IVF/ICSI Support Group

Congrats deardyan ! your successful story did encourage me a lot as I'm going to have procedure with NUH and my first cycle too . A lot of sisters here are with KKH .I was really hoping and following your result quietly . Congrats again !

Hey babe!

I did not regret a single bit going thru IVF at NUH. i know there will be mixed reviews and all but do remember, no matter which doctor u go to, whichever hospital it is. Even if you go to the Top IVF Doctor, it still boils down to your luck and if you practice your own religion, you'll know it's all up to the person up there. :)

But i have no complaints against NUH. They really took care of me and my protocol even though i was just a subsidised patient!
Deardyan did u go tcm this cycle? U wear socks n tummy warmer. Nowadays weather so hot. I just use fan n sweat like mad. So never use .. maybe shud start liao

Yes it is my 1st IVF and i'm a subsidised patient so i don't get to see Prof. Most of the time i'm with Dr Lim who's really wonderful.
The one who did my ER is Dr Chew and the one who did my ET is Dr Anupriya. I think all of the doctors i was with at NUH are very good doctors who know what they do. :)

I didn't not go for any TCM. Very kamikaze this IVF cycle. I just went ahead with an open mind.
At the back of my mind, i know this will happen for us. It has to. Because this is our only option left.

I wear socks but never tummy warmer. I heard it's not good to have direct heat at your tummy.
I just make sure that i keep my hands close to my tummy before i sleep. I try to wear a blanket but later on, my body gets too heaty so i made do w/o it.
Congrats @deardyan, do be extra extra careful during the 1st tri.

Its such a good news to hear sisters here bfp. Btw, blood test for pregnancy is scheduled 12 days after ET? Mine is 16 days after ET? Why is that so??
My blood test is on 15 May and my ET was 29 Apr...

Are u with KKH? My friend who is with KKH had the same transfer date as me can only do the blood test next week. ANother of my friend who did her IVF 1 week earlier than me, had the same BT date as me. So technically if you are with KKH, its a three week wait.

But i actually prefer reporting for blood test early. Cos if they detect pregnancy early they can quickly offer pregnancy support. Just today, i receive a painful jab in the butt. Meant to help me support the pregnancy. Have to go to GP and get them to do it for me every Tuesday & Friday for 2 weeks.

Cos we got pregnant 'artificially' our body is currently not engineered to support the pregnancy by itself until the placenta takes over. Hence the need to take progesterone inserts etc.
Deardyan congrats. I have guessed you got bfp from poas since you've posted your 2ww symptoms before your BT. When will your first scan be?

Hahhahaa yes! I think you were the one who asked if i POAS already right. I didn't wanna jinx it so i didn't answer. Hehe
My next scan is in 2 weeks then. 23rd May.
by then i should be abut 6 weeks. Hopefully get to see the heartbeat and find out if it's twins or a singleton
Congrats @deardyan, do be extra extra careful during the 1st tri.

Its such a good news to hear sisters here bfp. Btw, blood test for pregnancy is scheduled 12 days after ET? Mine is 16 days after ET? Why is that so??
My blood test is on 15 May and my ET was 29 Apr...just tested, one strip...not pregnant. Today is 10dp3dt, would it be accurate, as I have absolutely no symptoms...

Hey babe, try again on 12dp3dt.
Cos i got the strongest positive on that day. Good luck! Don't give up until u see the witch arrive! :)
Hahhahaa yes! I think you were the one who asked if i POAS already right. I didn't wanna jinx it so i didn't answer. Hehe
My next scan is in 2 weeks then. 23rd May.
by then i should be abut 6 weeks. Hopefully get to see the heartbeat and find out if it's twins or a singleton

You did the the right thing deardyan for not answering me. ..look at your confirmed bfp! :)

It's my first ivf too. And likewise I won't be waiting for BT for result (despite what kkh instruction sheet says. As in patients are discouraged to poas first. It's my pee and i can do whatever I want. Haa). Reason being hubby will be away during my BT date. We want to know the result (though will need BETA to really further confirms) together.

Do you think 10dp5dt is too early to test?
Did my ovulation test in morning and it was positive..had my scan too..lining has improved to 7mm triple..and I also have a follicle at size 17.5...scheduled for FET on Monday..was prescribed estraderm patch to try and improve lining before FET.hopefully everything turns out well..
Did my ovulation test in morning and it was positive..had my scan too..lining has improved to 7mm triple..and I also have a follicle at size 17.5...scheduled for FET on Monday..was prescribed estraderm patch to try and improve lining before FET.hopefully everything turns out well..

I am with both TSB at chinatown and Dr Zou un AMK. I hv been seeing them since early feb this year. I go to Dr Zou twice a week for acupuncture and TSB every 4 weeks fir her herbs.

Overall, i find some improvement in my period. Not so much blood clot. But take note, TSB may not be encouraging if u tell her u intend to do acupuncture. She told me not everyone is suited for it and she does not encourage her patients to take any other tonics or red date tea if they take her herbs. It's entirely up to you how u want to handle this.
Hi portia3, i went for 1st visit wz dr zou. She also advice me to go accunpture. N and the same time she prescribe med to me as well. May u know u go dr zou's accpunture, do u take her medi as well? For tsb, u just take solely on medi?
hello, juz curious how many sis here go for endo scratch? n wat is the sucesss rate BFP?
do u suggest that to the dr or the other way?
You did the the right thing deardyan for not answering me. ..look at your confirmed bfp! :)

It's my first ivf too. And likewise I won't be waiting for BT for result (despite what kkh instruction sheet says. As in patients are discouraged to poas first. It's my pee and i can do whatever I want. Haa). Reason being hubby will be away during my BT date. We want to know the result (though will need BETA to really further confirms) together.

Do you think 10dp5dt is too early to test?

Hahahaha i know what u mean! I think it's safe to start POAS 14 days after your trigger shot. By then the HCG from the trigger is no longer in your system.
So yes 10dp5dt is a good time by then its about 16 days past trigger shot! But don't despair if you don't have a positive ok. Keep an open mind. I know of others who are only able to test after the blood test,
Deardyan as i knew my hubby will be travelling, it means we will test ourselves earlier. So on the morning of my ET, I already tested to make sure no more lingering hcg. My hpt was stark white so I'm pretty sure the 10000iu had cleared from my system (or at least no longer readable on the strip).
I believe there's no way to "ensure" each follie has an egg. Unfortunately these can only be confirmed during ER. This has to do with our internal hormones. Maybe seek a sinseh and he might be able to help?
Hi portia3, i went for 1st visit wz dr zou. She also advice me to go accunpture. N and the same time she prescribe med to me as well. May u know u go dr zou's accpunture, do u take her medi as well? For tsb, u just take solely on medi?

Dr Zou is known for acu. I din take her powder med as i am aldy tsking TSB's herbs.
Did my ovulation test in morning and it was positive..had my scan too..lining has improved to 7mm triple..and I also have a follicle at size 17.5...scheduled for FET on Monday..was prescribed estraderm patch to try and improve lining before FET.hopefully everything turns out well..
Dont worry n take it easy gal. All the best for monday et.
Pkp many sisters bfp under dr zou qcu n tsb herbs. Tsb herbs r v good for mom n baby. Baby strong lungs sisters say.
Congrats @deardyan, do be extra extra careful during the 1st tri.

Its such a good news to hear sisters here bfp. Btw, blood test for pregnancy is scheduled 12 days after ET? Mine is 16 days after ET? Why is that so??
My blood test is on 15 May and my ET was 29 Apr...just tested, one strip...not pregnant. Today is 10dp3dt, would it be accurate, as I have absolutely no symptoms...
Mothergoose, when I had positive blood test I tried one strip also and super super faint. That was 17dp2dt. The strips are not v sensitive one... Try again, think u tried too soon. All the best k!
Is there such a procedure here himei? If natural means likely just one maturing egg for that cycle? Would it be not optimising the chance with numbers? Curious to know.
Sisters in tww how r u?? Hope all r doing well n enjoying the weekend with family n friends.


Baby sparkles
Have faith
Thanks mesara. Me being new here really quite lost who's on which stage. This list is helpful.

Me merely 3dp5dt and I did tell myself I'm not going to play sick. Only the first 1.5days after ET I tried to stay in bed. After that I do everything else like norm. Except no carrying heavy stuff and non strenuous. I think it's important to be merry and occupied rather than stuck at home whole day long.

I hope mesara and all 2ww ladies graduate nicely to come.

As for whites, some do and some don't. But if you do, I think someone mentioned here to take hardboiled instead for 2ww. For me, I've stopped because I'm so sick of whites already. Instead I started Ensure milk. It's high in protein too plus other goodies in this supplement. And it tastes nice (vanilla. Also has strawberry and choc flavors); unlike those pre natal milk formula I wanna gag from the awful taste.
Sisters in tww how r u?? Hope all r doing well n enjoying the weekend with family n friends.


Baby sparkles
Have faith
Sisters in tww how r u?? Hope all r doing well n enjoying the weekend with family n friends.


Baby sparkles
Have faith

Hi mesara. Tww is really very difficult part of ivf very slow, boring and tensed part. Me almost all the times taking rest only and wondering why I don't feel any symptoms. Just now I am in 4 d3p3dt still I must wait for two weeks until 23rd don't know how can I manage. Trying to divert mind but still can't always thinking about the result only
Is there such a procedure here himei? If natural means likely just one maturing egg for that cycle? Would it be not optimising the chance with numbers? Curious to know.
It is mainly for people who don't respond well to stim. I might try it if my next cycle fails cuz from experience, no matter I am on a natural cycle, or using a range of 75/150iu to 450iu drugs, it is always 1-2 eggs... So might as well dun use drugs....

Hi Mei, I did in Mar. No stimulation. Just some pills and the usual jab before ET for support. During 2ww, crinone and usual support as prescribed by your Doc.
Hope2bb if u dun mind sharing, how was ur experience like? Need to scan v often? How much does it cost? Thanks...
Natural FET was easy compare to fresh cycle. Your cycle and ovulation must be regular for natural cycle. I had about 3 - 4 scans before ET. After that took aspirin during 2ww. Cost was about $4-5k. I'm with private hosp. Bfn though. Sigh. My next FET, I dunno whether should try medicated instead.
Natural FET was easy compare to fresh cycle. Your cycle and ovulation must be regular for natural cycle. I had about 3 - 4 scans before ET. After that took aspirin during 2ww. Cost was about $4-5k. I'm with private hosp. Bfn though. Sigh. My next FET, I dunno whether should try medicated instead.
Oops hope2bb actually I meant natural fresh cycle, not the FET... Ok but thanks tho :)
Babysparkles, take it easy. Implantation can b quite painful as in for my case this cycle, pain until I woke up in tears.
I am really at my wits end... Cuz always produce 1-2 eggs only. Thinking to go back to Loh SF for consultation....
Hi Ladies,

Your messages and support for each other is truly encouraging.

Just a brief intro.

I have PCOS and had 2 MC with SO-IUI last year. I will be seeing Dr. Veronique (KKH ) on Wed (14/5) to discuss on starting my 1st IVF cycle.

Is anyone with Dr. Veronique as well ?

I have been seeing Dr. Zuo @ AMK for acu and meds as well as on Pre-natal vitamins.
Redvel thanks for wishes. Am also not on complete bed rest. Do cooking laundry at home n go back to work alternate days since et. Oh u stop egg whites. ..I dont dare to....haha. Am not a milk person do was v worried had to take ensure for tcc. But turn out this beverage v nice.

Anamika87 u home this tww? Coz am at work my time is mostly occupied thus tho anxious abt results still can tahan. Will do bt in 7 days...so countdown started. Take care
Hi mei did u try tcm. I urge u to try tat strongly before u embark on cycle. Mire yield good results gal.
Mesara, if u dun mind sharing, who do u do tcm with and how did it help u? I also do tcm but i dont think it really helps. The only thing gd is usually even though i only have 1-2 follicles, there is definitely an egg in each of them and usually the embryo formed is of gd quality... Mb that was the tcm help..
As of fri when I make booking, there are availability mid june onwards, y dun u just try make a booking tmr... n tell them if anyone gives up earlier date n gives u a call to slot u in...
As of fri when I make booking, there are availability mid june onwards, y dun u just try make a booking tmr... n tell them if anyone gives up earlier date n gives u a call to slot u in...
Hmm ok, thanks for the advice :) do u know the clinic number?
Hi_mei, here is the address on TSB...

(3) Tan Siew Buoy

Clinic 1: NTU Chinese Medicine Clinic
60 Nanyang Drive SBS-01s-68
Singapore 637551
Tel: 65921732/ 65921733 (By appointment)
Consulting hr: 8.30am to 12.30pm (Mon, Wed, Fri) & 1.30 to 4.30pm (Tue & Thurs)

Clinic 2: Health & Beauty Pte Ltd, Traditional chinese medicine centre
No. 38 upper cross st,
Singapore 058341
Tel: 65344131 (By appointment)
Consulting hr: 3pm to 8pm(Mon, wed & fri)

I do admire you ladies for willing to queue and wait. I have been given so many recommendations of docs and sinsehs but once I know need to wait long long, I forget it :p

So far I've seen 2 sinsehs but I tried to visit at non peak hours and my patience is max 1hr.

Hope this TSB works for you himei!
