IVF/ICSI Support Group

I did endo scratch. You will experience some pain but it won't cause you to scream. I clenched the doctor's hand with my thunder thighs. That was funny.
Endo scratch supposed to improve the chances of implantation.
Good morning ladies! Ignore what happened yesterday and focus what's given today. Best of luck!

Even if I don't get to do IVF, final decision comes from the next doctor appointment next month, I will continue to be in this thread and support everyone.

3 more days to HSG test.

The TCM doctor gave me new prescription for the chinese herbs to "tiao" my menses. It tastes horrible. No chrysanthemum flowers, no "gou qi zi", it just tastes horrible. I got to take a sweet after drinking the chinese herb. Yucks!

Don't worry about the awful taste of the Chinese herbs. You'll get used to it as time passes.
Good morning ladies! Ignore what happened yesterday and focus what's given today. Best of luck!

Even if I don't get to do IVF, final decision comes from the next doctor appointment next month, I will continue to be in this thread and support everyone.

3 more days to HSG test.

The TCM doctor gave me new prescription for the chinese herbs to "tiao" my menses. It tastes horrible. No chrysanthemum flowers, no "gou qi zi", it just tastes horrible. I got to take a sweet after drinking the chinese herb. Yucks!
jiayou paperclip... I took my Chinese herbs w 'cheng pi' , u try
I did endo scratch. You will experience some pain but it won't cause you to scream. I clenched the doctor's hand with my thunder thighs. That was funny.
Endo scratch supposed to improve the chances of implantation.
is that good to have? can we request for one?
Hello Kym. Endoscratch didn't work for me but I'm sure it did for some others. If it increases chance, you can consider asking your doc. He/she will be best to advice.

My bad experience with my Hsg made me popped a painkiller before the scratch. But the latter is just quick and rather painless.
is that good to have? can we request for one?
Kymkym, you are doing round 2 w Dr Loh ya? I asked him abt it and i hve lining issues (some months lining won't build up to satisfactory levles even w meds), so for me we wont touch the lining. Depends in individual circumstances. so best is ask doc.
if feel pain they say cos the tubes are stuck and its aupposed to flush them clear thereby increasing yr natural pregnancy chances.
Should I also take a painkiller before HSG test? I remembered the last time I did the HSG test in a private clinic, I did not take a painkiller. I'm a little scared of government hospital staff. I have the impression they are professional, but at the same time, they do not care about your pain.
Yes mrstan is right. My right tube is partially blocked. My sis both tubes blocked. Both our Hsg experiences were f**king pain :( But I know a gal whose both tubes blocked but she said not painful. My pain threshold is relatively high. But this Hsg I raised white flag.

I think play safe, pop a pill. No harm. I almost cried during the procedure.
Hello Kym. Endoscratch didn't work for me but I'm sure it did for some others. If it increases chance, you can consider asking your doc. He/she will be best to advice.

My bad experience with my Hsg made me popped a painkiller before the scratch. But the latter is just quick and rather painless.
this is perform on ET day itself ?
I was googling and saw some people mentioned after they had their HSG, they got pregnant after that. So easy?

Oh ya, remember to bring a pad or wear one for HSG test.
The scratch is done after your ovulation. But it's the cycle before your ivf jabs. You will be told not to make baby during the endo scratch cycle.

For KKH, your doc will be the one going through your Hsg report on the scheduled appt after the procedure, ie another day. The one who does the Hsg is another person. I did ask him but he briefly told me the result but still said better to let my doc reviews.
I don't think many ladies here have luck with bfp after Hsg. It may happen but from what I gathered, not very high hit rate but still possible. KKH does provide pad after Hsg.
Eeyer, why they so secretive one? Seriously, government hospital doctors follow rules too strictly. Every consultation costs money. If I did not get referral letter from polyclinic, every time I see a doctor, I have to pay $85. With subsidy, I paid $35 per visit. Surprisingly, the semen analysis is not subsidized. Had to pay $70. The last 2 blood tests that were taken during 2nd or 3rd day menses were also expensive. Supposed to pay $200+, I paid $100+ after subsidy. Pok gai!

Wonder how much HSG test costs... maybe another $100 (facepalm)
Me! Me! I got pregnant immediately after hsg. But we suffered a misssed miscarriage at 8 weeks. After that hump as we might, we never conceived naturally.
Eeyer, why they so secretive one? Seriously, government hospital doctors follow rules too strictly. Every consultation costs money. If I did not get referral letter from polyclinic, every time I see a doctor, I have to pay $85. With subsidy, I paid $35 per visit. Surprisingly, the semen analysis is not subsidized. Had to pay $70. The last 2 blood tests that were taken during 2nd or 3rd day menses were also expensive. Supposed to pay $200+, I paid $100+ after subsidy. Pok gai!

Wonder how much HSG test costs... maybe another $100 (facepalm)

Reason why i started ivf so late was also because of the cost. Earlier years, did not have so much spare cash.

But think of it positively, when you finally carry ur baby in ur arms, how much money u spent is negligible. :)

Hey all MTBs, sometimes we have to reward ourselves with something sweet. Something sweet to share with you. Try this:

Oreo Churros
Me! Me! I got pregnant immediately after hsg. But we suffered a misssed miscarriage at 8 weeks. After that hump as we might, we never conceived naturally.

I don't know want to press "Like" or "Dislike". Hugs!

Reason why i started ivf so late was also because of the cost. Earlier years, did not have so much spare cash.

But think of it positively, when you finally carry ur baby in ur arms, how much money u spent is negligible. :)

It's a fortunate that the government realizes they need to help women like us to cope with the bills for fertility treatment. Giving birth is expensive, keeping the child is also expensive. I hope the government can continue to provide us with more funding to foot our medical bills.
Just go with flow once you've decided on govt hospitals. Some things won't change :)

I was a Pte patient at KKH. Endo scratch >150 and <200.
Yes mrstan is right. My right tube is partially blocked. My sis both tubes blocked. Both our Hsg experiences were f**king pain :( But I know a gal whose both tubes blocked but she said not painful. My pain threshold is relatively high. But this Hsg I raised white flag.

I think play safe, pop a pill. No harm. I almost cried during the procedure.
I did my hsg at sgh many yrs back... both tube not block BUT super painful!!!! I walk like a grandmother after that
I did endo scratch. You will experience some pain but it won't cause you to scream. I clenched the doctor's hand with my thunder thighs. That was funny.
Endo scratch supposed to improve the chances of implantation.
haha..thats funny..duno how i will take the pain..I'm ok to HSG thou maybe because i get worse menses cramp every month so HSG was bearable to me. So this is the cycle that you did endo scratch and got a BFP?
I googled on endo scratch..they say its for some who had several failed IVF cycles despite good embryos or blastos..so endo scratch is suggested for better implantation
If the doctor allows me to have general anesthesia, 来吧! Last year, I had a surgery and went through general anesthesia. When I woke up, my first question was, "Did I snore?" The doctor and nurses blurred out and they burst out laughing.
I think most docs would prefer not to touch GA due to possible side effects.

I did few GA before. Not so worried about snoring. Only worry about talking nonsense in my sleep.
Just to share. Came across the advantage of consuming cordyceps that help to boost male semen quality.
I tried brew him cordyceps once/twice a month and he also regularly take vinegar drinks that contain small amount of cordyceps every morning (the drinks supposed to help with blood circulation too). Thinking back, it may have improved my hb semen problem in morphology & motility which also help me to conceive via assisted fertility.

Sexual function - C. sinensis produces clear benefits for male sexual hypofunction when taken over a period of time. Anecdotal evidence and reports from China also indicate possible benefits for female libido.

Based on animal studies C. sinensis and related species have a clear effect on increasing levels of male sex hormones, improving testes morphology, sperm quantity and quality. In-vitro research indicates that Cordyceps affects the signal transduction pathway of steroidogenesis after the formation of cAMP 15-19.

Fertility - C.sinensis is increasingly being used by leading specialists in the field of infertility and clinical evidence suggests that cordyceps has a beneficial impact on female fertility and the success of IVF. In part this may be due to its ability to stimulate 17β-estradiol (oestrogen) production, through increased StAR (steroidogenic acute regulatory protein) and aromatase expression20. In common with other mushrooms, cordyceps' ability to regulate immune function and in particular NK cell activity may also play a part.
I did my HSG at KK 3yrs back.
Was instructed to take a strong painkiller 1 hr before procedure. Instruction also say must have a adult to accompany home after procedure.

Dr Justin (I remember his name) was so funny. He said by asking patients to take painkiller before HSG, it's insulting his skills :p

It was uncomfortable but no pain for me. Dr watched the screen & told me on the spot that the dunno-wat spilled over so my tubes are open. But I still had to go back to collect official report for confirmation.

A lot of liquid hashed out while I was in toilet changing back 15min after HSG.

The procedure was fortunately painless for me. I even told hubby no need fetch me cos I went bugis to shop after that :p
I don't remember there was pain when I did my HSG 2-3 years ago. Just to play safe, I better pop a painkiller before I go for the test. Nowadays I can't take a bit of pain. Let alone the blood test and acupuncture. :S I hate it when the TCM doctor prick the needle into my ear. So freaking painful! Supposed to prick twice, but he either miss que or I moved, the needle came out. He has to prick the third time. 3 x the pain!
I did my HSG at KK 3yrs back.
Was instructed to take a strong painkiller 1 hr before procedure. Instruction also say must have a adult to accompany home after procedure.

Dr Justin (I remember his name) was so funny. He said by asking patients to take painkiller before HSG, it's insulting his skills :p

It was uncomfortable but no pain for me. Dr watched the screen & told me on the spot that the dunno-wat spilled over so my tubes are open. But I still had to go back to collect official report for confirmation.

A lot of liquid hashed out while I was in toilet changing back 15min after HSG.

The procedure was fortunately painless for me. I even told hubby no need fetch me cos I went bugis to shop after that :p

I had HSG done at KKH 2-3 years back. I had an indian dr from india doing the procedure for me, a lady who was watching the screen & 2 undergrad students on attachment (dr to be) watching me during the procedures. I felt like a guinea pig then :(
I don't remember there was pain when I did my HSG 2-3 years ago. Just to play safe, I better pop a painkiller before I go for the test. Nowadays I can't take a bit of pain. Let alone the blood test and acupuncture. :S I hate it when the TCM doctor prick the needle into my ear. So freaking painful! Supposed to prick twice, but he either miss que or I moved, the needle came out. He has to prick the third time. 3 x the pain!
In theory once the acu point clears, usually within a few sessions, the acu needle insertion shld not hurt anymore as the acu is supposed to help clear the circulation & improve blood flow. So bear w it a few times but if after 5-6 times still damn painful i wld be vary of the skill of the acupuncturist. Sometimes they may accidentally hit a wrong spot but that shld be far and in between once you get things cleared up.

I had HSG done at KKH 2-3 years back. I had an indian dr from india doing the procedure for me, a lady who was watching the screen & 2 undergrad students on attachment (dr to be) watching me during the procedures. I felt like a guinea pig then :(
For those who may be encountering students tagging along, just speak out to have them leave the room if that makes one uncomfortable. Just because they are there doesn't give them the convenience to stay.
I thought spotting cleared up this morning but apparently it is still there. Yesterday i only got mc to cover for 2 days. Shld i go back to kk 24hr o&g or just a gp?
For those who may be encountering students tagging along, just speak out to have them leave the room if that makes one uncomfortable. Just because they are there doesn't give them the convenience to stay.

Hahaha.. Yes! I was doing endoscratch that day and there was a male houseman there to observe ( so shy) so I ask him to excuse himself..
Yes, all my gynaes are female.

I had HSG done at KKH 2-3 years back. I had an indian dr from india doing the procedure for me, a lady who was watching the screen & 2 undergrad students on attachment (dr to be) watching me during the procedures. I felt like a guinea pig then :(
Yup I hate to be watched too. I understand that the trainees need to learn, but I'd appreciate some privacy esp since I'm paying private rates.
I thought spotting cleared up this morning but apparently it is still there. Yesterday i only got mc to cover for 2 days. Shld i go back to kk 24hr o&g or just a gp?
Go back or go any gynae and ask for MC till friday. Dont risk it. At least it gives you ab option to rest of required. Also check if your progesterone support is enough?
Go back or go any gynae and ask for MC till friday. Dont risk it. At least it gives you ab option to rest of required. Also check if your progesterone support is enough?

I had a jab yesterday. Doc initially wanted to increase dosage for duphaston but after i asked for the jab, he say remain as current dosage.
I had a jab yesterday. Doc initially wanted to increase dosage for duphaston but after i asked for the jab, he say remain as current dosage.
My humble suggestions is go get the extra MC today and extend to Friday. The jab sometimes takes a day or so to take effect so continue to monitor and see if it clears or tapers off by tonight & tomorrow morning. For now, dun worry too much as many ladies do bleed in their pregnancy and as worrisome as it is, they do deliver healthy baby(s) at end of day. Rest & rest, dear. We are all praying for you and your little one!!
whmc, so long as there are no clots and not red, try not to be very anxious abt it. I'm spotting too. I extremely hate it when my finger get all bloodied after inserting utrogestan. I asked on the 2015 ivf mummies thread and there are some who responded that they too bled for a long period. I really am worried too but I won't allow the negative thoughts to take over. Feel better soon babe.
