IVF/ICSI Support Group


Here we go again, round and round, we are back isn't it? :)

Anyway, it only shows that you are normal. The first time is always the best??? cos you know nothing, just sotong, following instruction, dunno about side effects, dunno about any complication that IVF brings you. But now that you know one fact that is IVF is not a sure strike thing (30%) therefore always hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

You have strike before, you done tests to show that you can get pregnant, it is only sooner or later, of course it is good to be soon than later cos of mental and financial reasons but then again, if you wanna strike, you have to go thru it, wanna strike TOTO or 4D, you got to go and buy isn't it, just be scare or find it troublesome becos the queue of the Singapore pools line it too long, cos once you strike, the joy that brings you is worth it.

I believe the process itself is okay but is the result that we fear? since it is the result then you have to bear in mind that this time, you got fail again, but next time you got strike, if fail, then do again, if strike then congrats.... celebrate. It is easy said than done to be positive. Just talked to Koala and we all go thru same things, you dun want to be positive not becos you are not positive, just that wanna be more prepare for the worst so that during the process, it is more bearable, frankly speaking, I know how to be positive or how to be negative, but I also know the facts and reality so I learn to accept things as they come, if strike good, if not, either try again or think of other solution or even accept the fact to be childless, either option does not change much for my current life, i still life as happy as possible with my family and my hb, I find joy in other things :) I am grateful that I am in singapore now that I can still do IVF in comfort, I am grateful that now I can still pay for my own IVF treatment, I am grateful that I do not suffer great complication or side effects, I am grateful for all the things I have now. But I still think that my chances is only 30% so am i negative???? Go ahead and blah, we miss that from you anyway :)

Thanks you so much....advices from u gals really do comfort & make me feel better...I'll try to stay HAPPY and RELAX for the process...

PP, yes going for FET tis mth (crossing my fingers and hoping that i will ovulated normally as I will be going for natural cycle.) How abt u?
keep an open mind. this is what my hb always tell me thru out all the attempts. the more we think the more we stressed. i think it's ok to share wt your hb how you feel now. this will actually bring the 2 of you closer. he will sure understands.
Hi hi!! hope you are doing good now.

me just had my 24weeks apt 2 days ago. things are going well for us. and i managed to see my bb moving his lips during the scan. as if he's talking..... when will you be going for next try? hope al of you here will get good news soon ya.
I was given an appt to do scanning at ADC in week 19. Can pls share what is the scanning for? Why not in Dr's room?

Nanz & Happy,
Goodluck! Your determination will pay off one day.
the 2oth week scan it's a detail scan. they will check bb's sex,lips, bones, organs, brain, limps..... basically is to see is the bb growing normally. it will take quite sometimes for the scan. also tat the scan machine at Dr's room is not meant to do the detail scan. and the Dr at ADC is specializ trained to do the detail scan job.
Hi ladies, I'm new here... after 4 years of TTC, with many rounds of clomid + several So-IUI, we've decided to go for IVF... have already made an appt with Dr SF Loh at KKH for 1st consultation this Wednesday. I've done my research on it and know that the process is not easy, emotionally, physically and mentally. I
work in a v stressful industry and I've kinda confirmed 80% that I want to quit my job to fully commit myself to this.
Just wanna find how many ladies here are working or not? Thanks in advance! Shazzer
Hi nanz,
not this month... down with infection so think need to rest for a while....

renee, TALKING!!!?? wow.. hmmm really looking forward to experience it myself.... must take good care... have you think of any names?

Poor girl...hope u are on the road to recovery!

Hello 0405,

Good luck to u! Personally I feels going thru IVF is just like taking a ride on a 'emotions rollercoaster', there's ups & down times. Hence it is impt that your hubby is supportive and cooperative during the process. BTW, Some of us here are working and some are not so really depends on individual.

didn't see you today leh, was there at 7:30am, first patient and then after that went in straight, maybe will get to see you during one of the jab.

I am new here. Been TTCing for abt 1.5yrs but still got no good news. HB has been diagnosed with v poor morphology and count and I have been diagnosed with PCOS and hypothalamic amenorrhea. My gynae suggested to me to go SO-IUI but he did mention chances will be low due to male factor and IVF might not work well for us at all. He suggested 3 rounds of SO-IUI and then if all else fail, proceed to only combined IVF/ICSI.

Was wondering what's the diff and yr opinions whether u tink I shd go ahead with SO IUI or straight to IVF/ICSI. Coz frankly, I dun tink SO IUI will help us TTC at all.

Any one got similar situation like me?

i was there at 745am on tues. Today dun need to go. wat time will u be there on fri. fri need to go back at the same time. mine shld be slow process as grow by 0.5mm and lining at 7mm on tues. Hope u doing fine, feeling uncomfy. Rmbr play kiasu tis time...rest and sleep more. O yes, try to drink hot soup or drink b4 the process on fri. Tat wat BB & Angel did. Delifrance on level 1, but dunno so early open or not. Maybe jus drink the hot coco! hehe...

since chances of IUI is low, might as well save the money and proceed for IVF/ICSI. I am puzzle why did ur gynae still ask u to go thru 3 rounds of IUI since he is aware that chances is low. You may also consider one round of IUI b4 proceeding to IVF/ICSI. Jus my personal views. :p

dun u find tat whenever in the process u will always find tat things dun go smoothly like tat. Maybe is due to our anxieties tat why we feel this way? Like my case, Jan got O on D16, then Feb i dun expect it to be early then kanna O on D13. Then tis mth hope can O early, but hor still no O yet leh at D13 today....
relax relax rite..maybe i too tense and excite liao...can't wait to see the double line.

IUI charges per round is like $700 depending on where you do, I think you might wanna check with other gals cos I heard got $1000 plus too, bear in mind that IUI success rate is like 12% only, IVF rate is about 30%, usually 3 rounds of IUI is becos even for normal couple w/o any fertility problem, you might not conceive with just 1 or 2 rounds, my two cents worth of thought is if you think you are not prepare to wait further or just wanna go thru 1 or 2 rounds of IUI, might as well straight to IVF. The anxiety for the 2 weeks wait is the same but procedure for IVF is much complication.

IVF needs daily injection for about a mth and under sedation to take eggs out, more side effects and complication and of course the charges range from $7000 public hospital to $10000 over for private.

It is up to you and your age too, if you are still young, you might want to go with IUI first but if you are like 30 years old, you might wanna start on IVF soon cos age does play a part on all these treatment, do read more on both treatments and ask your gynae as much question as possible to clear your doubts, a good gynae will be able to advise and answer you properly so to aid your decision but final decision still lies with you.

this thread that you came to, most of us have tried IUI and failed, so you might wanna go to IUI thread and find out more too :)

7:45am? changed and waited in the mini op threatre liao, friday will be there at 8am but guess will reached 7:50am. PP said the nurse told her that as long as linning got 8 and above, is okay. your process is okay, by friday shd at least have 8 and early next week, you can put in liao, please lah, now it is only D13, you said too that you have o on D16, imagine the last time, mine was D26 leh, no need to care about o, as long can o, you can put in and linning on tues is already 7, why you worry?
Hi Tweetie, hehe, bump into u here ... err ... i agree with you and Witty and Happy leh. In fact, i thot IUI is not more suitable for poor sperm morphology but IVF+ICSI suits more?

Cos IUI or even SO-IUI still require good numbers of normal sperm and only assist to put these good ones (hopefully alot so that higher chance) inside you; then from there its really up to the spermies whether they are strong enough to swim up to egg leh. So, fertilisation is not even guarantteed at all. There may be chance, spermies swim into wrong tube and dont meet egg or spermies not strong to enter egg etc ...

Whereas IVF ensure eggs and spermies meet. And even if normal fertilisation cannot be achieved after putting them together, ICSI can be used to ensure fertilisation. So half the battle is won, then just have to put the embryos inside you and grow it further. So IVF better leh, seems to me at least.

Further the costs of IVF is high and still require initial cash outlay that can be claimed from CPF but only at end of the whole thing. So unless you have spare cash after budgetting for a few more IUIs before IVF, might as well save all the funds for the big thing? Thats what i am doing now, skipping IUIs to save the $$ for those initial cash outlay required by IVF.

My two cents lah ... another thing that i favour IVF is its not so stressful for hubby. I rather take the stress cos i think if he is stressed, he may not produce enough or good quality spermies for IVF.
Tweetie ah, update u abit, i made appt with Dr FCW already. Hope he can give me a third opinion on my condition since both my current gynae gave conflicting diagnosis. If i get an 'all clear', i will still try naturally till June where my IVF is scheduled to start. Then i will go on to IVF already. In fact, i am signing consent forms next mth.

hi ladies, feel tat i shld share a stupid joke wif u girls tat happen during my 1st scan...though oledy told BB liao...after my 1st scan on mon, i came out of the room worrying and ask the nurse a qns: AM i not normal, why oni one egg huh? Then the nurse look at me and say: u shld be happy with one egg, if more egg then got problem? Then i ask, but during my 1st cycle i got so many eggs leh...hahaha...after a while then i realise my stupidness...haha u gals catch the joke?? Guess i really need to read up and know more abt our body. Damn sotong rite! Hope by naming 'witty' i can really be smarter! hahaha

you are used to having many eggs :) ha ha ha.

you are lucky you can o naturally, I will have problem, FET to me not much different from fresh cos i need assistance else cannot do FET
hello all,
I went to see Dr Loh at KKH yesterday, hoping to start on IVF cycle soon. But because I have 2 cysts, Dr wants me to go for Lap 1st. Also because my CA-125 blood result is quite high. The thing is my past 2 Drs who knew about my cysts and blood result have both said that there's no need to remove. Now, i'm v worried about the Lap and most importantly the result... Although I have already booked to start my 1st IVF cycle in June.

Tweetie, I did 1 round of SO-IUI last year, not success, this year just go straight to IVF. I know its stressful, but I really do want it and plus I'm already 32 this year. And like my previous posting, I'm even planning to quite my job for this.

sometimes cysts can affect the implantation, if you are uncomfortable, maybe you like to seek another gynae advise and how big is your cysts? what is CA-125? what does it affect? now only mar, if you do lap now, can still do IVF in june. Lap is a very minor day surgery so need not worry so much and thru lap, dr can access your whole uterus and tube too, I have 2 gf who did a lap for removing cysts and then the next cycle, they managed to conceive becos the uterus is now very "clean"

pls bear in mind that ivf success rate is about 30% so do prepare for it. Personally for my case, I will quit my job only when I really cannot stand the job scope, salary etc.. but IVF is usually not my reason, cos I cannot be quitting all the time as I know it will take me a long time or several attempt to reach motherhood (if I can lah) and I am the type that cannot sit still for long, IVF will not take up my time so the rest of the time, I will be very bored and that will cause me to think too much again :) I need a job to take my mind off it :)

It is a personal choice to quit or not.
Hi Witty/Happy/0405/MB,

Thanks for sharing.... I actually tot of doing one round of SO IUI and if fail, then I will proceed to IVF. I am 28 and turning 29 oredi and dun wish to delay lor. But only obstacle is HB who is in a stressful industry and his soldiers r v poor due to genetic makeup and even brought lower by his job stress.

I dun tink he will quit so soon and coz of this, I cant even proceed with IVF at all. I guess now, I juz nid to lie low for a while n build up my health for IVF.

Thanks for all your advice and jia you!!!


Really ah? When u gg? I m gg down nxt wk to collect more metformin coz not enuff supply for my trip.
Keep me updated yah
so bored, i think it is the boredom that will kill me not the anxiety .....:-(, think next time they shd set up a day care centre for 2ww ladies so that we can kill boredom together in a comfortable area with our own bed and maids to serve us nice meals. we can activities like movies marathon, mahjong, yoga, shoulder massages etc....

Aminah, I want 3 half boiled eggs and apple juice etc... and evening time, hubbies will pick us all up for dinner and go home
Hi happy,
So you're on your 2ww? Wish you all the best! I've decided to go ahead with Dr Loh's advice and proceed with the Lap 1st. At this point I'll do whatever it takes to conceive. About me wanting to quit, its not only sole becasue of IVF. I work in an already stressful industry and since the beginning of the year, my job scope has changed to take on the roles of 3 other people who were retrenched and my new boss is super demanding and kan-cheong. Before, I told myself cannot leave until I find another job, but now I cannot take it anymore. I guess with TTC/IVF, at least I have something else to think about also.
So you're on leave now? Take care, and good luck...

Yr day care centre for 2ww can take in preggie ladies ? me also bored like hell but not in good form to move around lei. So finally all are 3 top quality or 2 gd and 1 lousy grade?

can understand your stress on that kinda of job, we have a gal here who quit when she is doing IVF but meanwhile in the mist of it, she looks for a better job and set the starting day one day after her blood test and she is having a pair of dragon phoenix now, so you might wanna do that :)

According to some gals' who are dr loh patients too, usually he will not advise lap unless necessary, in fact a lot of gynae like to suggest lap just to do a thorough check on you cos they say thru U/S cannot see all too. So dun worry so much, I had 2 laps done before, one just told me i got PCOS so wanna drill my ovary to let egg comes out easier and the other one said that might have infection due to the first lap and the first lap not done by him so he dunno and he also wanna go in and see too, funny right.... that time I ignorant so since they are doctors I listened to them lor, now I always checked and checked, asked and asked.

no leh, didn't get much of a choice to slowly chose my grade, Dr loh just asked me for the final decision on 3 or 2, he said if triple, dun blame har. Then the 3 embryos were chosen by embryologist already in advance.

I heard from Koala that dr will asked you how many you wanna put in, write it there, give the form to lab and then lab take out, but mine very simple today, the last time Dr loh somemore said he will let me chose me own Joan, Tom, Peter etc.....but I think more or less gonna be like this lah, nothing much to discuss or chose too so in the end, they put in 3 grade 4 for me

okay okay, day care centre can incl preggy but that is for 2 weeks only, after 2 weeks, you are on your own again, more than that I think you also bored in day care liao lah.

thought you got plenty of activities one, you forever at home wat, nearby my place,doing drilling and pounding job for new site of condo, everyday pound pound pound, until i cannot sleep and rest too, my heartbeat pounding in rythem with them already, headache.

why are you tryin to scare me like dat? :) Dr loh told me if triplets dun blame huh. I am phobia of multiples too but dun think as lucky as you, done a fresh and FET, did not even strike leh, so this time, gan gan put in lor. Aiyo, dun think so much first lah. over 70% chance of negative leh, high chance of failing again :-(
happy, think positive. i have faith in dr loh's hands. kekeke.... initially when we found out triplets, we kept mumbling how? not enough leave.... preterm and so on.... dr loh also told us you asked for it... we got nothing to say also... cos its true... we asked for it. haha

you take care and rest more hor and drink more water. try not to go out at all this 2 weeks if possible. and eat well. i'm so anxious for you!

Strike! strike! strike!

I rmbr I did this to Renee & BB, and they strike!

So when my turn, pls do it to me oso!

Haha...good luck...

Dont start to talk negative hor!! Anyway very proud of you to come this far, know it was not easy. Asking u to stay home for 2 weeks is asking for yr live, but at least for a few days until implantation is over. U try to imagine la, these 3 fellows inside wondering around and looking for a gd place to stick on
so u dont disturb them ok.


Yes i rem yr strike strike strike! Thanks again! Promise promise will do the same for u. Can u imagine if all of us are pregnant, there will be so many piggies and we will hv so many things to talk.

Congrats! Is this yr first IVF? cos I rem there was a girl in this thread who was reluctant to try IVF, her name was M something so was wondering if u r the one.
no it was not me. its my 2nd fresh.

i was having problems with these 3 little ones inside me, so mia for a while. triplets is no joke. :) thnk a few days ago, i came in, happen to see that you strike too. Congrats!! how many weeks are you now?

Ok sorry got the wrong person. Triplets meaning triple job but 3x the joy as well when u see 3 cute faces. On top of that after this round can close factory. The last time i saw this lady at the clinic with triplets, she told me that she really took very gd care of herself during her pregnancy (lots of rest & gd diet) so her babies though were born a bit under weight but they all 3 are very healthy. U too muz try to do the same.

I will be 12 wks soon, 2 more weeks to go and i will be over 1st trimester. I wait until neck long long
wow, you are in your 2ww!!! counting down for you ya. You don have to stay at ho,e thru out the 2ww one. if you feel like going out to take a walk by all means. On the 3rd day of my 2ww i still went all the way to JB for my cousin's wedding. then the following days i still went around to takashimaya, and other places to slowly walk walk and shop shop. so do keep an open mind and stay relax. Be happy like your name. hehe..... i hope my babay now cann grow healthy and see him in 3 months time. you can too. I hope my baby can learn japanese from your babay ok.
Hi gals,

Will be starting my FET process soon. 1st scan is gonna b tis Fri (D10). Initially was asked to go for artificial thaw by the nurse, then Dr Loh told me that I can proceed with natural thaw (which after hearing so, was very relieved coz' not prepared to go thru' the needles over again). But my period usually is abt 40 over days, so means my O may well be day 20 or 30 plus. So, does it mean I've to go down to KKH many times or the betw interval will be longer? Also, is the urine LH done at home or have to go down to KKH?

Can anyone roughly tell me how many times I may need to go down to KKH till the day of the ET? My only worry now is how I'm suppose to inform my boss of these many time offs that I may need to take (without telling her the actual reason) so that I can think of a valid excuse.

Will Dr Loh give hospitalization leave after ET? I think my success for 1st try of IVF is due to the fact that I rested the entire 2 weeks after the ET. So, I wonder if he will give hospitalization leave (not medical leave) for this purpose.

you can go down to do scan before you go to work, many of us did that, they starts from 7:30am, for hospitalisation leave, you need to email or see the doctor to tell him about your situation, the KKH procedure for FET is like 1 day or so, for more, need dr's approval.

depending on the size of your follicles, you do not have to go down everyday, only nearer to ovulation, then they will monitor you closer else 2,3,4 days one scan.

Hi happy,

So when nearer to O, I will hv to go down to KKH daily for urine test? I can't do the test at home?

I'm worried abt these frequent morning visits to KKH coz' not sure how to comm to my boss abt turning up late at work without telling her the truth (in a dilemma whether to reveal the truth or not). Not so flexi at my workplace.
