IVF/ICSI Support Group

Gals who went back to work earlier than e h l leave, can i ask eg: if u given hl leave 17 days,u go back say in 10 days, e hr will regard e leave as e working days u are missing out of e 10 days and not regard it as working days out of e 17 days? The hr not count from e 17 working days on e hl leave ya?

i think chinese tea also no no hor? ...tried tcm for a few mths before past ivf....

I consider chinese tea to have high caffeine content, hence I don't understand why my friend insisted that her sister conceived on red tea and that I must drink red tea everyday. Didn't listen to her. If you cannot stand not having coffee, decaf coffee is a good option, although it's not entirely caffeine free. I think trying TCM for a few months is too short; should give it a year before assessing whether to continue (with the same TCM doc).
cos I din prepare my dept or my boss for my HL and besides she went on one week leave already - it clash right with her leave. my cycle was not planned actually. I was preparing for nov but due to menses come too early, I had to shift it to dec. I take it easy lor.
Gals who went back to work earlier than e h l leave, can i ask eg: if u given hl leave 17 days,u go back say in 10 days, e hr will regard e leave as e working days u are missing out of e 10 days and not regard it as working days out of e 17 days? The hr not count from e 17 working days on e hl leave ya?
Hi Connie, HR should only consider hl as 10 days and not 17 days...
this time im given this support by the doc instead of the usual utrogestan round white pill. Crinone (progesterone) gel is a bioadhesive vaginal gel contained in single-use, one-piece vaginal applicator. cost $250 for 18 -19 days support cos always failed my cycle when I use this white pill.
this time im given this support by the doc instead of the usual utrogestan round white pill. Crinone (progesterone) gel is a bioadhesive vaginal gel contained in single-use, one-piece vaginal applicator. cost $250 for 18 -19 days support cos always failed my cycle when I use this white pill.
Did nurse ask u to put e crinone in e fridge? Or just put outside at room temp?
Hi ladies, can I check if good to take chicken essence before fet and during 2ww? I have a fren who conceived after taking chicken essence for that cycle she strikes. Am wondering if how chicken essence helps? Any advice?
Congrats whmc! Hope to grab some of yr baby dust! I'm due for fet tmr. Mixed feelings already. Excited and oso starting to worry about the 2ww.


I cant advise much but like how the other ladies have advised, dont stress urself. The last cycle I was looking for all sorts of symptoms but this round i just enjoyed my stay at home.

Now then i start to stress cos got to wait another week plus before heartbeat scan.

I cant advise much but like how the other ladies have advised, dont stress urself. The last cycle I was looking for all sorts of symptoms but this round i just enjoyed my stay at home.

Now then i start to stress cos got to wait another week plus before heartbeat scan.
Thanks whmc! I will try to relax and enjoy myself.
You'll be fine too! Keep the good news coming! =)
Gals who went back to work earlier than e h l leave, can i ask eg: if u given hl leave 17 days,u go back say in 10 days, e hr will regard e leave as e working days u are missing out of e 10 days and not regard it as working days out of e 17 days? The hr not count from e 17 working days on e hl leave ya?
they will only take into account the actual no of days u MIA. So if you are applying leave online, make sure u only select dates where u are not working and not base on the MC
they will only take into account the actual no of days u MIA. So if you are applying leave online, make sure u only select dates where u are not working and not base on the MC
Thanks kymkym. This is good news. I thinking to shorten e hl leave to 10 days should work gets heavy.
as for the hospitalisation leave maybe check with your own HR will be bettr .cos i knw some companies do not encourage their employees to go to work when they are under mc or hospitalisation. say if anything happen to u during work , workman compensation wil not cover u as u r supposed to be on mc . u r not supposed to work in the first place
my sis was recently hospitalised and she recoverd fast , decided to go back work earlier than the actual given HL.her comapny requested her to go back to dr to request for a 'fit to work' letter before allowing her to go back to work
Morning ladies!

My menses came this morning. I called to make appointment for HSG test on next Friday. I will need to go to the hospital to do my blood test and my hubby to provide semen sample for the analysis test tomorrow. Then go to TCM to get Chinese herbs for menstrual period and acupuncture. What a week!
cos I din prepare my dept or my boss for my HL and besides she went on one week leave already - it clash right with her leave. my cycle was not planned actually. I was preparing for nov but due to menses come too early, I had to shift it to dec. I take it easy lor.
ic.. go slow okie...
Thanks! Did u take egg whites too? Was wondering is it better to start taking earlier before cycle or take only when stimm starts..
jmec, good to start before cycle... test test.. let your body adapt ... like the LRD, brazil nuts etc... coz all are heaty... dun wan any surprise during the cycle.
Morning ladies!

My menses came this morning. I called to make appointment for HSG test on next Friday. I will need to go to the hospital to do my blood test and my hubby to provide semen sample for the analysis test tomorrow. Then go to TCM to get Chinese herbs for menstrual period and acupuncture. What a week!
jiayou jiayou
for my case I still take 17 day HL from doc but will just take 1 day or half a day as I like amd go to work for other days. if those days im not well I can choose to stay at home to rest, no neery worry abt getting mc..

Wa...so troublesome. So maybi its better to request e doc to give shorter hl if shorter than 17 days is needed..

Or maybe u can consider the option to work from home if ur company allows?

I handed over most of my stuffs except for a weekly report which i worked on for few hours one day a week.
