IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi_mei, do tiao your body for at least half a yr .. Last time I am in such a hurry to go for my second ivf after mc, and the result is disappointing. It is a yr since my last ivf.. Hope result will be better.

I am really at my wits end... Cuz always produce 1-2 eggs only. Thinking to go back to Loh SF for consultation....
hi_mei, did the doc increase the dosage of sonulation injection for u? it works for my case. i have 5 follicles nia and initially i was on 225iu gonal f. then doc increase the dosage to 300iu and 3 days later i yield 11follicles. continue till trigger jab and at et i yield 14 eggs. during the midst, i told nyself to relx and they mentiin stress will cause u noy able to produce more eggs. so try to keep relax, eat well, sleep well. tHink af loh will ask you try dhea from 21st centry if u visit him .dhea is supoosed tp help in e eggs though i didnt try ia and. initially i was on 225iu gonal f
Thanks redvel and hope42014... Actually I heard ur body is more fertile after an MC... I don't want to miss any fertile window thats why. If I do another ivf cycle 3 mth after MC shd be ok rite? I checked with my ivf doctor and TCM they both said ok...
hi_mei, did the doc increase the dosage of sonulation injection for u? it works for my case. i have 5 follicles nia and initially i was on 225iu gonal f. then doc increase the dosage to 300iu and 3 days later i yield 11follicles. continue till trigger jab and at et i yield 14 eggs. during the midst, i told nyself to relx and they mentiin stress will cause u noy able to produce more eggs. so try to keep relax, eat well, sleep well. tHink af loh will ask you try dhea from 21st centry if u visit him .dhea is supoosed tp help in e eggs though i didnt try ia and. initially i was on 225iu gonal f
if u have time, can try tcm to tiao yr body. think it helps some gals here e tcm. but i th8nk mos5 important thing is to relax
and try to ear and sleep well. sorry for the typo english as i am using hp to reply dunno y cant control e cursor..
hi_mei, did the doc increase the dosage of sonulation injection for u? it works for my case. i have 5 follicles nia and initially i was on 225iu gonal f. then doc increase the dosage to 300iu and 3 days later i yield 11follicles. continue till trigger jab and at et i yield 14 eggs. during the midst, i told nyself to relx and they mentiin stress will cause u noy able to produce more eggs. so try to keep relax, eat well, sleep well. tHink af loh will ask you try dhea from 21st centry if u visit him .dhea is supoosed tp help in e eggs though i didnt try ia and. initially i was on 225iu gonal f

I tried v high stim also no use. Ate dhea also no use...
75iu-2 follicles
200iu-1 follicle
300iu- 7 follicles (but this one on pergoveris, which I think is supposed to enhance response). But in the end also only 2 embryos.
450iu- 2 follicles

Mb it is stress ba... i really feel no matter what I do also cannot get eggs and the doctor also dunno why cuz my AMh and FSH are ok... And I am not that old either...
I do with dr que at tang shan marine parade. I felt more energy in body womb as warm. No cold feet n hands. Had more follies and womb lining was always triple. So I guess it helped alot for me tho I cant 100 percent say this time result.

After yr confirm pregnancy did u take tcm herbs
Usually I feel more symptoms during fresh than frozen cycle. Anyway it's really individual. Checking out every symptoms make me pull my hair as well n crazy googling to see is it normal.. to a stage tat I stop myself reading forums for first week to keep my mind off..
I think googling at every symptom is really not healthy. We are all so different....and to me anything is possible so long witch doesn't show. So symptom reading is no point (I mean I've gone thru so many ttc cycles and i guarantee it's so :p ). I prefer to talk to the embies inside and be positive about it (come what may of the result). Hubby and i talk to them everyday.
Baby sparkles what baking do you like? This is surely nice to keep yourself occupied.

I have been going out with friends to dine and eat desserts. Last night I had waffles with ice cream. It feels good!
Yup mb I try tsb... Hope her queue not v long.

I didn't take any tcm after bfp... On hindsight I dunno if I shd have, and tsb got medication for after bfp right? Cuz Dr Zou once u bfp she dun give anymore treatment lei. I did ask her at first my HCG so low got an tai yao or not? She said nvm just re test...
Smelly? No leh, I find it quite OK n after I told her it's quite heaty after I drank first round as I can feel my lips pain after consume, she adjusted n seems better n taste better as well...
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Bah... Dun care la.

I made the black vinegar pigs trotters for confinement hubby refused to eat it but also dun care la! Hehe.

I love pig trotters any kind. Ha ha.
Yes TSB give an tai Yao. Her med are brew kind n she will give u two powder to add in.
how much is tsb chArges for a month? doees she do acupuncture or just eat medicine? is e brewing need special equipment and 1 day brew how many times and eat how many times?
Her subsequent consultation is 25 before gst. Last fri I got 6 packs of an tai yao costs me ard 134..
She knows acu but dun really encourage as she felt not much use.
I went to see TCM xia rong yesterday & she said the lap I did last year had injured my womb and likely affected my ovaries etc. she is trying to tiao my body with the medication she gave. Plus she also got me to go guardian to buy the placenta supplement. The one she ask me to buy is from green life brand as she say that brand has pure placenta content. She told me that the placenta can rejuvenate and body and ovary. Useful for those with ovary issue or low ovarian reserves. In total I spend a bomb at the TCM. My hubby see her as well. I am trying it for 3 mths until my next ivf. Gotta eat grass for next few mths! :p

Btw, I read from the placenta supplement bottle, it says high protein content. Maybe those ladies with low ovarian reserves can try. I bought the supplement from guardian at buy 2 get 1 free promo. Each bottle cost abt $60 plus.
how much is tsb chArges for a month? doees she do acupuncture or just eat medicine? is e brewing need special equipment and 1 day brew how many times and eat how many times?

U can buy the electric pot very easy just throw all herbs in n pour four bowls of water. It will auto cook into one bowl. When is cook there will be a beeping sound to inform you.
her med drink two days stop two days.
thannks sisters for e tsb med info. medicine is 1 days drink morning n night?so roughly how much you spend in a month for 1 person.
TSB's herbs each time you cook will be 2 bowls.. One bowl each day.. I drink it after dinner.. Usually cook one packet (2 days consumption) than rest 2 days and cook again..
I went to see TCM xia rong yesterday & she said the lap I did last year had injured my womb and likely affected my ovaries etc. she is trying to tiao my body with the medication she gave. Plus she also got me to go guardian to buy the placenta supplement. The one she ask me to buy is from green life brand as she say that brand has pure placenta content. She told me that the placenta can rejuvenate and body and ovary. Useful for those with ovary issue or low ovarian reserves. In total I spend a bomb at the TCM. My hubby see her as well. I am trying it for 3 mths until my next ivf. Gotta eat grass for next few mths! :p

Btw, I read from the placenta supplement bottle, it says high protein content. Maybe those ladies with low ovarian reserves can try. I bought the supplement from guardian at buy 2 get 1 free promo. Each bottle cost abt $60 plus.
Hi, what is the brand of this supplement? Any photo to show?
TSB's herbs each time you cook will be 2 bowls.. One bowl each day.. I drink it after dinner.. Usually cook one packet (2 days consumption) than rest 2 days and cook again..
How often do u have to see tsb? Once a mth is ok? Once a wk i die manx...
Nowadays her schedule so pack, we see her once every 3-4 weeks. She will tell u next booking date before u leave her room..
Jumbo girl.. How come yours 4 bowls? I was told 3 rice bowls of water..

When I first started I was told to put part 1 four bowls of water. Part 2 three n half bowl of water but cos it brew so long it decide to just put three n half bowl for part 1 n part 2 three bowls.
When I first started I was told to put part 1 four bowls of water. Part 2 three n half bowl of water but cos it brew so long it decide to just put three n half bowl for part 1 n part 2 three bowls.
ooo.. i was told to put 3 bowls in part 1.. and 2.5 bowls in part 2.. takes about 45mins or less to cook them in the pot..
Just eating once won't hurt. I find instant noodle can be very yummy but I always add lots of fresh vegs and mushrooms.

However normally I throw away the seasoning within the pack. I use Knorr chix cube (without msg).
Thanks for the advice. I cooked and eat half of it just to satisfied my craving. After that i drink soy milk to balance a bit. Hahaha... 2ww is hard. Lets pray for good news everyone! Happy mothers day!
Thanks for the advice. I cooked and eat half of it just to satisfied my craving. After that i drink soy milk to balance a bit. Hahaha... 2ww is hard. Lets pray for good news everyone! Happy mothers day!
No need to worry too much. Eat a bit it is ok. Beanie due for 2ww and first trimester doesn't need any nutrients from us. What we eat doesn't go to them. They have their own source of food pack and rations within the embryo.

But don't go on an overdrive also la. Still good to eat nutritious food. Indulge a bit, it is ok. Cos it keeps us happy.
Not sure how true but I've given up soy milk while ttc (anyway I like cow milk so still continuing milk).
Soy is to be avoided as it contains phytoestrogens, which mimick normal estrogen in our body. And too much of soy can hinder fertility as it realeases extra estrogen into your system.
I still believe everything in moderation. But since I can live without soy, I just skip it.
any sisters have tried Elonva? any feedback pls? dr tan going to start me with Elonva n im totally excited to know one jab last for 7days! no need so stress daily wif e med, however i read some -ve feedback ty oo.. the evil of google.. any sister bfp with elonva? thanks~~
Not sure how true but I've given up soy milk while ttc (anyway I like cow milk so still continuing milk).
Soy is to be avoided as it contains phytoestrogens, which mimick normal estrogen in our body. And too much of soy can hinder fertility as it realeases extra estrogen into your system.
I still believe everything in moderation. But since I can live without soy, I just skip it.
Yup i heard soy is cooling so i avoided during tww.
Controlling food in tww is tough man. Esp cold drinks in this hot weather. Suddenly also craving got Maggie but think no good bah. Coming week many sisters bt week. Best wishes to all sisters may all of us celebrate next Mother's Day with our little darlings.
Dear sisters, a little intro of myself. I had a chemical pregnancy for my fresh cycle last year may. After which I rested for about 6 months before my fet in nov...During this period I visited tcm... I did not really bed rest for the tww and went back to work the next day. I was lucky to bfp... I bumped into this video while trying to search for exercises which I can do to improve my body and chances... I did tried out a few times. I would not say my bfp was 100% due to this massage that I tried out. But I really feel it makes sense and is informative... No harm trying!!!
Yup mb I try tsb... Hope her queue not v long.

I didn't take any tcm after bfp... On hindsight I dunno if I shd have, and tsb got medication for after bfp right? Cuz Dr Zou once u bfp she dun give anymore treatment lei. I did ask her at first my HCG so low got an tai yao or not? She said nvm just re test...

That's weird. When I had spotting on my BT day, I also went to see her. She prescribed me 安胎药. I have been taking her TCM since BFP.
Original 19 may monday but I got important meeting so I'll go next fri or sat which is on 16 or 17 may.
Hi mesara, did you inform the nurse that u r gg to take ur BT earlier? Or can just go earlier? I'm thinking of gg earlier too so that I can hv the weekend to get over it if it's bfn. :p
