IVF/ICSI Support Group

Is there any sistas here who proceed with FET even scanned with cysts? I was advise that I have 1cm cysts on both sides. Dr said will see if they are gone for the next cycle. Any TCM to help?

Thanks, Sandra & Leor... Couldn't hav a gd sleep throughout last night partly thinking abt this n woken up by dh's snoring...

Keeping fingers crossed.....
Alexis, where's ur cyst located? The location I suppose will determine if it shd b proceeded. I have 2 n proceeded with fresh cycle n FET though both failed.
Sandra, I've tried n it dissolve easily. Is not that bad to drink it in room temperature water.

Blizzbless, yes try boiling dried Longan n ginger. We hv this instruction slip fr Dr loh's clinic that says so.
Sandra. haha maybe cos I'm outside when she call n very noisy cannot hear properly. but since 12 mature y only fertilize 6? tat mean after I ET 2 left 4 snow bb?
Congrats Blizzbless, ya, I agreed with Sandra. That means u harvested 18 eggs, 12 if them r of the right size & out of these 12, half if them, ie 6 are fertilised with ur DH's sperm. Now will see how well these 6 embryos grow & which is/are the best ones for ur ET coming Mon 830am.
Alexis I have 2 cm blood cyst in my right ovary 2 small fibroids and adenomyosis. Tried iui with dr
Loh on clomid had one egg. But iui failed. Last week I took Lupron from Kkh to shrink the cyst n fibroids before trying ivf or iui. Seeing dr Matthew lau this wed.

Chongchong u seeing which doc
And r u trying ivf??
Die.... I think I hav a very high risk of ohss.. Think they extracted 44 eggs... Faint... Not sure how many r of mature size.. The cramp was so bad when I woke up
Chongchong: honestly I dunno leh.. Cos now e hormones spread over many eggs.. I called TCM dr Zou to inform her.. She is also shocked at the volume.. I was also oven medication to take for 5 days.. Now going to buy isotonic drinks..e embryoist told me depending on the number of mature eggs I hav, they will use some for icsi and some for conventional ivf. .. E nurse say can try to find out e reason for infertility
sara> depends on yr dosage and long or short cycle, the total ivf will cost 12-16k in tfc, wic u can use 6k from medisave if its yr first time. but if u are below 40, i strongly encourage u to go govt hospital to make use of the 6.3k govt grant (can use for 3 times).

brchow> but i heard from babysmurf and leor that aft er, no embryologist spoke to them, and they know of their fertilization only on ET day? hw come yrs so good huh??! i also heard have to collect yr embryo report yrself from another counter something like tt..

dream> dun worry abt hormones, sure got good eggs and embryos with the volume.
Sara, thanks! Yep, it's my first ivf. So far I've spent abt 14k. didn't calculate the exact amount as I can't find some of the receipts now... But can use 6k from CPF.

Chose tfc coz i didn't want to wait and thought i might need better attention and service for my first try.
I hope so... But now I think being a woman is so tough... I really admire those sis for e courage to preserve on .. I told my mum I wan to b a guy in my next life...

Already drank 700ml within an hr.. Will take eggs tonight... I can still take half boiled now, right?
Dream, with 44 eggs sure cramp de lor. Imagine yr ovary is being poke 44 times leh. Please up your water and protein yayy! Jia you!
Dream- pls take more water & up yr protein intake to prevent ohss
Take normal Panadol if can't tahan the pain.
Normal to have pain & bloatedness
Take care, sure will have Siew Siew embbies waiting for U
Lin: Kkh u can ask the nurse how many eggs retrieved on the er day. How many successful embryos u have to wait till et day then they will tell u.

Dream: drink more water or 100plus.
Thanks for ur encouragement, everyone... Juz woke up fr a nap.. Getting off e bed also an issue man...

Dreambear: think is a combination of both.. Dr Loh was actually quite conservative abt e dosage but my follicles weren't growing fast., I had 10 injections..300 for the first 4 days.. Followed by 350 for 3 days and 400 for 2 days.. On e last injection, I had abt 300 puregon and 150 metapholin (dunno how to spell.. Something similar to puregon but required mixing of 2 solutions..I took it at tFC )
yvejen/ Sara, not sure what kind of cysts they are... Dr Loh only said it's not round so suspected it's small cysts among the eggs. He gave me Progynova and gave me some instructions to take them during menses. My menses also got irregular and not much after first child birth.. Was breastfeeding initially so suppose it was the cause for irregular flow
I met a Malay lady at the clinic and she told me she has a 8cm cyst ( no sure if I heard wrongly or not) and she was suppose to do a lap to remove it but so happen that she got preggy with twins naturally. (babies weighed at 2.5kgs each) Then 1 yr after she gave birth, she wanted to remove it but got preggy again.. It was just 2 days after she gave birth when I met her. She was there to consult on lap..
Dream,you may try to drink fish essence after ER. I drank during my previous cycle i had 73 eggs. If only you ok with the taste & smell
Dream,pls drink plenty of water and protein.At lest 2.5L water a day and egg white increase to 10-12 a day.I didnt had OHSS for both cycle.Take good care of yrsef gal.
Heheh..scary huh.No lee i dont have PCOS.For 1st cycle my egg quality were bad.Half of the egg were empty shell.So end up left 3 to transfer and failed.
In my 2nd cycle Sep 2012 i had 33 eggs and freeze 17 snow babies.My this current cycle the 3rd one will be scheduled ET this coming Thu.Will thaw 5 for blastocyst.
I bought from medical hall but i think you may get from NTUC.I find i heal faster after i drank.I was tod by nurse to increase intake of water and egg white after ER.During 2ww back to normal but i still took 2 egg white a day.Hmmm..as for more quantity = quality i wouldnt say so..coz my 1st IVF got so much but only left 3 manage to transfer. So before i embark 2nd IVF i took royal jelly&C0Q10 that good for my eggs.
Sandra,i bought royal jelly+pollen online(Y.S Eco Bee Farms).i was on different drugs for both cycle.The 1st cycle i on gonalF & others.Im not sure can take RJ if got cyst & fibroid.Any advise from other sis? I know i got cyst right after 1st IVF(2010) but now doctor didnt see any.
Sandra: got cyst & fibroid cannot take RJ! I dunno wat will happen if taken. When I bought at wisma (honey world), the sales lady also told me that.
Lin: the embryologist spoke w me in the OT. After changing out of my OT gown, the nurse told me to wait a while cos embryologist wanna spk w me. When I hear that, I know smthg not right. In the end 2 out of 5 not usable, bal 3 all immature. She said to monitor in lab for 1 day n c if it will mature. Else cycle considered failed. So I was quite depress n nearly wanted to cry. Nx day (sat) morning at 8am, embryologist called to say 2 mature 'yesterday' (Fri) n they proceed to fertilize. Bk then i still rem she said so far now sui sui n also cfm my ET on Mon.
TFC juz called me.. Actually, they extracted 46 eggs yesterday. They use 14 for conventional ivf and 25 for icsi. None of the eggs going thru conventional ivf are fertilized while 18 are fertilized thru icsi.. So tmr they will transfer 2...

But I feel a bit cheated abt spending the money on conventional ivf.. Cos it cld be they aren't of the right sizes... But I thot they shd hav taken only matured sizes for conventional ivf do that they can find the reason for unexplained fertility
Sandra, haha isnt? Lolz...the posts are moving so fast. Cant remember very single one. In fact i only knw blizzbless and dream is doing the cycle now. Confuse liao heehee...

Sorry... I think no extra money paid... If I m not wrong...

Blizzbless: conventional ivf is where they leave e sperms swimming around e eggs and waiting for natural fertilization, juz like in our body..the other type is icsi where they will inject a sperm into e egg.., I wld think e second one has higher chances of fertilization ..

My ET tmr is 11am.. Supposed to clear bladder before coming n then drink a glass of water n start drinking more at tFC
