IVF/ICSI Support Group


thx for supporting me... think tat's e purpose we all come here, to encourage each other.

really hope everone's wish come true, so we an change tis forum to a happy IVFmummy's forum.


all e best t ur ET on thurs. hav a lot of rest, ok? u stil feel painful after they took out eggs? wat kind f anaesthesia they use?


I'm doing the frozen egg transfer. My egg retrieval was done 2 yrs ago when I tried to conceive my son. Now going for my 2nd child with FET, so no need for ER as I still have 14 eggs in storage.

I remembered that they injected me with sedative & I went to sleep for abt 2-3 hrs. Thereafter not painful but very nauseous from the sedative (vomited after that procedure). But don't worry coz' not everyone will react this way.

sori la, thought everybody wil do e fresh IVF, hehehe...but how come they stil need t mornitor ur ovulation? just put in e embryos only, why need to be fastedhow much did they charge to store e embryos?
At first I was also quite puzzled why they still need 2 monitor my O. Then was told that I hv to O so that my unterus lining & hormone level will be prep to receive the eggs.

I didn't ask y need to fast leh. Just do what they told me to do lor. I don't remember the exact figure for storage of eggs leh coz' my hb pays for it.
Good luck for tomorrow's FET! Must be excited yah?

Besides IUI, I went thru one fresh IVF but didn't work out. So now hoping to do FET...
Hello Ladies

Anyone know what to do during puregon injection? Eg. Rest more? Must lie down? Can do housework? Must drink more water (3 liter per day enuff)?

Thanks. I do need the luck. Don't really have time to get excited or anxious over it though. Very busy at work. I'm not that nervous compared to doing the ET during my fresh IVF.


For me, didn't do anything specifically during puregon injection leh. Just as per normal, except after my ER, I rested for 2 weeks (away from work stress) till confirmed preg.

This round of FET, I won't have the liberty to rest for 2 weeks (a lot of work to clear), plus a 14-mth old son to 'torture' me physically when home. So just hope that things will go as smoothly as my 1st fresh IVF.
hi vonvon78

cos i'm a pcos case so i worried about having ohss. that's why I was checking if I need to do anything special..

any pcos have some experience to share??

good luck t u and ur 2 little onessleep early & sweet dreams! at least rest for a few days if cant get 2wks...hope u wil bring us gd news


so where u keep ur embryos? how long can they keep?


did ur Dr knw abt ur pcos? Dr should b able to see wat is ur pcos situation and adjust e meds dosage accordingly.only scan can tel whether u hav ohss r nt. urself cant really do much t prevent it. i had pcos also, and removed 3 big ones through lap.
Hi Joan,
No special things to note during puregon stage. For me, I just injected then continued to go to work as per normal. Like vonvon, I only rested after ER. Don't think there's anything specific you can do to prevent yourself from getting OHSS I guess...

My prozen embies are currently in a pte hospital...not sure how long can keep leh... But looking from vonvon's case, looks like can keep for at least 2 years i think...

Yeah, work can help to distract.
Do rest more yah? Take care!

I'm back home! Dr Loh transferred 1 grade 3 & 1 grade 4 embryos for me (btw, is this grading considered ok?).

He also gave me MC till next Fri but I think I'll go back to work on Mon.


Ur embryos shd be able to be kept frozen for a few yrs. Some ppl wait for abt 5-6 years then transfer to have their 2nd child. How long have u kept urs??

u r back! do take a lot of rest,k?
why nt rest until next Friday? work only wah, everyone can help, but u & ur babies r more important leh?! since e Dr think u need rest until then, why nt?

I want to but thought I might need to reserve some medical leave (only 14 days a yr leh) for preg later on. Else next time if not well or too tired, can take mc to rest at home.

Dunno leh....also feel like resting at home to try increase the success rate.
Hi, you're back!! Hmm, I'm not sure about the diff grading of embies...mine stored for one yr liao. Any pain during the ET procedure? Agree with Koala and Weiwei, you shld rest at home since doc gave u mc until next Fri...I think will help. And I thought it should be counted as hospitalisation leave which you have 60 days per year.
hi gals!
see that there's quite a number of you embarking or already embarked on FET? I will be doing FET coming Mon... Well, just to share my experience, I did 2 IUIs, followed by IVF last year. I was really upset when the IVF attempt failed cos everything looks promising until BFN!!

Fortunately, I had frozen embryos left from the last fresh cycle, so this round, will just need to do the FET. Well, this round, I dare not have high hopes already.. just have to leave it to fate... if it's meant to be yours, it will be yours!

good luck to u! let's support each other during this period and pls take it easy at work! for me, I have informed my bosses and close working colleagues that i'll be on this programme. Although I have 2 weeks of hospitalisation leave, I will still login from home if i can.
regarding your query, I think likewise too... but can confirm for you as sat, i need to go Mt E for a briefing.

ya, u should ask Dr giv HL instead of MC. go and try t ask him tmr, it's for urself n ur babies. company and ur endless work come later, ok? dun make us wori abt u, b a gd gal/mum


dun think ohss wil happen again if u r nt going t use any meds t stimulate e eggs grow. u went for ur appt already? wat did e Dr say?
Hi hi! Great to hear from another person going thru FET!
Good luck for yours!

Hubby and I decided that we'll do FET during my next cycle instead, so will be next mth. This mth will take it easy. How about you? What's your plan?

my 1st appt wif Dr Loh is on next Tuesday, guess all e action only can start after e appt, hehe... HB and i plan t do in early May, if we dun hav t wait veri long lor
wei wei

Talk to Dr Loh if you want to start fast. I heard from the nurse that now KKIVF q is already up to July. KK system is is not like the pte practise that we can start any time. Good luck.


Nice to hear from you again, try not to work and lie down as much as possible in the first week after your FET. We have to relax ourselves so that the embies can get a good place easier in our tummy. Right now the most precious thing is our EMBIES.... so we must help them... we can work any time mah...

Dr Loh didn't give me hospitalization leave leh. Dunno whether can ask him to change to HL instead.

But even if I change to HL, I still have to go back to office. My boss & colleagues know abt this programme that I'm embarking. So, I just hope they won't stress me too much during this period.

Would v much hope to stay home & rest but if I were to do so, when I'm back in office, work wouldn've piled up & I may feel more stressed having to clear them.


No pain during ET.


Yup, we are all here to support one another. Don't worry or think too much. I'm sure you'll succeed v soon.
just checked with Dr Loh (thru' KKIVF nurses) & was told cannot change to HL.

Anyway, I'll just try to be more careful & not to stress myself too much over the next 2 wks at work lor.
Vonvon, take the medical leave first la. if you get preggie, dr loh can give hospitalisation leave one. HL doesn't mean must stay hospital then can take one.

don't worry so much about work, work is never ending. but your procedure is one time only, and each time u go thru the procedure, u have to go thru so much stress, might as well rest well and make it work out right from the start
I've never requested Dr Loh to give me HL. This is the 1st & seems cannot liao. Wonder next time he'll give or not.


U r under Dr Loh too?

Will try to take things easy at work. Since my boss & colleagues know, think (& hope) they will be automatic not to give me undue stress.

THanks for ur concern & advices.
Vonvon, Dr Loh will give one. but once he issued medical leave, he cnnot change to HL and vice versa, and also MC/HL canot be backdated.

I thought you said he gave you medical leave? My advice still the same.... rest....and forget about work for a wihle. :)

You should e-mail to Dr Loh directly and not through the nurse. Of course is not saying that the nurse not helpful, (also depends on who you are asking lah, Sara and Nora are ok) but to reduce "ma fan", they may follow the "book". I also sick of 1 of the senior nurse attitude so don't want to argue with her so much and just e-mail to Dr Loh.

Like mesh said, Dr Loh 100% will give. He is very considerate and good to his patient.

Anyway, take thing easy when you go back to work should be alright.

pls follow Dr's order n take rest til next Fri. dun need t sav MC for ur later on preg. t make sure u wil hav e "chance" t tak more MC later, now u must do watever u can t let e embryos stay in ur tummy. if i was u, i wont care abt e MC, even my MC use up, i hav t tak non-paid leave, i wil tak. compare wif e money and effort we spend on e procedure, MC and work are nothing. unless ur office got a big sofa bed so u can lie down most of e time?

thanks. i also want t see Dr Loh early and start early. nut next Tue is e earliest appt they can giv. hopefully next wk itself i can do all e screening test and able t start e fresh IVF on my next cycle. hopefully Dr Loh willing t help me.
Hi hi everyone!
Went to watch movie today at Vivocity. Saw a cordlife booth there near the playground. Sigh, hope to get preggy soon, then can start thinking about all these baby stuff...

when did u see him? when did u start ur screening? how long it takes frm ur 1st consultation t e date tat booking IVF? my appt is 27/3, a bit nervous...
hi petals,

confirmed for you liaoz... during FET, will not have OHSS, reason being OHSS is a result of oversimulation during the egg simulation process. As we need not go through this process in FET, OHSS will not happen. However, will still feel some bloatedness due to the hormonal medication we'll need to take.

hi koala,
how's things? have you started your ivf prog yet?

so, this is probably your 3rd day after FET? how are you feeling? pls rest at home more if you can... for the first couple of days, is it recommended to rest in bed more?
hi weiwei,

sory 4 the late reply... acty i m half way thro ivf.. n 2morro doing EC so till todate,i hav spend $8,300 incl cpf $$6k ..but in pte hospital,abt 10days of injection.. so vry fast
Hi WeiWei

I seen him in Jan.I hv done my us sonohysterography exam in Feb.(which is yr 1st period after seeing the doctor)The nurse told me tat my q in May
pinky panter

thanks for e info. i acty book appt wif Dr Loh in KKH. u half way doing IVF, how was it? u mean ur ER is tmr? take a good rest tonight, ok? although sure nervous one... haha..... thinking i will b veri veri nervous when my turn comes..........


so u wil be starting ur program soon....so nice u still hav chance t hav piggy babies. dun knw when i can start leh, maybe july...


how r u? u went for bld test already?
Hi gals,

Thanks for all of ur concern. I'm now back in office. Although didn't go office since last Thurs, didn't really hv good rest. Had to take care of my son (carry him, play with him, etc) everyday coz' my MIL fell sick, so unable to help me take care of him. What a great timing!! Also, kena kicked by my son several times when he got excited during playtime.

Haiz~~ told my hb that this time we've to leave it all up to fate liao. Hope that my stomach is strong enough to withstand all these 'impact'. Had crampy feelings (on & off) for a few days. Hopefully my baby (or babies) will survive all these ordeals. Pray for me!!
morning gals

today is my 7th day of puregon so I will be going for my scan tomolo...my tummy feel so bloated now..very uncomfortable..

anyway pls wish me luck tomolo for my scan...
Hi weiwei,

ER is not painful, it is bearable...but i nearly scare out of my life that morning as we are caught in the jam for almost 1hr 30mins, dun dare to seat straight,sleeping position all the way from my house. My appt for ER is 9.30am and we only arrive at 10 am .., so worry that my egg will pop out then all efforts will be gone..

I dun knw if it is a good sign or bad ? Hb sperm cant retrieve ,Heavy rain, traffic jam, late for appt and 13 eggs..

Will be doing my ET on Thurs then i will in the 2WW ...

i m going for my 1st appt wif Dr Loh... going t show him all my previous records summary and investigation results, dun knw wat will he say leh...


do take care of urself and ur babies. hopefully can join u gals soon...


ya, someth wil always happen went we r rushing... dun wori, ur HB also nervous wah, i guess too many of them trying t swim out and get a chance t say hello t u, hmm......traffic jam over there also
dun bother about e rain, u just take it as someone pouring out babies t u, ok? rest well, get urself ready to welcome ur embryos...
lily, weiwei,

Thanks for ur concern. Will try not to think so much & try to relax at work.


I'm sure Dr Loh will be able to help you succeed. Have confidence in him & yourself.

yes, Dr Loh is very professional, helpful & patient. really find confidence in him. after long discusion with IVF center staff n Dr, we got t knw e whole pic and guess what, we wil start on my next cycle, which is in April!! we calculated the duration of the whole process and find out that if i start to mornitor and jabs frm April, i can hav my ET in end of june...i dun knw the whole process need abt 2mth leh!! if i start in july, then maybe i only can gey to do it in Sep...the staff said if today wasnt my 5th day of MC, i can even start now... oh dear!!! cant believe it, so fast!! veri veri happy, hehe......
