse... hee hee...

orh i c...so no need for acu now during 2ww...thanks

u very steady leh...fet then new job.
yeah, u can don't tell ur boss till later anyway...remember they can't fire u w/o gd reason if u > 6mth preggy according to MOM. U can check website to confirm the exact rules.
after u insert ur progesterone are u supposed to lie down for an hr or so? for me, the nurse advise me to lie down for 1-2 hrs after using crinone. so now very 'eng', chatting w u gals while lying down...

don't know why, but second night in a row that i wake up at 5am wide awake then can't get back to sleep until 6plus...so so tired...

my progesterone is inserted thru anus one leh.. hehe.. so.. no need to rest after insertion. i understand from the nurse at kkh that if i chose to insert via virgina, then need to rest 1-2 hrs like u mention.. otherwise will flow back out.

i also having problem sleeping at nite... i can't sleep till abt wee hrs in the morning..maybe afternoon nap too much..:p

u have any idea how many days it takes for the embies to implant into our lining..?

do u have any discomfort like brest soreness and slight pulling at embies implated areas?
Hopes n Snowball,
I'm wondering for acu on guys where they poke ah?..not on the vital parts rite?
Thk will spare my hubby the agony...
For acu, is it they poke on stomach for ladies?..muz change into their clothing?..sorie for giving so much questions...me "sua gu" hope
to find out more.

Snowball, u can send yr queries to Dr's personal email add stated in his name card..not the general one. Ya he usually will reply within 1 to 2days for simple queries. For those tt he need to chk he may take more days.
hi dream,

i dunno where they poke for the guys ..hehe.. dun think it's down there lah..o/w they'll faint man! :p

for ladies, they poke on tummy , calves and leg.
then flip over poke the back area. for my AMK one.. no need to change clothing.. just pull down the skirt a little exposing the tummy area can already.
actually i find the acu sessions quite relaxing.. i always fall asleep one..haha.. esp after work.. a bit tired..
Hi Hopes,

Haa..then better dun let hubby do acu.

When u go 1st time, do u have to bring any medical test results or whatever? Or u just tell her verbally on med history?

u going to which TCM?

if AMK one.. just brief history will do.

if thong chai one, best to bring medical history..ur test results, dignosis etc.
Thks Hopes..thk i prob go if i need to do ivf again (*touch wood*). Since my coming ivf is pretty near(Jun), will not b going TCM at least for tis 1mth. But may try yours few mths later
the nurse said implantation will be during the first few days after fet. Maybe this is why they give us mc to rest. I also get slight pulling feeling below my bellybutton ocassionally, but sometimes on right, sometimes on left. Hope it's a gd sign...
hi dream,

for the chinese dr tat i went to, acu for guys is at the area ard tummy below the belly button and area ard the ankle.
as for ladies, ard the same area as the guys, but additional 2 needles on the ears, tat's to tiao the hormones and strengthen the uterus.
usually when the first time u visit, he will arrange the guys for SA for a baseline and also he can know wat is d prob(low count etc...) so he can give the correct med and acu points to acu. and ladies he might need the hormone test results.
hi ladies,
juz called kkivf, they told me the booking is up til june
...probably i can still start in june, hav to wait until my dr's appt to confirm everything.
HI girls.

Hopes... I dont feel much during the 2ww.. in fact till now... I still dont feel anything .... dont know if this is ok or not? Any girls dont feel anything too? But maybe I am very early? I am only 17 days past FET.
dun worry deerdeer, some pple do not have much symptoms during early pregnancy, somemore ur's abot 5 wks(if i'm not wrong). have u got ur first appt to see dr? most probably by then can hear the heartbeats of d babies then u will feel more secured.

the next scan they schedule for u is scan for what huh..? sorry.. hehe.. most of the gals here still behind ur stage leh..


i sure hope the slight pulling at those areas are signs of the embies implating..hehe.. very gan chiong leh..

btw.. i managed to find this site...abt post transfers dos and don'ts and symtoms one.. maybe u'll like to take a look

hopes... I think it is to see the gestational sac..

dont be gan chiong.. must relax.. and dont think about it. that is what I did. and really I dont think soft drink too... not even cool water. I drink warm to hot water
Hi...very new here,

I've on my puregon jabs and did my scan today in kkh but still need to continue puregon for another 2 days....Amazed wif the support group here.
Need your guys support and prayers so that everything goes smoothly.

i damn jia latz leh.. just can't keep my hands off cold drinks. i tried to cut down on it but the hot weather makes it so difficult! furthermore..i always eat out.. the drink aunty come.. i'll just tell her ribena..haha.. damn.

hi samriah..

welcome to this thread! feel free to chat abt anything here .. !
the forum sisters here r very supportive !
Got poke needles on the ear also?..sounds abit scary for me leh..but anyway thks for the info, at least i koe wat to expect.
Btw, me also starting ivf in June. If u r doing in June then i got another kaki

Samirah, welcome!
May u have a smooth ivf.
today is my 10th day post ET (ET done 21 Apr). I'm using crinone where i do have the discharge and occassionally pinkish.. this morning, i suddenly feel that my panty liner was soaked and even wet my panty. is this normal? i still feel bloated and slight cramps too.

i am a little disappointed that the wettness may be pre-menses symptoms.. i usually feel very wet before AF
it's ok dream, the pain is only when poking after tat the pain goes off, u won't feel d needles on ur ears. i koe it sounds scary, it happens to me as well...but it's wat we have to go thru to get our little ones, imagine the jabs to go thru during ivf might be worse.
anyway, hope for the best...
, and wish we can strike on first try...
holi00 ,

bloatedness and cramps are normal as far as i know. the nurse at kkh told me progesterone will cause bloatedness.

as long as there is no obvious AF, there is always hope. you might wanna call up ur hosp nurse or doc to check? i do have some white discharge some of the days but not those soaking wet kind.

sister petals is also using crinone, maybe later she log in she will advise u.

was thinking hor.. mayabe the crinone is inserted thru the virgina that's y when it flows out, you feel very wet. is it possible?
hi! thanks for the article...very concise and helpful. i liked reading the "Avoid bouncing activities" precautionary tip...ha ha...brings to mind certain other activities that we are not supposed to do...

i also love having my drinks cold, not hot...how? What i do is compromise...and drink my ribena without ice. I really can't tahan hot drinks in this weather leh.

don't worry abt not feeling anything...u may be one of the lucky ones who don't suffer from any discomfort during ur pregnancy...
During ur wk7/8 scan, u shld be able to see how many sacs u have...maybe even the heartbeats...excited hor?
hi samirah,
welcome...Time really flies once u actually start on ur puregon. Don't worry, b4 u know it, ur ER & ET will be over.
Best of luck yah?

hi holi00,
you just did ur fresh IVF? Cos quite common to have bloatedness and cramping esp after ER. I'm also using crinone and will get white chalky lumps of discharge which is prob the excess crinone coming out 1-2days later. Some people may get a little spotting when their embies are implanting in the lining, so it could explain ur pinkish colour discharge. But all the same, just call ur doctor abt the symptoms u mentioned just to make sure. Anyway, I've read a few websites that say that we should not stop our progesterone even if we get any spotting during 2ww, until we take the blood test by our doctor to confirm the pregnancy. In any case, some preg symptoms are the same as menstrual symptoms...so not to worry. hope that helps.

I prefer crinone. But but but, I agree with petals that the white chalky lumps of discharge are gross. I have to wash it damn clean everytime. I have more discharge with crinone too. if it is not chalky, then it will be watery. I also thought it is my mense. because I get more discharge when I nearing my menses too.
dont give up hope.
Hopes... dont dont dont drink cold water. At least just drink cool water? I totally gave up cold water. When I lunch out and I tell the aunty, " Milo hot" she stares at me
hi. I'm new here. Today is my 2nd lucrin injection.So far so good.
I've learnt alot of do's and don't from here. I was wondering if coffee is a no-no during this period. Any food or fruits have to be avoided? Sorry for asking so many questions. I'm confused.... Thanks.
hi jaslyn,
welcome! So u'll be going thru ur ER/ET soon in the next few wks... It's usually advised to avoid caffeine after ET and thru'out pregnancy. The article on post-ET that Hopes posted above is quite helpful. But if u're asking about pre-ER/ET, then I'm not too sure... For me, I tried to cut down my caffeine intake before my procedure. And now, I don't drink any coffee/tea. Just remember that chocolate also contains caffeine.
u using crinone too? Do u find that your appetite is affected? I find that I don't feel hungry as I used to be anymore during mealtimes. But I just eat anyway.
No la
I feel very hungry on the dot now. you mean during the 2 ww? no also leh
now I have to eat a small snack at around 11plus and 3 plus wor. but of course now I am on PIO and HCG.
petals, deerdeer,

do u gals have "sleeping spells" that just hits suddenly huh..? esp in the afternoon?!

i was at my fren's place earlier just now in the afternoon and at 3-4pm, i just suddenly feel so sleepy (even thou i sleep till like 10am this morning) and i told my hubby that i must go back and nap already... cannot tahan liaoz.. whole body just no strength like that..

experienced quite a few times already during my 2ww. u gals have any experiences like this?

tomorrow i starting work already... damn worry it will just hit me during my working hours.. !
Hi Gals

Sorry i think i asked this before. Can i ask again ... anyone of you know whether if got adenomyosis and hydrosalphinx, still suitable to do IVF?

Cos i read that for adenomyosis, it means the inner muscular wall of womb has blood tissue growth and that might hinder implantation. So even with freshly delivered embryos inside womb hoping to implant, IVF may still fail.

And for hydrosalphinx, it means the tubes are filled with fluid and this fluid can be harmful to our embies, thus even freshly delivered embryos may be killed by the fluid and IVF may still fail.

Anyone know? I am worried. I dont know how bad is my adenomyosis and hydrosalphinx. Dr Loh hasnt seen the latest reports too. Gonna have to ask him for opinion next visit. But i also want to know more and be prepared in case he tells me IVF is not an option for me.

Oh mine, by then, i think my world will really crash cos there will be nothing more i can do already.

Sorry, to blabber so much ... anyone know of anything can kindly share with me? Thanks.
tink it's best tat u ask Dr. Loh, cos he's ur dr and knows abt ur case. u can email him if u really wanted a quick ans rather than wait til d dr's appt.
sorry can't help u as I haven't heard of those terms b4...did u try doing an internet search to see if there are any articles on that? make sure u bring up ur concerns to doctor when u next see him. don't worry urself out ok? maybe there are some solutions available.

yah, i do feel sleepy in afternoon and usually take 1-2hr nap. dunno if it's the progesterone... i also wake up early and then can't sleep...hence the nap...vicious cycle...
Thanks Petals. oops that means i can only drink milo but dun know whether will it be heaty if i drink milo everyday? I try to eat heathly food during my ivf cycle such as no fried, process food. No chilli (my fav)

do we have to be ovulating at the time we did our FET huh..? i dun remember them checking me for that leh..
