IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi_mei I am with Dr Tan HH too. Woohooo.. Two more days! Gambate! No symptoms is good! no spotting no nothing is what I am praying for!

You shd be in the middle of tww now right? How are things? :) keep up the positive attitude.

Actually I do have symptoms, just not pregnancy-related--very bad AF cramps... Hah sign of period coming...

Hi_mei, IMHO so what if colleagues say things about us or if boss angry if you are on MC for 3 days. In the end, the baby in our hands is ours but a boss and colleagues are only external people in our lives. We take care of our ivf cycle and ourselves first as no one else will if we dont.

ivf process is stressful enough. Just give them a white lie (ie. Womens issue check-up) if you think they won't be happy if you tell them the truth. Its only for that 1 month they will be annoyed and angry.

if you are going for another fresh perhaps plan for 2-3 days MC after ER. Body still needs to recover to prepare for ET. 2ww whether you go back to work u can decide since not your first ivf. I went back to work 2 days after d5 transfer (so rested 7 days post ER) and good results that cycle.
Hi himei...my et is today n I m waitin in the q..wth full bladder...uurrrrr...shakin legs to control control peee pee :p

Hope your ET went well Anita. I hope my turn next. Anything can happen any stage. I have 9follicles and menopur jab increased after day 5 scan. I'm doing my day 9 scan tomorrow, I am so afraid of the cramps after ER. Sob!

Any ladies here doing ER soon?
I am not so sure abt how understanding boss will be. On the surface appears to be v understanding and all, but when comes to HL, I got harrassed by work issues during that period. If going for multiple IVF cycles I would also need the income so quitting is not really an option....

Currently I am in 2ww... Blood test on Fri. But really think no hope, no pregnancy symptoms at all! If do next cycle, probably will be Jan. How about you? When are you starting and who is your doc? :) My doc is Dr Tan HH from KKH.

All the best! Hi_mei. Don't think of next cycle first lei. Must be positive that this cycle will strike.
You shd be in the middle of tww now right? How are things? :) keep up the positive attitude.

Actually I do have symptoms, just not pregnancy-related--very bad AF cramps... Hah sigin of period coming...
Was very very tried the first week but now all the side effects are gone. I was complaining of the sore boobs (they took on lives of their own.. I don't own them for a week) and being lethargic but now the effects are gone, feel abit lost.. hehe.. I am just sucker for pain. But it is normal I think.. HCG shot and all the hormone injections must wear off at some point and from my past experience (one miscarriage), pregnancy symptoms liked sore boobs and nausea happen after BFP. Keep your chin up because no spotting is still reason to celebrate. :)
I am not so sure abt how understanding boss will be. On the surface appears to be v understanding and all, but when comes to HL, I got harrassed by work issues during that period. If going for multiple IVF cycles I would also need the income so quitting is not really an option....

Currently I am in 2ww... Blood test on Fri. But really think no hope, no pregnancy symptoms at all! If do next cycle, probably will be Jan. How about you? When are you starting and who is your doc? :) My doc is Dr Tan HH from KKH.
hi_mei just Look on the bright side
Hi ladies, if you have done more than one ivf cycle, how do you approach your boss to tell them you will be doing it again? I cannot take leave, and hence I need morning MC to go for scans etc. I am not even intending to take the 2 wk hospitalisation leave because they are probably going to get angry since I have done it once already. Just probably one day MC for egg retrieval and embryo transfer. Am thinking of doing this because I don't know how many ivf attempts I might need. Might be more than 3?
hi_mei, this is your first ivf cycle with Tan HH ?
Hi believeinjesus, oceangal, ron and vivine lee, thanks for your encouragement! Just v scared to take BT on Fri!
Oceangal, all the best for ER! Your progress looks very good :)
Vivine, this is my 2nd cycle with Dr Tan HH. First cycle my follicle response too poor, didn't even make it to ER. But after discussion with doc we decided to change medication and response improved a lot, though still nothing great. Is this your first cycle? Dr Tan is really very good and he is open to discussion with patients. After cycle 1 he wanted to switch me to long protocol but i told him don't want, and he agreed to it. Like it that he treats patients with respect and not like dumb people.
Hi_mei, IMHO so what if colleagues say things about us or if boss angry if you are on MC for 3 days. In the end, the baby in our hands is ours but a boss and colleagues are only external people in our lives. We take care of our ivf cycle and ourselves first as no one else will if we dont.

ivf process is stressful enough. Just give them a white lie (ie. Womens issue check-up) if you think they won't be happy if you tell them the truth. Its only for that 1 month they will be annoyed and angry.

if you are going for another fresh perhaps plan for 2-3 days MC after ER. Body still needs to recover to prepare for ET. 2ww whether you go back to work u can decide since not your first ivf. I went back to work 2 days after d5 transfer (so rested 7 days post ER) and good results that cycle.

Thanks for your advice and congrats on the successful cycle :)
Hi ladies, if you have done more than one ivf cycle, how do you approach your boss to tell them you will be doing it again? I cannot take leave, and hence I need morning MC to go for scans etc. I am not even intending to take the 2 wk hospitalisation leave because they are probably going to get angry since I have done it once already. Just probably one day MC for egg retrieval and embryo transfer. Am thinking of doing this because I don't know how many ivf attempts I might need. Might be more than 3?


I didn't tell my office but I took time off, annual leave and mc for my scanning. ER date I took few days of my own leave. So save your leave for the procedure if you don't intend to let your boss know. Don't think about how many attempt first, just take each step at a time.

Hope your ET went well Anita. I hope my turn next. Anything can happen any stage. I have 9follicles and menopur jab increased after day 5 scan. I'm doing my day 9 scan tomorrow, I am so afraid of the cramps after ER. Sob!

Any ladies here doing ER soon?

Hi Oceangal, I just did my ER today. Will be going for ET this fri.

Hi believeinjesus, oceangal, ron and vivine lee, thanks for your encouragement! Just v scared to take BT on Fri!
Oceangal, all the best for ER! Your progress looks very good :)
Vivine, this is my 2nd cycle with Dr Tan HH. First cycle my follicle response too poor, didn't even make it to ER. But after discussion with doc we decided to change medication and response improved a lot, though still nothing great. Is this your first cycle? Dr Tan is really very good and he is open to discussion with patients. After cycle 1 he wanted to switch me to long protocol but i told him don't want, and he agreed to it. Like it that he treats patients with respect and not like dumb people.

Hi_mei, this is also my 2nd cycle with dr tan HH. I m on the highest dosage again on this cycle. Was on long protocol, using 450iu of pergoveris for 10days and yielded 10eggs only. This time on short protocol using 600 iu of puregon and 0.5iu of saizen, yielded 6eggs. But looking on the bright side, hope all eggs will be fertilized and it only takes only 1 super embryo to succeed. Lets jiayou.
I didn't tell my office but I took time off, annual leave and mc for my scanning. ER date I took few days of my own leave. So save your leave for the procedure if you don't intend to let your boss know. Don't think about how many attempt first, just take each step at a time.

Thanks for your advice. i cannot take leave except for specific periods in the year which most likely will not coincide with the ivf cycle... So the option is closed to me... But good tt u can keep it a secret. More privacy. I don't like to explain to ppl why must do ivf, whether cycle successful or not, etc. And now got a bunch of colleagues telling me, "just relax, the more you want the more it won't happen... When I wasn't even trying, look i got pregnant!" Well meaning but alas, doesn't really help at all. Yup will take one step at a time, but realistically might need a few cycles.
Hi Oceangal, I just did my ER today. Will be going for ET this fri.

Hi_mei, this is also my 2nd cycle with dr tan HH. I m on the highest dosage again on this cycle. Was on long protocol, using 450iu of pergoveris for 10days and yielded 10eggs only. This time on short protocol using 600 iu of puregon and 0.5iu of saizen, yielded 6eggs. But looking on the bright side, hope all eggs will be fertilized and it only takes only 1 super embryo to succeed. Lets jiayou.

Babycomecome all the best for ET!! Happy to see another Tan HH lady here, seems like many of us under him :) 6 eggs may be less, but if quality better than 10 eggs it is good! If u don't mind sharing, did Dr Tan explain why he changed medication for u since your first try seemed to produce a lot of eggs? I was poor responder to puregon 1st cycle so he actually switch me to 300iu pergoveris after I asked for LH in the medication. Does long protocol produce more eggs? Sorry I ask so many questions...

Hope your ET went well Anita. I hope my turn next. Anything can happen any stage. I have 9follicles and menopur jab increased after day 5 scan. I'm doing my day 9 scan tomorrow, I am so afraid of the cramps after ER. Sob!

Any ladies here doing ER soon?
Hi oceangal..thank u..yes et went well..dunt think of ur er cramps..jus rest well n drink lots water u b fine :)
Babycomecome all the best for ET!! Happy to see another Tan HH lady here, seems like many of us under him :) 6 eggs may be less, but if quality better than 10 eggs it is good! If u don't mind sharing, did Dr Tan explain why he changed medication for u since your first try seemed to produce a lot of eggs? I was poor responder to puregon 1st cycle so he actually switch me to 300iu pergoveris after I asked for LH in the medication. Does long protocol produce more eggs? Sorry I ask so many questions...

Babycomecome (I love your nick :D) how was up ER? Bad cramps? All the best for ET!
Hi believeinjesus, oceangal, ron and vivine lee, thanks for your encouragement! Just v scared to take BT on Fri!
Oceangal, all the best for ER! Your progress looks very good :)
Vivine, this is my 2nd cycle with Dr Tan HH. First cycle my follicle response too poor, didn't even make it to ER. But after discussion with doc we decided to change medication and response improved a lot, though still nothing great. Is this your first cycle? Dr Tan is really very good and he is open to discussion with patients. After cycle 1 he wanted to switch me to long protocol but i told him don't want, and he agreed to it. Like it that he treats patients with respect and not like dumb people.

ya, it is 1st cycle with Dr Tan, he is good.... but seems he is overload liao..... always see him in rush deh.....
how do you feel today Anita ?
Hi vivine. ..I still hve slight cramps frm er on mon done..I been restin on bed n takin advice frm a 1st time success fren done in gh..alot of fruits n food restrictions even no squattin bendin etc :) these advice were not told by hospital..but I follow them.
ya ya you can share your valued experience with us...... like what kind of food is restrictions, what kind of fruits should take more ? do you drink any kind of milk powder ?
hi all, is there BMI restriction on IVF? the nurse ask me to reduce weight or else i may not be able to do! so sad!

Hi Kool, sorry to hear that. I heard that the nurse will encourage a certain BMI range, but not sure what is the reason. I have personally seen plump ladies in the ivf clinic too. Jiayou, mb try to exercise more. I believe it wld really help u keep healthy during the ivf process cuz I found it draining and now most of my stamina gone....
Hi all, tmr is my BT. Am really very scared, please send some encouragement. I am very scared to face another failure. Didn't even tell my hubby tmr is the BT because I don't want him to face failure with me too....
Babycomecome all the best for ET!! Happy to see another Tan HH lady here, seems like many of us under him :) 6 eggs may be less, but if quality better than 10 eggs it is good! If u don't mind sharing, did Dr Tan explain why he changed medication for u since your first try seemed to produce a lot of eggs? I was poor responder to puregon 1st cycle so he actually switch me to 300iu pergoveris after I asked for LH in the medication. Does long protocol produce more eggs? Sorry I ask so many questions...

Hi Mei, ya, hoping all my 6 eggs will bcone the super eggs to become super embryos. dr tan said that ivf is a journey of trial and error and since I have low Amh, he suggested me to try the short protocol too. To me I tink long protocol does yield more follies but then the quality is not there.

Any of u drinking Ensure milk after ET?? How many glass a day???

Hi Anita, I drank ensure milk the last round. I drank 1 cup per day and its enuff.

Babycomecome (I love your nick :D) how was up ER? Bad cramps? All the best for ET!

Hi Oceangal, thanks for liking my nick. Changed it with the hope of getting my bundle of joy soon. ER this time round was much unbearable. Had some bad cramps and bloatedness. Had to drink 100 plus to ease the bloatedness. Had a big blue black on my hand due to the poking of the injection site for the anesthesia.
Hi all, tmr is my BT. Am really very scared, please send some encouragement. I am very scared to face another failure. Didn't even tell my hubby tmr is the BT because I don't want him to face failure with me too....
hi_mei.. all the best for ur BT tmr~ u can make it de.. stay positive!
Hi all, tmr is my BT. Am really very scared, please send some encouragement. I am very scared to face another failure. Didn't even tell my hubby tmr is the BT because I don't want him to face failure with me too....
Hi Mei, if there's no bleeding so far, you are already looking good! All the best to you! God bless!
Thank you Redlingsinc and GingerH :)

Babycomecome, all the best for ET!! May see u at the ivf clinic, I am going there before 9.30am.
Hi Kool, sorry to hear that. I heard that the nurse will encourage a certain BMI range, but not sure what is the reason. I have personally seen plump ladies in the ivf clinic too. Jiayou, mb try to exercise more. I believe it wld really help u keep healthy during the ivf process cuz I found it draining and now most of my stamina gone....
Hi hi_mei
ooh u also saw plump ladies in the ivf clinic?so far those i saw..errr..are those slim slim ones lor. haiz...i think the nurse mentioned something abt anesthesia...like if bmi too high, they cant administer the anesthesia in the clinic?

and all the best for ur BT! no symptoms means good news coming? hope to get ur good news later?
Hi Kool actually I just discovered tt I am spotting.... So sad.... No hope for BT liao. The spotting is very faint but I don't think it is a good sign.
Hi all, sorry I BFN, no bb dust to spread. Hope u all can have good luck with your cycle. I will just prepare for the next cycle. Very hard to take the news alone and still got to think how to manage my hubby's feelings later.
I am really scared that my hubby will not want to do IVF cycle again. Everything looked so good this cycle, had good embryos, and lining was good. Yet The result is still BFN. I think I am just too overwhelmed by everything but i remember him saying that my body is defective (maybe out of anger, but still very hurtful and I can't help remembering that comment forever). I am so scared he will think the same way and give up. What else can it be but the lady's body when so many things were for us? Really don't know what to do, so scared and stressed. None of my friends can understand how it feels and I also can't confide in my hubby. So lost.
I am really scared that my hubby will not want to do IVF cycle again. Everything looked so good this cycle, had good embryos, and lining was good. Yet The result is still BFN. I think I am just too overwhelmed by everything but i remember him saying that my body is defective (maybe out of anger, but still very hurtful and I can't help remembering that comment forever). I am so scared he will think the same way and give up. What else can it be but the lady's body when so many things were for us? Really don't know what to do, so scared and stressed. None of my friends can understand how it feels and I also can't confide in my hubby. So lost.

hi_mei, dun give up..... how did the doctor say ? what is the reason ? you are not alone, you have all our support here.....
When god closes a door, he opens a window.
hi_mei, dun give up..... how did the doctor say ? what is the reason ? you are not alone, you have all our support here.....
When god closes a door, he opens a window.
Hi Vivine, thanks for your kind words. Tan HH can only see patients one month later if it is a failed cycle. I think it is just implantation failure since I don't have AMH or ovulation issues. We are doing IVF because of very low sperm count/motility/morphology etc. Hence, IVF is the only way and have to try again. Just need to convince my hubby. Thanks for the support :)

Hi_mei, come and 'talk' in the forum...we will be here to support...cry if you want..dont bottle it up i feel.

you have any frozen embryos? i know its not easy....jia you okie?
