IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi et2180, i also had endo on both ovaries. I went thro 2 laps to remove the endo. Theres pros & cons wif surgeries. It does remove endo fast but high chances for it to recurr back. Lap also will cause formation of scar tissue internally which is bad. Btw did any of ur gynae suggest lucrin jabs to shrink the endo?

For my 1st lap, i had to go for surgery but it was discovered quite late & cyst on my left was i think 7x 5cm , right was slightly smaller. My AF cramps then was super bad. CA125 was like 10x the upper limit of norm.

Prior to my 2nd lap, gynae found tat my endo came back when i failed to conceive after ttc-ing for some time. But this time was much smaller abt 3 or 4 cm so he put me under 2 dose of lucrin jab. But mind u, 1 dose was super ex. Paid $400+ just for 1 dose. Gynae was so against me going thro lap again to prevent the formation of more scar tissue which can affect ttc. He said if it managed to shrink to > 2cm den i no need to go for lap. Miraculously it did shrink.

My advise for u is try not to go for surgery if u can. Perhaps can try acu or tcm to cure the endo naturally? U can try dr zhao frm raffles hospital for acu sessions. You can try if time is at ur side coz tcm will take some time before u can see the effect. Try not to follow my footsteps. Endo have already damaged my life as a lady. It has taken my tubes
& affected my ovarian reserve tat the only way for me to conceive is via ivf. I hope tat u will make a wise choice.

Hi Jasbran,

You can actually call them....to check. I did the same...they din call me until 3 plus even though I BFP. Good luck!
Hi hi started spotting 11 days past transfer, 5 days earlier than scheduled blood test. Went for bt yesterday at 3pm and they called me at 4pm to confirm bfn. So the speed of them calling back does not indicate bfp or bfn. Hang in there.
Hi et2180, i also had endo on both ovaries. I went thro 2 laps to remove the endo. Theres pros & cons wif surgeries. It does remove endo fast but high chances for it to recurr back. Lap also will cause formation of scar tissue internally which is bad. Btw did any of ur gynae suggest lucrin jabs to shrink the endo?

For my 1st lap, i had to go for surgery but it was discovered quite late & cyst on my left was i think 7x 5cm , right was slightly smaller. My AF cramps then was super bad. CA125 was like 10x the upper limit of norm.

Prior to my 2nd lap, gynae found tat my endo came back when i failed to conceive after ttc-ing for some time. But this time was much smaller abt 3 or 4 cm so he put me under 2 dose of lucrin jab. But mind u, 1 dose was super ex. Paid $400+ just for 1 dose. Gynae was so against me going thro lap again to prevent the formation of more scar tissue which can affect ttc. He said if it managed to shrink to > 2cm den i no need to go for lap. Miraculously it did shrink.

My advise for u is try not to go for surgery if u can. Perhaps can try acu or tcm to cure the endo naturally? U can try dr zhao frm raffles hospital for acu sessions. You can try if time is at ur side coz tcm will take some time before u can see the effect. Try not to follow my footsteps. Endo have already damaged my life as a lady. It has taken my tubes
& affected my ovarian reserve tat the only way for me to conceive is via ivf. I hope tat u will make a wise choice.
Hi Syrian, thanks for sharing your experience. I am particularly interested in this area because when I failed three IUI, my gynae was convinced I have endo and strongly encouraged me to do lap. Even though I have no cyst, no painful cramps or any other symptoms. He says I can have endo even without symptoms. But Dr Tan HH was not convinced and we proceeded to IVF. I am thinking if I should go for surgery after my IVF #1 fails. Will see what Dr Tan says. But I did get pregnant once, naturally two years ago so hopefully that is an indication that I don't have implantation problems. Or go for womb scratching or scrapping which supposedly helps implantation. My BT was supposed to be this Friday too but my period just came. So no go for me. Pray yours will be a BFP!
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Hi ocean gal,
What type of medication does he give to women? How many acupunture session in one cycle? If my hb has low morph and mobility, does his med help? How long did u see improvement?? Thanks!!

He gives granules in pkts and to mix and dissolve in water. One acupuncture session lasting 30mins. Yes I think after 6months see improvement in vol. I cant remember about the morph and mobility but my hb SA fluctuates. But end up main issue is not low morph or mobility because still can strike after yrs of trying. I think main issue is my hb sperm binding ability is super low ie. 6%. Normal is 70% and above. So it will be almost impossible to bind with my egg. We have to do ICSIS.

I retrieved 6 eggs on Mon. 3 eggs fertilised. ET on Thursday.
Hi believeinjesus, oh dear, ur period came? Did u ask to bring forward the BT? Dun give up yet till u noe the BT results. Pray tat all goes well for u. Think positive k. Btw thanks for ur prayers for me.

Wah ur case so tricky. No symptoms but yet the gynaes conclude its endo & need surgery. But do u have any other pre-existing gynae problem tats affecting ttc? Heard of endo scrapping. Sound scary to me though. Good to noe tat u already have some strategies laid out. Wish u all the best k.
Hi believeinjesus, sorry i didnt see your previous post abt ur BT results. Sorry to hear tat. Hope u are coping fine. Be strong k & come back stronger alrite. *hugs*
Hi all,

I am diagnosed with endomentitris with a 5cm by 5cm cyst on my left ovary. Seek opinions with KKH ( Dr Bernard Chern) & TMC ( Dr Benjamin Tham), both advised to go thru surgery to remove it. Went further advice with Mt E ( Dr Chng K.P) & Novena Specialist Centre ( Dr Ng Soon Chye), both hestitated for surgery. Was confused.. The latter's opinion were since CA125 was <35, no pain encountered during menses, not necessary to go thru surgery, cos the op might harm the healthy ovary cells. Advised to go thru IVF ... while waiting for my Anti Mullerian hormone result & my hubby pending sperm detailed analysis. Suspected my hubby sperm DNA is "unhealthly" instead of my condition that disabled mi to be preggie so far..

Hi et2180, in my opinion, if possible, dun go thru lap. Lap, like what Syrian said, it can be a fast way to clear cysts but its damaging to the ovaries. It may leave a scar on the ovaries and worst still, reduce the ovarian reserves. I used to have 2 endo cysts on each side of the ovary, abt 3cm each. Tinking that by removing it will help me to conceive, so went ahead to lap. But after some time pregnancy did not occurred, I seeked another opinion and found out that, the reason of me of conceiving could be due to the damages to the ovaries causing AMH to decrease and scarring the ovaries. AMH will drop as age increase but if lap is done, it speeds up the AMH reduction. Just my tots. Hope it helps.

Ladies, need your advice. I have been told by nurse that I shouldn't take any herbs from now. But I have been seeing tcm Chen Qiu Mei and was told to go to her just before ET to get an tai med. She already told me gynae surely asked me not to take herbs and told me to ignore and take the herbs.

I'm in a dilemma. Should I take herbs or not?

Oceangal, depends on ur comfort level. As long as u gap at least 2 hours between Chinese and western medicine should be fine. Some western docs advised not to take Chinese med because they are not sure what Chinese doc are using as med.
Hi believeinjesus, oh dear, ur period came? Did u ask to bring forward the BT? Dun give up yet till u noe the BT results. Pray tat all goes well for u. Think positive k. Btw thanks for ur prayers for me.

Wah ur case so tricky. No symptoms but yet the gynaes conclude its endo & need surgery. But do u have any other pre-existing gynae problem tats affecting ttc? Heard of endo scrapping. Sound scary to me though. Good to noe tat u already have some strategies laid out. Wish u all the best k.
Oh no.. Not both say need surgery . one does one does not. I have PCO. Hoping won't need any surgery. See what Dr Tan says. I am ok. Was prepared that ivf needs repeated tries.
Hi believeinjesus, oh dear, ur period came? Did u ask to bring forward the BT? Dun give up yet till u noe the BT results. Pray tat all goes well for u. Think positive k. Btw thanks for ur prayers for me.

Wah ur case so tricky. No symptoms but yet the gynaes conclude its endo & need surgery. But do u have any other pre-existing gynae problem tats affecting ttc? Heard of endo scrapping. Sound scary to me though. Good to noe tat u already have some strategies laid out. Wish u all the best k.
Hi Syrian, my gynae also just recommend me to do endometrial scrapping one month before I go for my next fresh round of IVF. Apparently it is a very fast process (less than 10mins) and is just like a Pap smear. I've read that scrapping increases the chances of implantation by double. Wondering if any sisters here has done this scrapping before n care to share her experience?
Oh no.. Not both say need surgery . one does one does not. I have PCO. Hoping won't need any surgery. See what Dr Tan says. I am ok. Was prepared that ivf needs repeated tries.
Hi believeinjesus, sorry to hear abt the BFN. Lots of hugs n good to see that you are keeping very strong! Let's continue to jiayou together! :)
Hi believeinjesus, oh dear, ur period came? Did u ask to bring forward the BT? Dun give up yet till u noe the BT results. Pray tat all goes well for u. Think positive k. Btw thanks for ur prayers for me.

Wah ur case so tricky. No symptoms but yet the gynaes conclude its endo & need surgery. But do u have any other pre-existing gynae problem tats affecting ttc? Heard of endo scrapping. Sound scary to me though. Good to noe tat u already have some strategies laid out. Wish u all the best k.
Syrian, I did scrapping with dr chew, it's not painful only split second like stomach cramp & after that no spotting/pain...really ;)
Hi Syrian, my gynae also just recommend me to do endometrial scrapping one month before I go for my next fresh round of IVF. Apparently it is a very fast process (less than 10mins) and is just like a Pap smear. I've read that scrapping increases the chances of implantation by double. Wondering if any sisters here has done this scrapping before n care to share her experience?
It's not painful & over very fast...I did mine a week before ivf cycle ;) doc will give a pain killer to insert the nite before scrapping & anti biotic after procedure to prevent any infection
He gives granules in pkts and to mix and dissolve in water. One acupuncture session lasting 30mins. Yes I think after 6months see improvement in vol. I cant remember about the morph and mobility but my hb SA fluctuates. But end up main issue is not low morph or mobility because still can strike after yrs of trying. I think main issue is my hb sperm binding ability is super low ie. 6%. Normal is 70% and above. So it will be almost impossible to bind with my egg. We have to do ICSIS.

I retrieved 6 eggs on Mon. 3 eggs fertilised. ET on Thursday.
Hi ocean gal, y did u stop visiting him? Which tcm r u seeing nw?
It's not painful & over very fast...I did mine a week before ivf cycle ;) doc will give a pain killer to insert the nite before scrapping & anti biotic after procedure to prevent any infection
Thanks for sharing macho baby! Are you still in the IVF process? The procedure costs less than $100 right? :)
Waves!! hopeful78. Long protocol lurching starts day21 I think...Jia you for next fresh. Nice to see some familiar names hehehe..

My saizen protocol for this 3rd attempt to meet the snowbabies cancelled again. So frustrating after 3 times lining still not cooperative. Going to take rest of year off to TiAo the body n pay my visits to dr Zou again.

Ladies visiting dr zou, do you know her opening hours now? And which days closed? I am not working now so thinking of weekdays.. Sorry I know I can call her clinic but my Chinese is horrible..
Waves!! hopeful78. Long protocol lurching starts day21 I think...Jia you for next fresh. Nice to see some familiar names hehehe..

My saizen protocol for this 3rd attempt to meet the snowbabies cancelled again. So frustrating after 3 times lining still not cooperative. Going to take rest of year off to TiAo the body n pay my visits to dr Zou again.

Ladies visiting dr zou, do you know her opening hours now? And which days closed? I am not working now so thinking of weekdays.. Sorry I know I can call her clinic but my Chinese is horrible..
Hi Ron, Zou has another lady doc coming in on her behalf on mon & fri morning, best time for her is tues morning, Thursday morning or fri 3.30pm where she will be attending to patients herself ;)
Gd day girls :) I was wondering. .those 3x a day inserts for the 2ww frm kkh, 8am..3pm n 12am..is it ok if we jump 45min to an hr difference frm tat stated time to insert it?? Cuz I always wait 2 clear my bladder 1st n then insert..I notice everytime I pee the white particles r out in toilet bowl...do they really get absorbd by our uterus or jus cum out???
hi Anita, thank you very much, will go thourgh your list after you post it... haha.... it is a great help to sharing your experience with all of us.
Hi Vivine..my indian fren who gve me advice was vry careful on her food..I don't know if it's different for different races body..cuz if u notice the chinese diet is completely different from the Indian's diet n the malays diet is abit similar 2 indians..therefore our bodies are different according 2 out diets n habits..n we asians differ frm the westerners diet n habits too :) But I will share watever research I did n advice I got..so just follow ur intuition n bodily insticts n choose what to do n not k :) But research has shown Asian infertility or egg quality rate is lesser compared 2 westerns..cuz their diets consist of more proteins n less carbohydrates...true enuf..we eat lots of rice n mee n etc carbo..so its time we cut down on that n improve egg quality time girls! :) see my nxt post 4 the food n physical advice I got frm buddies.
Waves!! hopeful78. Long protocol lurching starts day21 I think...Jia you for next fresh. Nice to see some familiar names hehehe..

My saizen protocol for this 3rd attempt to meet the snowbabies cancelled again. So frustrating after 3 times lining still not cooperative. Going to take rest of year off to TiAo the body n pay my visits to dr Zou again.

Ladies visiting dr zou, do you know her opening hours now? And which days closed? I am not working now so thinking of weekdays.. Sorry I know I can call her clinic but my Chinese is horrible..

Ron, Dr Zou's opening hours are as below:
Mon -Thurs: 9.30am - 1pm & 3.30pm - 8.30pm
Fri: 3.30pm - 8.30pm
Sat, Sun & PH: 9am - 1pm

And yes, like MachoBaby says, Dr Zou is only attending to patients personally on Mon & Fri afternoons, Tues & Thurs (full day), weekends and PH half day. She is closed on every Wednesdays.
Hi ladies,

I have some extra/leftover medicines to let go. Please pm if keen

1) Dostinex/Cabergoline 0.5mg - 4 & 1/2 pcs Exp: 04/2014

2) Metformin 500mg - 25pcs Exp 07/2014

3) Progynova 2mg - 16pcs Exp: 06/2017

4) Estradem MX 50 - 1pc Exp 05/2014

5) Conceive Well Gold - for 11days Exp Nov/2013

6) Red Raspberry Leaves 450mg x 100capsules ( 1 unopened bottle & 1 about 85% left over ) Exp: 04/2018 & 03/2018

7) BD Ultra Fine II 1cc Insulin Syringe - 8 pcs
Gd day girls :) I was wondering. .those 3x a day inserts for the 2ww frm kkh, 8am..3pm n 12am..is it ok if we jump 45min to an hr difference frm tat stated time to insert it?? Cuz I always wait 2 clear my bladder 1st n then insert..I notice everytime I pee the white particles r out in toilet bowl...do they really get absorbd by our uterus or jus cum out???
Hi Vivine..my indian fren who gve me advice was vry careful on her food..I don't know if it's different for different races body..cuz if u notice the chinese diet is completely different from the Indian's diet n the malays diet is abit similar 2 indians..therefore our bodies are different according 2 out diets n habits..n we asians differ frm the westerners diet n habits too :) But I will share watever research I did n advice I got..so just follow ur intuition n bodily insticts n choose what to do n not k :) But research has shown Asian infertility or egg quality rate is lesser compared 2 westerns..cuz their diets consist of more proteins n less carbohydrates...true enuf..we eat lots of rice n mee n etc carbo..so its time we cut down on that n improve egg quality time girls! :) see my nxt post 4 the food n physical advice I got frm buddies.
hi anita, you are right, thank you for your help
I'm seeing Dr zou at the moment. I find her really good! Very comfortable with her. And she is very knowledgeable in ivf terms and the different types of protocols.

Wondering if anyone is in tww now? Is my 2nd FET this cycle and tdy is 6dp5dt. Currently experiencing cramps since ytd night. It's just this very full crampy pulling feeling which I can't describe and is making me very uncomfortable. Wondering if it's a sign of impending period to come? My last cycle I had absolutely zero symptoms. Which was a bfn and I kinda knew it.
Gd day girls :) I was wondering. .those 3x a day inserts for the 2ww frm kkh, 8am..3pm n 12am..is it ok if we jump 45min to an hr difference frm tat stated time to insert it?? Cuz I always wait 2 clear my bladder 1st n then insert..I notice everytime I pee the white particles r out in toilet bowl...do they really get absorbd by our uterus or jus cum out???

Hi Anita18, should be fine cos I changed my timing too. I do it at 7am, 3pm and 11pm. Each is gapped at 8hrs difference. Wat kkh given is only a guide. It's normal to get flowed out of the body. The pills usually gets dissolved in the body by 1hr. I usually lie down during this period. I empty my bladder before insertion too. Those that flows out are excess that the body dun need. Dun worry.

I'm seeing Dr zou at the moment. I find her really good! Very comfortable with her. And she is very knowledgeable in ivf terms and the different types of protocols.

Wondering if anyone is in tww now? Is my 2nd FET this cycle and tdy is 6dp5dt. Currently experiencing cramps since ytd night. It's just this very full crampy pulling feeling which I can't describe and is making me very uncomfortable. Wondering if it's a sign of impending period to come? My last cycle I had absolutely zero symptoms. Which was a bfn and I kinda knew it.

Hi xxhazel_nutxx, I m in 2ww too. I m seeing dr zou too, in fact my last acupuncture session lasted ytd. I did fresh cycle. Today is my 5dp2dt. I have no symptoms too. Relax. Dun worry. No symptoms oso can be signs of pregnancy. We will all bfp together.
Hi Anita18, should be fine cos I changed my timing too. I do it at 7am, 3pm and 11pm. Each is gapped at 8hrs difference. Wat kkh given is only a guide. It's normal to get flowed out of the body. The pills usually gets dissolved in the body by 1hr. I usually lie down during this period. I empty my bladder before insertion too. Those that flows out are excess that the body dun need. Dun worry.

Hi xxhazel_nutxx, I m in 2ww too. I m seeing dr zou too, in fact my last acupuncture session lasted ytd. I did fresh cycle. Today is my 5dp2dt. I have no symptoms too. Relax. Dun worry. No symptoms oso can be signs of pregnancy. We will all bfp together.

Hi babe! My last session with dr zou was on Mon. I kinda miss seeing her. Haha. She is very reassuring and I can always ask her whenever I have any questions. Now a bit lost when I don't have to go for acupuncture anymore.

Anw im just having this cramping feeling since the whole of ytd till now. It's making me so uncomfortable that I just want to curl in bed all day and also it off. Quite different from my last round so really donno what to expect. Worried abt the cramps too and was thinking of going to see Dr zou.
Hi Syrian, kool, vivine, Tinga and mbbhopeful, thanks so much for your encouragement. It really helped me a lot. Sorry, I didn't log in for the past few days.

Believeinjesus, sorry to hear about your bfn, stay strong and finish the course, have the strength to try again :)

Regarding lap I am wondering whether polyps and endo can recur?? I went for a lap last year and removed a polyp. Also discovered endo, cyst, etc. All removed. But i was wondering, can it return? Mb that's why implantation was affected?
Gd day girls :) I was wondering. .those 3x a day inserts for the 2ww frm kkh, 8am..3pm n 12am..is it ok if we jump 45min to an hr difference frm tat stated time to insert it?? Cuz I always wait 2 clear my bladder 1st n then insert..I notice everytime I pee the white particles r out in toilet bowl...do they really get absorbd by our uterus or jus cum out???
Hi Vivine..my indian fren who gve me advice was vry careful on her food..I don't know if it's different for different races body..cuz if u notice the chinese diet is completely different from the Indian's diet n the malays diet is abit similar 2 indians..therefore our bodies are different according 2 out diets n habits..n we asians differ frm the westerners diet n habits too :) But I will share watever research I did n advice I got..so just follow ur intuition n bodily insticts n choose what to do n not k :) But research has shown Asian infertility or egg quality rate is lesser compared 2 westerns..cuz their diets consist of more proteins n less carbohydrates...true enuf..we eat lots of rice n mee n etc carbo..so its time we cut down on that n improve egg quality time girls! :) see my nxt post 4 the food n physical advice I got frm buddies.

Hi Anita, I think there was even one time i missed by 4h.... Ooops.
Hi ladies, anyone here has anything to share about Dr SF Loh?

Hi MachoBaby, SF Loh is v experienced. If i had the money I would go with him for IVF. I felt very comfortable with him as he is direct and in control. Also very careful.

However, if you do appt with him I suggest try not to take the late evening ones. I think he whole day too busy by the time you seem him he seems a bit pek chek and less patient, though still professional.
Hi Syrian, kool, vivine, Tinga and mbbhopeful, thanks so much for your encouragement. It really helped me a lot. Sorry, I didn't log in for the past few days.

Believeinjesus, sorry to hear about your bfn, stay strong and finish the course, have the strength to try again :)

Regarding lap I am wondering whether polyps and endo can recur?? I went for a lap last year and removed a polyp. Also discovered endo, cyst, etc. All removed. But i was wondering, can it return? Mb that's why implantation was affected?
It is possible for them to come back again. I also did polyp removal last December, today when I go for checkup, my doc said my lining seem a bit thick and need to monitor see if the polyp grow again. Sigh. Hopefully my iui this time round wil succeed and polyp go away..
Hi Anita18, should be fine cos I changed my timing too. I do it at 7am, 3pm and 11pm. Each is gapped at 8hrs difference. Wat kkh given is only a guide. It's normal to get flowed out of the body. The pills usually gets dissolved in the body by 1hr. I usually lie down during this period. I empty my bladder before insertion too. Those that flows out are excess that the body dun need. Dun worry.

Hi xxhazel_nutxx, I m in 2ww too. I m seeing dr zou too, in fact my last acupuncture session lasted ytd. I did fresh cycle. Today is my 5dp2dt. I have no symptoms too. Relax. Dun worry. No symptoms oso can be signs of pregnancy. We will all bfp together.
Thnk u baby come come :) I am not so disciplined to insert 8hrly exactly. ..but approx tat timin intervals..u r 5dpt?? Congrats..I m 7dpt :)....y u goin acupuncture instead of restin home?? Is it safe?
Thnk u baby come come :) I am not so disciplined to insert 8hrly exactly. ..but approx tat timin intervals..u r 5dpt?? Congrats..I m 7dpt :)....y u goin acupuncture instead of restin home?? Is it safe?

Hi Anita18, haha, I set an alarm on my hp so that it will ring and remind me in every 8 hour. Today I am 6dpt. My last session was on tues on 4dpt. For acupuncture, depends on your comfort level, in fact TCM is helping one way or another in IVF cycles. I skipped TCM after ET the last round and din make it to the finishing mark, so was thinking to try acupuncture to aid implantation this time round and hope I can succeed.
hi anita, you are right, thank you for your help
Hi vivine..u read bout my post on less carbo more proteins in our diets 4 good egg health n fertility? Pls do not eat peas (frozen or canned ir fresh even) Peas are natural contraceptives that stop conception n pregnancy..Advice my fren gave me was No Melons..No Foods n Fruits wth Seeds In Them..To Avoid French, Green n Snow Peas..No durians, no pomegranate, no dragonfruit, no papaya, no pineapple, no guava (unless well grind juice ok), no oranges or orange juice wth the sacs..only drink orange juice wthout the fruit sacs n fibre..so strain it well, no bittergourd, no beansprouts strictly, no cucumber(remive seeds n eat in moderate only), no lady finger, no brinjal,no green chilli, no dry chilli, no sambal made frm dry chilli n no sambal frm injections til at least 3mths of pregnancy, no chicken, fish n berry essence from injection time til 3mths pregnancy...cuz they believe sum additivies are in essences n mite affect egg health n embryo after ET..But pls Eat lots of Chyesim, Spinach, Brocoli, Beetroot, Salad.Hve 2 or more veggy always wth ur meal n less rice..less mee stuff...eat ur foods made in olive oil. ..during injections pls avoid soya stuff..no tahu,tofu n vry vry minimum soy sauce or just delete soy stuff til et is done..soya is not friendly 4 ur eggs...so no soya oil til aftr the 2ww k :)..Physical advice given during 2ww was wen u walk..do slowly..no squattin..hold ur abdomen wen u cough n sneeze..sit n stand slowly..drink lots of UHT milk during injections til ur pregnancy. .no cold food n drinks..Eat Green Apple Daily!..Hope u get sum tips frm what I said...reason 2 avoid durians was said to me cuz naturally our indian diets r spice filled..n most of our spices emit heat so naturally our bodies are more heatier then the westerners n chinese as the chinese diet consists lots of soup n pork..n pork is a cooling to neutral meat..unlike mutton n chicken which r heaty...during ur injection n aftr et..eat chickn breast..its full of proteins n white meat fish only! No sting ray..No Tuna..No Mackerel. .cuz they hve mercury. .do msg me if u need any more tips girls. .my fren did ivf 1st time success wth all tis..n in 6mths aftr her delivery tried FET n was 1st time success too..so..I jus follow her advice too :)
Long post my above message ladies..but I am sure sum hidden blessing is in it :) I didn't do acupuncture but did a fertility massage wth a malay urut macik 2mths b4 tryin 4 ivf..she lifted up my weak uterus n gve me 2wks of her natural turmeric handmade med 2 strengthen my uterus as I always culdnt control my bladder...heard she has baby luck fingers too..70yr+ old macik does a great job :)
Hi MachoBaby, SF Loh is v experienced. If i had the money I would go with him for IVF. I felt very comfortable with him as he is direct and in control. Also very careful.

However, if you do appt with him I suggest try not to take the late evening ones. I think he whole day too busy by the time you seem him he seems a bit pek chek and less patient, though still professional.
Thk u for info ;)
Hi vivine..u read bout my post on less carbo more proteins in our diets 4 good egg health n fertility? Pls do not eat peas (frozen or canned ir fresh even) Peas are natural contraceptives that stop conception n pregnancy..Advice my fren gave me was No Melons..No Foods n Fruits wth Seeds In Them..To Avoid French, Green n Snow Peas..No durians, no pomegranate, no dragonfruit, no papaya, no pineapple, no guava (unless well grind juice ok), no oranges or orange juice wth the sacs..only drink orange juice wthout the fruit sacs n fibre..so strain it well, no bittergourd, no beansprouts strictly, no cucumber(remive seeds n eat in moderate only), no lady finger, no brinjal,no green chilli, no dry chilli, no sambal made frm dry chilli n no sambal frm injections til at least 3mths of pregnancy, no chicken, fish n berry essence from injection time til 3mths pregnancy...cuz they believe sum additivies are in essences n mite affect egg health n embryo after ET..But pls Eat lots of Chyesim, Spinach, Brocoli, Beetroot, Salad.Hve 2 or more veggy always wth ur meal n less rice..less mee stuff...eat ur foods made in olive oil. ..during injections pls avoid soya stuff..no tahu,tofu n vry vry minimum soy sauce or just delete soy stuff til et is done..soya is not friendly 4 ur eggs...so no soya oil til aftr the 2ww k :)..Physical advice given during 2ww was wen u walk..do slowly..no squattin..hold ur abdomen wen u cough n sneeze..sit n stand slowly..drink lots of UHT milk during injections til ur pregnancy. .no cold food n drinks..Eat Green Apple Daily!..Hope u get sum tips frm what I said...reason 2 avoid durians was said to me cuz naturally our indian diets r spice filled..n most of our spices emit heat so naturally our bodies are more heatier then the westerners n chinese as the chinese diet consists lots of soup n pork..n pork is a cooling to neutral meat..unlike mutton n chicken which r heaty...during ur injection n aftr et..eat chickn breast..its full of proteins n white meat fish only! No sting ray..No Tuna..No Mackerel. .cuz they hve mercury. .do msg me if u need any more tips girls. .my fren did ivf 1st time success wth all tis..n in 6mths aftr her delivery tried FET n was 1st time success too..so..I jus follow her advice too :)
hi Anita, thounds of thanks for your detailed information above. i have already save the info. for future reference ...... lucky you i read you post above, i tot soya bean milk is good for egg fertility hor... i m intend to drink more soya bean milk since the injection deh... since i cant drink any more liao....
btw, which post are you mention on less carbo more proteins in our diets 4 good egg health n fertility ? like what kind of food contain more proteins ?
hi Anita, thounds of thanks for your detailed information above. i have already save the info. for future reference ...... lucky you i read you post above, i tot soya bean milk is good for egg fertility hor... i m intend to drink more soya bean milk since the injection deh... since i cant drink any more liao....
btw, which post are you mention on less carbo more proteins in our diets 4 good egg health n fertility ? like what kind of food contain more proteins ?
Hi vivine..I try n look up online again 4 tat article n post it here..it wuld b gd help 4 u girls..oh please quit soya...until u hve had a successful ET..proteins alot in chickn breast..multigrain bread.. (pls stop white bread n bread made from bakeries)..white meat fish gd proteins..salmon too (but dunt eat raw salmon pls) during injection time eat seaweed..its good 4 egg..avocado 4 lining..eggwhites gd proteins...strawberries, grapes good 4 egg..avoid as much frozen nuggets..burger patties etc..alot of additivies n soya in them too..dhal is gd protein too..n all green veggy vry gd protein..esp Spinach..is super! U steam ur spinach wth abit of salt n eat..yummy n healthy! Pls steam most ur veggy n eat good...in soups add carrots..green leafy veggy..lettuce etc good...oh girls pls drink filtered water..our tap water alot chlorine leh!..if no filter at home..jus boil water overnight n store in big flask n drink from there...drink at least 2litre water daily 4 gd egg n embryo health cuz water helps blood circulation :)
Can I ask is it still ok to take bai Feng wan after iui?

Tinga, its better not to take BFW after IUI. Might be over-heaty.

Hi vivine..u read bout my post on less carbo more proteins in our diets 4 good egg health n fertility? Pls do not eat peas (frozen or canned ir fresh even) Peas are natural contraceptives that stop conception n pregnancy..Advice my fren gave me was No Melons..No Foods n Fruits wth Seeds In Them..To Avoid French, Green n Snow Peas..No durians, no pomegranate, no dragonfruit, no papaya, no pineapple, no guava (unless well grind juice ok), no oranges or orange juice wth the sacs..only drink orange juice wthout the fruit sacs n fibre..so strain it well, no bittergourd, no beansprouts strictly, no cucumber(remive seeds n eat in moderate only), no lady finger, no brinjal,no green chilli, no dry chilli, no sambal made frm dry chilli n no sambal frm injections til at least 3mths of pregnancy, no chicken, fish n berry essence from injection time til 3mths pregnancy...cuz they believe sum additivies are in essences n mite affect egg health n embryo after ET..But pls Eat lots of Chyesim, Spinach, Brocoli, Beetroot, Salad.Hve 2 or more veggy always wth ur meal n less rice..less mee stuff...eat ur foods made in olive oil. ..during injections pls avoid soya stuff..no tahu,tofu n vry vry minimum soy sauce or just delete soy stuff til et is done..soya is not friendly 4 ur eggs...so no soya oil til aftr the 2ww k :)..Physical advice given during 2ww was wen u walk..do slowly..no squattin..hold ur abdomen wen u cough n sneeze..sit n stand slowly..drink lots of UHT milk during injections til ur pregnancy. .no cold food n drinks..Eat Green Apple Daily!..Hope u get sum tips frm what I said...reason 2 avoid durians was said to me cuz naturally our indian diets r spice filled..n most of our spices emit heat so naturally our bodies are more heatier then the westerners n chinese as the chinese diet consists lots of soup n pork..n pork is a cooling to neutral meat..unlike mutton n chicken which r heaty...during ur injection n aftr et..eat chickn breast..its full of proteins n white meat fish only! No sting ray..No Tuna..No Mackerel. .cuz they hve mercury. .do msg me if u need any more tips girls. .my fren did ivf 1st time success wth all tis..n in 6mths aftr her delivery tried FET n was 1st time success too..so..I jus follow her advice too :)

Hi Anita, I agree to some of the stuffs u mentioned above. No melons no dragonfruit, pineapple, etc, cos they are cooling. No sting ray, tuna, mackerel cos of the mercury. Sardines oso have mercury too. But for the durian part, I beg to differ. Because not all people come into contact with spices everyday, so some durians might do good. Like what you say, everyone have a different dieting pattern and different person have different body types. Soya bean products contains high level of protein which is good in improving egg quality but excessive of it will be too cooling. To improve egg quality, can eat 4 egg whites per day like what you mentioned above. BTW, beetroot is a cooling veg, and salad is too cool, not too good to have too much of it. In short, eat in moderation and stay healthy.
Hi vivine..I try n look up online again 4 tat article n post it here..it wuld b gd help 4 u girls..oh please quit soya...until u hve had a successful ET..proteins alot in chickn breast..multigrain bread.. (pls stop white bread n bread made from bakeries)..white meat fish gd proteins..salmon too (but dunt eat raw salmon pls) during injection time eat seaweed..its good 4 egg..avocado 4 lining..eggwhites gd proteins...strawberries, grapes good 4 egg..avoid as much frozen nuggets..burger patties etc..alot of additivies n soya in them too..dhal is gd protein too..n all green veggy vry gd protein..esp Spinach..is super! U steam ur spinach wth abit of salt n eat..yummy n healthy! Pls steam most ur veggy n eat good...in soups add carrots..green leafy veggy..lettuce etc good...oh girls pls drink filtered water..our tap water alot chlorine leh!..if no filter at home..jus boil water overnight n store in big flask n drink from there...drink at least 2litre water daily 4 gd egg n embryo health cuz water helps blood circulation :)
wow thank you very much. I will take note. And follow , I will start my first cycle soon... So stressful
Tinga, its better not to take BFW after IUI. Might be over-heaty.

Hi Anita, I agree to some of the stuffs u mentioned above. No melons no dragonfruit, pineapple, etc, cos they are cooling. No sting ray, tuna, mackerel cos of the mercury. Sardines oso have mercury too. But for the durian part, I beg to differ. Because not all people come into contact with spices everyday, so some durians might do good. Like what you say, everyone have a different dieting pattern and different person have different body types. Soya bean products contains high level of protein which is good in improving egg quality but excessive of it will be too cooling. To improve egg quality, can eat 4 egg whites per day like what you mentioned above. BTW, beetroot is a cooling veg, and salad is too cool, not too good to have too much of it. In short, eat in moderation and stay healthy.
Hi baby come come n vivine..Here is a link useful about avoiding Soya Bean n Fertility :) I think best avoid it til ET...after ET enjoy its proteins 4 ur baby :) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4115506.stmpp
Hi all alittle abt myself.. i started on ivf since 2010. Gone thru 2 fresh & 2 fets but none succeed with 1 chemical m/c. Went for lap last yr & preggy naturally last dec but m/c. Conceived naturally again without planning this july.. detected hbs in 6th wk scan but gone when i scan in 8th wk. No bleeding no symptons. Had 3 m/cs. Went to do some bt tests & my results tested on thyroid, lupus & anti nuclear antibodies. I'm tested negative for all Except Anti nuclear.. did any of the sisters here encountered it & finally overcome it & have a healthy bb now?What are the treatment used to counter this illness? Haiz bad news after bad news.. im going to nuh to get 2nd opinion.. hope to get some reply here tia..
redlingsinc: I did the scrapping on my 3rd try and now have bpf. But its just a try and its not scientifically proven. Relax and not being stressed out helps. All the best!
Oh yes, utrogestan inserts contains soya bean lecithin too. It’s actually a byproduct of the soybean oil production. Should be ok right?
