IVF/ICSI Support Group

I think when u r confirm to start ur ivf, nurse Shamseah will go hv a counseling session with you, also, u will hv to go thru series of bloodiest if u hv not done so or hv expired. During the counseling session, she will pass u the consent doc to sign.
As for ET & ER, they are using the lab & OT at Care Coz theirs are not ready yet. By the time u start, everything shid be ready la.


If u r into praying, u wan try the 2 guan yin temple at malacca jonker street. For me, tink mine tis time 1 is done at malacca 1. So m going bk to return the favour hhehehhe
Chubby ah.... Haha, ok I will take that as compliments 

Malacca ah? A bit far leh... Takes about 2-3hrs drive, right? But will think about it.... I siao siao one, can suddenly feel like going then will go oredi... Btw, did u bring anything to bai bai?
Mrs Ching, tks for ur info
Jmamee, just go with your heart... Whatever that makes u comfy and happy. If u feel that it's too much, u just follow your heart n deem fit ya.. No need to really follow us de (",)
wow.. the thread is so long today. glad i'm not alone in the weight gain. i put on 10kg! and i'm really short, shorter than mrs ching lor. my dh now calls me "bui bui" i.e. "fat fat"!

Wendy, thanks for the contact on the tcm in thomson. sounds similar to the one in raffles. would you be considering? wonder any sisters here tried the thomson tcm before?
I1bb, no no.. not dat I tink it's too much, I dun even know muz eat these food. AnythIng dat can increase my chance of BFP, I'll eat:)
Jmamee.. Oops! I misunderstood u ah.. My bad my bad... Still the same thing, just go with yr heart.. If u wanna take all those supplements, go ahead dear
these r what i took or am taking now:-

Royal jelly (I took this last time now stop)
Coq10 (I took this last time now stop)
Conceive well gold (I took this now I switch to fertility blend for women)
Wheatgrass (this one I'm taking now)
Fish oil (I took this now stop)
Ensure milk (still taking this)
Immunocal (I only take this when start jab)
Vit C (taking this)
DHEA (took for 5 months)
Wendy, just saw your email and replied you.
I think still in time for you. But I have not heard about any reputable tcm dr at thomson leh unlike dr jin at raffles that some sisters here go to and recommended. Thomson will be nearer my house, but raffles I have to travel quite a bit.. dilemma as I want to go to a good tcm dr for acupuncture after ET and also minimise travelling during 2ww.
Hi angel, I took one pkt a day for my failed 2nd fresh which was a short protocol meaning abt 10-15 packets
Thanx i1bb for the info. U taking these supplements when u r at which stage of ivf? Now I started lucerin, wonder if supplements still helps.

I heard b4 on acupuncture after ET tho.. Anyone tried?
Wah, most of sister put on weight after Ivf or after mc. Me too... Put on 10kg after Ivf. I'm short too. Hai... Office ppl always gossip n ask around whether I am pregnant. Got 1 time one of my ex colleague even ask me how many mths am I. We all really sacrifice a lot. Really hope v all will achieve our mission in this dragon year.
Haha... Weight topic continue ah.... Hahaha...
Got so many sis put on so much weight meh? But then why everytime I go hospital only see those slim slim ladies leh??? "scratch head"....
Jmamee I think best is to start taking at least 3 months before u embark on IVF.. I may b wrong... Correct me if I'm wrong sisters... As for accu after ET, some of the sisters here tried dr Jin of raffles hospital
Wow the topic is on weight gain today.... me suffering from this too... missed those days when I am slim and can wear pretty clothes

BTW, any sisters doing natural fet? Just saw Dr Sadhana today and she suggested to go for natural fet since I failed my medicated fet last time....
Joanne tan, me from xs to L size now. Scary....

I will be doing natural fet. Coz last time also failed medicated fet. When u plan to do?
well, my dh always say it's ok to put on weight... what to do.. we have different priority now.

Sarah, which doc u r seeing? I will be doing blood test next Mon to check whether I can ovulate naturally. If yes, I will start my fet in March...

Ching, Dr Jin is very ex right? U will be taking package from her? Each package (5x) is $400+ right? Can we just go to her before and after our ET?
Joanne, I'm under dr tan hh. I did ask him am I ovulate every mth n he said based on last time result is yes. He say if the mth when I plan to do n no ovulate then following mth do medicated fet. But hv to pay $300+ for all the scan done.
I failed my natural FET and dr tan wants me to do medicated FET next round... And u gals r the other way round... All the best to all of us
My dh also always say the same thing. He say not very fat la... Nvm. N all dresses I wear he also keep saying not bad or nice ah even I know is looks fat n ugly.
I also gain wt after my marriage. Is natural. Just do more exercise and control diet by eating less calories, we can surely shed weight. Is not easy; I got one pt ballooned to 68kg for a 162cm. Now I manage to shed to 58 due to exercise and eat less fried food. I still eat my fav pork belly...Hahah and gain 0.6kg immediately. Just do more exercise today and tml lor. Jiayou! We should try to have healthy body for IVF ma!
Ya, the package is expensive. Thus I will only take up the ivf booster package. I will only go to see her when I start my Lucrin and see what how she will divide the 5sessions. As what I understand, for the ivf booster package, Dr.Jin will do the accu before ER and after ET.
For natural fet, my concern is if we miss the ovulation period, then we have to abort the cycle right? Thus must monitor very closely....

The doctors are trying different approach cos our bodies may react differently ....

Wow I read previous post and know that Cock Cock is BFP! So happy for her!!!
Ching, are you also visiting Dr Zou? So you will change to Dr jin when lucrin, ER, and ET stage right? Last time when i visited Dr loh, i saw some TCM brochure there ..... Accup for IVF... Quite keen to sign up but i am seeing Dr Zou at the same time too.... Not too sure if i mix two together will it complicate things....
By the way Dr loh will start seeing IVF in novena centre, do you have the new contact number? I supposed to have my second lucrin jab on 10 feb i properly need to see him at novena not TMC....
I hv stop visiting Dr.zou right before CNY. I m not sure whether you can mix the accu from two drs or not

Thomson Fertility Centre
Novena Specialist Centre
8 Sinaran Drive
Level 7, unit 02-07
Tel: 62527766
Joanne, best is to use your own opk test strips and test at home during days u not scheduled to go down for scanning to play safe. Last time when I did natural, luckily I did opk myself and realized positive so I called KK and they asked me to go down... Hope this helps
I went to dr Jin for the ivf booster package, mainly cos I dun wan to travel to dr Zou which is too far for me as I dun wan to tire myself from the traveling and importantly she does acpuncture after ET which Zou doesnt do. I went dr Zou for acpuncture till the last few days before ET, I switch to dr Jin. Cos Kkh shuttle bus stop at Bugis, just nice for me.

For me was :
2x before ET (ET-2 & -1); 1x right after ET; 2x after ET ( think was ET +3, +6)
JoanneT, I'm also planning to do natural FET likely in Feb. Like u, I'm a little worried wld miss the window period. If doesn't work I'll opt for medicated next time.

Dollygal, pulling Can b a good sign. Stay positive.
I hv been visiting Dr.zou for the past few months to tiao my body. But she doesn't do accu after ET, so I plan to go to Dr.Jin once I start my cycle.

Are you going for any accu now?
Ching, I have been seeing Dr Zou for past few months till Jan. Was thinking to go Dr Jin in March before/after my ET... feel like changing my strategy this time :p
Yo Joanne, Tanny went to dr zou for accu all the way till just before ET (if I dnt read her msg wrongly) and prior to ET and after ET she goes to dr jin. Reason being dr Zou don't do accu after ET and it seems that accu after ET can help in implantation.... U can follow what Tanny did
as for opk strips u can order from http://babydustshop.blogspot.com/

