IVF/ICSI Support Group

Moo3, if I remember correctly u are using growth hormone (Saizen) + menopur for your stimulation right? May I know how's your follicles development so far? Thank

I start to worry....my menses getting shorter n lesser
My AF is now haywired..cos after mc, my 1st AF was 40days after, then 2nd AF was 37days after, so im not sure if that works..anyway will continue to test thru this weekend and see how lor..

i see thanks..i managed to find another local norweigan page to deliver same day/next day! And now they have promotions somemore

Sisters in 2ww/stimulation/suppression/et/er etc etc..stay positive and chin up!!
Have a great weekend everyone!

Thanks Mel & babyjourney.

Nurul, no symptoms leh... Yesterday, still got a bit bloated. This morning woke up, the stomach like flattened & feel so hungry. Now can only hear grumbling... Not having hopes.

Think will do the hpt tml morning so that if result fail, mon I'll not be too sad as I'll be in office. Shld do the test first thing in the morning, right?

U feeling ok? Wonder how's kittykatty?
Morning Fou Fou

Aiya...dun worry about e symptoms. Stil haven't see red stil fine. For me todae got sore throat. Think gona fall sick. A little warm my body. Must drink gallons of water to flash out. Hahahaha.

Better to do in e morning. Yea agreed mayb I oso like dat. So dat next day oreadi prepared for e result.

Ya kittykatty hav gone missing
wonder how she is now?
Luv and babygalore, all the best to your ET later!
Tutu and foufou, wish you best of luck for your BT!
Jiayou to all sisters who are in 2ww now as well, hope you girls can spread babydusts to us soon.
Prosepina, I'm in my 2nd fresh, wif Dr Yu/SGH.

BigBear, scan on Thu showed follicle 17mm max, but some are even <7mm. Dr Zou estimated to have 7 mature ones by ER, fewer than my 1st fresh using Puregon 12 retrieved. But I dun mind all these as long as they can result in successful pregnancies + babies. So see how ah.

Fou Fou, have u tested? Hope it'll be good news
On my way to bt. Thanks for all the well wishes! Im not feeling positive though. Had a dream i was bleeding last night n also feeling menses cramp now....should i ask for prog test as well?
Good luck fou fou n tutu.. Luv n babygalore good luck too.. Tutu coz u tink too much so will haf tt dream.. Mi same as u tink too much den nightmare.. Menses cramp might b good news coz its like menses cramp fr early pregnancy..
Back from BT. now waiting...for the "deadly" phone ring....

Just thinking how different my life would be depending on which way the call swing... if positive, I will be jumping and celebrating tonight and getting ready for the next milestone
if negative, I will be devastated, devastated and devastated...

Fou Fou - when is your BT? I did a day 5 trsf on 16 May and brought fwd my BT from 29 May to today, you can consider doing the same. Shorten the wait and move on with life !

Kitty Katty - hope to hear from you soon. We are all worried abt you. Give us an update when you are well

Nurul-keep yourself healthy, don't overheat yourself as it is not good coming down with flu

btw, shopping therapy was so good yesterday-took my mind completely out of the 2ww. GSS has started and it's sale everywhere! I got a few good buy - very happy. Tights on special, only $9.90 at Uniqlo, so for mother to be, go grab them!

Thanks for all the cheerings and support - what will I do without you. My hubby has been very against me reading the forum until I started showing him the other "interesting topics" on forum today and shared some success stories like Joanne, Blur Xuan and MC, bbjourney etc.... now he is in the loop of your progress and he even asked about kitty katty this morning. he was worried I am getting only negative vibes from the forum but i think he has a clearer pic of the forum now

Mel, there's no way my friend could carry 5 babies in her. So they have decided to take 2 away then another 1 away ... not sure if there are already heartbeats for all 5 now. if so, very sayang to take them away.......
tutu...gd luck..hope to hear gd news from u.

fou fou, if u r testing hpt tml, use the first urine...gd luck too..

luv n babygalore...how yr ET?
Tutu... waiting to hear good news from you!!!

Me also gog shopping this afternoon...just want to take my mind off. Well, will rem to get a test kit later.

Thanks joyfully,blurxuan, moo, MC &amp; nurul.

Feeling not up nor down when I think that I'll know the results tml morning... legs also go soft.... haha.

Have a great weekend to all.
Hey ladies, thanks for all your well wishes! I'm back from my ET. All in all, things went smoothly. Transferred 2 four-cell embbies. Hope they stick all the way!! Now the waiting game begins...
Bbjourney, thanks! Transferred two "1-" grades. Left with 12 under observation. Hopefully all can make it to freezing. *fingers crossed*
Yup yup!
Will really try to relax this time round. Think last cycle i was very tense and unwell after ER. Got better number of embies this round also becos it's D2 transfer instead of D3. If D3 think would have lost more embies liao like i did the last round.
Thanks everyone again, trying to watch a movie but can't focus! Still hoping to hear gd news but really don't think I could be so lucky to hit it on my 1st attempt..
Luv, u did well! Same doc this time? How many frozen cycle u did with your previous attempt?
I'm quite sad. Only 7 size ranging 7.5 to 13.5. Doctor up puregon to 250 and goin back to scan on mon. If one hit 17 then ER will b on thur.

So scare all of them cannot make it
baby galore and luv : congrats on yr ET. rest well

my ET will be on monday. hoping for the best

can i know what i should ask after ET? how many medication given after ET (for those that are in kk)
Thks Nurul! Hope u r doing fine.

Tutu,I had 4 frozen embryos last round n only did 1 FET. Changed doc n centre this time round to get more luck.

Prosepina, eat more protein n egg whites. Still can catch up one! Jiayou!

Bruno, u shld expect to get hCG jabs for support. If u have 15 or more eggs retrieved, then they won't give u jab but will give u progesterone inserts instead. Ask for grading n number of embryos.
HI sisters. I'm still having brown spotting after the jab on Thurs night.... Think i should go to KK 24 hrs clinic for another jab right?
rest well n relax n enjoy ur 2ww!

Foufou / tutu,
There's always a chance as long as u don't see red... So hang in there. U are almost there.
Thks Eskimo! When r u planning to do FET again?

Bruno, I was with KK in my first cycle. I only got inserts, so maybe the other sisters can advise better. But if I'm not wrong, jabs r a few days apart from each other?
Sorry I have no good news for you girls.
My HCG readying is a cruel "<1". No chance!

Spent the last 45mins crying my eyes out. Glad I have been preparing myself for this in the last 2 days. No heart to break this news to my mum who took care of me in my 2ww....

No idea where am i heading now after this. This is a fresh cycle, they are morulas, i rested for 2 weeks, i have a good doc, but I failed. Who can convince me I will have better chance with my frozen embryos?!

In my disturbed mind, I am thinking what could I do better next - stop work? start TCM? Im very lost now...

Can someone pls advise me what i should do next?
Stop all my support today?
Which chinese doc would you recommend? When should i start seeing him?
When should i see dr loh again, wait for menses to come or see him on Mon?
When should I start my frozen cycle? Natural or medicated?

Sorry to disappoint everyone - as i know my success will give you hopes ...
Tutu, take time to grieve and start again when you're ready. I suppose you can stop your support and let your menses come so that you can start anew. TCM may be an option if you haven't tried it out. I also tried out TCM b4 my 2nd fresh. Better to choose a TCM doc nearer to you so it won't be so taxing travelling to and fro. If your cycle is usually regular, you can try for natural FET first. Less taxing on your body. Jia you!
