IVF/ICSI Support Group


mine's simliar to urs i guess.

they never say i need to O leh.. didn't check whether i O or not also.. so ours should be the same..

did u take any estrogen tablets b4 FET to thicken ur lining too? Once he scanned for me and it was thick enough, he scheduled me for fet 2 days later. I asked what if I O later, he said doesn't matter as the unfertilised egg will just pass out and will not affect me even if I get pregnant from the frozen embies.

yes..i got this Progynova thingy.. (should be estroegen) for 2 wks to thicken the lining before the FET. in fact, now i still taking leh.. all the way till blood test day.

same thing.. right after the scan..they found it thick enuff.. was scheduled two days later too! such a coincidence hor..? hehe.. or maybe it's the usual FET protocol..hehe..
Hi gals,

Finally O today (D24)!! Going for my ET this Sat morning. This cycle is really very long but am glad that at least I managed to O. Very happy that I need not forfeit this cycle.
congrats vonvon!!

take plenty of rest these few days.. all the best for the ET and have smooth ET!

keep us updated on ur outcome ya!
congrats, vonvon! gd luck for ur fet!

yah, sounds like our case is the same...i'm still on progynova too...

as for me, i'm quite worried now...been having slight tummy upset since yesterday, can't think of anything i ate that could have caused it...hope my embies are still ok...hiaz...
have to cancel my plans for tonight n stay home...

u better stay home and rest...

maybe it's the medication or the sudden change of diet that upsets ur tummy..?

i also leh.. kept coughing.. everytime i cough..i very worried the embies falls out..:p
Hi gals
I am new to this thead but already scheduled for June to start IVF treatment with Dr Loh at KKIVF. I am glad to know we have this active forum on IVF and my best wishes to all of you out there still trying at different stages of IVF.

I am looking for a listing of events following D21 injections, etc...can advise where I can find? I need to plan my leave away from work and see how many days downtime from work. tks!

glad to see u back here
hav a smooth ET and good rest!!


so u r on lucrin now? me wil start on 14/5. any side effect or unusual feelings? is it ur 1st time?
how are u? what are u worried abt? all the sisters can try to help...

welcome to the thread! feel free to ask and we'll try to tell u what we know.
Hi KY...

I'm also under Dr Loh KKHIVF.This sat will be my ER and there will be 5 days MC followed by few weeks away probably till the pregnancy test(D17)...Looking forward to have a good rest,away from hectic work life.

Just wandering what food should I avoid after the ER & ET ?? Wonder is it ok to travel by plane during this period ?

i'm with Dr Loh too..

no no ...no travel while on 2ww. u gotta have constant medication or jabs during the 2ww, better dun travel..
Thanks hopes...

U mean S F Loh right ?? Only seen him once actually during the initial stage.
Quite anxious for this sat.Fortunately hubby is taking leave for the next 5 days too...
yah... SF loh.

so nice.. ur hubby can take leave..

coz .. a bit inconvenient for you to move ard after ER. i remember having such bad cramps after my ER that any slight movement will be very painful. so.. it's nice to have hubby ard those few crucial days..
Thanks gals and Dream! Ok i will email Dr Loh, see what he says, maybe he may even want to see me earlier or order more tests. Then i can do it this mth so that IVF can start next mth. Thanks for suggestion.

And as an update, yea! Blood tests report for hubby and me all OK! We can proceed with IVF if no other major problems.

Deerdeer, are you ok? What happened? Care to share? Maybe we can help? Or at least be your listening ear?
yeah, you will need someone to help you do stuff the 1st couple of days after ER just in case you may have cramps like what Hopes mentioned and may need to lie in bed to rest. I also had very bad cramping the first day. Second day subided slightly and I could walk slowly. Don't do any housework during ur 2ww too ok?

great to hear that ur blood tests are ok! good for you!

i just found some pinkish red discharge on my pantyliner.. any FET ladies have similiar experience..?

i just found some pinkish red discharge on my pantyliner.. any FET ladies have similiar experience..?
Hi Hopes,

May be implantation bleeding? How many days after ur ET now? FYI, I oso experienced spotting on D5, 8 and 13 after ET (If i dun get the days wrong). U may refer back to my past post in FET thread.

it's D10 for me today.. hmm.. okie.. so it's pretty normal i guess..


yah..i will call them up if it persists.. thanks thanks.. ur side so far everything ok..?

Thanks for your advice and concern.

may you feel better now and hav positive results im few days time.
Don't worry, it might go away tmrw as some successful pregnancies also have spotting. Maybe u should try to rest more tonight, then continue to monitor. If tmrw still have brown staining, better call ur doctor to ask him. Usually red staining is more worrying, esp if accompanied by cramps.

Have been reading the past forum posting but is my first time posting here. Just went KKIVF to sign the consent form today and will be start Lucrin start week.

We sign a form to do IVF with ICSI today just want to check is it everyone will need to sign this form or only those doing ICSI? If everyone need to sign how do with know if we will be doing IVF or ICSI? Hope someone can help me with this thanks.

welcome!!when r u starting ur lucrin injections? this menses` cycle? usually Dr will let us sign for both ivf & icsi. coz e gals need to go through a lot of bld test and injections to get e eggs out. we cant just put e egg and sperm together "blindly" and hoping "2 wil become 1". of coz there is a chance of success, but we cant take any risk of failure, too. what my Dr said to me was he wil be doing ivf n icsi together depending on e amt of egg that i produce. if e egg is not enough, they may only do icsi.
hi hopes...
i'm wondering how is the lucrin injection done, issit using the same pen as the puregon injections? and do the amount to inject varies for each cycle?

hi ladies,
anyone under Dr. Loh at kkivf ever emailed him before, which email addr to use (got 2 email addresses on d name card)? my email sent for almost a wk but still no reply yet...
hi weiwei

Thanks for your reply. So do you know if they will tell us before they do ICSI or if they do both? No chance to meet the doctor think will only get to see him when doing ER.

I will be starting Lucrin next Monday.

Saw from past posting you also doing this month? You sign the consent form already?

lucrin jab is diff frm puregon. u hav to draw med frm e val and then jab. otherwise e injection part is e same, jab on e fatty parts.


i wil start on 14/5 only. u r one wk ahead me. ya, all e forms signed already. but havnt go for medical social worker counselling yet. dun hav time leh, but e nurse said must go. aiyo, hav to find a time next wk. u under which Dr?

sori, forgot abt ur Q. :p they said wil let us knw e result, how many good embryos and which is from icsi or ivf. Drs are always veri busy, they hav to run clinics and same time look after those warded pts. i also saw my Dr once only. it's ok for me, ivf center staffs r quite friendly and helpful. if u hav any Qs can just ask them. they r trained in handling probs and Qs during ivf cycles.
hi snowball,

i think Dr loh was on leave for the past week and only back today. he usually responds in a couple of days.

good luck gals!
good question...dunno leh...I have one hpt at home. See if I can resist until the blood test day. But anyway I don't want to test too early also...must be at least 14 days. Since ur fet was earlier, are u going to use HPT to test first? Do we need to have any HCG jab during 2ww?
Hi gals,

I'm new in here, I just had my egg collection yesterday, was rather disappointed that I've only 3 eggs collected even though i'm still quite young, just keeping my fingers crossed that all 3 eggs will be fertilised and tmr's ET will be sucessful.
hi piggy09,
welcome! don't worry too much abt the number, it's more abt quality...as long as your 3 eggs respond well to fertilisation and the cells multiply well... think positive ok? jia you! all the best for your ET tmrw!
hi deerdeer,

i also had brown staining during week 5.... just call the doc and tell him your symptoms, they will advise you accordingly whether to visit the doc or not.

i also leh..just bought one set of HPT yesterday.. tot of testing on D14. coz my blood test scheduled on day 17, so long..:p

i wasn't given any HCG jabs during the 2ww leh.. dunno whether necessary or not..
hi piggy09,
juz to give u some encouragement...a friend of mine had done a fresh cycle and only had two eggs collected and both eggs were fertilised for transfer. Now she is 6 wks pregnant alredy, as wat petals had mentioned, it's the quality tat counts actually.
how are things today? hope ur staining has stopped...take care yah?

my blood test will be on D13...
Abt the HCG jab, I remember getting it last time during my fresh cycle, but this time don't have so maybe don't need.
Hi Petals,

Overlook on thanking you as well, yah think i really having rollar coaster emotions walking through this programme, thanks for reminding me to think and stay positive. Will keep all of you posted of my progress...
hi weiwei

I'm also Dr Loh's patient.

Hi piggy09
Saw that you just did your egg collection. Are you also with KKIVF? Mind letting me know your dosage of puregon and age? Serve as a little reference for me thanks.

oh, i m under Dr loh also. think this thread become Dr Loh's pstients' thread already. maybe should let him join us in e discussion. hee hee....


dun wori abt e no of eggs u hav now. sleep early tonight and hav a smooth ET cm.
ya ya, i also want to knw e dosage and duration of ur lucrin and puregon jabs. although they said e response wil be diff for pp, stil want t hav a rough idea.


tomorrow, oh no, it's today. today is ur ET also, right? must b sleeping nicely ah. hav a smooth ET. remember to ask Dr Loh for HL this time hor
