IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi_mei, come and 'talk' in the forum...we will be here to support...cry if you want..dont bottle it up i feel.

you have any frozen embryos? i know its not easy....jia you okie?

Thanks Kool, yeah it was very hard to take and needed a few drinks. Thanks for your encouragement. I don't have frozen embryos hence have to start on a fresh cycle. It will be the 3rd cycle. Really hope the next one can succeed.

Hi ladies, iss been a while since i log in.. hope everyone is getting well...

lynsea, hey babe, where are u??!

babycomecome, good luck to your ET today.. let us know how is your embryos are doing ;)

Been extreme lazy to re-start the cycle and i have started to get mid-cycle bleeding for the past 2 months... Anyone has experience on that?? anyone can advise...?
Hi mei, sorry to hear that. Take time to pick urselves up and talk to ur hub nicely. Let him know that this ivf journey is a tough one and both of u need to support each other during journey. This is not a road which we can walk alone. I dun have a perfect body as well. I have low Amh and fibroids before embarking on this journey. And worst still I have new fibroids from the start of this cycle from taking DHEA prescripted. But results is that I have better quality of embryos as compared to the last round.

Look on the bright side, dear. We will have our bundles of joy soon. Rest well n take care. It will be better the next time round. Jiayou.
Wondersss, u r back here. Remember me? i m sleepygal la, changed my nick, in the hope of my wish come true. Smack u ah. Lazy to restart ur engine to the next cycle. Lol.

Thanks for the wishes. Today transferred 2 grade 4 embryos back inside. hoping my super embryos will lodge nicely into my lining. Praying hard. Keeping fingers n toes crossed.
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babycomecome, ooohhh u are SLEEPYGAL! i dont know you change nick.
Good to hear you have gd grading!! How is your lining??? Good?? do you have frozen this round...?? cos i remember that the last round u are same situation as me..no forzen bbs

After all this drama, im hesitating.. Looking forward to your gd news in the next 2 weeks!! when is your BT?
Wondersss, u r back here. Remember me? i m sleepygal la, changed my nick, in the hope of my wish come true. Smack u ah. Lazy to restart ur engine to the next cycle. Lol.

Thanks for the wishes. Today transferred 2 grade 4 embryos back inside. hoping my super embryos will lodge nicely into my lining. Praying hard. Keeping fingers n toes crossed.

Hi babycomecome, thx for ur support! Glad to see u got very good embryos! Wish u great success! Rest well!
Wondersss, u r back here. Remember me? i m sleepygal la, changed my nick, in the hope of my wish come true. Smack u ah. Lazy to restart ur engine to the next cycle. Lol.

Thanks for the wishes. Today transferred 2 grade 4 embryos back inside. hoping my super embryos will lodge nicely into my lining. Praying hard. Keeping fingers n toes crossed.

Hi Anita, hope ur ET went well :) just relax from now on. Regarding constipation, just don't push too hard, maybe you can check with the nurse what is safe to take for constipation? :)

all the best to you
i havent start my IVF journey yet but seeing all of you so strong and courageous and all the experiences...i also duno if i can take it...

rest well hi_mei and go for another round?

is injection difficult? i scared i dont dare to jab myself..
I am really scared that my hubby will not want to do IVF cycle again. Everything looked so good this cycle, had good embryos, and lining was good. Yet The result is still BFN. I think I am just too overwhelmed by everything but i remember him saying that my body is defective (maybe out of anger, but still very hurtful and I can't help remembering that comment forever). I am so scared he will think the same way and give up. What else can it be but the lady's body when so many things were for us? Really don't know what to do, so scared and stressed. None of my friends can understand how it feels and I also can't confide in my hubby. So lost.
Hey himei...relax girl..dun't worry..talk 2 hubby n let him know how u feel..cry it out to him n tell him honestly his words hurt u..they can't read our mind girl..men r men *rolls eyes* tell him how badly u wan a kid...honest speech wakes most people up...he will understand...try again n never give up k..god loves you..everything happens 4 a reason..mayb aftr tis u n hubby will be more loving, kind n open wth ur feelings :) *hugs*
Dear Hi- mei,

I am so sorry to hear abt ur BFN..dun give up..in average,it's takes 4 cycles to succeed..be positive..the more u stress urself,the more it's difficult to conceive..take a break,go for a holiday and calm urself down..who knows?u might conceive naturally.. :) all the best to u.. :)
Hi Anita and Santhiya, thanks for the support. Will try my best to be strong. I can't open myself to hubby anymore. Got mental block because of all the previous hurt. Will just try again :)
i havent start my IVF journey yet but seeing all of you so strong and courageous and all the experiences...i also duno if i can take it...

rest well hi_mei and go for another round?

is injection difficult? i scared i dont dare to jab myself..

Hi Kool, u got to get over the fear of jabbing yourself. It is really not painful though the first time I did it I hesitated. In truth, it is not painful as long as u have fats to cushion youself (the more fats the better :)). If not hubby can jab for u, it is also a way of men showing their support. Don't worry, u can do it! I had a lot of fear at first but all these are nothing!
babycomecome, ooohhh u are SLEEPYGAL! i dont know you change nick.
Good to hear you have gd grading!! How is your lining??? Good?? do you have frozen this round...?? cos i remember that the last round u are same situation as me..no forzen bbs

After all this drama, im hesitating.. Looking forward to your gd news in the next 2 weeks!! when is your BT?

Wondersss, dun hesitate for too long la. Time n tide waits for no man. Lol. My last scan on last sat shows I got 9.3mm lining but the previous day was 8.3 triple. I dunno the triple disappeared or the sonographer nvr record. I dunno where got snowbabies yet. Cos out of the 6, 4 fertilised, 1 become angel liao, 1 under observation and 2 transfered. Its only on bt day then I will know my last embryo make it to winter mode.

My BT is on 4-nov.
Hi babycomecome, thx for ur support! Glad to see u got very good embryos! Wish u great success! Rest well!

thanks, hi mei.
i havent start my IVF journey yet but seeing all of you so strong and courageous and all the experiences...i also duno if i can take it...

rest well hi_mei and go for another round?

is injection difficult? i scared i dont dare to jab myself..

Kool123, dun worry abt the jabs. Get ur dh to help out if u dun dare to jab urself. After a few jabs, u will be fine. I dun dare to jab myself on the last ivf cycle and dh jabbed me. This cycle, the nurse forced me to learn n no choice, DIY lor.
Dear Hi_Mei,
Stay strong.. I know u are. *hugs*. . It will be best if u try for another cycle bt for nw take a breather. Everytg happens for a reason.. ur time will come. Every good things happen to nice & strong ppl.
Thanks Kool, yeah it was very hard to take and needed a few drinks. Thanks for your encouragement. I don't have frozen embryos hence have to start on a fresh cycle. It will be the 3rd cycle. Really hope the next one can succeed.
Hi Mei, sorry to hear abt the BFN. Don't give up and surely don't feel bad abt yourself. It takes both parties and the bit on the 'defective' body is just crap. This is not the time for finger pointing. Be strong for yourself and your coming babies! Think about it on the bright side - maybe it wasn't a viable pregnancy, so better now than lose it later. Totally understand how you feel as I've just gotten over my BFN too. Let yourself cry out and release all the stress, then tell yourself try again! Together, we never give up! :)
hi redlingsinc, i have read your blog. so sorry that you have failed your 1st cycle. when are you going to start next cycle ?
Hi Vivine, thanks for dropping by my blog :) I'm now waiting for AF to come, may decide to do FET with my single fighter embbie. Though it's only one and is a grade 3, i think I won't let any chance slip by cos every single embbie is precious! :D. If this FET doesn't work out, I'd probably have to wait till early next year to try again.
Hi Vivine, thanks for your kind words. Tan HH can only see patients one month later if it is a failed cycle. I think it is just implantation failure since I don't have AMH or ovulation issues. We are doing IVF because of very low sperm count/motility/morphology etc. Hence, IVF is the only way and have to try again. Just need to convince my hubby. Thanks for the support :)
Hi Mei, just to share, you can try to get your hubby to take 'Vigor Ace', which is sold at guardian pharmacy. Think KKH pharmacy has it too. Dr Sadhana also told me that I had implantation failure and suggested that I go for a 'scraping' procedure. She said apparently, this is new discovery and many of her patients tend to be successful after they go for this procedure which scrapes the endometrium lining. It's a 5-10mim process which is similar to a Pap smear and cost less than a hundred bucks. Maybe you can ask your doc abt it in your next review. :)
Dear Hi_Mei,
Stay strong.. I know u are. *hugs*. . It will be best if u try for another cycle bt for nw take a breather. Everytg happens for a reason.. ur time will come. Every good things happen to nice & strong ppl.

Thanks Sue. I really hope that it will come :)
Hi Mei, just to share, you can try to get your hubby to take 'Vigor Ace', which is sold at guardian pharmacy. Think KKH pharmacy has it too. Dr Sadhana also told me that I had implantation failure and suggested that I go for a 'scraping' procedure. She said apparently, this is new discovery and many of her patients tend to be successful after they go for this procedure which scrapes the endometrium lining. It's a 5-10mim process which is similar to a Pap smear and cost less than a hundred bucks. Maybe you can ask your doc abt it in your next review. :)

Thanks Redlingsinc for your encouragement :) good luck for upcoming FET. I wld also have made same choice as u as every embryo is precious. Will look up this endometrial scraping thing, sounds interesting!

For supplements, don't think hubby will take. Doc already spoken to him abt the sperm count and gave him some vitamins and herbal medication he refused to eat. Even the course of antibiotics for the IVF he didn't finish. He is quite against medication or supplements.
Thanks Redlingsinc for your encouragement :) good luck for upcoming FET. I wld also have made same choice as u as every embryo is precious. Will look up this endometrial scraping thing, sounds interesting!

For supplements, don't think hubby will take. Doc already spoken to him abt the sperm count and gave him some vitamins and herbal medication he refused to eat. Even the course of antibiotics for the IVF he didn't finish. He is quite against medication or supplements.
Huh.. That's not very advisable. The antibiotics are supposed to ensure that the sperm is healthy enough for the implantation. Maybe you can try to convince him again before you even start your next cycle? If not, hide them in his food! Hahah :)
Ya should figh till the end...all the best to your FET. U did metion 'scapin' which made the lining deeper. Will u go and try it before u go for FET?
Thanks Redlingsinc for your encouragement :) good luck for upcoming FET. I wld also have made same choice as u as every embryo is precious. Will look up this endometrial scraping thing, sounds interesting!

For supplements, don't think hubby will take. Doc already spoken to him abt the sperm count and gave him some vitamins and herbal medication he refused to eat. Even the course of antibiotics for the IVF he didn't finish. He is quite against medication or supplements.
U can buy fresh oyster from sheng xiong and cook for him. Jus steam ten min will do , it would increase sperm count
Hi Mei, just to share, you can try to get your hubby to take 'Vigor Ace', which is sold at guardian pharmacy. Think KKH pharmacy has it too. Dr Sadhana also told me that I had implantation failure and suggested that I go for a 'scraping' procedure. She said apparently, this is new discovery and many of her patients tend to be successful after they go for this procedure which scrapes the endometrium lining. It's a 5-10mim process which is similar to a Pap smear and cost less than a hundred bucks. Maybe you can ask your doc abt it in your next review. :)
hi_mei, it sounds like a good suggestion . U may consider about it. Try for any chance
Hi hi_mei (and too all recently receiving some sad news, sorry not active),

Sorry to hear about the BFN. We all know it hurts to the bone, especially when there seem to be no answer. Every step of the way seem to difficult for us IVFers when others seem to have it so easy. We may not know you but we are all hear to at least lend a virtual shoulder to cry on or a listening ear.

Sometimes there is no answer medicine can give us on why a good cycle gave us a BFN. Perhaps only God truly know the reason. We can only keep on fighting for the dream. Hugs and take care.
Wave wave Ron!!

Hi all, ve not been active for a while. Thinking of starting my 2nd fresh cycle and need some refresher course..
Just want to check when do we start lucrin? Is it on D2 of menses?
Hi hi_mei (and too all recently receiving some sad news, sorry not active),

Sorry to hear about the BFN. We all know it hurts to the bone, especially when there seem to be no answer. Every step of the way seem to difficult for us IVFers when others seem to have it so easy. We may not know you but we are all hear to at least lend a virtual shoulder to cry on or a listening ear.

Sometimes there is no answer medicine can give us on why a good cycle gave us a BFN. Perhaps only God truly know the reason. We can only keep on fighting for the dream. Hugs and take care.

Thanks Ron. The journey is so hard. I feel I don't have my husband's support. When I told him the news, all he said was, ok. No words of comfort or even a hug even when I asked for it (several times). I feel so sick of all this. To top it off i had to visit my MiL the day after BFN (cuz I avoided her for the whole of tww). She asked me, "Are you two doing work at night or not?" She probably saw I was about to cry already so quickly changed topic. After 20 min, asked me the exact same question again. Granted, she doesn't know we are doing IVF, I really wish people wld stop putting pressure on us.

My hubby even asked if we can don't try IVF a second time, and just be childless. I really cannot, cannot imagine that kind of life. I begged him to let us try until govt grant runs out. And told him honestly, if we stop trying before that, I will lose hope in everything.

I am so depressed right now and I don't know what to do. So glad that at least there are ppl here who can lend a listening ear or else I will go mad already. Every day I got to self regulate, put on a happy smile for my hubby and all to see, but really, inside I am just feeling like shit. Maybe need to see a counsellor.
Wave wave Ron!!

Hi all, ve not been active for a while. Thinking of starting my 2nd fresh cycle and need some refresher course..
Just want to check when do we start lucrin? Is it on D2 of menses?

Hi dear, u call the hosp when u have full flow AF and they will guide u from there. It shld be 21 days after AF that u start the lucrin for abt a week. Cheers!
Thanks Ron. The journey is so hard. I feel I don't have my husband's support. When I told him the news, all he said was, ok. No words of comfort or even a hug even when I asked for it (several times). I feel so sick of all this. To top it off i had to visit my MiL the day after BFN (cuz I avoided her for the whole of tww). She asked me, "Are you two doing work at night or not?" She probably saw I was about to cry already so quickly changed topic. After 20 min, asked me the exact same question again. Granted, she doesn't know we are doing IVF, I really wish people wld stop putting pressure on us.

My hubby even asked if we can don't try IVF a second time, and just be childless. I really cannot, cannot imagine that kind of life. I begged him to let us try until govt grant runs out. And told him honestly, if we stop trying before that, I will lose hope in everything.

I am so depressed right now and I don't know what to do. So glad that at least there are ppl here who can lend a listening ear or else I will go mad already. Every day I got to self regulate, put on a happy smile for my hubby and all to see, but really, inside I am just feeling like shit. Maybe need to see a counsellor.

Hi Mei, I understand how u r feeling. For now, u must be strong, keep ur times busy , eat healthy and sometime later, talk to ur hubby again ok? I am sure he does want a baby too, else he will not have went for the first time...
MIL r so irritating adding pressure to a couple's life...:(
Hi Mei, I understand how u r feeling. For now, u must be strong, keep ur times busy , eat healthy and sometime later, talk to ur hubby again ok? I am sure he does want a baby too, else he will not have went for the first time...
MIL r so irritating adding pressure to a couple's life...:(

Hi Happyparents thanks for your advice. I really want to give my hubby a kid because I know he has always wanted a happy family and I love him very much.
Hi_Mei, can understand ur feelings...really feel like shit inside esp when i see couples with cute bb...and makes me wonder why some pple can keep getting pregnant! really make me envious yet jealous. sigh. i didnt dare to tell my hubby also coz in case i stress him out and he ask me to stop ttc also. When parents doesnt know that we are already trying our best...its indeed stressful. my family also keep asking...sigh....and hugs together.
Thanks Ron. The journey is so hard. I feel I don't have my husband's support. When I told him the news, all he said was, ok. No words of comfort or even a hug even when I asked for it (several times). I feel so sick of all this. To top it off i had to visit my MiL the day after BFN (cuz I avoided her for the whole of tww). She asked me, "Are you two doing work at night or not?" She probably saw I was about to cry already so quickly changed topic. After 20 min, asked me the exact same question again. Granted, she doesn't know we are doing IVF, I really wish people wld stop putting pressure on us.

My hubby even asked if we can don't try IVF a second time, and just be childless. I really cannot, cannot imagine that kind of life. I begged him to let us try until govt grant runs out. And told him honestly, if we stop trying before that, I will lose hope in everything.

I am so depressed right now and I don't know what to do. So glad that at least there are ppl here who can lend a listening ear or else I will go mad already. Every day I got to self regulate, put on a happy smile for my hubby and all to see, but really, inside I am just feeling like shit. Maybe need to see a counsellor.
I think your husband just doesn't understand at this moment. maybe he just cant accept the failure at the moment.....
just give him some time and talk to him later.....time cures all things. the most important thing is that you cant give up yourself. be strong.....
Thanks Ron. The journey is so hard. I feel I don't have my husband's support. When I told him the news, all he said was, ok. No words of comfort or even a hug even when I asked for it (several times). I feel so sick of all this. To top it off i had to visit my MiL the day after BFN (cuz I avoided her for the whole of tww). She asked me, "Are you two doing work at night or not?" She probably saw I was about to cry already so quickly changed topic. After 20 min, asked me the exact same question again. Granted, she doesn't know we are doing IVF, I really wish people wld stop putting pressure on us.

My hubby even asked if we can don't try IVF a second time, and just be childless. I really cannot, cannot imagine that kind of life. I begged him to let us try until govt grant runs out. And told him honestly, if we stop trying before that, I will lose hope in everything.

I am so depressed right now and I don't know what to do. So glad that at least there are ppl here who can lend a listening ear or else I will go mad already. Every day I got to self regulate, put on a happy smile for my hubby and all to see, but really, inside I am just feeling like shit. Maybe need to see a counsellor.

Hi_mei, *hugs, hugs, hugs* have a gd cry & let out everything. But u also need to pull urself up, take time to build ur body & keep trying alrite? Dun sink deeply & give in to ur emotions. I noe how u feel. Its not easy but life goes on. Been thro tat before. Ivf is really not easy. Men do not understand as much as us ladies. We are the ones who go thro everything frm jabs till the end. The emotional & physical pain tat we go thro, no one can understand, especially when it ends wif BFN. My hb also didnt cry, didnt show any emotions when i failed my 1st fresh. I cried like crazy till eyes swollen, thinking why must things end this way when i already tried so hard. But u noe something, hb actuali confided wif his mum & cried when i not around.

When i asked him y he not showing any emotions? he said he dun wanna cry in front of me coz one of us have to be strong to support the other. Men are like tat. They dun show emotions. They got ego & dun wanna to be seen as weak in front of us. Im pretty sure ur hb wants a bb. Perhaps seeing u go thro the jabs & stuffs,he pity u & dun wanna stress u for next round? Mayb u can talk him around saying ur deepest desire to have a child & u need his support. Rest well & take care k. Hope u will feel better soon..*hugs again*
HI everyone,

I'm new here. I'm in my 16 weeks after ivf. For those that are unsuccessful, please do keep in mind both parties must try to stay as healthy as possible and do regular exercises to build up your health. Don't give up and keep going.. good luck!
Hi Mei, we all understand ur feeling and really wish to give u a hug now.. Agreed wit Syrian said, probably ur husband dun want u to go through the jabs and emotional cycle anymore that's why he do not want to try again. My husband also do not want to try again when we failed the first iui. He said he do not want to see me jab everyday like that.. Pls stay positive. All the sisters here will give u the support..

I just finish the scan, got 4 eggs ranging from 11mm to 13mm. I'm trying for the second iui now. Wednesday will go for another scan and hopefully will be able to proceed with iui on Friday or Saturday. Really wish to have BFP this round. Can't share my anxious feeling elsewhere except here.. If it is not going to work this time, will proceed with ivf next jan. Finger cross.
hi_mei, I'm back! V sorry to hear abt ur BFN. I have to tell u that guys are v egoistic. Usually they don't mean what they say or do. I'm sure he supports u alot just that he doesn't know how to express himself and console u. My hb did go through the bfn with me. Lent me his shoulder to cry on, gave me hugs etc. But the next 2 days we had some arguments and his temper showed up again. I think he is too stressed abt this ttc thing..
My hb has the same prob as urs. Low sperm count and bad morphology. Does ur hb drink soya bean? He shld cut down on that if he does. U can try asking him to eat Brazil nuts if he doesn't wana take the supplements? I think afterall communication plays a v impt role. U might want to find a suitable time and have a talk with him? I bet he wants to have this own child very much as u do. And don't care about the MIL. I hate these too! Everytime she asks me, u will just fu yan her and say okok now she doesn't ask me anymore haha maybe give up hope le.

Now I visit dr zou twice a week. Have to wait for veryyy long. She saw my embryo pic and said 1 of them was v good as it's a 5 cell. But.. Also duno what's the prob. I believe we will eventually bfp one day, maybe it's just not our time yet. Don't give up persuading ur hubby!! Lets jiayou tog :)

Sorry to hear about your loss. I I totally agree with the point that men are egoistic and also he would not want to appear weak in front of you. I'm sure he is also upset but don't know how to express it.

Don't think so much and rest lots for now and go for a holiday with your hubby if possible.

Continue to have faith and we all must 加油 together k.
Btw I was so busy and stressed over the weekend just before my ER today and guess what happened? My helper got herself preggie! What the..... right? We are trying so hard to get preggie and she is pregnant but going back to abort it. We just sent her back to Indo this afternoon.

Ladies, need your advice. I have been told by nurse that I shouldn't take any herbs from now. But I have been seeing tcm Chen Qiu Mei and was told to go to her just before ET to get an tai med. She already told me gynae surely asked me not to take herbs and told me to ignore and take the herbs.

I'm in a dilemma. Should I take herbs or not?
Hi, anyone visiting tan kian sing (tcm) in Clementi? Is he good?

Hi hb and me visited him for about 6months in 2011-2012. IMO he is better with men problems. My hb SA did improve after seeing him. He has secret recipe for soup meant for men. He does acupuncture and prescribe herbal granules.
ya ya you can share your valued experience with us...... like what kind of food is restrictions, what kind of fruits should take more ? do you drink any kind of milk powder ?
Hi vivi..jus noticed ur post to mine..yes yesbi can share but it might sound silly 4 some..but these were advice given by a gh nurse tovher on wat to do n not..guess it was a friendly advice..but I do follow it..later today I will post the list.
Hi all,

I am diagnosed with endomentitris with a 5cm by 5cm cyst on my left ovary. Seek opinions with KKH ( Dr Bernard Chern) & TMC ( Dr Benjamin Tham), both advised to go thru surgery to remove it. Went further advice with Mt E ( Dr Chng K.P) & Novena Specialist Centre ( Dr Ng Soon Chye), both hestitated for surgery. Was confused.. The latter's opinion were since CA125 was <35, no pain encountered during menses, not necessary to go thru surgery, cos the op might harm the healthy ovary cells. Advised to go thru IVF ... while waiting for my Anti Mullerian hormone result & my hubby pending sperm detailed analysis. Suspected my hubby sperm DNA is "unhealthly" instead of my condition that disabled mi to be preggie so far..
Hi hb and me visited him for about 6months in 2011-2012. IMO he is better with men problems. My hb SA did improve after seeing him. He has secret recipe for soup meant for men. He does acupuncture and prescribe herbal granules.
Hi ocean gal,
What type of medication does he give to women? How many acupunture session in one cycle? If my hb has low morph and mobility, does his med help? How long did u see improvement?? Thanks!!
Hi vivi..jus noticed ur post to mine..yes yesbi can share but it might sound silly 4 some..but these were advice given by a gh nurse tovher on wat to do n not..guess it was a friendly advice..but I do follow it..later today I will post the list.
hi Anita, thank you very much, will go thourgh your list after you post it... haha.... it is a great help to sharing your experience with all of us.
Hi all, to share my bt result is bfn as till nw KkIvf still haven't call me as Im d first to reach at 7.30am for d bt. If it is bfp then thy should have call me earlier. I'm very very sad now
