IVF/ICSI Support Group

Blizzbless: I hav 10 snow embies and another 6 still cultivating.. Dunno wat tat means.. Actually, I dun hav ohss now.. But I am at a risk even if preg.. So dr Loh gave me a few options which include carrying on with e transfer today.. Cos I was already prepared.. I carry on but juz hav to take more water and proteins..

Leor: the pain at the area below e rib cage is still there but apparently has nothing to do with ohss.. Is gastric.. I will try drinking yogurt later on to see if it helps.. Still pain and so can't walk fast..

Wat is e tip for inserting e med? E nurse say insert till e whole finger in there... Possible meh??
Blizzbless, I did try both methods separately for the last 2 rounds. In my opinion, insert is better, I was the 1 that commented that hormones get to the womb faster as the nurse told me that. Taking it orally has sm side effect, u might feel giddy...
Dream, it's possible to push the whole finger in. But i use one finger to push in instead of two fingers as suggested by the nurse. Can consider wearing a plastic glove.

Is this your first fresh cycle?
If this cycle fails, i'd like to take some TCM to tiao the womb before trying again... Anyone has any good TCM doctor to recommend? Need to boil herbs? I've seen the name Dr Zou appearing quite often in this forum. Is she good?
Chongchong: ya.. This is my first ivf trial.. I rem inserting for iui previously but didn't insert do far in...

Btw, I am also seeing dr Zou.. Personally, I find her quite reassuring and nice... Her accupuncture is sometimes a bit painful but bearable.. Cos she opens at night and on sun, is convenient for me... Her med is in powder form and juz mix with hot/warm water
But depending on e queue, u may need to queue for 1hr plus .. Guess is e same for all gd TCM .. Her accupuncture is abt 40min, 20min each for front and back
Sandra: think they mention that.,, but dun understand e implications so didn't ask further.. I m going to do e insert in a min.. Shd I do it while sitting at e toilet bowl or shd I do it while lying down on e bed?
Dream, is possible, lie down, fold ur legs by placing the soles of ur feet together to form a diamond shape...importantly, relax...the inserting finger nail has to b short. Observe hygiene as it will b bad for the embryo if u get infection at this time.
Dream, I do it while lying on the bed. I put wet tissue beside me to clean my fingers after insert then will fall to sleep or play ipad while lying on bed.
Hi ladies. My fet journey ends here. Burst into tears and wail out loud when the doc said that my hcg level has dropped eventho I am well prepared for the worst. But am feeling much better now. Wl tiao my body and try for the next fresh when I am ready. Thk u all for the well wishes n support. Duno whether I can be this strong without u all.
Hi all, I'm back. I had to take a few days to stay in my cave. I didn't want to come in here with all that negativity. so. My BT last Friday came back negative and AF came with a vengeance. I don't know why but I felt so broken and hurt. Is this normal amongst you sisters?

I did quite a bit of thinking (plus tons of crying) and finally felt better. I'm good now and doing ALL I could to stay positive and happie.

Joyfully, Thanks for your wishes. It was nice.

Leor, Congrats! I'm happy for you. Get lots of rest.

Blizzbless, congrats on your et. I was told by kkh nurse that they recommend inserting. Oral method takes longer to see effect and enzymes in the gastric sometimes eliminate some of the effectiveness of the drug. She was very convincing when she explained it. As for your question on attendance of 'events', perhaps you can ask yourself if you are already say 3-mth pregnant, would you still go? For me, it depends on who send the invite and how close I am with the person and how comfortable i would be. hope this helps.

Dream, congrats on your et too. Stay positive. You have come so far. You have done very well. Your embbies are great. Have faith that it will happen. Good luck.

Chongchong, your discharge could be implantation bleeding. Stay positive. I understand your fear and wish i could offer you a hug. Hang in there k. Rest lots.

Leapgal, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. Good luck. Hang in there. How are you feeling today?
Hi everybody, I am looking for information about IUI in Singapore. I currently live in Shanghai. but with my husband we are considering to move to Singapore in the following months. One of the elements for our decision is related to fertility treatment. We need to do a IUI procedure. In Shanghai we found a good clinic specialized in that (JIAI) and we are now looking for info also for other options in Singapore, but I do not know from where to start.
Based on your experience which are the best hospitals doing it in terms of success rate and service? do you have any idea of cost for 1 cycle of IUI and all the previous procedure with doctor consultation, examinations, test etc... ? thanks for your help!
Leapgal and Finnolia, Hugs hugs! I dun knw what to say to let u all feel better. But please stay strong yayy! Do look forward once you all are ready. Cos I knw it takes sometimes to heal the mind, soul and pain.
Finnolia, just bear in mind that u r not alone. I was in ur shoes 1 week ago remember? I know how u feel totally...let it out, think on a bright side n move on...everything happened for a reason. Well, if I go for another round, that will b my 3rd cycle...u can't b worst than me right...let it out if u need to n dun control. Hugs to u!
leapgal: sorry to hear that *big big hug*. no words can take away the disappointment n sadness we feel when such happens. please stay strong, be positive n tiao ur body well for the fresh cycle. take ur time n dun rush into it.

finnolia: i know rite... we all so wanna know the result but when told, at times we just break down n can't swallow down...
nonetheless, the journey does not end here n we will con't the fight w vengeance.
Finnolia and Leapgal, I think I completely understand how you feel. Hugs!

I saw fresh blood at home after coming back from my progesterone jab at tfc. Called the nurse and she asked me to go back tml for early BT. I cried for a long time. It didn't help that I prepared myself for failure...
Leapgal & Finnolia: hugz hugz... I am sorry to hear abt that.. I know how upsetting it is... But pls dun give up, ok? U can cry by all means but come back strong .. We are all here waiting to support u again! U will succeed in no time, as long as u dun give up. Hav faith!

Leor & Yvejen: ya.. Thks for the tips..I will use it tonight.. I did it juz now but placing my soles flat on the bed without folding my legs and leaning halfway backwards... Seems to work., will keep on trying to find e best way...
Giorgia Madonno, there are many hospitals in Singapore doing IUI. I don't have figures on the success rate of IUI for each hospital. I think you can google "IUI Singapore hospitals". Personally I did two rounds of IUI in Kandang Kerbau Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH) and I think the service is ok although I didn't succeed for both cycles.

I heard the success rate in Shanghai is quite high and I've heard of JIAI and Jiuyuan (9th hospital) which are good.
Yvejen, thank you so much for your encouragement. I'm stepping out and its taking all of me to break into a smile. But i am. *deep breathes*

This sh*& (pardon me) is like the worst mental battle. Perhaps everything does happen for a reason. If every roadblock, every fall, every failure, every time we get this horrible 'punch' in our guts means God or some cosmic force is trying to make us better humans, then I suppose it is working. All the women on this forum are so brave, strong, determined and focused. Perhaps it is becoz we all need to be. Or perhaps we choose to be.

I learned that "Whichever stage we are at and whatever results we get, we all did incredibly great for all that effort and work we put in. We absolutely did ALL that we could, if not more. No self-blame allowed. We all deserve a pat on our back."

You are right Yvejen. Moving on and looking ahead is the way to go. Thanks again. Hugs to u too.
For those who are taking supplements from blackmores, there is a 20% discount at Unity pharmacy until 31jan. I just bought conceive well gold today.
Leor ,
congrats congrats. I love these BFP news ...
How did u handle ur boy during 2ww ?
To think about what I went through , I seriously wonder if
Things will work for me this time round ...

Meanwhile take care ..,
Sandra, Leor, BrChow, Chongchong, Dream, Dreambear, Yvejen,

You all just made me cried... but this time with a new sense of hope. Thank you for being around. Its reassuring to have people who understand what I'm going through to tell me not to give up. It means a lot to me.

My bestie questioned me if having a child is really that important. My mom gave me weird looks for being infertile and commented that somethings are not meant to be. At the same time, my super fertile sis and cousin, plus a good friend - all of them just gave birth to little cuties while I have a scary crime-scene in my pants. Hah. I am fighting hard to not have to "come to terms" that i may never be a mom. So yes, thank you girls, this journey will continue.

You know, i realize this... the part about preparing for the worst is that... it doesn't work. I saw red flow. I cried. I went for the BT anyway knowing that it had just failed - held back my tears hard as i get jabbed. Into the car, i cried. The moment i get off the nurse's call, I cried. I cried like I didn't expect it, but i did. I cried hard. So in the end, i let be and cried. Now, this crying bit helped.

I definitely want to be back cycling soon, strong and all, but the previous ohss monster had jolted a 3-mth compulsory rest period. So... Well.

Delayed but journey will continue.

Hugs to all.
hi all
im new 2 dis forum
decided 2 join cuz finally met my kkh doc 4 our fertility medical report result & he advised us 2 try ivf & so yes thats what we shall do
attending ivf briefing tmrw morn
hope 2 get 2 noe u ladies better through dis thread
bb dust b upon us all
Daylesford, thanks. My mil is taking care of my boy. So I dun have any problem at all. Now my boy went back Ipoh hometown with my mil to standby for CNY Loh!
Leapgal and Finnolia, big hugs for both of you. Cry out loud if need be. Many of us have been through the same stage as you both, so we all understand. Take this time to enjoy what u have missed out for the past weeks, like eating your Fav food, drinks, massage etc. Must rem to treat yourself well ok? I believe we will all come back strong again. Jiayou, sisters!
Daylesford. Actually Ive already suspected that I hv miscarriage the oth bb when I passed out a lump of clots tis morning. Had a constant cramp with non-stop lightflow on the whole of Sun when I was on bedrest.

Sistas. Actually Ive been telling myself to stay strong despite having brown spotting, seeing fresh blood, having bad cramps and lower back pains n lastly clots. Or maybe I just can't accept the fact. In the end I brokedown and wailed infront of my hb when the doc announced that I hv fully miscarriage. Now I realised that we need never be ashamed of our tears if tats wat gona make us feel better...cry when we need to n don't hold back our tears.
Sistas, we shall all be strong, brave thru this difficult time together.
Leapgal, i totally agree with u and concur that you are doing the right thing by crying your heart out. It is indeed a heart-wrenching experience, and I am praying hard that it will not happen to any one of us here, again.

I feel very emotional after reading your post, as it reminds me of the experience that I went thru last yr, when i have to go thru dnc to evacuate the foetus. I cried the whole day too. I still rem vividly that On that fateful day, I woke up very early to sing
and play guitar to my bb. I bid him/her goodbye. But it was very painful cos I can't bear to part with my bb. The worst part was when I was left alone in the waiting ward, with other mummies-to-be who are waiting to give birth. I felt so unfair, when i hear cries of newborn, as I can't hear my bb cry. The feeling is just so lousy. And I cried really hard, cos the thought of departing my bb for gd was too much for me to bear. I hated the sense of emptiness when I headed home the very same day after dnc. Lately, I started crying hard again, when I see pics of friends' newborn baby. It reminded me of my unborn bb, and I really miss him/her a lot. Had everything goes smoothly for my last pregnancy, my bb will be due in 6 more weeks.

I feel crying at such vulnerable times, is a good way for us to release our anger, frustration, disappointment, sadness, or feelings of emptiness. So that we can stand up and be strong again for our future little ones.

A big hug to you, leapgal. U r a strong girl. And you will be able to conceive again and carry your little one to full term. I will keep u in my prayer, and may you have peace with your heart and mind. Take care, dear.
Hello! I'm new here! I'd like to know which hospital is more reccommended for IVF? Those who have successfully conceived through IVF, which hospitals are you from?
Leapgal & Joyfully > I cried reading both ur posts. Thanks for sharing ur stories & I do pray that none of us will need to go through all these again! Now I know I did the right thing for always crying in front of my gynae...
Joyfully. This is my 2nd miscarriage. I went thru similar experience last year but till now I always thought that I am strong cus I did not even cry. When I got to know that the bb stopped growing at 6wks+, I just went ahead with what the doc recommended me to do (dnc) with clueless mind. But this experience, seeing what was happening to my poor bb was really a big blow for me. I know it was fighting to stay strong but body simply not accepting it.
Leapgal and Finnolia, so sorry to hear about what had happened. I can feel your pain in your posts. Yes, its ok to cry. Only when you discharge your pain then you can heal.

Just like what the other ladies have suggested, have a good rest, be strong and jia you again!
Leapgal: after ur Dnc, consult a Tcm to tiao your body n at the same time do a confinement. This show that u can get pregnant just that ur womb is not strong to hold them. Jia you.
Is there ways to increase the HCG beta now?

Today was my day 14 and had bleeding this morning. Went to take BT and beta result was 30.2. Consider very low. Need to retake on this friday again.
Sandra, thanks dear for your words of encouragement. Will preserve and stay strong.

Dream, haha, I always try to act cool in front of strangers. Will only break down in front of hubby or when I m alone.

Leapgal, you are much stronger than me. I have faith in you, that you'll be able to overcome the current situation, and be able to stand strong again. Grieve, cry, vent all your hurt, anger and frustration on this thread if you need be. We are all here to render support to one another. So let's all jiayou together!
