IVF/ICSI Support Group

I was hoping the Indian nurse was there to help me with the jab. She was not on duty. The last time I went, she talked to me to distract my attention before she put in the needle. This round was a Chinese nurse. Can't understand her English or Mandarin.

I teased my hubby if there was 2 sofas and a room in the sperm bank room. He said yes and he asked how did I know. I told him someone in the forum told me. Hahahaha! By the way, I did not follow him into the room. I was sitting at the registration area. He further explained there was a coffee table, a couch, a useless TV with no antenna (the TV was not working) and some "unrelated" (not porn) magazines. I asked if he sat on the couch, which I knew he would not. Both of us got weird habit. He said no, don't know how many guys have used the couch, he didn't dare to sit on it. He stood up throughout the process. I asked a lot of silly questions like if there was glove provided, was there spillage in the room, how did he hold the bottle and do at the same time and holding his hand phone to watch porn? He almost killed me. Hahahaha!

This was our 2nd time doing such fertility tests. We did once 2+ years back in private clinic when we were just married. Private clinic provides a better 'room service' compared to KKH. I believe KKH banned pornography. They should consider the man's feeling inside the room. If they feel stressed in the room, they can't produce good quality and quantity semen. This affects the test result.

Got one young Chinese singaporen nurse.. She jab me.. So pain.. Not bcos of the injection... It's she really use force to pinch my tummy fats....

And guess what.... Hahahaha my hubby didn't dare touch the couch too! Hahaha
I dun think got official letter...but the nurse will call n inform u which month they hv place u for the ivf treatment...
Huh?? They didnt call me. I merely was guided to e kkivf centre by clinic d nurse and set down arranging for briefing date and tells them which mth i intend for ivf,then they write on a paper. I think i better check with them on my briefing next wed whether e month is book ma.
Have been waiting since july till nov at the study stage, now finally to e 'plunging' stage, e waiting and preparation is getting tiring..
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I just laughed at my hubby again. I asked if he watched porn video or pictures, he said video streaming. I asked if he on the video volume, he said yes, no volume how to produce. I asked won't outside hear the sound? He said the room's wall was sound proof. Hahaha.. Omg.. This is very funny. I think I can laugh for a few days.
Got time to see laptop meh? Setup will take a few minutes liao lol. For actual ivf, After they produce, do they submit e samples at e same level on e room near to e 'producing' room?
Hahha connie, already pre download the movie and put laptop to sleep. Reach there on laptop can watch and start what he need to do. :p
Huh?? They didnt call me. I merely was guided to e kkivf centre by clinic d nurse and set down arranging for briefing date and tells them which mth i intend for ivf,then they write on a paper. I think i better check with them on my briefing next wed whether e month is book ma.
Have been waiting since july till nov at the study stage, now finally to e 'plunging' stage, e waiting and preparation is getting tiring..
Oic...i think urs shld be fixed already since urs was arranged directly wif kkivf nurses...gd luck to ur coming cycle..:)
Huh?? They didnt call me. I merely was guided to e kkivf centre by clinic d nurse and set down arranging for briefing date and tells them which mth i intend for ivf,then they write on a paper. I think i better check with them on my briefing next wed whether e month is book ma.
Have been waiting since july till nov at the study stage, now finally to e 'plunging' stage, e waiting and preparation is getting tiring..
Oic...i think urs shld be fixed already since urs was arranged directly wif kkivf nurses...gd luck to ur coming cycle..:)
lynhope, am with tfc too. ur bt on 20th too? what time? mine at 8am.
apart from wishful-hopeful and lynhope, may i ask any other sisters unfer tfc dr loh also?my first consultation with him will be next week(for second opinion).As i was at novena sq yesterday, i went to tfc personally to make my appointment .also to look see look see the clinic hee..saw a couple bringing baby full month celebration cakes for the staff. felt real good when i saw that. auspicious auspicious hahaha
im doc loh patient for my first preganacy n he delivered for me. im waiting to bfp so that can return to him again.... :)

this round I took dhea as well as coq10 for a few mths. I started tcm from the month of injection. dhea is supposed to improve egg quality..

social clinic d nurse bring u to kkivg centre is correct. mine was done this way too. if u are worried just call the hotline or email them, confirm with them which mth u r scheduled for.
im doc loh patient for my first preganacy n he delivered for me. im waiting to bfp so that can return to him again.... :)

this round I took dhea as well as coq10 for a few mths. I started tcm from the month of injection. dhea is supposed to improve egg quality..

social clinic d nurse bring u to kkivg centre is correct. mine was done this way too. if u are worried just call the hotline or email them, confirm with them which mth u r scheduled for.

Hi, I am reading your posts and understand I m in similar situation as you.

My AMH is 8 and I responded to the injections very well. Follicles grew v fast and retrieved many. However only 3 fertilised and 1 transferred at the end. BFN.

Now going for my 2nd fresh. Worried that i will have no egg this time round due to age. Who are u with in kk? Is this your 3rd cycle? What preparation did u do for your BFP cycle?
Hi, I wasn't new here but I have not been active. I am currently in my tww, just did a natural ivf with Dr Yu. I realised this method is uncommon so just wanted to share. I did not opt for this option, but because of my medical condition, Dr yu do not want to risk me and load me with hormonal injections. So what I took for this cycle was just clomid on CD2 till ER on CD14 and a HCG trigger prior to that. I was told I have low eggs reserve so the chances of cancellation is very high. But to my surprise, on the day of ER, I have 4 eggs and 3 were normal. And of the 3 normal, 2 were fertilized and growing so I was called to do ET on Day 2. They showed me my embryoes and they are pretty. After the procedure, they asked if I needed mc and HL, I said dun need la, coz I'm felt nothing and went back for work. Today is Day 4.
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im doc loh patient for my first preganacy n he delivered for me. im waiting to bfp so that can return to him again.... :)

this round I took dhea as well as coq10 for a few mths. I started tcm from the month of injection. dhea is supposed to improve egg quality..

social clinic d nurse bring u to kkivg centre is correct. mine was done this way too. if u are worried just call the hotline or email them, confirm with them which mth u r scheduled for.
mrs tann, dr loh was your gynae but not your ivf doctor ?
Hi, I wasn't new here but I have not been active. I am currently in my tww, just did a natural ivf with Dr Yu. I realised this method is uncommon so just wanted to share. I did not opt for this option, but because of my medical condition, Dr yu do not want to risk me and load me with hormonal injections. So what I took for this cycle was just clomid on CD2 till ER on CD14 and a HCG trigger prior to that. I was told I have low eggs reserve so the chances of cancellation is very high. But to my surprise, on the day of ER, I have 4 eggs and 3 were normal. And of the 3 normal, 2 were fertilized and growing so I was called to do ET on Day 2. They showed me my embryoes and they are pretty. After the procedure, they asked if I needed mc and HL, I said dun need la, coz I'm felt nothing and went back for work. Today is Day 4.
angelbaby924, smooth 2ww and good luck to u .sometimes the more natural ways and less intervention may be better.may i ask what medical condition do u have ?only if it is convenient to share. take care!
angelbaby924, smooth 2ww and good luck to u .sometimes the more natural ways and less intervention may be better.may i ask what medical condition do u have ?only if it is convenient to share. take care!
Hi, sure. I shared before but was many months back. I am a kidney transplant, my hb donated his kidney to me 3 years back and we are of different blood groups, so is a more complicated op. But everything went well for me but for pregnancy I have to be very careful as I am on long term medication and I need my doctor's blessings as some of my medications conflict pregnancy. So after I bug him for 2 years, BTW I am now 38 yo so u can imagine the way I bug him, he finally says I can go ahead to try. Unfortunately things just din happen so went to take all the test and realised I have low eggs reserve and my hb morphology is 0. It took me longer than anyone to be on that q for ivf. And just when I signed on the consent to start, my usually regular af starts to get so little that I dun need to change and eventually went missing for at least 3 cycles. And I tot this time die, even ivf also cannot try since af mia. But dr yu was very good, she did a scan for me immediately and says that af is coming soon. Coz we were all worried that I am menopausing. So when af comes, I started on clomid, 3 scans 1 injection and now embryos are in. The embryolist told me 1 is grade 1 and the other grade 2, which are very good so I prayed that they will stick well, at least 1.
Hi, sure. I shared before but was many months back. I am a kidney transplant, my hb donated his kidney to me 3 years back and we are of different blood groups, so is a more complicated op. But everything went well for me but for pregnancy I have to be very careful as I am on long term medication and I need my doctor's blessings as some of my medications conflict pregnancy. So after I bug him for 2 years, BTW I am now 38 yo so u can imagine the way I bug him, he finally says I can go ahead to try. Unfortunately things just din happen so went to take all the test and realised I have low eggs reserve and my hb morphology is 0. It took me longer than anyone to be on that q for ivf. And just when I signed on the consent to start, my usually regular af starts to get so little that I dun need to change and eventually went missing for at least 3 cycles. And I tot this time die, even ivf also cannot try since af mia. But dr yu was very good, she did a scan for me immediately and says that af is coming soon. Coz we were all worried that I am menopausing. So when af comes, I started on clomid, 3 scans 1 injection and now embryos are in. The embryolist told me 1 is grade 1 and the other grade 2, which are very good so I prayed that they will stick well, at least 1.
good luck to u angelbaby924. take good care *hugs*
Hi, sure. I shared before but was many months back. I am a kidney transplant, my hb donated his kidney to me 3 years back and we are of different blood groups, so is a more complicated op. But everything went well for me but for pregnancy I have to be very careful as I am on long term medication and I need my doctor's blessings as some of my medications conflict pregnancy. So after I bug him for 2 years, BTW I am now 38 yo so u can imagine the way I bug him, he finally says I can go ahead to try. Unfortunately things just din happen so went to take all the test and realised I have low eggs reserve and my hb morphology is 0. It took me longer than anyone to be on that q for ivf. And just when I signed on the consent to start, my usually regular af starts to get so little that I dun need to change and eventually went missing for at least 3 cycles. And I tot this time die, even ivf also cannot try since af mia. But dr yu was very good, she did a scan for me immediately and says that af is coming soon. Coz we were all worried that I am menopausing. So when af comes, I started on clomid, 3 scans 1 injection and now embryos are in. The embryolist told me 1 is grade 1 and the other grade 2, which are very good so I prayed that they will stick well, at least 1.

U are very brave. I hope all goes well for u and u can hold your bundle of joy very soon.
bbpony : im with dr sadhana and this is my 3rd cycle.

oldaunty : dr loh is my ivf doc at kkh b4 he moved to tmc. at tmc he is my gynae.
Queenie ?
Labbitzz 19 dec
wishfulhopeful & Lynhope 20 dec
hopeful78 23 dec
bbfantic 24 dec
mrs tann 26 dec

Feel free to add on yours

Queenie is not too happy abt her BT date tt kkh gives. Hahhahaha.. Can I ask usually how many days post ET (a day 2 transfer) on Fet would the BT b? Mine is a good old 19days.. I don't rem my last round being so long leh..
Hi, sure. I shared before but was many months back. I am a kidney transplant, my hb donated his kidney to me 3 years back and we are of different blood groups, so is a more complicated op. But everything went well for me but for pregnancy I have to be very careful as I am on long term medication and I need my doctor's blessings as some of my medications conflict pregnancy. So after I bug him for 2 years, BTW I am now 38 yo so u can imagine the way I bug him, he finally says I can go ahead to try. Unfortunately things just din happen so went to take all the test and realised I have low eggs reserve and my hb morphology is 0. It took me longer than anyone to be on that q for ivf. And just when I signed on the consent to start, my usually regular af starts to get so little that I dun need to change and eventually went missing for at least 3 cycles. And I tot this time die, even ivf also cannot try since af mia. But dr yu was very good, she did a scan for me immediately and says that af is coming soon. Coz we were all worried that I am menopausing. So when af comes, I started on clomid, 3 scans 1 injection and now embryos are in. The embryolist told me 1 is grade 1 and the other grade 2, which are very good so I prayed that they will stick well, at least 1.
U r reali v brave...n ur little ones inside u r as brave n strong as u...gd luck n take care!!! Big hugs to u...
Queenie is not too happy abt her BT date tt kkh gives. Hahhahaha.. Can I ask usually how many days post ET (a day 2 transfer) on Fet would the BT b? Mine is a good old 19days.. I don't rem my last round being so long leh..
I counted mine, it's 16 days (2 day transfer as well).
Queenie is not too happy abt her BT date tt kkh gives. Hahhahaha.. Can I ask usually how many days post ET (a day 2 transfer) on Fet would the BT b? Mine is a good old 19days.. I don't rem my last round being so long leh..
19 days??!! So nice your doctor wants you to rest more :)
Saw dr Jessie phoon at kkh just now, Dr steven teo couldn't make it into office today. She's pretty nice, anyone under her?

She recommend me to try another thaw cycle with blastocyst. But she cannot answer why I failed my this thaw cycle I'm looking for answers leh.. sigh
rememberRainbow dun give up hope.

I seen
Sinseh #1: 1.5yrs (brew medicine, TSB)
Sinseh #2: 6mths (brew medicine. super ex..sob..sob)
Sinseh #3: 1.5yrs (powder mix w acupuncture Dr Tan at clementi)
I did keyhole surgery to remove fybriod, 5 iuis, 1 fresh and conceived my boy via first FET. He is 10mth old now.
Juz did my 2nd fresh, currently at 2ww. result not that good as only 1 embryo survived the thaw out of 4... but I try to be positive...
lets jiayou together :)

lynhope, ur 1st ivf cycle also by dr loh?
frankly speaking - answers - nobody knows.

embryo quality? maybe its not good to begin with thats why doesnt even stay or stick? womb not conductive? too cold too warm? I used to console myself if its not meant to be then dont stick. im so afraid it bfp first and halfway gets taken from me which will be worse as I wouldnt be able to take it. usually blastocyst stand a higher chance but not everyone can take blastocyst, only if u have many fertilised eggs to begin with (my tcm says play ard).

now being older i understand why they say children are gift from up there...

hey I counted my bt, its 16 days fr et, so its 19 days fr er. correct leh, my 3 cycles are all 19 days from er. nvm la.. its ok... kkh just wan to be double sure... I think 3 weeks is better than 2 weeks in case of false alarm.. for kkh the passing rate for pregancy is 100 beta. but u can buy a hpt to do it yrself at wk 2 if u want. some sisters buy cheap hpt and test daily until the kkh bt. hahaha. like this can ok.. u can try if u want. btw I heard private hosp all do it at week 2 though.

btw who are doc like jessie n steven? r they the ivf doc doing the er & et? hv not heard abt them b4. or are they the doc on duty beside the scan room?
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Hi, I wasn't new here but I have not been active. I am currently in my tww, just did a natural ivf with Dr Yu. I realised this method is uncommon so just wanted to share. I did not opt for this option, but because of my medical condition, Dr yu do not want to risk me and load me with hormonal injections. So what I took for this cycle was just clomid on CD2 till ER on CD14 and a HCG trigger prior to that. I was told I have low eggs reserve so the chances of cancellation is very high. But to my surprise, on the day of ER, I have 4 eggs and 3 were normal. And of the 3 normal, 2 were fertilized and growing so I was called to do ET on Day 2. They showed me my embryoes and they are pretty. After the procedure, they asked if I needed mc and HL, I said dun need la, coz I'm felt nothing and went back for work. Today is Day 4.
Hi, sure. I shared before but was many months back. I am a kidney transplant, my hb donated his kidney to me 3 years back and we are of different blood groups, so is a more complicated op. But everything went well for me but for pregnancy I have to be very careful as I am on long term medication and I need my doctor's blessings as some of my medications conflict pregnancy. So after I bug him for 2 years, BTW I am now 38 yo so u can imagine the way I bug him, he finally says I can go ahead to try. Unfortunately things just din happen so went to take all the test and realised I have low eggs reserve and my hb morphology is 0. It took me longer than anyone to be on that q for ivf. And just when I signed on the consent to start, my usually regular af starts to get so little that I dun need to change and eventually went missing for at least 3 cycles. And I tot this time die, even ivf also cannot try since af mia. But dr yu was very good, she did a scan for me immediately and says that af is coming soon. Coz we were all worried that I am menopausing. So when af comes, I started on clomid, 3 scans 1 injection and now embryos are in. The embryolist told me 1 is grade 1 and the other grade 2, which are very good so I prayed that they will stick well, at least 1.
angelbaby924 thanks for sharing your story again with us. i am heartened by your courage.seems like your ivf has been smooth so far, wishing u good health and may your beautiful embryos cling tight tight!i want to hear good news from u !try to rest more la , so wasted,mc and hl both u also didnt want...u must be very busy at work.
Hi ladies, since this morning I have been spotting and some cramps on my left. As tomorrow I will be out of town till Thursday, do you think I need to go o&G or is this the usually normal on off things during tww?
Hi ladies, since this morning I have been spotting and some cramps on my left. As tomorrow I will be out of town till Thursday, do you think I need to go o&G or is this the usually normal on off things during tww?
Which day past transfer r you? Brown or red?
angelbaby924 thanks for sharing your story again with us. i am heartened by your courage.seems like your ivf has been smooth so far, wishing u good health and may your beautiful embryos cling tight tight!i want to hear good news from u !try to rest more la , so wasted,mc and hl both u also didnt want...u must be very busy at work.
Thanks! Unfortunately u r right, I'm very busy at work but fortunately my boss is very understanding. Given any previous jobs I would have taken all mc and hl and I told myself nothing beats ttc, but here in my current company, we are so like a family and plus bec she is a westerner, she will soon be back home for Xmas so I dun mind being here though I never used to work in dec, sigh. But den again without the boss, work is so easy haha!
Today is 10 day after ET (2 day transfer) Er.. More towards brownish red I think but definitely not bright red.
Still spotting or not? Cld be implantation :) If you plan to hpt can try the nxt few days. If not just monitor if it continues do go and get some extra support. Which hosp/clinic are you with? Praying for you.

The reason we usually ask to hpt is that if u hpt positive, the nurses are more likely to agree on extra support. But if you dont plan to, then just go and insist. They may say no, then try to go other places depending on who your doc is.
Mrs Tann,

My BT is 19 days post ET not ER leh..
Not tt I was granted HL thru out lo.. LoL.. Coz I m on natural FET..

U know, each extra day bef BT makes tte mind wonder.. Hahahah..
Still spotting or not? Cld be implantation :) If you plan to hpt can try the nxt few days. If not just monitor if it continues do go and get some extra support. Which hosp/clinic are you with? Praying for you.

The reason we usually ask to hpt is that if u hpt positive, the nurses are more likely to agree on extra support. But if you dont plan to, then just go and insist. They may say no, then try to go other places depending on who your doc is.
Sorry was tired and took a nap. Just woke up and went to toilet.. it's bright red feels like AF red.. But isn't it abit early for AF? Mine is under KK as well..

I didn't intend to do hpt but maybe I will do it... And decide to go KK o&G or not after that...thanks Ron!
Sorry was tired and took a nap. Just woke up and went to toilet.. Now it's bright red.. Mine is KK as well..

I didn't intend to do hpt but maybe I will do it... And decide to go KK o&G or not after that...
I vote better be kiasu and no regrets. It cld be aF but if it's not, then no harm asking for extra support. If no plans tonight just go down to KK and insist on a progesterone jab.
I vote better be kiasu and no regrets. It cld be aF but if it's not, then no harm asking for extra support. If no plans tonight just go down to KK and insist on a progesterone jab.
Haha went toilet a few times keep checking. No symptoms also worry, have symptoms also worry. Guess it's the process haha. Test HpT, negative haha but well expected. Kind of early :p
We decided to monitor see whether it's remains as spotting or heavy tonight :)
Ladies I will be away till Thursday (going cruise) incase limited wifi and you don't hear from me before then. Take care, rest well and be happy!!
Haha went toilet a few times keep checking. No symptoms also worry, have symptoms also worry. Guess it's the process haha. Test HpT, negative haha but well expected. Kind of early :p
We decided to monitor see whether it's remains as spotting or heavy tonight :)
Ladies I will be away till Thursday (going cruise) incase limited wifi and you don't hear from me before then. Take care, rest well and be happy!!

Hope the spotting goes away.. Have fun!!
Hi, I've been quietly following this forum for several weeks now. I really admire all of you, having done so much research, gone through so much effort & so much heartache...

Been ttc for at least 2-3 yrs now. I've gone thru 2 rounds of IUI, the 2nd was an SO-IUI with KKIVF. Now currently in 2ww after my 1st IVF attempt. Had 9 eggs retrieved, but only 2 made the grade for transfer, so nothing left for freezing.

While i'm hoping for the best, at the same time also worried that this wont work out. When I see how much more time and effort all of you hve spent, I feel ashamed that I've not put in as much thought & consideration to 'tiao' my health / hubby's health prior to all of this.
Hi, am scheduled for medicated FET in Feb. Doc Tan HH prescribed ProgyNova to be taken during the cycle.

For medicated FET, usually how many scans are required and on which days of the cycle please?

Doc oso mentioned we can give endo scratching a try to improve the lining. But i think he oso mentioned that not everyone is suitable. Why is this so??
Hi, I've been quietly following this forum for several weeks now. I really admire all of you, having done so much research, gone through so much effort & so much heartache...

Been ttc for at least 2-3 yrs now. I've gone thru 2 rounds of IUI, the 2nd was an SO-IUI with KKIVF. Now currently in 2ww after my 1st IVF attempt. Had 9 eggs retrieved, but only 2 made the grade for transfer, so nothing left for freezing.

While i'm hoping for the best, at the same time also worried that this wont work out. When I see how much more time and effort all of you hve spent, I feel ashamed that I've not put in as much thought & consideration to 'tiao' my health / hubby's health prior to all of this.
same sentiments ricecracker. i just followed the forum 2 days ago, only to find out they did so much "homework" prior to this.

this is also my 1st ivf attempt. hoping for the very best, but worry at the same back. however, there's no turning back & hope we have the greatest xmas gift soon.

when is ur blood test?
apart from wishful-hopeful and lynhope, may i ask any other sisters unfer tfc dr loh also?my first consultation with him will be next week(for second opinion).As i was at novena sq yesterday, i went to tfc personally to make my appointment .also to look see look see the clinic hee..saw a couple bringing baby full month celebration cakes for the staff. felt real good when i saw that. auspicious auspicious hahaha
Hi I'm also under dr Loh. I also saw one mummy the other day, bring her 4 yr old daughter back to Tfc for consultation. Then she told her daughter that it was dr loh who created her. Interesting.
Hi, sure. I shared before but was many months back. I am a kidney transplant, my hb donated his kidney to me 3 years back and we are of different blood groups, so is a more complicated op. But everything went well for me but for pregnancy I have to be very careful as I am on long term medication and I need my doctor's blessings as some of my medications conflict pregnancy. So after I bug him for 2 years, BTW I am now 38 yo so u can imagine the way I bug him, he finally says I can go ahead to try. Unfortunately things just din happen so went to take all the test and realised I have low eggs reserve and my hb morphology is 0. It took me longer than anyone to be on that q for ivf. And just when I signed on the consent to start, my usually regular af starts to get so little that I dun need to change and eventually went missing for at least 3 cycles. And I tot this time die, even ivf also cannot try since af mia. But dr yu was very good, she did a scan for me immediately and says that af is coming soon. Coz we were all worried that I am menopausing. So when af comes, I started on clomid, 3 scans 1 injection and now embryos are in. The embryolist told me 1 is grade 1 and the other grade 2, which are very good so I prayed that they will stick well, at least 1.
Hi angelbaby924, u r v brave, admire your courage and hope you get bfp soon!
Hi, am scheduled for medicated FET in Feb. Doc Tan HH prescribed ProgyNova to be taken during the cycle.

For medicated FET, usually how many scans are required and on which days of the cycle please?

Doc oso mentioned we can give endo scratching a try to improve the lining. But i think he oso mentioned that not everyone is suitable. Why is this so??

Hi i can share my experience for medicated fet. I was also given progynova. Went for 2 scans and was scheduled for et. The number of scans is depending how u r responding to the medication. They will look for a certain lining thickness before can commence with et. I did my 1st scan on day 10 or 12 and the 2nd scan on 2 days after.

I have not done endo scratch before. Maybe others who have done it can share. :)
Hi, sure. I shared before but was many months back. I am a kidney transplant, my hb donated his kidney to me 3 years back and we are of different blood groups, so is a more complicated op. But everything went well for me but for pregnancy I have to be very careful as I am on long term medication and I need my doctor's blessings as some of my medications conflict pregnancy. So after I bug him for 2 years, BTW I am now 38 yo so u can imagine the way I bug him, he finally says I can go ahead to try. Unfortunately things just din happen so went to take all the test and realised I have low eggs reserve and my hb morphology is 0. It took me longer than anyone to be on that q for ivf. And just when I signed on the consent to start, my usually regular af starts to get so little that I dun need to change and eventually went missing for at least 3 cycles. And I tot this time die, even ivf also cannot try since af mia. But dr yu was very good, she did a scan for me immediately and says that af is coming soon. Coz we were all worried that I am menopausing. So when af comes, I started on clomid, 3 scans 1 injection and now embryos are in. The embryolist told me 1 is grade 1 and the other grade 2, which are very good so I prayed that they will stick well, at least 1.
You are so strong angelbaby924..hope you will receive a special Christmas present soon..God Bless! :)
Thanks jas249 for yr good luck.

Mrs tann,i will ask e centre when go for e ivf briefing next wat on e ivf booking month to check if it is confirmed

Labbitzz,all e best. Whatever it is,go enjoy yr cruise first.

Saw e newspaper on e sg 50 welcome gift. Looks good :)
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morning ladies. woke up for insert & feeling worried. 6 more days to BT & not much symptoms.

argh!! this is my 1st attempt, don't know what to expect. feeling lost at times altho i kept telling myself must relax :D
