IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi. i m new here. my HB and i got married for 3 yrs and still tring for baby. i had ovaian cyst removed in 2005 and my HB has a poor sperm count of 1%. we went through 7 cycles of IUI last yr and all failed.now we r considering IVF. heard frm diff pp about diff Dr and ctr. think of going KK for our 1st try as it is cheaper and the success rate nt so bad.
i was veri veri happy when i found this forum and felt much more secure with u gals. i m planing to do my IVF in july coz i wil b taking annual leave tat time. do i hav to make appt wif dr now r i can wait till May? do i needto take rest after ET? how long i hav to rest, til i get a +ve result?

you have to see the KKH dr and book your ivf now, cos the queue is long, if you wait till May,you might be able to do in Sept only so do book now. KKH gives 5 day MC from ER and as long as you take good care and relax, you need not have to rest till blood test but if you can, of cos better but not a must lah.
hi weiwei

KKIVF is cheaper but the waiting time is very long. U can also check out TMC ,Thomson Fertity Centre ..You can booked to see doctor on yr 2nd day of Mens.and also do a virginal scan. I cant remember how much is the fee but i knw it is almost similiar to what i have paid in KK or slightly expensive by $ 20 - $ 40.
hi pinky panter

do u mean the charges per visit? how about the IVF cost? and any recommendation for the dr?

hi happy

thanx for ur advice, i wil try to book for tis or next wk appt.

Some said 5th days onward...Personally, to be very honest...no one will knows when the embyro(s) start to implant and you can't tell when is/are implanting.
it's really difficult to tel when is the 'big'day of implantation wif IVF. but i knw for nature cycles, it wil occur around day 9.it's like i m answering my own Qs...hehe....wat to do,as we've decided to go for IVF, i m getting nervous and nervous...think of the endless jabs and scans and also many many sleepless nights we'll be going through, i cant remain cool...........
Hi, I'm new to the forum but been TTC since Jan 06. Hubby has low morphology problem, I've done blood test, HSG, but everything seems fine. It's been a long and disheartening process. Been trying to find a support group in Singapore for some time. Glad to find this site. A few of you mentioned Dr Loh, is that Dr Loh SF from KKH? I'm seeing Dr Sheila Loh from KKH but she's leaving for private practice.
ladies. i just book appt wif Dr Loh SF. but too bad they only can giv me on 27/3 coz b4 tat fully booked.

r u seein dr Loh SF also? is he nice? will i have to wait very long for appt?
Hi Kitsune,
Yap! Dr SF Loh is the senior consultant at KKH (RMU). You can see his picture on some posters pasting in KKH for receiving service award. I'm also his patient.Lucky to say I succeed on my 1st try with his help. He is approachable and friendly, also quite popular among our buddies here.

I would like to check with you. Do you sign up for the prenatal package? In week?
How much is the fees for detailed scan in week 20?
Hi weiwei,

Yup, Dr Loh is my gynae. He's very nice & friendly, & a really popular doctor. Which means, long waiting time to see him. Lucky me coz' I succeeded on my 1st try of IVF under him. Going to try for my 2nd child under him too.

How long does it usually take to do the scans at KKIVF? Tomorrow is my 1st scan (D10).

Need some advice! I'm in a dilemma whether or not to tell my boss on this program that I'll be going thru'. If I tell, she will understand my frequent needs to come in late to work & I need not always cook up some excuse. However, I'm afraid that her attitude towards me might change after telling her my situation (this happened when I was undergoing my 1st IVF at another company with another boss).

So, I'm a bit fearful whether to comm or not to comm. Any advice??
hi. vonvon78

i think u should tell her about the program. only if u tel her everyth then u hav a chance of getting her support and understanding. i think she will b happy tat u trust her and be honest wif her.think postively, dear. u wil never knw, she may giv u the ful support and also help to arrange ur working time. it's not nice to hav e same staff but diff excuses for comin late to work every now and then. it will affect ur peformance also. after u tired of cooking up excuses and want t tell her e truth, she may nt trust wat u say already. i strongly encourage u to tel ur boss. for me, i already told my manager about my plan of doing IVF tis yr, tat's why i can hav e 2wks leave in july.i m doing shift work, my manager even said she wil arrange my shift according to my appt timing.tat is sweet,isn't it? :p
Hi weiwei,
I'm also a new patient of DR SF Loh. Have booked for my IVF cycle in June. But I have to go for laparoscopy 1st next month to remove my 2 ovarian cysts. He's really nice. I emailed him some queries about the procedure, and he even replied within the day itself. So you'll book for the July cycle? Now I'm thinking of post-poning my cycle to July also. On the topic of work, I'm actually planning to quit my job after my lap. I work in a v stresful industry where deadlines are short and tough and you're pretty much on call 24-7. I'm thinking if I want to do IVF, I want complete rest and stress-free environment.

I do agree with you. Hmm....will find a good time to speak to her. Like you say, it's tiring to have to cook up excuses every now & then (plus it's going to be rather frequent). Cross my fingers that I will have her full support & encouragement.


If financially you are able to stay home during & after your IVF program, why now? I strongly encourage you to do so coz' you will be free of work stress & thus better prepare your body for the program.
hi, Thanks for the info. My colleague is under Dr Loh SF too but she had two cycles of IVF but unsuccessful so far. But she said he's very nice. I prefer female gynae cos a bit shy. I'm supposed to go for IUI in June but must register in April and do blood test in May first. Anyone of you tried IUI before going for IVF?
HI vonvon,
thank god, i think without me working we can be financially comfortable. i've been ttc-ing for the 4 years already, and keep telling myself that maybe my stressful job was affecting it also. I used to really love my job, but since last year, the company change management,retrench people, and the whole work environemnt change so much that its stopped being a fun place to work. So I decided enough is enough already.

Hi kitsune, I did 1 cyle of SO-IUI last year but was not success. So this year decide to go straight to IVF, cos I'm already 32.
Hi ladies,
I'm new in this thread and have some burning questions.

Just wondering whether it's necessary to go for HSG x-ray? Did anyone proceed with IVF / FET without doing the HSG before? I'm trying to find out more about HSG, as my gynae recommended one, but I thought if I'm going ahead with IVF / FET anyway then don't see a need to do the HSG. Also understand that if I do HSG, I won't be able to do the IVF/FET in the same mth, have to wait for next mth. Me getting kan-cheong so don't want to keep delaying.

Anyone can help advise? Many thanks! Sorry for asking so many questions...
Hi, shazzer
I'm 32 this year too, married in Jan 05. Thought I would have a baby of my own by now. Been putting off SO-IUI because I'm afraid of injections. Plus, my colleague who went for IVF said it's the same type of drugs used and she got very very bloated during her IVF injections. Did you have male factor or female factor? My hubby's morphology is only 4%. My gynae said it's borderline, any lower, should go straight for IVF instead of trying IUI. But since SO-IUI is cheaper than IVF by 5 times, she said can try SO-IUI first.
HI Kitsune,
For me, I have endo and some months I don't ovulate. My HB's normal. Married in 2003. Have u been on clomid? I was actually pregnant in Oct 05 after my 4th clomid + Ovulation monitoring cycle, but sadly foetus didn't develop a heartbeat so had to terminate. I was so devasted. So am moving on to IVF this year. Good luck on your IUI...
Yup, I was on clomid but it didn't help. I'm still trying with clomid until June. So sad to hear that the foetus didn't make it. I would be so devastated too. Especially when we have to try much harder than other people to get pregnant in the first place. Hope your IVF cycle this time will be a success too. Baby dust to you!
hi, vonvon78
did u talk t ur boss already? giv u all e luck.... she better be understanding, if nt u wil also knw wat kind of pp she is loo...

i had my lap 2 yrs back. it's a pretty simple procedure. u need t fast overnight, then on e very morning they wil put u on general anaesthesia, 30 mins or less later they wil wake u up and tel u it's over.u wil feel a bit of pain and also bloated. u can do wat every u want...butur menses wil be irregular for e 1st mth after ur op. after tat every thing wil be fine. so dun worry,okey?

dun rush urself of everyth in a mth. i didnt go coz i had a lap done to remove my ovarian cyst and e dr "by his way" check my tubes and uterus. i think u must find out why u need to do or why nt. did u find out wat's e coz of ur long waiting time for a babe? if is e tube prob, then do sth. maybe u can concieve naturally after e correct treatment?
thanks...i think mine is combi of both male and female factors. My period always irregular. So even if even if I go for HSG, I think may not solve everything. I rather just go straight for IVF if gynae give go-ahead.
Today went for my D10 scan & was told that my follicles is already 16mm & lining is 9mm. However, urine test was negative. Was asked to go down tomorrow for another scan & urine test coz' doc-on-duty said I could O anytime.

But the strange thing is that my menstrual cycle usually very long....abt 45 days leh. What I'm afraid most is that I don't ovulate. Am trying to be more positive & so really hope to O within next wk.

Yet to tell my boss. Today she seems to be in a good mood, so might just try my luck.
Hope she will be understanding & give me full support.

giv u all e gd luck....................
u follicles can burst n release egg any time after thy r 18mm & above, e uterus is gd t receive a babe when lining is 8-10mm. e follicles will average grow 2mm each day, so tat's why i think e Dr said u may O anytime. O does not really depends on ur cycle length but somehow ur cycle does depend on O. dun wori, if Dr Loh think u r ready, he wil giv u HCG jab if stil dun O. me havin e same prob as u when i did IUI. everytime my lovely follicles wil secrectly grow until 19, 23, 25...without "telling" me, so everytime i had to jab myself HCG. does Dr Loh c pt in e wkend? wat if u O in e wkend? e eeg will nt be gd as it may become "too old" and less energy. let me think,hummmmmmmmmmmm, they may ask u HCG to jab urself tis sunday if ur urine test stil -ve, then monday wil be ur ER. wat if u O tml, wil they stil do u on sunday?
hi vonvon,
wow, your follicles grows very well as you only D10. i just came back fr u/s and i hv only 2 follicles measured at 14mm & 11mm each. am in D11. btw, did you on medication? clomid?

then go ahead.as long as u r comfortable wif e Dr's plan. ak ur Dr as many Qs as u can, it's a way of reduce ur pressure, coz u put them all on e Dr..........hehe............

I'm a bit confused with your comments leh. *blur sotong*~~
This is my 1st time doing FET, natural thaw cycle. No one mentioned abt jabs leh. Ai yo, although I've been thru' 1 fresh cycle of IVF, I'm still a blur sotong when it comes to this, somehow just don't get it. Haiz~~

I'm still worried that I won't O leh. Will that happen? What happens when I don't O??

Dr Loh works on Sats too coz' he'll be at TPS.


I'm not on any medication. So, was also surprised that my follicle grew till 16mm on 1st scan (D10).
i did not sign up tat package. the 20 week detail scan is abt $60+. when wil be yours?

soryy for the late reply. i've been busy buying baby's stuffs and looking for baby cot.hv not been reading the thread for quite a while.

did u go for e scan already? i mean our follicles can release egg when our body hav enough of certain hormone.ur test kit is t detect tat hormone level whether high enough or nt. if e hormone nt yet reach e target, e follicles will not release egg and when times up it wil starting to shrink...HCG is e hormone tat wil help t open e follicle and release e egg. normally u wil O 24-36hrs after e jab. tat's e time we do ER.
Hi weiwei,
Well, I'm hoping to do FET this mth. *fingers crossed*

Hi vonvon,
You doing FET for first time too? I blur blur abt FET too... what's the difference betwn the various thaw methods? Do we get to choose? I'm also worried whether I'll ovulate or not. Does it mean that if our follicles don't grow to the ideal size, we can't do FET?

dun wori, dr wil choose e best plan for u. ask e dr watever u nt sure or concern abt, or maybe u can list down all e Qs u hav b4 seeing dr, then ask all at one time. e plan may change half way depends on ur reponse t e drugs if u on stimulated thaw.
i was on night duty for 3 days...so tiring...when s ur appt? is it e 1st time u seeing him? mine wil b 27/3. think hav t do scan n blds again...
Hi Renee,
Not an issue for replying late. My appt for detailed scan is next month lah. Just kancheong and like to find out first. Is the detailed scan similiar to 2D scan, any picture given?
When's your EDD? Happy ShoPping for your Boy Boy.

r u ok? when s ur ER?


ya, i got pimples also... dun like night duty...
u start t take folic acid? my frd said i should start t take now since i m ttcing...

I'm fine. My urine test this morning was positive (D13) & follicle size is 20.5mm liao. Scheduled to do the ET this Thurs. Very happy coz' didn't quite expect this process to be so quick. Will be putting in 2 embryos. Hopefully all goes smoothly from now till I see the 2 positive lines.

Btw, I told my boss last Fri & she was pretty encouraging & supportive. She mentioned that she can re-arrange some of my workloads if I feel too stressed up & she can also accomodate my late arrivals to office. Felt good after telling her. BUT, if I'd known that this progress is so quick (initially thought I need to go down pretty often to do the scans....now only went twice & going for ET liao), I don't think I would've told her. On the other hand, it's also kinda good to let her know what I'm going thru' so that she will understand & try not to overload me too much (hopefully) as not easy for me to conceive.

Yup, this is my first time doing FET. There are 2 thaw methods. The nurses will explain to you in detail after your gynae reviewed ur case & determine the thaw cycle that u r to undertake.

Natural Thaw:
For those who can ovulate on their own, no jabs needed, just scans & urine test to detect O, after which will do the ET, then 17 days later urine test for pregnancy.

Artificial Thaw:
For those who can't ovulate on their own, daily jabs & oral pills required, process will be much longer.

happy for ya
so tmr s ur ER? di thy ask u t fast overnight tonight? hopefully ur ER &ET wil be smoothly done.

my appt is soooo far aaway, can't wait t see e dr and start all e treatments. think i wil hav stimulated thaw later on...dun know whether i can do in May or nt, or i hav t wait til july...limited patience i hav...

My ET is on Thurs. Yes, I've to fast overnight (but can drink plain water).

I can understand your limited patience. It's like u can't wait to start the treatments, get over & done with it, then be happily pregnant.

But why can't u start earlier?
i'm not sure wat's 2D scan. the detail scan just like normal scan but the dr can scan parts of bb body to see is everything normal. my EDD some where mid june.

i stopped IUI treatment last Sep. i was under too much stress and could nt sleep well after my 7th IUI. so HB and i decided to stop everyth for half a year, just t cool ourselves down. i found out dis forum last wk, till then, i knw there r so many pp anxious for a baby like we do. here we can share e joy and tears, really feel encouraged frm u gals.

i want to start in May coz i believe we still hav t go through all e screening b4 any treatments. somemore we need t see e dr 1st. so i think f i start t plan now, May should b e best time. but heard tat i hav t wait quite long coz a lot f pp?

I see....can understand the need to cool urselves. Don't worry....u have all of us here to share the joy (hopefully no more tears from now...only tears of joy).
Thanks for the explanation on the thaw methods!
Great to hear you're going for your ET this week. All the best, yah? I know what u mean about your hesitation in telling your boss...but now that she knows, she'll be more understanding...don't worry. Hope you strike this time! jia you!

I had one failed IUI too...then my 2nd attempt, my follicles didn't respond to clomid. Never mind, we'll encourage each other in this forum ok? We are all wishing for the same thing...
