IVF/ICSI Support Group

Petite lady I can understand how you feel. I also failed a few times but not giving up yet. The thought of even science can fail us is really sad cos ivf is like a last resort for us. Anyway let's move on and next cycle will be the one. Take care girl.

@Hlixian , @portia3 Yes im thinking of going back to Dr Loh, must prepare in terms of $$.

@janices , my 1st & 2nd ivf was under Dr Roland Cheng SGH, but he left to open his own at Eastshore. SGH nvr informed us of the changes. When i failed my 2nd ivf, they said Dr Yu will talk to me. She cant figure out why i failed so i changed to Dr Loh. However, halfway Dr Loh shifted to Thomson. I did follow up but when i decided to do the 3rd ivf, my GP persuade me to go to Prof. A decision which i regret.

@holidaygal & @mesara, thks for the encouraging words

@ron8129 i was wif Profesor PC Wong from NUH. He does not help people with low reserve.

Thank you all for the encouraging words and experience. Hoping one day i will have my own kid. Its not an easy journey for us. . I will tiao my body before proceed anything else cos frankly im tired of all the drugs injected in my body making it go haywire. Certain times i still have dizzy spells and my womb feel uncomfortable. But that is the price we have to pay.

Jia you to all still trying and congrats to those who BFP.
@petitelady.. dont give up.. take a break and try again.. jia you!
hi ladies..im new here...embarkin on my 1st ivf soon

may i ask if u all took HL or AL to rest durin the 2WW? if you took HL, HR will definitely know of the reason right?

im tinkin if i shld jus take AL to avoid pple knowing...

hi ladies..im new here...embarkin on my 1st ivf soon

may i ask if u all took HL or AL to rest durin the 2WW? if you took HL, HR will definitely know of the reason right?

im tinkin if i shld jus take AL to avoid pple knowing...

last time when I have d&c , I got HL and on paper , didn't mention reason .
hi babylover, thanks for responding..i knw tat the HL wont mention reason on paper but im thinking HR wil still wanna knw y since it's a 2wk HL?

anyone did ivf b4 without HR knwing or the HL wil b rejected by HR?
hi babylover, thanks for responding..i knw tat the HL wont mention reason on paper but im thinking HR wil still wanna knw y since it's a 2wk HL?

anyone did ivf b4 without HR knwing or the HL wil b rejected by HR?
Hi @second.. Some of the ladies here just indicate "surgery" as a reason.. And when boss/hr asked, just mention it's personal.. btw.. where will u be hving ur IVF done?.. this is also my first.. :D
Hello ladies,

I'm back from the hospital and did my Blood test today.
It's Day 13 of my transfer today and it's POSITIVE!!!!!

We're pregnant. Our beta is 508 for today and to be honest, we actually play cheat a bit.
I started POAS on Wednesday which D11P3DT. I used a cheapie initially and it was a clear positive.
Then i had one expired Clearblue Digital, tried on that it came out as pregnant. I wasn't convinced through cos 1 test is expired and one is a cheapie.

So yesterday, D12P3DT, i tried again. One on normal Clearblue HPT and the + sign came up almost immediately!
I tried on another Clearblue DIgital and it states Pregnant 2- 3.
i was so happy because i have never ever seen the word pregnant on the DIgital HPT before and never a + sign or a double line.

But i was still wary and want the blood test to be a confirmation.
So when the nurse called me earlier, i was surprised that i cried when she told me i'm pregnant. I was so overwhelmed by the news.
So happy it finally happened for us after close to 3 years and also because i removed both tubes and would never be able to conceive naturally.

So, miracle do happen! Those in your 2ww, please just keep positive thoughts in your head. That's what i did.
Each time i think i'm gonna fail this cycle, i'll do a turn around and think it will definitely happen instead.

I didn't really do a lot of bedrest. Instead, i went out for dinner dates with family & close friends and kept myself happy all the time.
I think it really helps mentally instead of wallowing in self-pity alone at home.

Yesterday, i had a new symptom. I felt really hungry but once i've eaten a bit, i feel really full and bloated. had to unbutton my pants cos it was really uneasy.
I also kept having that feeling of wanting to go to the toilet every 45min, like reallyhigh tide... about to burst!
but when i do get to the toilet, it just really little pee. my friends say it's because my uterus is expanding to make way that's why i'm feeling all full down there.

I'm sure you guys will graduate very very soon! Please keep positive thoughts. Don't read too much into every symptoms.
You can find out about it but don't let it consume you.

good luck everybody!
im doing it in kkh.. my 1st s well...

baby sparkles, do you mean u took HL for your fresh cycle last year and the reason you told them is lap surgery so they didnt know you went for ivf?

im actually inclined to take annual leave...the issue is the timing of the annual leave is very short notice since i cant be sure how my body will react to the jabs hence wont know when is the procedure...otherwise, i can just put in a 2wk annual leave saying that im gg for hols for something but holidays cant so short notice rite?
Hello ladies,

I'm back from the hospital and did my Blood test today.
It's Day 13 of my transfer today and it's POSITIVE!!!!!

We're pregnant. Our beta is 508 for today and to be honest, we actually play cheat a bit.
I started POAS on Wednesday which D11P3DT. I used a cheapie initially and it was a clear positive.
Then i had one expired Clearblue Digital, tried on that it came out as pregnant. I wasn't convinced through cos 1 test is expired and one is a cheapie.

So yesterday, D12P3DT, i tried again. One on normal Clearblue HPT and the + sign came up almost immediately!
I tried on another Clearblue DIgital and it states Pregnant 2- 3.
i was so happy because i have never ever seen the word pregnant on the DIgital HPT before and never a + sign or a double line.

But i was still wary and want the blood test to be a confirmation.
So when the nurse called me earlier, i was surprised that i cried when she told me i'm pregnant. I was so overwhelmed by the news.
So happy it finally happened for us after close to 3 years and also because i removed both tubes and would never be able to conceive naturally.

So, miracle do happen! Those in your 2ww, please just keep positive thoughts in your head. That's what i did.
Each time i think i'm gonna fail this cycle, i'll do a turn around and think it will definitely happen instead.

I didn't really do a lot of bedrest. Instead, i went out for dinner dates with family & close friends and kept myself happy all the time.
I think it really helps mentally instead of wallowing in self-pity alone at home.

Yesterday, i had a new symptom. I felt really hungry but once i've eaten a bit, i feel really full and bloated. had to unbutton my pants cos it was really uneasy.
I also kept having that feeling of wanting to go to the toilet every 45min, like reallyhigh tide... about to burst!
but when i do get to the toilet, it just really little pee. my friends say it's because my uterus is expanding to make way that's why i'm feeling all full down there.

I'm sure you guys will graduate very very soon! Please keep positive thoughts. Don't read too much into every symptoms.
You can find out about it but don't let it consume you.

good luck everybody!
@deardyan.. CONGRATULATIONS!!!.. So happy for you.. Grabbing your babydust for my procedure next month.. :p
Hello ladies,

I'm back from the hospital and did my Blood test today.
It's Day 13 of my transfer today and it's POSITIVE!!!!!

We're pregnant. Our beta is 508 for today and to be honest, we actually play cheat a bit.
I started POAS on Wednesday which D11P3DT. I used a cheapie initially and it was a clear positive.
Then i had one expired Clearblue Digital, tried on that it came out as pregnant. I wasn't convinced through cos 1 test is expired and one is a cheapie.

So yesterday, D12P3DT, i tried again. One on normal Clearblue HPT and the + sign came up almost immediately!
I tried on another Clearblue DIgital and it states Pregnant 2- 3.
i was so happy because i have never ever seen the word pregnant on the DIgital HPT before and never a + sign or a double line.

But i was still wary and want the blood test to be a confirmation.
So when the nurse called me earlier, i was surprised that i cried when she told me i'm pregnant. I was so overwhelmed by the news.
So happy it finally happened for us after close to 3 years and also because i removed both tubes and would never be able to conceive naturally.

So, miracle do happen! Those in your 2ww, please just keep positive thoughts in your head. That's what i did.
Each time i think i'm gonna fail this cycle, i'll do a turn around and think it will definitely happen instead.

I didn't really do a lot of bedrest. Instead, i went out for dinner dates with family & close friends and kept myself happy all the time.
I think it really helps mentally instead of wallowing in self-pity alone at home.

Yesterday, i had a new symptom. I felt really hungry but once i've eaten a bit, i feel really full and bloated. had to unbutton my pants cos it was really uneasy.
I also kept having that feeling of wanting to go to the toilet every 45min, like reallyhigh tide... about to burst!
but when i do get to the toilet, it just really little pee. my friends say it's because my uterus is expanding to make way that's why i'm feeling all full down there.

I'm sure you guys will graduate very very soon! Please keep positive thoughts. Don't read too much into every symptoms.
You can find out about it but don't let it consume you.

good luck everybody!
congrats!!! happy for u. grabbing lotsa baby dusts from u...:)
@anamika87 For the 1st three days i made sure i continue drinking my Immunocal / Egg Whites to up my protein intake.
I sleep with socks on. I bath in lukewarm water. Not too cold and not too warm

I start eating durians 4th day onwards. At night i drink chicken essence.
I drank Longan red date every 2 days. I still drink cold drinks but less ice.
No carbonated drinks, No coffee. I only take tea once a week.
I also took walnuts, brazil nuts, almonds and dates every day. Just munch on them.
I also added in dried cranberries so that it'll not be too boring.

I ate lotsa chicken, fish and vegetable. Continued my folic acid intake.
While i do go out and all, i walk really slowly and i make sure i'm seated most of the time. Definitely no shopping / sports / jogging etc.
I think all those can wait. Hahaha

When i'm in the car, i always push the seat down and lie down halfway and i place a cushion under my butt.
Cos i find that my tummy hurts whenever we go over a hump etc.

Safe to say, i acted like i was pregnant the entire time.
congrats... may u have a smooth and healthy pregnancy.

what symptoms did u have during TWW?

I didn't have crazy symptoms. Just very minimal cramps and twinges for the 1st few days.
Then loose stools for the 1st few days. But nearing to the end, i start to have a bit of constipation so i are oats and kiwi

Right now, i feel bloated and very full feeling at the uterus area but im always hungry! but unable to eat much.
and kept going to the toilet to pee! Have that high-tide feeling everytime. My body is also very heaty now.
Hello ladies,

I'm back from the hospital and did my Blood test today.
It's Day 13 of my transfer today and it's POSITIVE!!!!!

We're pregnant. Our beta is 508 for today and to be honest, we actually play cheat a bit.
I started POAS on Wednesday which D11P3DT. I used a cheapie initially and it was a clear positive.
Then i had one expired Clearblue Digital, tried on that it came out as pregnant. I wasn't convinced through cos 1 test is expired and one is a cheapie.

So yesterday, D12P3DT, i tried again. One on normal Clearblue HPT and the + sign came up almost immediately!
I tried on another Clearblue DIgital and it states Pregnant 2- 3.
i was so happy because i have never ever seen the word pregnant on the DIgital HPT before and never a + sign or a double line.

But i was still wary and want the blood test to be a confirmation.
So when the nurse called me earlier, i was surprised that i cried when she told me i'm pregnant. I was so overwhelmed by the news.
So happy it finally happened for us after close to 3 years and also because i removed both tubes and would never be able to conceive naturally.

So, miracle do happen! Those in your 2ww, please just keep positive thoughts in your head. That's what i did.
Each time i think i'm gonna fail this cycle, i'll do a turn around and think it will definitely happen instead.

I didn't really do a lot of bedrest. Instead, i went out for dinner dates with family & close friends and kept myself happy all the time.
I think it really helps mentally instead of wallowing in self-pity alone at home.

Yesterday, i had a new symptom. I felt really hungry but once i've eaten a bit, i feel really full and bloated. had to unbutton my pants cos it was really uneasy.
I also kept having that feeling of wanting to go to the toilet every 45min, like reallyhigh tide... about to burst!
but when i do get to the toilet, it just really little pee. my friends say it's because my uterus is expanding to make way that's why i'm feeling all full down there.

I'm sure you guys will graduate very very soon! Please keep positive thoughts. Don't read too much into every symptoms.
You can find out about it but don't let it consume you.

good luck everybody!
Congrats deardyan ! your successful story did encourage me a lot as I'm going to have procedure with NUH and my first cycle too . A lot of sisters here are with KKH .I was really hoping and following your result quietly . Congrats again !
@anamika87 For the 1st three days i made sure i continue drinking my Immunocal / Egg Whites to up my protein intake.
I sleep with socks on. I bath in lukewarm water. Not too cold and not too warm

I start eating durians 4th day onwards. At night i drink chicken essence.
I drank Longan red date every 2 days. I still drink cold drinks but less ice.
No carbonated drinks, No coffee. I only take tea once a week.
I also took walnuts, brazil nuts, almonds and dates every day. Just munch on them.
I also added in dried cranberries so that it'll not be too boring.

I ate lotsa chicken, fish and vegetable. Continued my folic acid intake.
While i do go out and all, i walk really slowly and i make sure i'm seated most of the time. Definitely no shopping / sports / jogging etc.
I think all those can wait. Hahaha

When i'm in the car, i always push the seat down and lie down halfway and i place a cushion under my butt.
Cos i find that my tummy hurts whenever we go over a hump etc.

Safe to say, i acted like i was pregnant the entire time.

Oh thank u deardyan. Wish u a very smooth 9 months
hi ladies..im new here...embarkin on my 1st ivf soon

may i ask if u all took HL or AL to rest durin the 2WW? if you took HL, HR will definitely know of the reason right?

im tinkin if i shld jus take AL to avoid pple knowing...

hi second,

I read before that some companies don't allow HL that are issued for ivf. For my fresh cycle, I gave an excuse that i had emergency surgery n took the 2-wk HL... HR never question. For FET, I use my own annual leave. Based on you n your colleagues' experiences for HL, does your HL really check for the exact reason? Will they verify with the hosp?
peekababie, there was once my colleague went on HL due to MC, HR did call her and ask but dont think they went on to verify with hosp since no reason to suspect otherwise? so HR or your boss never question what sort of surgery? i feel that my HR and boss quite kaypoh so they might ask further if i jus stop at surgery and my fear is if i tell them surgery and HR went to check with the hosp...
I told my boss actually that I m doing ivf..... I am glad that he is very understanding.....
Cos we gotto do lots of scans and bloodtest, am going in office late recently....... We will need lots of time off too.....

Ivf is already stressful enough, do not wan to waste energy to cook up stories........
peekababie, there was once my colleague went on HL due to MC, HR did call her and ask but dont think they went on to verify with hosp since no reason to suspect otherwise? so HR or your boss never question what sort of surgery? i feel that my HR and boss quite kaypoh so they might ask further if i jus stop at surgery and my fear is if i tell them surgery and HR went to check with the hosp...
have faith, u r right! oredi come so far to take the step for ivf...nw gotta worry abt hw to go away for 2wks...if i tell the truth, im worried abt the constants questions to answer fr office, if i jus take HL w/o telling the truth or take urgent annual leave, i duno wat to say...

so do you tell your boss at the start of the cycle? so your HR approved the HL?
hi , just curious how the iVF work. I heard is painful and troublesome and expensive? if my preference is still natural preg then IVF (last resort) can i still go visit dr SL loh at Thomson TCM?
I told my boss I m going for ivf from the start...... Cos for ivf program, u will need to go down to hospital for scan n bloodtest abou 2 to 3 times per week.....Usually I will reach office by 10am....
I haf not submitted my hl..... But dun foreseen any issues...... But the hl is from sgh.....
peekababie, there was once my colleague went on HL due to MC, HR did call her and ask but dont think they went on to verify with hosp since no reason to suspect otherwise? so HR or your boss never question what sort of surgery? i feel that my HR and boss quite kaypoh so they might ask further if i jus stop at surgery and my fear is if i tell them surgery and HR went to check with the hosp...
@second.. by right.. even if HR called hospital to check.. the hospital is not allowed to reveal unless with prior permission from patients.. cos it's a violation of personal information..
for me.. same as @Have faith.. i told my boss directly.. and even told him when i start i'll needa take time off in the mornings cos needa go scan and all.. he's ok with it.. i guess if boss is ok, hr oso cant say much.. ultimately.. it's my boss who approve my leave application..
Congrats congrats deardyan. Grabbing loads n loads of babydust. Miracles do happen n am glad it happened to you.

Is this first ivf? Under prof ? Take care n have safe n smooth 9 months ahead.
peekababie, there was once my colleague went on HL due to MC, HR did call her and ask but dont think they went on to verify with hosp since no reason to suspect otherwise? so HR or your boss never question what sort of surgery? i feel that my HR and boss quite kaypoh so they might ask further if i jus stop at surgery and my fear is if i tell them surgery and HR went to check with the hosp...

I dunno how strict HR pple are. Rachelt might be right in saying that hosp will respect our privacy... :) But I hv a boss who got my senior colleague to call up all the visited clinics to ask for reasons why my other colleague took mc (cos that girl did clinic-hops n took mc too frequently). For my HL, they didn't qn. I just mentioned women-related emergency surgery. They kept asking what happened, what caused it and I gave a simple "dunno leh" answer. Haha...
Deardyan did u go tcm this cycle? U wear socks n tummy warmer. Nowadays weather so hot. I just use fan n sweat like mad. So never use .. maybe shud start liao

Ladies I hide my 2 iuis n ivf from company. Just say abdominal issues. They never probe. But I also never completely use leave. After er alternate days come to work.
Hello ladies,

I'm back from the hospital and did my Blood test today.
It's Day 13 of my transfer today and it's POSITIVE!!!!!

We're pregnant. Our beta is 508 for today and to be honest, we actually play cheat a bit.
I started POAS on Wednesday which D11P3DT. I used a cheapie initially and it was a clear positive.
Then i had one expired Clearblue Digital, tried on that it came out as pregnant. I wasn't convinced through cos 1 test is expired and one is a cheapie.

So yesterday, D12P3DT, i tried again. One on normal Clearblue HPT and the + sign came up almost immediately!
I tried on another Clearblue DIgital and it states Pregnant 2- 3.
i was so happy because i have never ever seen the word pregnant on the DIgital HPT before and never a + sign or a double line.

But i was still wary and want the blood test to be a confirmation.
So when the nurse called me earlier, i was surprised that i cried when she told me i'm pregnant. I was so overwhelmed by the news.
So happy it finally happened for us after close to 3 years and also because i removed both tubes and would never be able to conceive naturally.

So, miracle do happen! Those in your 2ww, please just keep positive thoughts in your head. That's what i did.
Each time i think i'm gonna fail this cycle, i'll do a turn around and think it will definitely happen instead.

I didn't really do a lot of bedrest. Instead, i went out for dinner dates with family & close friends and kept myself happy all the time.
I think it really helps mentally instead of wallowing in self-pity alone at home.

Yesterday, i had a new symptom. I felt really hungry but once i've eaten a bit, i feel really full and bloated. had to unbutton my pants cos it was really uneasy.
I also kept having that feeling of wanting to go to the toilet every 45min, like reallyhigh tide... about to burst!
but when i do get to the toilet, it just really little pee. my friends say it's because my uterus is expanding to make way that's why i'm feeling all full down there.

I'm sure you guys will graduate very very soon! Please keep positive thoughts. Don't read too much into every symptoms.
You can find out about it but don't let it consume you.

good luck everybody!

@deardyan! Congrats to u! Do take care of yourself! I hope I can join u in another 3 mths time!
Congrats @deardyan, do be extra extra careful during the 1st tri.

Its such a good news to hear sisters here bfp. Btw, blood test for pregnancy is scheduled 12 days after ET? Mine is 16 days after ET? Why is that so??
My blood test is on 15 May and my ET was 29 Apr...
Deardyan congrats. I have guessed you got bfp from poas since you've posted your 2ww symptoms before your BT. When will your first scan be?

Mothergoose, BT is on the last day of your HL. Your HL starts on ER. HL is 19 days. As everyone's ET is different, so the days past ET for BT also differs.
Congrats @deardyan, do be extra extra careful during the 1st tri.

Its such a good news to hear sisters here bfp. Btw, blood test for pregnancy is scheduled 12 days after ET? Mine is 16 days after ET? Why is that so??
My blood test is on 15 May and my ET was 29 Apr...just tested, one strip...not pregnant. Today is 10dp3dt, would it be accurate, as I have absolutely no symptoms...
@peekababie, HR can call clinics to check & investigate when an employee clinic hop and when too frequent mc. For HL, usually it's valid reasons that people have HL & hospital don't anyhow issue HL to patients. So it's very rare that HR will call the hospital. I feel as long as your boss approves of your HL it's fine.
Mothergoose oh may you share how many HL days you got for frozen cycle? I'm on fresh cycle 1st ivf so wondering how the HL works for frozen.

Maybe you like to try poas again 3 days later? I Feel 10dp3dt can be a bit early
Does anyone know how many HL days for frozen ET? Thanks.

Mothergoose I hope this would be your last and successful cycle. Fingers crossed for you.
