IVF/ICSI Support Group

I1bb, I see... I also just started tcm. But i guess can't expect instant results, haha... Is ur DH going for tcm too?

Let's hope our next round will be our last cos we get our BFPs! ;)

Luv, my dh no go tcm or accupuncture leh. His soldiers r ok n normal. No prob on his side. Only me
but he is taking vigorace n I'm gonna start him on kiwi too.
Dr Zou didn't say anything. R u referring to dr zhao? Dr zhao just say my womb very weak n she reads my pulse n said such pulse impossible to get preggy. Western dr never say anything leh. I have no known condition except blocked left tube...
I see u like that, I felt guilty I never do much. Already into day5 of my Lucrin and I'm still taking cold drinks daily, kept forgetting to take folic acid and I didn't take any other supplements, not even talk about going to tcm. I'm just like you that I tot i would never never go thru another fresh cycle again cos I'm so so scared of ER and OHSS. They are terrible experiences to me. Just hope both of us can get these 'obstacles' thru and bfp .

Eskimo and Ching,
Take time off the thread for a breather and be back to fight for next battle. I'm sure u will succeed one day.

Cock cock,
For twins, results are always inaccurate, especially if u did Ur Bt as early as week 11. Not sure how early u did it but as advised by other ladies, would be gd to seek 2nd opinion.

Mama leen, Ur symptoms look promising
hope for Ur gd news

Minnie, how r u ?
Chocolate, thank for the detail infor! Let's Jia you together!

Cockcock, understand your worries, this journey has never been easy, you have gone thr so much to be where u are now, hang in there, choose to stay positive! Sure u can do it! Jia You! Stay Strong!
HOPE, glad Dr Loh had replied your email. Do drink 2-3 litres of water to help in your bloatedness.

Chocolate, *wave*... we might be cycle buddy in Apr.

MC_007, I used the one that measure at the ear. TCM Dr told me it won't be accurate because it will be higher than mouth measurement (BBT type). Do you have Dr Tan's email address? I forgot to get from him at the last visit.

Joyfully, *wave*... Apr cycle buddy. Is it your 1st fresh cycle? Which DR you are with? Will you be on short/ long cycle?

Cock Cock, be positive and strong!
Chocolate mine was a natural mc, hmm..i thought it would be earlier than a d&c one but well hmm..your plans sounds very logical
Must you take your reports (type of suppression/jabs/scan info) to the new hospital then in this case? And since now waiting, are you taking any supplements? Try royal jelly (that is if you don't hv a history of cysts or endo etc) it really helped me to get quality eggs on my 2nd cycle

Im good thanks
as i've said to Chocolate, i've been waiting for AF and meanwhile indulging a little on food hehe homemade ones that is ;) And oh actually these days the heels of my feet hurt, think it's an occupational disease--teaching profession same as you but im at the pre school level

Jeannie Thanks for your encouragement
What stage are you at now? Jabs?

Usagi Gee..your boss sounds like my ex boss..i once worked in corporate line about over 10years ago b4 i entered preschool profession..worse, my crazy ex boss flung a stack of papers onto the direction of my face and some landed on me! Anyway, just do what you can and don't care about ppl like that, respect needs to be earned. For us ladies here i supposed having a bb is utmost impt

i1bb take the time now meanwhile to do 'homework' you mentioned you're taking TCM right? but on top of that you might want to try to change your diet by eat better and take supplements eg. royal jelly (if you're cleared for cysts) multi-vits or even raspberry tea(for strengthening of womb)..that is, ask your TCM doc if the herbs clash with the others b4 taking..talking about raspberry tea, i will be resuming that soon! And maybe go for a short holiday to recharge your batteries hehe

i1BB LuvnHope Jia You! *pom pom cheers* As long don't give up hope still got chance de! maybe try naturally now, who knows?? Might get really lucky and strike!
Hello, good morning sisters.

Thanks for all your concern, i am doing much better this morning; but the swollen breasts still here, and some lite pulling sensation at the lower chest, and my lower left cervix feeling crampy on and off too.

Hope everyone is doing fine on this wonderful sunday
Yo Chrisl, yeap. Am taking wheatgrass n fertilblend from iherb, oh, n manuka honey. Chicken essence twice a week n LRD tea alternate days.... I wanna try raspberry tea too. Do u add any sugar in the tea ah? N ya, am gg bkk in April n May for short getaway. As for my diet, actually i just eat as per normal lor but trying to cut down on certain "liang" food eg. Cabbage, bittergourds etc. I trying my best to b disciplined in not taking harmful sinful things like alcohol, coffee tea etc but well, once in a while I still sin lah. Just to reward or rather relax myself abit. In fact, just had 2 small glass of beer last night!!! Lolx.... Am gonna change to drinking red wine instead if I really crave for alcohol the next time... Heeeee....

Haro hope!! Good morning! Glad to hear u feeling better! Have a blessed Sunday dear!
Chrisl, your ex boss really sounds crazy. Mine not crazy, just a hypocrite. He ask for volunteers in a project when in his mind he targeted me and I expressly tell him in his face that If u ask me to volunteer, I wouldn't volunteer. But still ,he put me in.

Then he attends meetings. But he kept quiet at meetings acting like he very smart. Then he come back, bombard me with questions and expect me to find the answers for him. Coz he says looks stupid on him to ask those q during meetings.

I am stupid to shed tears over such jerk on fri. Must learn to relax more and focus on my 2nd fresh.
Hi chocolate, Dr zhao told me before to use Shan yao and gou qi zi to cook with black chicken. this is a neutral soup and bu it helps to bu qi. try not to buy the instant packet one because some herbs might not suitable for your body. Our body needs to have a balance of qi so that blood will circulate well.

if you afraid to chop the chicken head (I also) I always ask the stall owner to help me chop into quarters and remove skin.. they will also remove head and backside.$5 per chicken and come with services wor.
Hi I1bb, I tried raspberry tea which I ordered online. I didn't put sugar. If you don't like tea without sugar, can put black sugar. Heard its good for health also. I drank one glass of raspberry tea a day and stop when I ovulate. And drink again when menses come. I can feel some sort of contraction on my womb when I took the tea. So I guess it have some effects on it. ; )
Sugary, I didn't do much for my first fresh too. Only took folic acid. But seems like my embryo quality ended up being quite poor so no choice gotta do sthg more for FET and new fresh cycle lor. You succeeded in your last fresh if i recall correctly? Sorry if i got it wrong.

I also give in to temptation!! Still drinking coffee! And cold drinks at times. Naughty i know.
Hello JoynFaith, I rem our previous fresh cycle was very close as well. Mine was in Aug and urs was in Sep?

Chrisl, did you test for pregnancy? Know of a few cases where ladies got preg naturally after a natural m/c. U may not need to go thru a FET afterall. Good luck to u!
If hpt is negative (touchwood), it could be due to stress or late ovulation. Don't think abt it too much and it will come naturally.
As for the reports, I brought along my embryo report and showed it to my new gynae at NUH and briefly told him abt the jab dosage. And after my failed FET, I requested to do a FSH and AMH blood test at KK and brought the reports over to NUH. Saved abit of money but the consultation fee and other blood tests at NUH were v exp. On our first visit, we paid almost $700!
I am currently taking GNC multivitamins, folic acid and bee propolis. Heard abt the wonders of royal jelly and I took it for abt 3 mths after my failed fresh. As I am prone to endo cyst, in my recent scans, there were really 2 endo cysts in my ovary. So I stopped the royal jelly hoping tt the cysts will shrink. Hope these 2 cysts won't affect my next fresh.

Usagi, ur boss seems so sickening! Sounds like my boss, always act smart and like to control things. He always takes on a lot of things so as to impress the directors and when he comes back, will delegate most of it to me. So sickening, I am always the one doing the work and he will be the one claiming the credit!
i succeeded in FET which i never do much..i did alot for fresh, ended up all embbies are poor quality except for one..so i only resign to fate this time round. when ur lucrin D21?
Chevy, I'm also drinking both coffee n tea. Find it hard to find a satisfactory replacement, heh... Well, the argument is that coffee n tea have caffeine which is not good. I tried cutting it out completely but ended up miserable la... So I'm taking in moderation instead.

Sugary, u were prob less stressed during FET? Do u have any snow babies left? I have one but am opting to do a fresh instead cos the embie quality is prob not good. I'm starting wif my April period, unless miracle happens b4 that, haha...
Sugary...I can only keep my fingers crossed for tmrw's BT. Frankly speaking, I don't feel pregnant at all. I'm small built and my tummy still as flat as ever; no bloatedness at all. I don't have pregnancy symptoms so I don't have high hopes. I'm mentally-prepared for the worse.

Actually, I also never pantang much during the whole process. I cannot resist cold drinks also but instead of fizzy drinks, I wld drink juice. I only avoided ice blended drinks. The only hot drinks I drink is tea.
yes no stress and hack care..cheong expo sales day3 after ET.. so i think most impt we have to relax.

Mama leen,
huh, no symptoms can also be a symptom. when i was preg, i only have brown discharge at D8 after ET.. thats all i have..no sore boobs, no bloatedness, flat tummy, no discharge, no headache, none of other symptoms other ladies get. all symptoms started week5+ onwards for me..so its different. not every preg woman is the same and not all pregnancy is the same too.. think positive ok..most impt relax. easy to say but try ur best .
Mamaleen, good luck in ur BT tml ya!!

In fact, I'm worry, not sure hows the 2 inside me doing now. I don't really hv much symptom now at the moment lah! ( maybe no symptom means good? :p) ** touch wood** hehehe.

I'll be going to KKH for progesterone test tml. May I know wat other medicine we will have then? Coz rite now I only hv the utrogestan v insert.
Thanks Adeline. Black sugar is it Molasses sugar?

Yoyo luv, hi chevy, maybe can try drinking decaf coffee? N what is white tea ah?

Mamaleen, all the best to your BT tmr ya

Jon Jon bear, if I'm not wrong, there shouldn't b any other meds le. Unless yr p report is not ideal (touchwood), then they will call u go down give u more support
Joynfaith, *wave*.. yes this is going to be my first fresh cycle. I am with Care. Am currently seeing Angela, the embryologist. Doctor is dr Paul Tseng.
Mama leen, I also hv no symptoms, I am in D10, and I google. And there are many ladies who hv no symptom n BFP. So don,t be discouraged! As long as AF is not here yet, there hope! All the best for ur BT tmr!

Jonjonbear, same same, no symptom....
Hi I1bb, I'm not sure. I went to Chinese medicine/herbal shop and say I want black sugar and they just gave me a packet. Not cheap wor, $4.50 for a small packet. I look at the ingredients, it state cane sugar. ;) btw, black sugar is not that sweet.

Btw, go bkk, must try go to paragon and try krispycreme donuts (original). Melts in your mouth. ;)
Thank u all for the best wishes!

I hope so too but sometimes too scared to think too positive; it's like a defense mechanism thingy, in case things don't go the way it is....Hehehheh.... ;) Nevertheless, will continue to be in relax mode n keep on praying for the best....

Jonjonbear...if ur progesterone level is good enough, there shldn't be any more meds. I'm on crinone and Utrogestan v inserts....but last wed night n urs morning I had some brown discharge so my doctor gave me ovidrel jab as support. If everything goes smoothly for u, no more meds....
hi i1bb,
Hmmmm..... decaf ah? have yet to try but heard it taste diff. White tea is 1 the least fermented of leaves n apparently lowest in caffeine n supposedly high in antioxidant.
I did read abit on raspberry. good for womb and best during 3rd trimester.

hi nurul,
i have started early this mth n on puregon now. good luck!
glad to know abt many cycle buddies next mth...

luv...i really can't resist coffee...no coffee in the morn mean can't work...lol...but i stop taking cold drinks..if possible..gg tcm now is better than didn't start..sure can hv some effect..i used to hv thick lining but after 2 mth on tcm, lining ok le.

joynfaith..i go search Dr Tan email later n let u know.

chocolate...hope yr cyst wont be an issue...u starting next mth too?

hope...yr symptoms might be gd news...dun worry

usagi...dun let yr boss affect u too much...since u,already make up yr mind,to look for better opportunity
Mamaleen, all the best for your BT tmr!

Cool n jonjonbear, today is D8 for me n also no symptoms now, except passing more wind which is since ET. Likely becoz of cyclogest inserts. Hopefully, no symptom can turn out b a good sign also. JY together ladies!
mc_007, I did check with Prof Wong whether the 2 cysts would be an issue and he said no. I will be starting my suprefact this cycle. Abt 10 more days to go. Anyone knows whether can try naturally before starting IVF?
I'm ok, day 5 of Lucrin .. So dread to go thru fresh. U r one Wk ahead of me like the last fresh. Hope we both bfp together .
Thanks adeline for the krispykreme info at Siam paragon!!!! Hooooray!!!

Thanks Chevy on the info on white tea n raspberry tea
Sugary, wow, cheong Expo sale.
So how old's your son/daughter(s) now?

i1BB, I usually rely on 3-in-1 coffee leh. Got decaf versions one meh? Wld love to know if there's any!
Luv, I'm not sure wor but I think have leh!! Lolx... I hate 3 in 1 n I'm die hard fan of kopitiam kind of kopi!! Haha
i1BB, hahah... but usually no time to go kopitiam so have to rely on 3-in-1 lor. Lolx. If outside, i'd still prefer a cappucino, heheh...
