IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi ladies, I'm still having a bit of discharge but getting better liao. This morning the nurses gave me another jab. Very painful

Tutu, my first fresh also BFN. I BNP on my med FET. Chin up and take time to prep your body for FET

Fou fou, good luck for your BT. Jia you ^^

Let us all jia you together to achieve our dream.
LuvNhope welcome to 2ww. Take care. 1st wk must more carefull.

Tutu this forum is about everything the journey of IVF. U will learn a lot from the sisters here. All the sisters here have so much story. We are here to courage and support each other. IVF is not an easy journey along the way there maybe we feel sad,
moody, pain and etc. If we explain it to outsiders they won't understand. Im thankfull I have friends
from this forum. All the sisters here help me so much during my up & down in IVF.
Prosperina Jiayou.. Dont sad everything will be fine with u.
Kiki wave! Glad to hear ur been taken care. Yes the jab is painfull. Have to tahan dear. Nvr mind pain as long baby in good condition. Take care.
Tutu Hugs. Dont despair. I BFN my fresh but BFP with both my FET unfortunate I m/c both. My latest FET I had twins. So doesn't mean u fail once u will not succes the other. I take few months to rest. Other sisters take only a month. Most important thing know ur body and follow ur instinct.
Take a break for holidays. Tiao ur body and look forward for ur FET.
This journey is full of up and down but remember one day I believe all of us will success and hold our babies in our arms.
Take care. Anything can pm me. Jiayou.
Luv...welcome to 2ww...i hv gd feeling that u will make it .

tutu..hugzz...i think u can discuss with dr loh and see what's the next step...maybe tcm to tiao yr body.

Bruno...kk will giv u inserts 3x a day and u will go back for prog bt on D6

Joanne...take care
mc, thanks!! I really hope so!!
Afraid to hope too much too cos have already failed twice. But, will try to stay positive!!

Shainie, thanks for the link!
Hi Shainie - read your pm. Thanks!

Hi Luv - I'm now waiting at 24 hrs clinic. Just want another jab before my next appt with SF Loh on Thurs.... My friend told me her friend had the jab on alternate day due to spotting last time...
went to see doctor today and my thyroid reading shot up...as such need to increase my med dosage..

also, my iron level is too much so need to stop all supplement that contains iron meaning i can't take blackmore pregnancy pills and i notice mummy milk also hv iron..haizz...dunno what to take now.

going to dr zou later..hope she can giv some advice.
Luv - I think you have a point that I should see a a TCM that is closer to my home. I live in Tiong Bahru, so do u agree Dr Tan Siew Boey Clinic 2 is my best option? I thought there's more talk about Dr Zou here in the forum but maybe Im wrong. I was seeing Zhong Ximing at EYS Paragon just before this cycle but only took 21 days of chinese medicine and 3 accupunture session...a little out of the way and she's expensive too!

Thanks Shainie Kiki-gal, MC & Hope for your kind words, I will pull myself together over the weekend and embark on the journey again. I will not give up.

Girls, please give me your feedback on Dr Tan Siew Boey.. I have no clues on TCM as i have been a non-believer of TCM, but having run out of options and hearing so many success stories here with TCM, I have decided to give it a serious try.

I will see dr loh next Mon/Tues to see what's my next step. Maybe I should get him to do a detailed check of my uterus to ensure nothing is wrong.. Dying to figure out what has gone wrong but i know there's nothing as unexplained infertility if it could be explained....
MC - are you seeing a thyroid specialist? Im seeing Jackie Tan at TTSH. She specialises in Thyroid cum pregnancy. I had grave disease and still on PTU. But my level is all within normal range now.
Tutu, Sorry to hear about the news... I did 2 x FET all BFN...

I think Tan Siew Boey clinic at Chinatown will be a good choice for you. If you take bus, alight at People Park Complex bus stop, cross the traffic light outside Yue Hua shopping building and walk along the Hotel 81 and you will reach the Medical hall shop called Kan De Mei.

Both Dr Loh and her know each other and Dr Loh also sort of approved to see her. However, be prepared to wait up to 2 hours if you are going. Also remember to call and make appointment. In my opinion, she has so many patients that her consultation is like "robotic".
Sunstillshines, i know Dr loh "approves" Zhong Xi Ming and he did mention another TCM name but becos i wasn't into TCM, I didn't catch the other name...

"Robotic"? does that mean she is a one style treats all? That doesn't sound positive to me .... Who are you seeing?
Hello ladies .. I'm officially on my 2ww

Bruno: doc retrieved 8 and 5 fertilized and 2 inside me.. I'm with dr. Jerry Chan. How was your er?

Luv: congrats babe! You have many frozen..
Hi Shainie - think after your incident, KKH dare not take spotting lightly now. The doc did blood test and jab for me. Now I'm waiting for the bt result....
Tutu, I was seeing the one in marine parade for two years when we were trying to conceive naturally. But as it was too far, I switch to Dr Zuo when I failed my first fresh cycle. Did acu and took her med.
tutu...i am seeing dr zou .

Joanne..yes she is open..i am reaching in 5min

prosperina...u still there? maybe we can meet...haha
I just saw ur msg..already told her ur surname is tan..will tell her again. Mc I'm doing acupuncture now. Think by the time I'm done u already back home..haha
Sounds like Dr Zou is the hot favourite. How often do i have to see her if Im just going to tiao my body with chinese medication? AMK is a little out of the way for me. How does accupuncture help? From what i gather - accu is more to relax the body...
Thanks Prosepina and mc - Dr Zou has already called me

Tutu - we normally do acu twice a week. It will help to improve blood circulation to the uterus. Dr Zou will normally give medicine that can last for a week... It's powder form and just add water.
Tutu, sorry to year abt ur news. Build up your body n try again when u r ready. Good to check w Dr Loh on the condition of your uterus etc.

I used to see Dr Zou as she is nearer to my place. But after 2yrs i got abit tired and stopped TCM totally. For my ivf cycle, i did not intend to see TCM as i dont wan to stress myself. I took LRD, chicken/fish essence, raspberry tea leaf, spirulina, conceived well gold, royal jelly, folic acid, EPO, Omega Fish oil, vit C etc months before my ivf cycle. But due to my spotting during my stimulation stage, i went to Dr Jin at Raffles TCM for help. After ET, i saw Dr Zhao as Dr Jin is on long medical leave. I took Dr Zhao's an tai yao until i was ard 10-11weeks.

There are some sisters here who went to Dr Tan Siew Boi n got pregnant naturally after seeing her for 2 months.
Maybe im destined to see Dr Zou. The earliest appt i could get for Dr Tan Siew Boey is 13 June. Whereas I could see Dr Zou anytime next week.

Girls, would you suggest i see Dr Zou asap or wait for menses to come? Definitely see TCM after discussing options with Dr Loh...
Tutu: u can go b4 yr menses. for TCM it does not matter. i took tcm medicine b4 menses to clear my menses and better flow.

Babygalore: very tired after ER. sleep and sleep and sleep.
Babyjourney, you also took tcm med to stop your spotting during stimulation?

Thanks Joyfully and Joanne! Joyfully, how're your jabs going?

BabyGalore, still gotta wait to confirm if all 12 make it to freezing. You have 3 frozen?
Thanks BBJourney. I understand why you got tired with TCM and yes it might then add stress to us..Are you happy with Dr Jin and Dr Zhao? How are their charges like?
Luv, i did not take TCM med during my stimulation stage. I only see Dr Jin for accupunture at that time. I only started An tai yao after i BFP.
Tutu, both Dr Jin n Dr Zhao are good. But Dr Zhao more motherly n cheerful type. Raffles TCM are more expensive than Dr Zou n Dr Tan SB. For accupunture, it costs ard 70 per sessions.
