IVF/ICSI Support Group


yes, i poked in sitting position and i will squeeue out a layer of fat for my hb to poke, problem is when that area that he poked is not pain, the next day, i use back the same area, if i change places, most likely will be pain.

usually lucrin for 14 days then blood test and scan to check on the suppression, if it is okay, you can start your puregon for usually 14 days too, in between you will go back for scans to monitor the growth of the follicles and final injection of pregnly to release the eggs for Egg Retrieval and 2 days later to transfer the embryos, lucrin is not expensive, puregon more expensive and depends on the dosage, by now, your dr or nurses shd have already briefed you on the charges right?, during this IVF, you are to do safe sex, other than that, you can continue your normal activities, only rest after embryos transfer.

You eat fat fat or not? If not no flesh for cushion.
OK REN for another few weeks, hopefully after this round you will never ever need to poke yourself again.

dunno if it is the lucrin that made my body aches and headaches and find it more and more cranky these few days, hot flushes starting yesterday too, that's why I hate to drag this thing too long.
i was also on 3 weeks lucrin during the 1st try. so you are not the only one ok.

As for the shichida book i dono whwere to do the phtocopy leh. you know me lah. very gong wt places in singapore one. the more i wont know where is right place to get good price to do photo copy. sekali end up more ex than buying a new book itself. i can lend the book to you and you go do a copy lah. but you must return me quick one hor. cos every now and then i still need to refer to the book. by the way the book is in chinese. so far there is no english edition in the market. tat's y some mothers go choose to read glen doman one.

Where u find a bk on foetus education? do you find the shichida better than glen doman?


How can you suggest to play majong when you are so cranky??
me cannot la, now my condition must stay zen one. I am less cranky now but when i lost my cool, i think i can burn down the house
after that also think i am a bit siao, how can i get angry over small matter!! So poor hb now really dont dare to challenge me.

Hey tell u me since 1st day CNY me keep on losing leh (feng tu bi shu) when playing mj... Not a good start for me leh on 'heng chai'..dragon suppose to be 'wang' leh ???...sob sob...think i need to take some 'flower bath'.

Hey u are the queen now....so hubby is at ur command..'Your Highness'...hahaha...

Chiam liao..sian liao..tummy got crampy feelings..
AF may be approaching....hiaz...
my cousin intro me to this book one. shichida books will only tell us briefly wat to do. but the real method we must pay money to attend the course to learn. only the basics home practice he teach in the book. i'v never read abt glen doman book. so i cant comment. only know they are abt the same thing.
national library has the book, you can borrow from them. rather than buy. cos not all have the patience to read chinese.

Think positive!! knowing u hv no luck, at least u will stop gambling mah. Touchwood hor, but if u hv AF this mth, meaning u will do FET in march? I was thinking if u are not going to do FET yet maybe should ask yr hb to take some chinese herbs to PU since u hv no problem with ovulation. BTW Yrs was IVF or ICSI? Mine was ICSI cos shell of the egg very hard. Chinese sinseh told me if hb sperm not strong enough usually cannot penetrate into the egg to fertilize. If he does not want to see sinseh, maybe you can cook Tong Con Chao for him. This was prescribed for my hb by the chinese sinseh at Clementi

OK thanks. Will drop by at the library this weekend. yes is true, reading chinese can be very tiring if we are not use to it. I was at Borders today, saw 1 of the GD book, not cheap also, around $60+. Wa is quite a lot of money if you want to buy the whole set.

me have the GD books how to teach your baby to read and how to teach your baby maths and also find printers to print some flash cards to flash to my nephew, have not print yet, but will print soon, cheaper this way, renee, one of these day borrow the book from you over the weekend :)

BB, dun bother to go library to find the Glen doman books, all out for loan, you need to reserve them thru the internet and then library will inform you to collect, the last time I reserved, I am number 7 in the queue and some popular one like how to teach your baby to read, queue can be like over ten persons, so by the time you got the book, your bb almost time to come out but just nice too lah :)

Mine oso ICSI. So mine maybe same problem as u?

Cos hb sperm is average and I have no problem with Ovulation. Doctor oni say tat time we two are normal jus tat egg & sperm has problem merging. She nvr tell me abt 'hard' egg shell leh. Just say undetermine fertility problem.
Ummh, so u mean I jus go to any TCM then buy the dong Con Chao? How to cook? Is it very expensive?

Me still considering FET. Tis mth or next mth..or later... Abit draggy tis time... Finanically and oso emotionally dunno why...cant tell..i abit 'siao' liao...i may jus do it lor..aiyo..really I siao liao, dunno wat i wan! U know my past experience then abit sceptical as If do FET, the embies are from the same batch, will the same thing happen...will i be so unlucky again...hiaz..me so no confident hor!

Can I give him Brand chicken essence with dong Chong Chao huh? when i buy Brand Chick essence i rmbr saw one tat put with dong cong chao.

Totally understand yr hesitation to do FET, indeed u had a bad expereience. But eventually u hv to move on if u still hv hope for a baby. Dont torutre yourself with what ifs, pregnancy is a diffult process for every women and there are lots of reasons why it doesent always work. Talk to others that had the same experience but hv move on, think it will help u.

I just learned fr Blur how to make the chicken essence with TCC, dont know if it is gd for guys. I am not gd with PU stuff so cannot help u, maybe can check with Renee or the medical hall. If u buy TCC from medical hall no need to buy 1 liang which cost a few hundreds dollars, (if u r on tight budget) u can buy 1 qian etc. I see u so hardworking every mth to checking for 'O' that's why i feel maybe yr hb side can also do something abt it. Clementi sinseh sell the TCC in a pill form so it was easy for my hb to take. If u are planing to take fresh TCC once a wk, i think is cheaper than to see him for his pills.

U also another hardworking auntie lei. Can print 1 set for me or not? What kind of library we hv, must wait so long one!!! Ok will try to reserve the books, is ture la i can afford to wait.
Hi ladies,

I'm thinking of doing FET too. Went for checkup last Thurs & took blood test. Nurse told me today that I'm not ovulating on my own so can't do natural thaw. So, does it mean that I've to take the jabs (on tummy) everyday? Can someone feed me with more details? Tried to speak to the nurse but she blabbered so fast & was in such a hurry that I've no chance to clarify further.
hi vonvon,

u would have to do an artificial thaw cycle if you do not ovulate on your own. dr will likely start you on birth control pills on day 2 of menses, lucrin jabs will start on day 14 of pills until 3 days before FET (abt 4 weeks of jabs), oestrogen pills for the uterine lining has to be taken for 2 weeks before FET, a couple of scans to check follicular activity and lining and 1 blood test. all in, takes abt 6 -7 weeks befoer FET can be done... alot more steps as compared to the natural FET..
Hi Vonvon

Think cookiemz has given you the necessary info. So when u intend to proceed wif your FET? How is yr boi getting on. Time flies, oready 13 mths old, rite?

My menses was very regular but was not ovulating when i was doing my FET. I was only given Clomid, no injections needed. I start clomid on my D2 and transfer was done on D15. Mine was done at gleneagles not KK

Thanks for the info. Do I have to take the Lucrin jab for soooo long (4 wks)? How come it doesn't seemed to have taken that long when I was doing the fresh egg retrieval?


Hi....yup....intend to try for my 2nd one but didn't expect myself to have to go thru' the jabs again. I thought just natural thaw cycle would work for me. So, in a way, not prepare for this mentally (even though I've gone thru' this before).

Haven't actually firm up with my hb if we should really go thru' this again. But I was telling him that if we don't, we will never have one on our own (coz' both of us have problems...so just as good as resigning to fate of having only 1 son).

Yup....my son is already 13 mths old (u've very good memory).


U din have to go thru' all the jabs for FET? Just on Clomid huh? So was yours successful? I was asking the KKIVF nurse if I can go ahead with the transfer w/o taking the jabs but she said cannot as it's standard procedure. I've a feeling that it can be done but just that KKH doesn't practice that.

Yes it seems that KK use jabs for FET and i find it puzzle as well since Clomid can help with O too. I remember in the beginning my doc did tell me that jab is the last option so he wanted me to try clomid first. Yes mine was successful, thank god!! If u do not want to jab i think u should speak to yr doc personally instead of asking the nurse cos u know la they go by the book. Good luck!
ya last night we ask abt the package. bu the nurse told us the price stil not out yet. and normlly delivery package only sign on week 30. so wil do it on next apt. so funny. last visit told us to sign during next apt, then last night wan to sign, they told us next visit again.
hi gals,

for a min, I forgot I am "happy" not used to new nick :)

but hor, puregon will produce more discharge? and my lower stomach heavy and sinking feeling, is it that eggs is growing bigger? like ovulation coming or menses coming that kind of sinking feeling, know what i mean? especially if you stand too long then sit down, you can feel the ache in the lower stomach more obvious and abit like wanna vomit? abit feel floating floating? you all got these kind of things or just me "think god think ghost"

see I know you still lurking around, that's why i lure you out :)

I wanna be happy mah, that's my life motto and I hope to live by this motto so just change to this nick :)

these days, when i cannot sleep at all becos of the aches, I will scream to my hb "Not happy" and he will start his massage session, really like rheumatism leh, aches so deep inside, the joints all got crack crack sound.....

U make puregon sounds so scary lei. My stomach was bloated but i dont think i hv this "sinking" feeling that u metioned. Maybe yr aches is due to tension, can consider going for real relaxation massage to see if it help u. Poor girl, u ren for another 1 week +, very soon will be over.
thanks for the info.
i think we can always call kkh to check wt the staffs. no need to ask dr Loh lah. he already so busy wt patients. i believ the staffs can give us a better answer.
Hi Vonvon

Cos u delivered just before CNY last year mah.

Luckily, i managed to hv two natural FET, no need to go thru all de jabs again. Too bad, i hv not balance stock liao, so can oni hv 1 son nia.

I rem last time i hv serious headache everyday when i am on Puregon, painkiller did not help so finally i end up doing Acup. One treatment only the headache stop completely. Can consider to try? Maybe can help u sleep better at nite.

no problem sleeping now, only before sleep, will feel the aches sharply and no issue on the headache cos the min I took OCP and on lucrin, has headache all the while since then, headache is something I used to liao, I am getting more and more tired, 11 pm sleep, 8:15am wake up still sleepy. Everyday a bit floating around like that, this time not so comfortable also mainly becos in the past, every two, three days I go for scan and blood test and get to see the dr every time and any discomfort, dr said it is normal so I am okay, this time more side effect and only on 8th of puregon then go for u/s so wonder if I am doing okay or not? I did not go for acp this time also becos of time constraint, busy and do not wanna add stress to it, rush here, rush there, might as well relax, been doing javanese massage every week already :)

I am fine, just wanna confirm that puregon do give these side effect cos last time on gonal F not so much side effect. Yesterday when wipe the discharge, it is like egg white but inside got very very fine lines of blood, wipe again can't see liao cos the first wipe, alot of discharge can see but after that, bit by bit cannot see liao, i also ignore, think it is okay lah.

dr loh must be so busy so busy, in the past email him take average 1 to 2 days reply, this time, 3-4 days liao no reply.....jialat, dun wanna him be so busy leh..... unlucky again, everytime my turn sure something happen to normal sequence :-( peh peh peh, bad ones go again, good ones come....

I rmbr I oso experience blood stain and tat was on the ET day itself. I rmbr I was changing into the suit b4 proceeding to the theatre for the ET. SO i went pee 1st and gotta a shock when i see those stains. Tat time i panick and thought cham liao got blood dun tell me cannot do...but hor when i check with Sara she say is ok but cant rmbr the reason for this thought i think she did explain to me.

I may sound silly, but dunno why tis time round i feel so stress up...process not even started and i feel like crying each time when i think of it...very scare...i know i should not be like tat as i may be sending the wrong signals to my body, but i just cannot control for feelin so stress up. I rmbr during the 1st time i was not like tat. I think ultimately i still need mental support here from u gals. The only place I can blah blah blah like nobody business. Dun even wan to tell my hb cos i wan him to be positive cos i know my mood will sure affect his and he may stop me for going thru the whole shit again. Know how to comfort ppl but dunno how to do so myself. This time round i have not brief to any of my family or colleagues cos intend to keep low key so tat will not have additonal stress cos if tell them they will sure follow up with me on the result. +ve then gd but wat if -ve leh. Perhaps i am still not mentally prepare but i dun wan to drag further...here i go ali baba again...

Heard Sheila is leaving or left, so maybe yr Dr Loh got more work to do now. Yes i was very tired also during the Puregon period. I agreed with nanz "Xian Ku Hou tian". U take it easy at work, try to eat snake if u can. BTW i told TSB u are in Japan

Will ask Dr Loh if can do w/o the jabs, instead with Clomid. But I guess KKH have standard procedure, so might not be able to do so.


Well....at least you remembered that I delivered just before CNY. Considered very good memory liao.

Good for you that you can opt for natural thaw cycle. For me, I still have 14 eggs leh...but really don't feel like going thru' the jabs again but I want to have another one. How??

I'm also worried how to go for the scans every now & then without telling my boss abt this. Sure will report to work late mah. For my 1st time, I told my previous boss, thus arrangements were easy.

I think is the same for everyone, very excited but on the other hand full of anxiety. I am not sure if it is a gd idea not to share with yr hb how u feel cos i feel their support is most important. U muz find ways to handle yr stress and to movtivate yourself. For example by telling yourself u will strike on the 3rd try so 1st, 2nd time is just a process and no stress if is not sucessful. Or remind yourself how lucky u r that u do not hv to go thru injections and pain etc. U muz be strong girl!! and u know u hv a lot of listening ears here ok. Send u a Big kiss!
i didn't come in for more than 3 months liao...just nice come in see you change name leh...so lucky...if not i'll be wondering who's this happy....

Gals i am back... after a long long busy period....

I did not really enjoy my new year man..... busy with work and sign down with infection after infection....

Imagine within 2 months i am down with 3 infections now finally back to normal....

Hey did not follow the threads...... so pls update me if i am toooo lag behid.....

Yvonne, why change nick? Happy Sow!!

Nanz, you doing your FET this month?

BB, How is your babe??

renee, Blur, must meet again to see your babes photo......

