IVF/ICSI Support Group

Dollygal, try not to read too much into symptoms... Try to relax

Hi hope, dr Jin is a tcm doc at raffles hospital 13th floor. Tel is 63112388

Wendy, I also drink old ginger tea with molasses sugar to relieve menses cramp
Joanne : ya i1bb is right. I went dr Zou for at least 6 mths n for my fresh too. Only went dr Jin for fet (so only ET) cos dr Jin was on leave during the time when I did Er/ET during fresh. Ha, no fate lor sometimes.. Dr Jin does acpuncture mainly for ivf patients. No pain, somehow I felt the needles r finer. Even poke on head also no feeling. She also pokes on hands n leg unlike dr Zou style just tummy. No current used. Agree it's expensive, so I can only afford to go during the crucil stage. Dr Zou place is too far n time consuming for me to go during the crucial days. I reckon more rest n time to do bealing better. I also go laoshi place for healing when I go to see dr Jin cos all at Bugis area, just convenient. For my case, After ET, dr Jin will ask to see the foto of the embroyo.

Now v tired always wake up 3am n feel like vomitting at 3 am. ..... Now sour plum my best friend at 3am..
Hiya ladies,

Been busy lately with the cny visiting and trying to get over with the BFN recently.

Just finish reading the past few days posting. Firstly conngrats to cock2 ^^

Been thinking a lot during these days, mainly thinking of how to improve the chances. This forum has provided a lot of info which i'm thankful for it. However got some questions that i need enlightenment from some of the sisters here.

My AF been flowing a bit longer than usual after the failed fresh cycle. Is it normal? Other than the longer flow, there is no cramp or anything else.

May I also know what are the steps for FET and roughly have to wait for how long to before we can start FET? Started work and told my boss abt going for FET and he's a bit concern. Haiz. Dunno what to do.

Some sisters mention about going to lao shi for healing. May i know what type of healing she provides and how it helps?

Also some sisters mention abt going for acpuncture. But the package for Raffles is for IVF, how about FET?

Sorry to reply now... I went to sleep early last night

If you think you want to change to Dr.Jin, just go ahead. Do whatever you think it's right.

I have always wanted to see Dr.Jin even before I see Dr.Zou, but cant afford the expensive charges at Raffles Hospital, so no choice, I go to see Dr.Zou lo.. :p
But now I m starting my cycle, so I will switch to Dr.Jin

I think both of the tcm are good...A lot of sis bfp with them...So, choice is still up to you lo
Think longan red date n wolf berries tea too heaty for me...I feel so sore in my throat n having a headache now,,,any remedies? Faints...
Qing22.. I drink 4litres of plain water n 2litres of longan water yesterday..so thirsty..sound like water parade rite?.

Abit sick now.,jialek le..
Longan is heaty. I think you drank too much Liao. You can drink it every alternate days, and not as much as 2L. Maybe 2-3 cups is enuf. Or you can just put red dates & wolfberries, less heaty.
Must take care not to fall sick ah...
Mrs Ching..I only realized I read too much after reading i1bb blog website..but it is too late ..coz I finish the drink Liao,,haha..with longan taste better le..are you taking this as well?

Is the ginger with brown sugar less heaty? I never try before as I don't have menstrual camp..so gd to take now?
Oh I see... I1BB's blog must be very interesting

I do take red dates+wolfberries drink, sometimes will add longan. But I only take maximum 3 cups a day... I am not like u, can drink so much of water leh... :p

Personally, I think Ginger & brown sugar tea is more heaty for me. So I don't drink. I think that depends on individual's body ba
Ching, thanks for your concern, i m on the way of recovery. Throat not so painful liao. But one good thing is manage to lose some wt. hahahaaha...

Wendy, 2L of LRD is too much. Can oni drink 1-3 cups per day, and dont use big cups hor....
wow! this thread move superfast! was out almost whole day yday visiting... regretting now... afraid i might over exert myself.. i saw that the hot topic yday was on weight gain! it's good to know that i am not alone hee hee... but an uncle told me, "pui wu pui ay sui" (meaning fat got fat beauty), haha... actually, v right woh! (but actually, older men prefer chubby women :p)

thanks joanne tan, kiki_gal and bbjourney for yr well wishes! wendy sent me a link, saying that now i "graduated", can join the other link.. but i feel so much bonding here with the many familar names here... anyway, still vvv early for me... not being kpo, i wonder how pinkcapri is now.. miss her abit.. hope she is enjoying her holidays.. btw, dollygal, dont worry too much (easier said then done i know.. i rem i myself was panicking so much until i1BB has to "scold" me, hee..), but i feel the pulling cld be a positive sign.. wish you BFP and keep us posted ok!

sigh.... tomorrw i am starting work liao and may not have time to write as often... feeling the work stress now.. going to access and start clearing all my emails later (3 weeks' backlogs.. i refused to access emails while on 2ww coz dont want the stress).. i am not exactly the patient type, so i get quite angry easily, esp with challenging work demands.. i hope i can manage and tame my anger, otherwise really bad for me...

here's wishing all of you happy 人日 and dragon babies! mrs_ching, awaiting our group gathering
Just woke up. I totally knocked out after I post last nite.
Even my hsb frds came to play cards n chat till 3am n laugh so loudly, doesn't bother me at all.
Haro kikigal, af longer n heavier flow after failed fresh I think shd b normal. Mine is Oso like that. I dnt knw abt other sisters here though.... As for FET, u have to c yr doc first n tell him u wan do FET n he will write a memo to kkivf centre to inform them. (I'm assuming u r with KK). The doc will also advise if u shd do natural or medicated FET. Natural r usually for people who has no prob in ovulating. Once af arrives, call KK n they will tell u which day go down for scanning. Cos natural involves no meds, ovulation has to b monitored very closely to avoid missing the ovulation window, best is u get opk n test every single day during those days u not scheduled to go for scanning. Once ovulate, they fix the ET date for u.

If medicated, call kkivf when af arrives n from day 2 onwards take aspirin n from day 5 onwards take aspirin n prognova. Go scanning on cd10 n forthwith. Doc or nurse will tell u which day to go down for ET. Medicated no nd to monitor ovulation cos the meds will help in lining.

Laoshi is actually a lady who does reiki healing and teaches yoga. Her website is www.yoga-inn.com. Tanny went to her first and subsequently some sisters go to her for healing. U can try if u wan. For me, I wld love to try but cos I'm not working and am a penniless desperate housewife, I cnt afford

As for accu, dr jin at raffles has this IVF booster package, 5 sessions for 480+ and I think FET can use also... I'm gonna go c her next week. I will post here after seeing her. I'm soon FET also
I1bb..not blog...haha..is the blog shop link that you post yesterday...

But I don't mind reading yr blog if you have...haha..

Yes cockcock,.we will miss you.but dont worry..we will all graduate n look for you in the new forum soon...wait for us k..heehee

So when are we going to have our gathering?.
Yo cock cock, af full blown Lo... The evil witch booking her flight Lo... Flying off soon Lo... Hope she wnt return for a year man!!! Lolx

Yoyo Wendy, I do have a blog. Just started not long ago... Once I've finish updating more I let u know ok... But my blog not very funny de leh... In fact sometimes Abit sad de.. Haha.. But in trying to write down all relevant things for IVF so can share with all sisters
Akang datang ya... Hehehe
Wendy, wow u reali water parade leh. U can tahan so much water huh. I drink 1l already buay tahan the tasteless liao.

Suppose to bedrest bt i still went out eat korean food jin jialat
Qing22..must bed rest le..last time I aso run ard..suppose to bed rest aso never. Not gd lo...

No choice,I have severe ohss before so must drink lots of water..like water buffalo in water parade..no choice..drink 2 litre of longan water..scared lining not so thick..not abit of sore throat..haiz..
Congrats! Nice to hear bfp news during cny. Got to know my cousin is preggy again... Well, she's only 24 definitely very fertile :p

Like wat one of the sisters here used to say... When u go back to work do wat u can but dun overstress urself... No one is indispensable at work so take it easy... Do wats required n leave the rest for the next day... Now ur priority is to take care of urself n ur little one
Cock cock!!
Congrats!! Have a blissful 9 months ahead!

I want to read your blog!! Got not?? Share?? ;)
Yeah, when's our gathering? No need to graduate lah ... we do a pre-graudation one and those graduates shall come grace the event and shower baby dust on us!!
Dear cock cock,
You can be like a few of us, visit a few threads ma. I read this, the IVF graduates and the Aug mummies threads daily. Hehe...

Will continue to kaypoh here lo. lol. Monday oscar scan. Wednesday resuming work. One month MC very good but ending liao!!!
Howdy sashamama!! All the best for your Oscar scan ya... take it easy at work ok... Do at ease pace...

You too cock cock... Mus really take it easy at work hor... U must rem... Now inside u got bb(s), dnt let trivial things like WORK affect u thus affecting them ok... Whenever u feel stress, can always shout out here

Hi there LuvNhope, Gd Sunday to u ya... Ai ya my blog not necessarily is that funny or interesting wor... Haha
Cock cock,
Remember to take good care of urself when u go back to work tomorrow. Dun stress on ur work.... Keep everything at a slower pace.... Now the most important is the babies in you ya!!!

Good luck to ur Oscar scan tomorrow!
Yo Dollygal, Mmmm the symptoms u r experiencing now r looking at the bright side wor... (",)

But still, my same words of concern, no offence taken, try not to look into symptoms first dear...sincerely wishing u all the best and I'm really looking forward to catching bb dusts from u sweetie
thanks eskimobaby, dee, sue and all sisters (once again! i am so lou so) for your well wishes i really like all the ladies here, so warm and helpful.. appreciate your advice, concern and well-wishes... haiz... i am still going through the long office emails now and picking on what are the most immediate things which i shd do tomorrow.. a very packed week ahead.. stress, but try not to be so stress..

sashamama, i understand fully how u must have dreaded work next wed! but must try to take it easy and go "slow"
no choice, got to face reality
Today indeed lazy Sunday man..sleep till noon then 3plus slp till now. Hsb said u really can all today which is rare for him to see cos I always complain after nap I can't slp at nite n I start staring at him.
O ya, the crinone insert I have been using since Et till Wed where I stop as I m allergy to it. It's slowly discharging out below..

Dear gals,
Thanks for ur well wishes and comforting words! I'd update after my scan tmr

By the way, anyone of you getting or have gotten a maid? Can give me some advice and recommendations pls? You can post here or PM me. Thanks loads!!!!!
