IVF/ICSI Support Group

Dream, on the contrary, i am on DP8. Now in the game of 2ww again ... shake legs ... so meaning when our menses in May come, we must start lucrin and practising safe sex hor?

Hi MapleBabies

Hee..actually i not that prepared so need to find out more. Till now I am still not too sure abt my schedule..Supposed to have my detailed briefing only in May when i sign my consent form.

You starting jabs during May menses? That is fast?.. I supposed to start when my menses comes in June. I estimate my June menses will come ard 10 June so thk i prob start ard that time. thought will do ard the same time then got buddies..'sob'

At least u in 2ww now, can rest and something to look forward cos who knows u may strike and dun need to do ivf leow. Me leh..still got to chk for ovulation n work hard for tis cycle.

dun be sad. quite a no of women having pcos without any symptoms untill bld test or u/s is done. some women even hav it during their pregnancy also. only one bld test doesnt mean anything. the best way to knw how serious is ur pcos is u/s scan. the bld test only can detect abnormal hormone level which is possibly due to pcos. but u/s can see clearly how many cyst u hav, in which ovary, how big is the cyst, and most importantly what is inside e cyst.

i had pcos 2 yrs back when i was just starting my ttc. that time my Dr ask me to go for operation to remove e cysts in both ovaries. i had e op done and recover very well. but last mth when i saw Dr Loh, he said i acturally no need to go for e op, they r nt so big that hav t use surgical intervention. hai........ different Dr has different way of haddling things. e cysts can be controlled by oral meds but will take longer time. while op is faster but u need to go through GA and there will be another sum of $$.

hav ur test repeated and u/s done, discuss with Dr Loh, and think carefully, but not to wori too much coz research shows that stress can worsen the pcos. at least u still got time, not yet started on ivf, right? be cool...........
dun worry...pcos quite common and if not severe, no need to do anything...some mummies got pcos also can get preggy...

hi ladies,
I'll be going ahead for my fet on Thurs...wish me luck!

I have pco too but when you embark into IVF, pco is no longer a problem cos you uses jab to stimulate it to grow, dun worry, lots of pco women get pregnant too. problem is only if you wanna try naturally then it is more difficult, that's all.
Hi WeiWei, Petals_bloom & Happy, really thanks for the encouragement given..hope that those of us who r trying for baby will get preg real soon.

I will redo my blood test nx mth and see how.Ya was told not to be stress when going for the test..muz remind myself cos till now I am still quite scare of blood test. Act was quite disappointed wif my test result cos my menses very regular one and most of the time managed to detect ovulation using the test kit..thought everything will be normal but guess it's gd that I went thru' the blood test to find out if there is anything wrong.

WeiWei, How is yr blood test yest? Believe everything shd be fine for u.

Petals_bloom, all the best for yr FET on Thur! Hope u will bring us gd news soon.

Happy to know that you are going for your FET tomorrow. All the best & hope you'll succeed this cycle. Wish I can go for mine soon.


Don't worry abt ur blood test. Like what happy said, a lot of pcos women get preg too. We r all here to encourage one another & be ard as 'listening ear' shd u need someone to 'talk' to.

how long it takes for u to know e bld results? how come e nurse told me to call on friday afternoon for results only? why take so long ah? hopefully everything will be fine and i can proceed with my ivf


good luck to ur FET
u under GA or LA? rest well tonight, we wil be with u.ok?


not bad mah, at least ur scan improved. when is ur next scan? all e best, ya


i believe that we are here not just to find a place to spend time but to support each other. not all pp will go through e same thing as us, that's why we understand each other's joy and sore. pls take care and stay +ve
I learnt fr Koala tt for KKH, we can call the nurse on the test day itself, about after 4 p.m. U can get the results over the phone. Also, remember to ask for the actual result in number for your records.

Petals, today is the Day! Gd luck for yr FET!

For myself, started using Ovu test kit on Tue and LH surge was detected on Wed(CD12). So will try BD tis few days.
VonVon, thks for yr encouragement..Dr say my levels is jus abit raised so cannot conclude PCOS yet. But my previous gynae ever told me i got mild PCOS fr scan so hopefully it will really be just a mild one.
Have u detected yr O?
dreams, vonvon, weiwei,
thanks for ur well wishes! Quite excited...
Hope we all succeed. Weiwei, I won't be using any anaesthesia during the transfer, cos i didn't use any the last trsfr too. Feels like a pap smear. The only thing is i must drink a lot of water beforehand so that the bladder will be full. Easier for gynae to place the embies.
hi petals..

all the best for ur FET! I just went for mine last monday.. now at the 2ww period.

FET is so much more relaxed as compared to fresh cycle.. i feel..
only that i was told the chances are lower compared to fresh.. but ..i feel as long as our body feels comfy.. we can still make it
jia you gals!!

Seeing that both of you are embarking on ur FET, I can't wait for my turn to come. Gosh!! Pls let me O soon!!


When will u be going for your blood test to confirm on preg??

So, you've been resting all these while after ET?
Hi hopes,
Good luck for yours!
Hope we can graduate to the MTB thread...
I'm preparing to go for my FET now...

hope u get your chance for FET soon...

cant wait til cm and i just cal kkivf for my bld results. FSH:7.09, LH: 2.59, E2: 157, PROLACTIN: 15.9. thanks, dream. lucky u reminded me to ask detail result for own reference as e staff only told me "all ok". compare with e normal level, my E2 is high, what does it mean? is it i wil hav prob O or other things? wil start self injection for lucrin from 14/5. how long wil u gals hav e lucrin jabs before starting on puregon?
petals & hope

take care and hav good rest as u gals r e VVIP now. hope u bring us good news. jia you!!


did u go for another scan? cant e Dr giv u a jab to help u O?
Hi Gals,

may i officially join this thread? I think i am more or less going ahead with IVF already. I am also patient of Dr Loh's.

Hey Dream,

I finally did my homework. I also had to wait for June menses to come then consider as D1. But cant wait leh. Feel like starting 1 month earlier in May, use next AF as D1.

The whole thing is about 8 weeks, meaning by the time preggy, its Jul or Aug already hor?

Please refer to this link for the hormone level:-


I have posted it for Dream earlier.

If KKIVF allows you to start the lucrin on 14 May, its means everything is alright. Once you start the lucrin jabs, your body will be surpressed, you wouldn't have ovulation until you start the stimulation drugs - puregon.

Your first scan and blood test will be after 14 days of your lucrin jabs, the scan and your blood test results will show that if you have enough surpression, if yes, you can start with puregon. If not, you will have to continue for 1 more week and go back to scan again.
hi vonvon, weiwei!

Thank you for ur well wishes... ! So glad to have support from all the sisters here !!

vonvon, yes been resting since Monday 23/4 after my FET and blood test scheduled on 10/5 ... very long hor.. 18 days, my god..


ur FET should be over by now.. how is it? how u feeling?
my FET went smoothly...just slight discomfort during the procedure when the tube was inserted and I kept feeling the need to pee. Hee hee... My blood test will be 9/5 or 10/5 i think...hehe, so you and I will find out abt the same time... so exciting!

This time, the embryologist mentioned that a few of the cells in the embies thawed were slightly damaged, but that it's still good for FET as it only takes one of the cells to develop to form a baby. Did anyone encounter this as well? Quite worried but she assured me that they will not allow us to use any embies if they are not viable...

thanks for the info. wil just wait patiently for my jabs. i think time wil pass veri fast once i start on lucrin. BTW, on D14 of lucrin, what kind of scan & bld result i should expect for e green light to go for puregon?


u hav to call kkivf if u want to start early and remember to tel ur reason as well. good luck to u, hope u can start early, we can buddy each other liao.

glad to hear that ur procedure was well done. how many days MC/HL Dr gav u? r u intend to rest until ur bld test or u will go back to work earlier than that? oh, how many embryos u put in? sori to ask many many Qs, should let u rest but not think so hard. hee hee............
hi weiwei,
you still up ah?
My hubby asking me lie down to rest...now like the queen of the house...hee hee...i got 2 wks mc and won't be working. I put in 3... :p Have u decided how many to put in?

Hopes, forgot to ask if u also put in 3?

wow, 2 wks MC, so nice? wonder how many days wil i get later on. ya, u should lie down & CRIB ( complete rest in bed)................. u stil can surf net by sitting or half stting on the bed mah. oh, no no, u should go to bed now, let ur body rest, pls. i wil put in 3 also although Dr said i can try to put in 1-2 only as i still "young". hubby and i all thinking of maximise the chance to get preggy. dun mind having triplets or twins acturally. get to see our own babies' faces is more important than others. hehe..........

u're back! glad to hear everything went well!
i felt exactly how u feel during the FET.. super "high tide", so afraid that i can't hold my bladder..hehe.. right after the FET, 5 mins later i went toilet already.. some gals said tt cannot go pee immediately as the embies may flow out... but i really cannot hold already.. either i pee in the toilet or pee in my pants...hehe..either way.. still need to pee no matter what...haha..

just like urs... one of my embies has one cell that didn't make it during the thaw.. but doc says 3 cells one still ok also.. so.. since both our docs say the same thing, should be accurate lah.. :p

wow.. which hosp are u with..? so gd leh..2 wks mc. mine only one day by default! but i asked for 5 days and they gave me... 2 wks will be very very ideal lor..!
yes yes..i also put in 3. coz the last time i only put in two..it doesn't work..so..this time decided to be kia su a little..hehe..

wow..our blood test date abt the same leh..so exicting... hope we'll both be positive !!


just like u...i also secretly wishing for twins.. :p one time can close shop liaoz..hehe.. no need to go thru all the torture again..! :p
dear hopes

what r u doing infront of pc @ 2344hours? i thought during 2ww u should hav plenty rest as u can? just only my hubby scolded me for sleeping late, now, seems like u r e one should get e warning. go n sleep la, stick ur buttock to the bed. ur 3 little ones tired already leh.
weiwei is right...u must rest more hor...the nurse told me that during the first few days after fet, it's very impt to rest as that's when the embies will stick...no heavy lifting, no exercise until blood test... also cut down on spicy and sour food as we wouldn't want diarrhoea now. So i'm trying to lie in bed as much as i can during these few days...
Hi ladies!

WeiWei, u dun have to thk me cos it was Koala who told me that i muz remember to get the detail results fr the nurse. They also never gave me the details until i asked..so I'm thankful that we can learn fr each other here.

MapleBabies, u wif Dr Loh also? Then me remember worongly cos always thought u r under TMC. U have finally made up yr mind also ah? Like u, prev i was quite unsettled whether to go ahead wif IVF but now i am actually hoping to start earlier. Perhaps shd look at the bright side, can use tis waiting time to do some exercise or take some vits to strengthen the body...but ah..me lazy bum always say but never do.
Ya the whole thing supposed to b 8 wks so if preg earliest is July.
Actually does the lucrin jab always start on Day 1 of our menses?
lily 05,

thanks alot
when u embarking on urs?

weiwei, petal..

hehe..i very night owl leh..maybe i slept till very late in the morning.. (usually ard 11pm) so at nite cannot sleep leh..hehe..

yah..i think i better try to rest more.. i've been going out for the last few days to buy groceries..:p now, feeling a bit bad... should have rested more.. :p

btw..weiwei.. are u with kkh as well? petals..u ?
I'm also quite a night owl too...
But been feeling very tired the past 2 days, could be the crinone. Couldn't seem to get up in the morning. Don't carry too heavy stuff these few days, okie?
Hello all, can i check with you gals? Must do the HIV and rubella test before can start IVF rite? Must this test be done at any particular day of cycle or anytime? And how much does it cost? Thx!
Dream ah, ya lor, already firm up appt to sign consent form and do counselling. Now left the blood tests. For the rubella one, i was told if our immune is no longer there, need to jab and wait 3 mths to do IVF. Aiyo, if i need to jab, then i can only do IVF in Sept leh. U leh? Cleared your rubella immunity test?
hi petals..

yup yup..no more heavy stuff for me already.

what's crinone for..? i wasn't given this drug.. i was given cyclogest.. dunno whether are they the same.. is it some progesterone thingy?

hi Maple babies..

yes.. it's compulsary to do all these blood test before we start on ivf. anytime of the day is fine.. as long as the ivf clinic is open, the nurse can just do it for u.. i dun remember the exact costs but i think should be between $30-60.
Thanks Hopes, what about day of cycle? Eg. like FSH/LH test must do only on CD2. What about Rubella test, need to do a certain day of cycle too? Do u know?
maple babies..

no specific day..anyday also can do..coz the rubella test has nothing to do with our hormones etc.. so.. anytime also can do

yes..both husb and wife must do.. and test results expired in 6 mths.
think diff gynaes use diff forms of progesterone...crinone is progesterone in form of vaginal gel insert. Just had an afternoon nap...so sleepy...
Remember to drink more water and take your folic acid. I'm trying to eat healthily now too, after eating a lot of junk food in the last few months. Hee hee...

oic.. my cyclogest is also progesterone in a bullet form inserted thru the rectum.

i also nap alot leh..hehe.. tat's also one reason why at nite can't sleep.

hey.. we are very much alike... i also very into junks last few wks.. esp fries.. it's like.. everywhere i go..i'll look out for fries.. my hubby calls me a french fry kid! hehe..

hmm... tokking abt food... what kind of food should we eat more of now huh..?
really? through rectum? must be quite uncomfortable...hee hee...
think now we have to eat a proper balanced diet. More vege and fruit, which usually we don't get enough of if u eat out most of the time. Try not to eat anything that might upset our stomachs. Guess anything also can, but in moderation. Dunno if we can take TCM now to help. Any idea?


yah!! i almost died when i first tried insterting the bullet thru my anus... it's so difficult coz even thou i tried to push in as much as possible..i just kept slipping out..aiyoh.. really had a hard time...but now ..okay already.. expert liaoz..hehe..

As for tcm.. i was doing acupuncture previously before the FET and my physician told me no TCM required during the 2ww. she told me once cfm positive then go back for "an tai yao".
