IVF/ICSI Support Group


Congrats, I'm so
to hear yr good news
Do take care & hv a smooth 9 months

Congrats! Happy to hear your good news.


Initially gotten over the -ve result but now feeling down all over again coz' a few of my friends just told me of their pregnancy. Suddenly feel like a failure all over again. Haiz!!

dun be sad, at least u stil hav ur lovely son. hav faith in Dr and most importantly in urself, u can make it once, u can make it twice. jia you!!!

Thanks for ur concern. Not thinking abt the past failure now. Looking forward to my next cycle which will happen next Wed (D10 scan). Hopefully this time I will 'O' as soon as my previous cycle & succeed.
dodo..my heartiest congratulations to you and your hubby! you made it!!!! i am soooo very happy for you! pls take care and have a smooth pleasant 9 mths!!
dear all

i wil do baseline scan & FSH level on 3rd day of this coming menses, then wil start e jab on 21day on my this coming memses also. seems that after my baseline tests i will start everything straightaway . aiyo, confused already, e starting of ivf Tx is it count frm e starting of e jabs or e actual ER & ET? coz when e staff brief me abt e procedure, she put my name under April. she said if i want t hav e ER &ET done in june, i hav t start frm this mth menses. so................i m actually in April group, is it?

check with u .. u did FET under GA rite..? How much extra did you pay for the GA huh..?

which hosp are u with huh? I tot of doing my FET under GA too...coz I feel that I was so tense during my last ET.
hmm, this website pretty quiet now...

seems like quite a long protocol that KKH gives hor...u starting jabs in april but the ER/ET will be in June? guess diff hospitals/gynaes have diff practices...
I'm going to start taking some pills to thicken my lining and hope that gynae gives go ahead for next cycle to do FET... fingers crossed...
yes, compulsory to pay for IVF insurance...amt depends on no. of embryos trsfd during ET. Like what weiwei said, this insurance is to help cover part of the costs if babies need NICU. May not be much, considering how much NICU charges are, but at least helps to defray a part of it.
just checking with you...sorry if i'm asking silly questions, but was wondering...do we need to ovulate to be able to do FET? Quite blur, cos I thought all we need to do is to put in our frozen embryos and therefore don't need to check to make sure that our bodies release an egg that cycle, right? So confused...what if that mth we don't release any egg during our period...will that affect our success rate if we do fet?
vonvon, don't be sad.... you'd make it.... take a good rest and get your body up in perfect condition b4 u start again... else emotionally very drained. be mentally prepared and make all necessary arrangements to have a good rest during 2ww... don't care about boss and work.... ttc is itself a journey full of ups and downs... we don't need further stress from work and unrelated parties. put yourself first. all the best in your next try.
Hi petals,

Well....this is definitely not a silly qns coz' I'd that query when I went for my 1st FET last mth. Yes, we need to O b4 we can go through FET. This is to ensure that our lining is prepared to receive our embryos. As you know, our lining will thicken after O & thus will be more ideal in receiving our embryos. If you don't O, FET will not take place this cycle & you will have to go thru' the artificial cycle (with daily injections) to ensure O happens, then followed by FET.

I was very afraid that I won't O last mth coz' I dun want to go thru' those daily jabs. Just cross my fingers that this cycle I will O as quickly as I did last mth & hopefully end of with success.
Hi mesh,

I'll be going for next cycle starting this Wed (D10). Will try to make arrangements to hv a gd rest after ET. But just afraid that my boss might not be happy with my absence & ask me to go back to work.
Anyhow, I will still try to rest for at least a wk (if not 2).

i am so happy that my manager today told me that whichever day i start my ET&ER, she wil giv me 3wks leave frm that day!! we r short of pp now and few more gals going to deliver in july. but she stil can understand me and giv me e full support, oh mine, i am so touched!! it seems until now all went smoothly.................. hopefully my next 2mth's treatment also will be smooth. how r u? going for checkup cm? take care and hav faith in urself.
Hi gals,

Just went for my D10 scan this morning. Think this cycle will not be as quick as the previous coz' my follicles only 8.5mm (lining 6mm) as compared to previous D10 scan result (follicles 16mm, lining 9mm).
Going back for another scan this Fri.


Glad that ur mgr is so supportive. Now you can concentrate on ur treatment. Happy for u!
thanks all for your well-wishes... i had been feeling very tired lately and also had been juggling work and visit to the doc that's why had no time to visit here.

oh, and i had vaginal infection from using Crinone and it was really scary!! Although doc had assured that the infection should not affect the development of the embies, i am still a little worried and monitoring the colour of the discharge very closely.

yes, i did my FET under GA... it's an addition of about a few hundreds, i think. my procedure was done at Mt E. if you were very tense, I would definitely encourage you to go for this approach. my doc said that if we are very tense during the proc, the embies will be "traumatised"!
Hi dodo

Read your blog and knowing the you have brownish discharge, please cut down walking and have full bed rest if possible. Don't care about work, now the most important thing is the little darlings...
Hi Koala n everyone,
Jus got my blood test result, not too gd..was told my Prolactin level is abit high. Anyone here can let me know wat is the normal range and wat is the implication for high Prolactin? Can still do IVF?..abit worry..

dun be sad, just b patient a little bit more. see how s e scan result tis fri.


nice t meet u here again. hav u got Dr Loh's email? best to ask him, anyway he s ur in charge Dr.
Hi Dream

I have slightly high prolactin as well, around 50. Normal range is less than 30. I need to take a tablet called bromocriptine everyday till I get pregnant to control the prolactin level. But don't worry, the tablet will reduce your level immediately, so you can still try to conceive by any means.

The best is to e-mail to Dr Loh to clear your doubt. He is the best person to answer you. Don't worry, he will reply you within 1 or 2 days.

I am still in the process of injecting lucrin lah. Not yet. But hope to be in mtb soon, hehe.
How are you doing? Scan to see the sac already?

I am wondering if I can do acu during lucrin stage? Do you go for acu during your surpression stage?
Hi Jo,

Oops, never mind, once you start puregon, it will be very fast. Sure your turn to become mtb is coming soon.

Ya, saw it, amazing.

Yup, I did acu twice a week during lucrin stage. Stopped at the later puregon stage which actually supposed to continue until the next day of ER, but too tired to go liao.

What did the mei ling sinseh advised you?

It must be a great feeling seeing the little one!

I never go after I started lucrin. I am thinking system already shut down, no need to use acu to stimulate. Also tired....Plan to go after start puregon.

Of course the sinseh will ask me to go twice a week till ET....
Thanks for the replies. ok I will chk wif Doc on tis. Btw, may i know wat is the normal range for FSH, LH & E2?

Jo, my level is 35. Not sure whether any med needed..did u have to take the tablets b4 yr IVF stimulation?

Hi Dream

Your level is only slightly higher, please ask your doctor if you need any medication. For my case, I have to see an endocrinologist for prescription to stablise my prolactin level before I start on any fertility treatment.

Went for D12 scan....result still no gd....follicle 11mm, lining 7mm. Will hv to go back on Mon for another scan.


No. of days of mc for FET will depend very much on ur doc. Some may give 1 wk (or even more), while some will only give 1 day.
hi koala,
thanks for the advice... i will try my best to walk as little as possible and rest more! ai yo.. now very sleepy cos doc prescribed double dosage of progesterone! going ZZZzzzzzzzzzz liao... ;P

btw, have you scan yet and how many weeks for you already? haha... kapo.. how many har?
you take care too!

my menses finally came yesterday

never mind, i can officially start my ivf treatment liao. tomorrow wil be my baseline tests. just hope e results wil be fine and i wil hav a smmoth ivf.


how s ur scan today, good? or u hav to go for another more?
Hi gals,

Very disappointed....was told to do a LH urine test on Sun but only saw a v fade line. So, thought today might hv a chance to O. But still fade line for this morning's urine test. Then did my scan & follicle only grown 0.5mm (now 11.5mm) compared to Friday (11mm). So doc told me that there's a chance that they might cancel this cycle as it seems non-ovulatory.

Was told to do the LH urine test tomorrow, if +ve, then go down for scan. If -ve, to go for scan on Wed morn & if follicle still hasn't grown much, then cycle will be cancelled.

Feel really upset coz' I'm not even given a chance to go thru' the FET.

May u have a smooth ivf..hope u can share wif us as u go thru the treatment, i will be interested to know. Btw, wat r the baseline tests?..is it ultrasound scan to chk the ovary?

can understand ur eager to know more abt each step of ivf treatment. dun wori, i am e kind of person that wil "broadcast" all my feelings out when i m stressed or nervous. hehehe...... surely u wil see me veri often here for every small matters. the baseline test are hormone tests that u already went . dun think they want to do scan at this time, when i still having menses. maybe later on before i start e jabs they wil scan me. whenever it is, hav to wait for their instruction.
BTW, i wil do my bld test on Wed but not cm coz e nurse said my menses came yesterday abt 5pm, so today only counted as 1st day of menses leh. just hav to wait til Wed lor.


sori to hear that ur scan was nt good this time. well, cant do anything at tis time. at least FET is not so complicated as fresh ivf. u no need to go through e jabs again and ur only wori is e ovulation. dun giv urself too much stress as u may able to go for FET this round. even tomorrow LH test no good also dun giv up, as long as ur follicles grow big enough and lining is good, e Dr can giv u a hcg jab to induce ovulation. so, just pray that ur follicles and lining wil be good, k? wil keep u in mind, always. take care, yah?!

Ya the nurse always say when menses come full force then counted as day 1 of menses. Like yrs, if it came late and not much yet then u dun count that day. For me now is wait..wait n wait cos my counselling and another blood test all in mid May. Today is CD10 for me, need to take out my ovu test kit again..

Hi Dream Dream

I am back! See that you have been finding out things and getting prepared. Wow thats good. For me, i havent prepared a bit. Sigh ... slack eh? I better start reading up on what i should do soon.

Hey ours around the same time. My counselling and consent form signing also in mid - late May. After that, we just wait for all the tests to complete and next menses to report hor? Gee... i really dont know my work well. Better go back read up tonite.
