IVF/ICSI Support Group

Thank Ron :)

Nervous_babe, I think possible to retrieve too late. I was on short cycle, one of the egg was 28mm and the rest 12-16mm. In the end, it was too late to retrieve the 28mm one and the rest too small n all empty follicle. Short cycle risk is that possibility of 1 egg dominant n absorb all the nutrients while the rest don't get any & by the time of retrieval, tbs dominant egg is already matured n too late to retrieve :(
Oh.. @portia3.. EYS still expensive.. i just calculated based on @su_ttc pricing.. 2 packs of herbs daily.. multiply by usually 20 days.. it's $300 excludes consultation and discount.. so correct la.. same as last time when I see them..
Hihi! Been busy for the past months after a failed cycle with sgh dr yu? Anybody here or know someone who is under dr yu n had bfp?

Hi, I was BFP last Aug under Dr Yu but my baby had chromosome problem and I aborted at 21 weeks. A fellow cycling mummy also BFP and successfully give birth to a baby girl in early April under Dr yu. We cycled at the same time but she was on a short cycle and me long cycle. We endured 2WW together... but good for her, she managed a live birth...
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today is Day 12 post menses and i am still waiting for my ovulation to come..and currently on natural FET. any idea how many days after ovulation will they do the transfer??
What will happen if i ovulate on sunday or P.H?
Hi, I was BFP last Aug under Dr Yu but my baby had chromosome problem and I aborted at 21 weeks. A fellow cycling mummy also BFP and successfully give birth to a baby girl in early April under Dr yu. We cycled at the same time but she was on a short cycle and me long cycle. We endured 2WW together... but good for her, she managed a live birth...
Ecym, sorry to hear your lost. The reason why I'm asking is that I've a friend who told me non of her friends under dr yu are successful and my hub's friend too failed twice under her too. Anyway I always feel that different people suitable for different doctor be it western or tcm. The only reason for me is she's not suitable for me and seeing her is demoralizing and not helping me.
Ok. That is close to $300 a month if med powder is consumed for a month. TSB typically gives me 5 pkts of herbs for 10 consumption in a month. Depending on what was given, my cost each month is between $100 to $120.
@portia3.. does ur hb oso see TSB?.. mine oso usually 5 packs each fm TSB for DH and me.. this round my med taste horribleeeeeeee.. last night just brewed and drank.. taste so so so diff fm my usual.. maybe she's preparing me next month's procedure.. yucksssss..
@portia3.. does ur hb oso see TSB?.. mine oso usually 5 packs each fm TSB for DH and me.. this round my med taste horribleeeeeeee.. last night just brewed and drank.. taste so so so diff fm my usual.. maybe she's preparing me next month's procedure.. yucksssss..
Yes, my hubby also take her herbs. Chinese herbs are never nice! I hated mine. Tried to drink all at one go but always Cannot make it. Too awful. what to do. Still have to force myself to finish it all since I want a baby so badly. Till this day, I still cannot decide which is worse: all the needles and jabs or the awful medical herbs!
Yes, my hubby also take her herbs. Chinese herbs are never nice! I hated mine. Tried to drink all at one go but always Cannot make it. Too awful. what to do. Still have to force myself to finish it all since I want a baby so badly. Till this day, I still cannot decide which is worse: all the needles and jabs or the awful medical herbs!
Lol.. Tell me about it!.. I just got used to the taste.. But this round.. No orange peel.. And it tastes so.......... Yucks.. And I'm only on my 1st bowl.. Tonight round 2.. Must go buy some candies to cover that taste.. *shudders*..
Lol.. Tell me about it!.. I just got used to the taste.. But this round.. No orange peel.. And it tastes so.......... Yucks.. And I'm only on my 1st bowl.. Tonight round 2.. Must go buy some candies to cover that taste.. *shudders*..
lol. I rinse my mouth every time after I drink her herbs! And believe it or not, the after taste will still linger!
Ecym, sorry to hear your lost. The reason why I'm asking is that I've a friend who told me non of her friends under dr yu are successful and my hub's friend too failed twice under her too. Anyway I always feel that different people suitable for different doctor be it western or tcm. The only reason for me is she's not suitable for me and seeing her is demoralizing and not helping me.

Different Dr has diff style of approaching IVF, i know of two other ladies under Dr Yu could not BFP...If you feel that Dr Yu is not for you, you could ask for other dr like Dr Hema or go to KKIVF or NUH.
lol. I rinse my mouth every time after I drink her herbs! And believe it or not, the after taste will still linger!
Lol.. Yes.. Last night for the first time the taste doesnt go away!!!!.. Usuali it does.. Faint ar.. Tmr gonna cook DH's.. See whether he complain anot.. His this round looks like different type of "leaves".. lol..
Different Dr has diff style of approaching IVF, i know of two other ladies under Dr Yu could not BFP...If you feel that Dr Yu is not for you, you could ask for other dr like Dr Hema or go to KKIVF or NUH.
Yeah I've go back to Pte CARE which I had always wanted to. Tried once at sgh and it's enough.
Oh.Another update from me. l just got back from KK for my progesterone BT and collected my embbies results. Apparently, they cutivated those fertilised ones like my grade 2 , One"unuseab1e" one, and one that was still cleaving on day 3 to day 5. AU were declared "arrested" on day 5. So they dun just dispose of any embbies if you tell them to keep 'developing' till day 5.
Lol.. Yes.. Last night for the first time the taste doesnt go away!!!!.. Usuali it does.. Faint ar.. Tmr gonna cook DH's.. See whether he complain anot.. His this round looks like different type of "leaves".. lol..
Well, just stand by loads of sweet and four stuff for him then! 1 think the look on all our faces after drinking the herbs must be quite hilarious and priceless!
Well, just stand by loads of sweet and four stuff for him then! 1 think the look on all our faces after drinking the herbs must be quite hilarious and priceless!
lol.. i think so.. i was thinking of my own reaction when i took my first sip last night and i cant help luffing.. hahahahaha.. so farni..
I know, but keep trying anyway. Take leave to see her. Her afternoon maybe easier.or try walking in and see if they will take you.
Ya.. @su_ttc.. that's what i tell my friends too.. take leave go standby from afternoon.. sure can getta see.. just needa wait only.. hvta be very patient.. even with appt we oso needa wait ar..
Can't agree more ! I hope this cycle 1 will be rewarded! And same goes for all in the 2WW now!
@portia3.. jia you jia you.. *cheerleading dance*
Hi redvel all the best for your er today. Keep us posted.
Btw can share wat was yr stim meds n dosage. Also long or short protocol.
@portia3, i went to tcm yu ren sheng to tiao yesterdae.
@redvel, mine d&c is oredi one n e half yr oredi, i'm 36, e diet wat sld i do abt it?
Hi gal, I think everyone's reaction to methods are different but I really do believe most importantly is sleep and stress free lifestyle (try la). My sinseh always tells me we can eat this do that, but if our sleep is bad or is always stressed up, it takes a toll on our body especially kidney. Kidney plays an important part in our system and if this organ is stressed out, many things will fall apart (yes including the womb condition).

My sinseh honestly tells me he is puzzled why I ain't preggie under his care for about 4 months or so (before that I was with another sinseh where I got 2 bfps but mc). He said for my age my condition is all well and he suspects it's manhood issue and of course we can't deny the fact that at my age, getting bfp just gets tougher. When I asked for his opinion for ivf, he totally encourages me as never try never know and it also eliminates manhood problem.

If you like to watch your diet, try to eat whole grains and very dark veg like kale, broccoli, and Brussel sprouts if you're game for it. I heard raspberry tea is good (never tried). And I'm a believer that cold drinks are bad for ttc. Do long evening walks if you don't like to jog (I hate jogging and it's not exactly good for knees) because being more agile means good blood circulation (to your womb!). Drink dang gui before 2ww (check with your sinseh if you're suitable). I make dang gui drinks every morning. And try to reduce chicken from outside. Those fat chicks are fat because of hormones injection. Those are the hormones which cause many new age problems including infertility. I believe it's true.

Generally I try to lead a healthy lifestyle and very much watch what I eat. That's why my hubby quite dislikes to take me out on date as he can't have someone eat as junk as he is. Haa.

Remember most importantly get good 7 hours sleep daily!
Hi mesara, how are you feeling today after your Monday ET?

Thanks for asking about mine. Out of 7 embies that were from day3 on monday, today 1 has become a blasto and the rest are morulas (a stage just before blasto). But one got arrested so today we transfered one blasto and one morula in me. The blasto is from icsi and the morula is from ivf. As for the remaining 4 morulas, they will monitor further in the lab and if they turn into good blasto tomorrow, they will be frozen. I read that some embies can turn into blasto either on day 5 (today) or day6. So let's see.

I'm on short protocol (I believe it has to do with my AMH which doctor says it's very good for my age). Cd2 I started my puregon @ 400iu daily. About 4 days later I started daily ganirelix. I only jabbed puregon same daily dosage for 9 days and it was time for my trigger shot. I feel my ivf process is very fast forward. Doctor did say I react well to the medicine. My last private fertility doc at glenE also commented before I react well on egg stimming medicine ( I was on gonal f injection for 2 cycles with him).

When I was younger, I never thought I wanted kid and i even more never thought wanting to have a child is this hard. Everyone of us here has a story. As much as I think I have been through a lot to have a child, I am sure there are many many ladies , here or anywhere, whom have tried even harder.

Every time I see someone reports a bfn, I feel why is it so hard.... but I also think there will a day which is OUR day. So let's keep trying.
@redvel, thks for e gd advices.
e dang gui is liquid or wat?
i decided to go jogging n excerise more. i oso wan c TSB, juz hv to b patient n work hard for another 3 mths. ^^
dang gui is a kind of ginseng and it's normally sliced thin. Just put about 6-7 slices into a thermal flask with hot water 250ml. Let it sit there 2hrs later then can drink already.
Hi hi all,
My er is yesterday and they plan to et on Friday. Is this consider a day 3 transfer?
Will they call me tmr again to update me of the embryos status?
May I know ur E2 level in your last scan if u rem.
U start TSB medicine on which day of your 2ww? Wonder will it affect implantation if it was started right after ET, as those are more for an tai?
May I know ur E2 level in your last scan if u rem.
U start TSB medicine on which day of your 2ww? Wonder will it affect implantation if it was started right after ET, as those are more for an tai?
@nervous_babe.. I went to see TSB on Mon and also informed her of my IVF thingy.. She said go back to her after the first scan.. If follicles not growing, she'll give herbs to help enhance the growth.. If growing well.. She'll just give me herbs for TWW.. She'll try not to give me herbs after ER and before ET.. Unless super necessary.. The herbs for TWW she says is to help with the embryo to stick on..
dang gui is a kind of ginseng and it's normally sliced thin. Just put about 6-7 slices into a thermal flask with hot water 250ml. Let it sit there 2hrs later then can drink already.

Dang gui is not for everyone. I personally cannot touch it. If not, my menses wun come

Also dang gui may cauae bleeding if u r pregnant.
May I know ur E2 level in your last scan if u rem.
U start TSB medicine on which day of your 2ww? Wonder will it affect implantation if it was started right after ET, as those are more for an tai?
I din ask for test results even though they did a full blood count.

Nothing special hilighted to me, so i think it should be ok.

I started TSB med on the day after ET. 安胎 could be a general term used. In any case, if there are already embryos in the uterus, taking herbs to support implantation should also be considered 安胎, i suppose?

I suppose she knows what's she is doing since she is so familiar with her ivf patients n the ivf procedures. If any effect on implantation, it should also be positive effect ba?
@nervous_babe.. I went to see TSB on Mon and also informed her of my IVF thingy.. She said go back to her after the first scan.. If follicles not growing, she'll give herbs to help enhance the growth.. If growing well.. She'll just give me herbs for TWW.. She'll try not to give me herbs after ER and before ET.. Unless super necessary.. The herbs for TWW she says is to help with the embryo to stick on..
I think she really customised her treatment for everyone. She told me she won't give me herbs at all during stimulation. And she will prescribe only after ET.
Yup that's why I suggest check with sinseh. Everyone's body is different and i see many ladies self medicate especially on tcm which can be worrying. Dang gui may cause mc therefore it's a no no during 2ww and pregnancy.
I think she really customised her treatment for everyone. She told me she won't give me herbs at all during stimulation. And she will prescribe only after ET.
Yup.. She said see her liao than decide.. See the situation and go with the flow.. hehe..

Hi hi all,
My er is yesterday and they plan to et on Friday. Is this consider a day 3 transfer?
Will they call me tmr again to update me of the embryos status?

Yes its a D3 transfer... for my case, the embryologist called me everyday to update me on the status even Sunday but mine were cultured to blastos
