IVF/ICSI Support Group

good morning. I have been waking up super early and disrupted sleep, which was never me. not sure if it's due to duphaston, anyone has the same experience?

morning ladies. woke up for insert & feeling worried. 6 more days to BT & not much symptoms.

argh!! this is my 1st attempt, don't know what to expect. feeling lost at times altho i kept telling myself must relax :D
Hi, it's my 1st too and I have no symptoms at all. Only can't sleep and hungry all the time....
same sentiments ricecracker. i just followed the forum 2 days ago, only to find out they did so much "homework" prior to this.

this is also my 1st ivf attempt. hoping for the very best, but worry at the same back. however, there's no turning back & hope we have the greatest xmas gift soon.

when is ur blood test?

All the best to you wishful-hopeful!
My blood test is on 23 Dec.
good morning. I haveng up super early and disrupted sleep, which was never me. not sure if it's due to duphaston, anyone has the same experience?

Angelbaby waking up early and feeling hungry is good sign. When I was initially tested positive I was also waking up very early. Now I am 7 weeks pregnant:). But i was not on duphaston while that time. Dont worry enjoy ur tww. Your Christmas suprise is waiting for u.
Angelbaby waking up early and feeling hungry is good sign. When I was initially tested positive I was also waking up very early. Now I am 7 weeks pregnant:). But i was not on duphaston while that time. Dont worry enjoy ur tww. Your Christmas suprise is waiting for u.
Thanks! I'm trying to keep myself busy this season of love >_<
whmc, I'm still spotting right now. I don't feel pain and no clots. Baby is fine too. I went to kkh o&g last Saturday night. All ok. Quite puzzling where the blood os coming from cause it soaked up a pad last Saturday.
Right now, my work place doesn't want mw around. We are shifting to another building so a lot of unpacking to do. Been told to take 1 week mc cause I guess no one wants to feel responsible shd anything happen. Sigh... at the doctor's now. I really don't know how to convince the doctor to give me a week of medical leave.
whmc, I'm still spotting right now. I don't feel pain and no clots. Baby is fine too. I went to kkh o&g last Saturday night. All ok. Quite puzzling where the blood os coming from cause it soaked up a pad last Saturday.
Right now, my work place doesn't want mw around. We are shifting to another building so a lot of unpacking to do. Been told to take 1 week mc cause I guess no one wants to feel responsible shd anything happen. Sigh... at the doctor's now. I really don't know how to convince the doctor to give me a week of medical leave.

Quite at a loss. I have no pain too but sometimes i feel slight cramp. Started to feel nausea from yesterday but that may be due to duphaston. From brown to pink and last i went toilet, the color seems to be darker. Doesnt help that i am waiting by myself.
Quite at a loss. I have no pain too but sometimes i feel slight cramp. Started to feel nausea from yesterday but that may be due to duphaston. From brown to pink and last i went toilet, the color seems to be darker. Doesnt help that i am waiting by myself.
whmc.. still waiting to see doc?? pray hard for u,... maybe u walk too much over the weekend... keep us update okie.
whmc, I'm still spotting right now. I don't feel pain and no clots. Baby is fine too. I went to kkh o&g last Saturday night. All ok. Quite puzzling where the blood os coming from cause it soaked up a pad last Saturday.
Right now, my work place doesn't want mw around. We are shifting to another building so a lot of unpacking to do. Been told to take 1 week mc cause I guess no one wants to feel responsible shd anything happen. Sigh... at the doctor's now. I really don't know how to convince the doctor to give me a week of medical leave.
chuckles... think u can juz tell doc u wan to rest plus office is shifting... u seeing gyne?? think easier to get from gyne...plus u spotting... should bed rest more. Try to ask for HL from gyne.
whmc.. still waiting to see doc?? pray hard for u,... maybe u walk too much over the weekend... keep us update okie.

I also hope it's nothing serious. Doc ordered for blood test to see what is the hcg level. He say if too low, scan won't see anything either. Actually he doesnt give me the confidence that he knows what to do with me.
Just tell the doctor you r pregnant and spotting continuously and office is moving so you need to rest. They prob wont give you MC but your case shld easily warrant HL for bed rest.
whmc, I'm still spotting right now. I don't feel pain and no clots. Baby is fine too. I went to kkh o&g last Saturday night. All ok. Quite puzzling where the blood os coming from cause it soaked up a pad last Saturday.
Right now, my work place doesn't want mw around. We are shifting to another building so a lot of unpacking to do. Been told to take 1 week mc cause I guess no one wants to feel responsible shd anything happen. Sigh... at the doctor's now. I really don't know how to convince the doctor to give me a week of medical leave.
Thank you ladies. My gp gave me med leave till 18th. That's when the shifting will end. I'm on my bed now. Shall rest as much as I can. I appreciate the advice. :)
I also hope it's nothing serious. Doc ordered for blood test to see what is the hcg level. He say if too low, scan won't see anything either. Actually he doesnt give me the confidence that he knows what to do with me.
I sincerely hope all is ok for you. Try to ask for support and mc to bed rest morem hope yr spotting will go away.

Chuckles, i hope everythg is ok for u soon n e spotting will go away
so many ppl interested on this IVF/ICSI?
cld be due to lifestyle and "unhealthy" eating habit, and need to do this?
when our body condition is not ready, may b it's better tat not to get pregnant yet. otherwise may not good for the baby.
many ppl like to eat sweet/sour/cold/alcohol/oily food/raw vege(salad), all these food really not good for health as it will consume our body heat energy.
if anyone here plan for a pregnancy, recommended to avoid/reduce the above types of food. (include sweet/sour/juicy fruits).
boil (2-4hrs) ginseng or ginger soup daily to drink bit-by-bit to boost up ur body heat energy will help.
ginseng also has heaty or cooling type ya...
I sincerely hope all is ok for you. Try to ask for support and mc to bed rest morem hope yr spotting will go away.

Chuckles, i hope everythg is ok for u soon n e spotting will go away

Thanks connie. I requested for a progesterone jab. Doc did a scan and saw the water sac. Too small to see heartbeat. Hcg is 2600 compared to 300+ 5 days ago. A little relieved but still need to see the scan next week how.
i am not. i jz wanna share some correct health knowledge here.
when our body heat energy not enough, it's easy to get sick/sometime body pain or hard to recover from light/major sickness.
anyone here felt that? or hv this experience?

Perhaps You shld try the TTC thread instead.
so many ppl interested on this IVF/ICSI?
cld be due to lifestyle and "unhealthy" eating habit, and need to do this?
when our body condition is not ready, may b it's better tat not to get pregnant yet. otherwise may not good for the baby.
many ppl like to eat sweet/sour/cold/alcohol/oily food/raw vege(salad), all these food really not good for health as it will consume our body heat energy.
if anyone here plan for a pregnancy, recommended to avoid/reduce the above types of food. (include sweet/sour/juicy fruits).
boil (2-4hrs) ginseng or ginger soup daily to drink bit-by-bit to boost up ur body heat energy will help.

Do u know that IVF/ ICSI is last resort for certain peoples who wish to have their own baby?
Do u know that IVF/ ICSI is last resort for certain peoples who wish to have their own baby?

i am not. i jz wanna share some correct health knowledge here.
when our body heat energy not enough, it's easy to get sick/sometime body pain or hard to recover from light/major sickness.
anyone here felt that? or hv this experience?
Agreed with *BB*. Many infertity is unexplaining while there are many other issues which resulted in infertity as well, as a result, we need to go into this painful and helpless path. Who don't want a smooth way of pregenancy? There are mny ladies who eat right and live right yet dun stike toto.
so many ppl interested on this IVF/ICSI?
cld be due to lifestyle and "unhealthy" eating habit, and need to do this?
when our body condition is not ready, may b it's better tat not to get pregnant yet. otherwise may not good for the baby.
many ppl like to eat sweet/sour/cold/alcohol/oily food/raw vege(salad), all these food really not good for health as it will consume our body heat energy.
if anyone here plan for a pregnancy, recommended to avoid/reduce the above types of food. (include sweet/sour/juicy fruits).
boil (2-4hrs) ginseng or ginger soup daily to drink bit-by-bit to boost up ur body heat energy will help.

i am not. i jz wanna share some correct health knowledge here.
when our body heat energy not enough, it's easy to get sick/sometime body pain or hard to recover from light/major sickness.
anyone here felt that? or hv this experience?

I get it that you want to share about healthy lifestyles but you barging in here and making sweeping judgments about the bodily conditions of people who choose to do IVF/ICSI is not sensitive and clearly shows you have no idea about the causes of infertility that drive people to use IVF/ICSI as a last resort to conceive. I doubt you are a qualified doctor. Even the most health-conscious people on earth can suffer infertility, the causes of infertility are myriad and mysterious and it does not all boil down to lifestyle and eating habits. If only it was so simple, all the ladies here would be jumping for joy.

Even TCM doctors are careful to say that the food we can consume without affecting our health depends on our individual bodily constitution, which differs from person to person. So who are you to make a sweeping statement about bad foods consuming body heat energy that applies to everyone? And many Westerners eat plenty of raw veg salads and fruits and have absolutely no problems conceiving. Your advice to all to drink ginseng is not appropriate as not everyone can tolerate such high amount of heatiness.
so many ppl interested on this IVF/ICSI?
cld be due to lifestyle and "unhealthy" eating habit, and need to do this?
when our body condition is not ready, may b it's better tat not to get pregnant yet. otherwise may not good for the baby.
many ppl like to eat sweet/sour/cold/alcohol/oily food/raw vege(salad), all these food really not good for health as it will consume our body heat energy.
if anyone here plan for a pregnancy, recommended to avoid/reduce the above types of food. (include sweet/sour/juicy fruits).
boil (2-4hrs) ginseng or ginger soup daily to drink bit-by-bit to boost up ur body heat energy will help.

Sharing knowledge is one thing. Being judgmental is another. You are just assuming all the ladies who opt for ivf do not know how to take care of their bodies. Many of us have been trying to live healthily for the last few yrs. the tips u share is so common that I believe many are already doing it.
so many ppl interested on this IVF/ICSI?
cld be due to lifestyle and "unhealthy" eating habit, and need to do this?
when our body condition is not ready, may b it's better tat not to get pregnant yet. otherwise may not good for the baby.
many ppl like to eat sweet/sour/cold/alcohol/oily food/raw vege(salad), all these food really not good for health as it will consume our body heat energy.
if anyone here plan for a pregnancy, recommended to avoid/reduce the above types of food. (include sweet/sour/juicy fruits).
boil (2-4hrs) ginseng or ginger soup daily to drink bit-by-bit to boost up ur body heat energy will help.

I’m a silent reader of this thread & an IVF patient not that I am INTERESTED to be one. Needless to say, seeing this post of yours makes me feel offended. If you could, I would suggest that you make some effort to read through ALL the postings on what we ladies have gone through before passing such insensitive & judgmental remarks of yours. Thankyouverymuch.
today is D9 after ET, I feel abit crampy.... sob ..sob... dun noe good or bad sign... as normally I feel crampy few days before mens... my mens due on FRI ...
Hello ladies, stealing some network for a few minutes.
Haha my spotting never go away.. More than spotting yet lesser than AF. Still reddish haha well kind of upset but never mind lar.. Whatever will come will come. Still have some chances as long as 'confirmation' not here yet :)
today is D9 after ET, I feel abit crampy.... sob ..sob... dun noe good or bad sign... as normally I feel crampy few days before mens... my mens due on FRI ...

I feel u.. I hv all tt.. Backache etc.. & trust me, I went to tte loo @ least 5 times (on top of pee time) to check my panties.. I m sooooo jittery now..

& chin up, ladies, for some comments.. We didn't go thru ivf as a last resort.. We simply find ourselves a way to pursue our dreams to b mummies.. Dont get angry, yah.. No good for our journey, esp those in 2ww.. Jiayou!!
Thanks connie. I requested for a progesterone jab. Doc did a scan and saw the water sac. Too small to see heartbeat. Hcg is 2600 compared to 300+ 5 days ago. A little relieved but still need to see the scan next week how.
Your baby is fighting strong! So must you! Cheer up and jia you!
Hello ladies, stealing some network for a few minutes.
Haha my spotting never go away.. More than spotting yet lesser than AF. Still reddish haha well kind of upset but never mind lar.. Whatever will come will come. Still have some chances as long as 'confirmation' not here yet :)
i like your positive attitude. all the best to u :)
i am not. i jz wanna share some correct health knowledge here.
when our body heat energy not enough, it's easy to get sick/sometime body pain or hard to recover from light/major sickness.
anyone here felt that? or hv this experience?
Iddepot... We've all met enough insensitive people in our lives & people who no need IVF can never understand that we're eating & living more healthily than other ladies who can just pop babies anytime.
Thanks for your kind intention to share your "knowledge" but no thanks.
I wish u well, that u never have to walk our path.
Popped by and saw this and I just wanna say what an ass. Nope, don't need to pardon my language.
Hahahaha.. nice to see you again, redvel.

There are always unalightened ppl like that . Makes the world go round but i LOVE your comment :)))

How are you?
Hi Ron, well how are you? So many bfps omg. Christmassy feeling brought to another whole new level for you ladies!

Ttc-related : 11dpo but waiting for af to show la, feeling just like any other cycles.

Non-ttc : came back 2weeks ago from holiday but half my heart is still there and it doesn't help with the xmassy mood and entertainment on its way. So I'm loving it. Hahah.
Good morning ladies! Ignore what happened yesterday and focus what's given today. Best of luck!

Even if I don't get to do IVF, final decision comes from the next doctor appointment next month, I will continue to be in this thread and support everyone.

3 more days to HSG test.

The TCM doctor gave me new prescription for the chinese herbs to "tiao" my menses. It tastes horrible. No chrysanthemum flowers, no "gou qi zi", it just tastes horrible. I got to take a sweet after drinking the chinese herb. Yucks!

Feeling nervous going for my endo scratch tml…anyone here has done it before? is there anything to tk note of? and anyone got a bfp after doing endo scratch?
