IVF/ICSI Support Group

I also blur lah .. I started hormone growth jab since 1 dec then only start stimulation jabs in jan when i have menses on day 4-5. Last 2 cycles i dont start any jabs so early. Nope i totally not bloated at all last 2 rounds.
anngela said she rather i have mild ohss before i start this cycle so that at least she knows my ovaries are working well...

I1bb, u can buy red dates without core..
Qing, I nvr c tcm de but am going to see dr Jin of raffles hospital soon.. Mayb try out her meds also. Will ask dr jin c what she says... Last time when I'm slimmer I am very scared of cold and gets cold easily.. Now I fat le, no longer scared cold and in fact I dnt feel cold easily nowadays. My DH always say my palms r very warm so Mayb I am now heat based body? Now I alot of fats to burn to protect from cold... Wahahaha... I removed the cores of the red dates and actually I don't boil them. Every morning my helper will put red dates, dried longans, wolfberries, rose buds, molasses sugar Abit n rock sugar Abit into a hot water flask and tighten the cap, let it "gok" inside for an hour then I drink...
Dollygal and Wendy, I think for my first fresh when I'm on long protocol, I vomited once and had diarrea. My tummy bloated like 4 mths preg. That time I didn't think it was OHSS. Now recall I think I most prob Kenna mild kind... But my 2nd fresh on short protocol and heavy doses of jabs, i felt nothing!!! Means my ovaries never work very hard! No wonder I only harvested 6 eggs. Tsk...
Howdy Ching, it's ok lah! Im ok leh. Feeling ok not sad or disappointed. Thanks anyway deary
i1BB, since u already put longan then it will be sweet, y still put rock sugar? U r rich ppl... no need work yet still got helper leh. really tai tai leh.... wahahaha.
Thks Wendy! We Gambete ya

Sorry ladies if I seem to b bombing the forum with all my posts cos Everytime I click post after that then I realise I haven reply to everyone... Cos I'm using iPhone do scrolling up n down I blur lah... Paisei hor
btw, l find that if we cook for mayb half hour for the red dates+wolfberries+longan the taste is nicer compare to just put everything into thermal flask n put hot water. Last time i used to just put everything with hot water but the taste not as nice as if we boiled 1st then put in thermal flask. But is up to individual la....hehe
Sarah dear, no leh, Buay sweet leh. Buay sweet bo ho lim leh... Hee. I put little bit nia cos I oso dnt like too sweet. And no, I'm not rich. The helper is to look after my elderly dad. Now everything my dh got to pay. Very siong on him but IVF part I pay la using my savings. We have no car n stay 3 room flat... Where got rich... Like I said earlier, I'm a penniless desperate housewife lah! Lolx
I1bb, hahhaa i always on chubby n big size tat side so i easy to determine. Ya since u seeing tcm expert better check 1st better than guessin our own.
i1BB, u very cute. Everytime I read ur msg i will laugh. Wait my colleague they tot i'm siao. I also stay 3rm HDB flat leh... hahahaha. next time when I do FET you must cheer me up thru this forum ya.
Ya lor Qing, I will definitely shoot my questions at dr Jin. For this ttc journey, I put on a hefty 12kg wor... But maybe it's purely due to my tam jiat lah but I prefer to attribute the blame to all the superfoods n supplements that I took... I feel better this way.. **living in denial**

Sarah, no prob lah! U FET that time u say ok... I'll try to b as funny as I can!! Just to cheer u up n hope u can bfp!! Btw, have u gals heard of "clown" effect right after ET helps in bfp? Check this out http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE70B64P20110112?irpc=932

Maybe after ET we shd go watch a comedy movie ya!
I1bb..I am not any better le..can't shed off any fats..before marriage,I am only 52kg n height 167cm..after married,mc one gin 5kg..embark on ivf kana ohss n preggy for 17ww..now my weight is 67kg..u can imagine how fat I m..can't put on all my sui Sui clothes..how sad.,fat never mind if got bb but no bb still fat...haiz..

I wanted to lost at least 10kg..but dr will say you want to lost weight or have a bb?.I say both.and in the end he say then wait for 10mths le..then I will tell him..how many 10ths I got to wait..,haha..

Last time,I m on the lower side of my acceptable bmi range but not i m on the higher side of my bmi range...just like. Seesaw..haha
Hi angelxuan..the details as follows..acupuncture for Aart..
6 sessions for iui n ivf..
Iui 2 sessions before iui
2 sessions on day of iui(before n after)
2sessions after iui(within s week from iui)

2 sessions before eggs retrieval
2sessions on day of et
2sessions after et


Thomson Chinese medicine..L3 Thomson medical centre(via lobby a)

Contact no:63508850
mon to sat:8.30-5.30
Ya man! Fat got bb nvm... Fat no bb... Sigh.... This is another reason y I Siam friends n relatives cos not only will they keep asking hows my bb making plan coming along (even after 2 years they still ask... Zzz... U c ppl 2 yrs still dnt have means more or less got prob lah.. Still ask! Tsk) they will also comment on how much weight I've gained! Some people r realy insensitive... Got one even asked me did I just give birth recently!!! Faint.... :'(

I oso have alot of Sui Sui clothings now all hanging in my closet staring at me... 你看我我看你... Sigh
Dollygal..think angela is going to be quite busy these few ww.dr loh lab not ready yet..so will use her lab for culturing embbies..yrs is which day embbies??

She funny le..rather u have mild ohss ah??
I1bb..my one all in boxes Liao,some even new 1..n when I put them on..It look so small on me.,,haha..some can put on but can't remove off have to ask my hb to pull out for me..haha..

My closet all full..no choice stack in boxes..I even got to use the other rooms to store the clothes..hb say give all but I always tell myself I will slim down..but never.
Qing22..the pig stomach all get absorb in our stomach that y we look like 1 soon...haha.I rem during my confinement,my mum cook ard 15pig stomach in 28days..n I ask my mum,,where on earth u get all the stomach from when there is only 1 stomach in a pig.,,hhah
Wendy, ya absorb but at least u better than mi u taller willnt look so fat. Mi short, face n lower bottom all big easier. Double chin until no ppl business. Even after the mc i will still eat pig organ soup as duno wat food is safe to eat.

Reali envy those ppl who preg aso thin n wear wat clothes aso nice unlike mi dun need preg aso fat.
I1bb: tell them in factory. Waiting to be make.

Ladies: u all in better than me. I am on the plump side even Before embark on my IVF journey. So can imagine how much I put on for 2fresh and 3 fet. Now I don't really care so long I am healthy and presentable. Plump people can be suisui one.
Dollygal..don't worry..u will get bfp ya..update us in the forum k...

Qing22..I eat till I scared le..don't dare to eat..tall aso no use..when fat..will become big siZe...ugly lo..lucky my hb aso grow fat together with me..hb 180cm,,haha..he looks preggy not fat...hAha..

Babysmurf..how many kgs you put on?.

Any sisters never put on weight when ttc thru ivf??
Babysmurf, true as long as presentable. For me, becos i dun work so dun wear formal clothes liao hahaha like auntie more. Go market stall owner aso call mi sister hahha

Haha i didnt eat 15 pig stomach lah. U power i mean 3 already cant stomach liao.mu hb also beco fat but man fat abit ok. Fat liao abit low esteem too short skirt dun darr wear, sleeveless aso no no so nthin to shop nw. Can oni buy shoes, cookware n bags
Qing22..ya..turn off when I c pig stomach...haha..ya..me too.,look so fat with short sleeve n skirt..skip all these liao..no more tight fittings clothing..stomach protruding..in fact,I still wear those maternity wear when I was preggy previously..

Hb say I am too paranoid abt it...haha
Mamaleen, just b careful n test hpt early then, just to b on safe side.Dun worry too much. There was another sister who found out she was preggie n stopped Lucrin in time.
Ladies, actually which stage in ivf is causing the weight gain? Since I juz started, m trying to take note & hopefully can control abit. Am oredi fat, cannot afford more:p
What is sleeveless? What is skirts? I oredi forget what are those liao lo... After so many cycles of ivf, I put on ~8kg, before that oredi 肉肉, now even worse... I always tell my hb that I m really like a ball now, 圆圆滚滚, 又矮有肥..... Haiz
But can't think too much Liao, now 1st priority is to get pregnant.... After give birth then only go slimming center lo... Hehe
Jmamee, I dnt knw actually is which stage cause weight gain lah. I attribute it to the superfoods that we constantly need to take eg. Ensure milk, eggs, red bean soup, fish oil tablets etc. as for the suppression and stimulation jabs, I dnt knw of they causes weight gain or not but I think they do tamper with our hormones so maybe more or less lor... I also took supplement dhea for 5 months and one of the side effects for dhea is weight gain...

Ya Ching, nvm la, we round and fat nvm... Think it as we building a nice warm "palace" for our bb to b in and after give birth, a nice "cushioned" body for bb to lie on us when we carry
I went to TMC this morning. Nurse Shamseah told me that they will officially move to Novena Specialist Center on 1/Feb. From there on, Dr.LOH will be seeing ivf patients in the morning 8.30-12.30 only. He will go to The O&G clinic to see other patients in the afternoon.
Mrs Ching..only 56 nia...u mak me stress abt my weight...haha..

Btw,are you on short or long protocol this round?when are you starting?.
ching, that weight ok lah.. my wt before ivf, during ivf and after ivf, all worse off... i think milk is fattening. that time, i din drink any milk at all.
i1BB : yes, RDL is v heaty. i develop a sore thorat after drinking it daily for a week. my hubby got it after 2 days. then i changed to once or twice a week
56kg is a lot for me short lady leh... You are 10cm taller than me leh... U won't understand our short ppl thinking la ...hehe
Nvm la, like what I mentioned just now, put our weight issue aside la, wait till we give birth then only solve the problem together la :p

I will be on long protocol, starting my Lucrin on 2/2. U also with Dr.LOH?
ching, me much shorter than u,and a lot heavier than u. aiyo, me short fat n round liao.

im 14 weeks now! gong xi gong xi, huat ah

Aiyo, as long as I can get bfp, I m more than happy to be even fatter ... Your round round now is a sign of 幸福,ok? 

So fast 14 weeks liao hor.. I want to join u in the other forum leh.....

Hey, hv u go to shuang lin temple to bai bai or not?
Dear Mrs Ching

I going to start my IVF with Dr Loh on Apr or May, he said when i want to start, just drop him an email (i was with KKHIVF previously). U have any ideal when to sign the consent letter? Also, ER and ET done at Novena instead of TMC?
