IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi try not to think too much abt the no of eggs. U only need one to work. I only had 3 eggs and by day 2 only 1 had fertilised. Was so disappointed and demoralised. But it worked.

So, don't get too worried about no. of eggs and embryos. U only need the magic one. For those sisters in 2ww, hope u get a wonderful x'mas present!
congrats hi_mei,
I also transferred only 1 embryo, hope it works for me too... **praying hard**
Kymkym, u with who previously?
Dr Veronique in KK. She is nice but insensitive...HB and i already upset with the failed and last min terminated ET, she still has the cheek to ask if we can sign and concern her to present our case during her meeting. stupid. Nvr even bother to call us on the ET morning not to come (waste our time and effort) and brief us on our eggs and embryos conditions, like what resulted in this fail etc..not to tell about the super long wait during each appt. everytime we are schedule 230pm, only get to see her after 5 and got one time waited till 730pm and just briefly talk 5mins on something which is not impt that need to meet (she simply said will forward our case to Kkivf and that's it...super waste time) She took 1 yr plus to identified my hb issue and resulted that i am not able to enjoy the govt subsidy rate... :(
Dr Veronique in KK. She is nice but insensitive...HB and i already upset with the failed and last min terminated ET, she still has the cheek to ask if we can sign and concern her to present our case during her meeting. stupid. Nvr even bother to call us on the ET morning not to come (waste our time and effort) and brief us on our eggs and embryos conditions, like what resulted in this fail etc..not to tell about the super long wait during each appt. everytime we are schedule 230pm, only get to see her after 5 and got one time waited till 730pm and just briefly talk 5mins on something which is not impt that need to meet (she simply said will forward our case to Kkivf and that's it...super waste time) She took 1 yr plus to identified my hb issue and resulted that i am not able to enjoy the govt subsidy rate... :(
hugs kymkym... u r under good hand now..
Anyone can share with me their experience with Mt E Fertility Centre? Heard that usually the embryologist will go for a blasto transfer instead of D2 for higher success rate
Knottie, is the embrologist still Lai kheng? I did fresh #1 & #2 there. I didn't hv many abt 6-7 fertilised so we didnt get to blast both times. Did d3 transfers (2 embbies each time) and she helped to monitor daily so 1 of snow babies were frozen d3 and another one she pushed to d4.

If you want to try a blast transfer, i hv heard very positive things abt Sincere IVF but depends on your current ivf doc plus their long time chief embrologist dr Liaw just left a few months back.
Thanks Ron. Yes embryologist is still
Lai Cheng. Had the briefing with the nurse and the impression given to me is that usually they go for blastos. Was concerned coz my last 2 fresh, I have many eggs but not many good embryos :(
Were u successful in both fresh? I had a choice with either TFC or MEFC. So just went with MEFC.
Knottie: actually if you really want to do a blast, just speak to your doctor and insist on it. I did that for my 3rd fresh eventho i had only the usual 6-7 fertlised. I told them i had 2x d3 transfers that didnt work so want to try d5 and that i am aware the embbie may not make it
So we worked w the embrologist who updated us each morning on prpgress and if there was any need to go in for a rushed ET.

Speak to your doc. Most of the time if you ask the doctors they will say "oh depends, let's see.." coz i guess for them they see successes at d2 or d3 transfers, whilst d5 transfers hv risk of nothing left.. which can be heartbreaking for many couples not ready for that devastating news. But hey, it's your money, it's your sperm, your egg, your embbie. You have a right to state yout preference if you really want to try a d5. Speak to your doc.
Dr Veronique in KK. She is nice but insensitive...HB and i already upset with the failed and last min terminated ET, she still has the cheek to ask if we can sign and concern her to present our case during her meeting. stupid. Nvr even bother to call us on the ET morning not to come (waste our time and effort) and brief us on our eggs and embryos conditions, like what resulted in this fail etc..not to tell about the super long wait during each appt. everytime we are schedule 230pm, only get to see her after 5 and got one time waited till 730pm and just briefly talk 5mins on something which is not impt that need to meet (she simply said will forward our case to Kkivf and that's it...super waste time) She took 1 yr plus to identified my hb issue and resulted that i am not able to enjoy the govt subsidy rate... :(
Understand how u felt. Me too, from enjoying the government subsidy grant to nothing. Don't worry, I heard Dr Loh is very good. U'll be blessed with child soon!
I am very scared of needles. The nurse cannot find my vein on my left hand and she changed to poke me on right hand. I moved my arm when the needle pricked my skin and I almost break the needle. The nurse warned me not to move or else she will poke me again.
I am very scared of needles. The nurse cannot find my vein on my left hand and she changed to poke me on right hand. I moved my arm when the needle pricked my skin and I almost break the needle. The nurse warned me not to move or else she will poke me again.
Hi paperclip,
Try not to look at e needles when they drawing blood. If u got a skilled nurse,u will be ok. But for ivf,e needles are finer for e self injection jabs. And e tummy flesh a lot. So less painful. Jiayou!
Hi paperclip,
Try not to look at e needles when they drawing blood. If u got a skilled nurse,u will be ok. But for ivf,e needles are finer for e self injection jabs. And e tummy flesh a lot. So less painful. Jiayou!

I didn't look at the needles. It is my reflex reaction. :(

While in the private room, my hubby was producing his semen, he showed me this.. How to produce semen looking at a cooking book?


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Then we might be cycle buddies! Me should be starting with the dreadful injections mid jan :confused:
Maybi. But i hope to do in dec to catch e date tt match kkivf cut off date. If in jan,i will have to go private to do as kk no slots for me :( kk only have slots in feb n not jan for me
Lol :D but i think its stressful to produce in e kkivf room becos outside got pp waiting.

Ya loh. There were two more men waiting outside the room for their turn. Average waiting time can take 20-30 minutes. Advise husbands to bring handphones into the room. The magazines in the room do not help.
I am very scared of needles. The nurse cannot find my vein on my left hand and she changed to poke me on right hand. I moved my arm when the needle pricked my skin and I almost break the needle. The nurse warned me not to move or else she will poke me again.
This one still not so bad.. The ER day where they poke yr hand and stuck one needle there.. That one even power .. Mine till now still painful and my hubby insist must rub... blue black all over still. Haha so be prepared and endure.. We can do it!
I didn't look at the needles. It is my reflex reaction. :(

While in the private room, my hubby was producing his semen, he showed me this.. How to produce semen looking at a cooking book?
Hahaha your hubby must be shaking his head. How lah??? Cooking book!!!

Have you tried some relaxing techniques. Most of the times the nurses will tell u to breathe in when they poke the needle. What i do when they jab is to sing a silly song that cant go wrong. Usually ABCDEFG :) basically you acknowledge the jab but use a distraction to help you breathe you it.

I use to be very very fearful of jabs as a child and my dentist taught me this (coz i broke 2 needles at his place!!).
I rem my AMH is 15. I think its abnormally high.. So I guess I only need little medication to stimulate and I was on short protocol.
Queenie ?
Labbitzz 19 dec
wishfulhopeful & Lynhope 20 dec
hopeful78 23 dec
bbfantic 24 dec
mrs tann 26 dec

Feel free to add on yours
I was hoping the Indian nurse was there to help me with the jab. She was not on duty. The last time I went, she talked to me to distract my attention before she put in the needle. This round was a Chinese nurse. Can't understand her English or Mandarin.

I teased my hubby if there was 2 sofas and a room in the sperm bank room. He said yes and he asked how did I know. I told him someone in the forum told me. Hahahaha! By the way, I did not follow him into the room. I was sitting at the registration area. He further explained there was a coffee table, a couch, a useless TV with no antenna (the TV was not working) and some "unrelated" (not porn) magazines. I asked if he sat on the couch, which I knew he would not. Both of us got weird habit. He said no, don't know how many guys have used the couch, he didn't dare to sit on it. He stood up throughout the process. I asked a lot of silly questions like if there was glove provided, was there spillage in the room, how did he hold the bottle and do at the same time and holding his hand phone to watch porn? He almost killed me. Hahahaha!

This was our 2nd time doing such fertility tests. We did once 2+ years back in private clinic when we were just married. Private clinic provides a better 'room service' compared to KKH. I believe KKH banned pornography. They should consider the man's feeling inside the room. If they feel stressed in the room, they can't produce good quality and quantity semen. This affects the test result.
LOL! Use imagination will take longer than 30 minutes. KKH allows you to submit semen between 1:30 pm to 3 pm. The nurse said if the room is fully occupied, DIY in toilet. So weird right?
Hahaha. Sometimes hv to take heart and pity our man. Not easy ask them to just go in & produce on demand (mostly self service too!!) with everyone knowing what they are doing/just did.
Ya... so my ivf will be schedule on next yr mar in kkh ivf.

Anyone know can take chinese herb with DHEA?
Actuali last time got a gynae recommend dhea to me. But i read e side effects on e net n 'gia xi' so dare not take dhea. I turn to tcm instead :)

According to mr google, U need to take dhea for at least 3 mths to see e positive effects

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