IVF/ICSI Support Group

Haha. I1bb, maybe we will be the first few cases for him
I going for my bt tomorrow. I know chances slim but still hoping for miracle.
Dear Cherrie,
Yes, you will add on to the data as the next BFP cases!!! Moreover that is a super rough guide cos only for the gals who posted their data. All the best for ur BT tmr!!!

Dear Starbabies,
I felt really hot during my first session but after that no more liao. Maybe it is just for the first session? I recall another gal here also felt warm after first session.
Sashamama, I did feel warm during the session. After dat, felt light-headed when driving home. Then, at night felt nauseous till the next day then developed into a fever. Only today, the nauseous feeling went away. But, I'll go for another session next tues, I think maybe my body toxins are being purged out.
Starbabies : I think different people has different feelings to healing. Yes I also think your feeling is purging out the toxins. I believe some are more sensitive than others. Shoukd be feeling good and relaxed after a few sessions.

For me hor, I'm a v "insensitive" person per say, compared to my frens and my hubby. Maybe can say I got mental or feeling block. Hehehe. Eg when i won a lucky draw at company D&D, i was expressionless and just went up to the stage. My colleagues excloamied why u go no expression. Just a prize mah, collect thats it lor... I din jump for joy or anything leh.. Anyway I went for the reiki preview talk, tried reiki by 2 people and true enough, no feelings like I suspected again. But the giver had feeling of energy transfer to me with tingling feelings on their hands; just like my laoshi who does healings - she can feel it and she can feel my bb moving under her hands! but hor me like a wood no feeling one. But my hubby who went with me tothe reiki told me he felt like on fire!! He said he feel warm then hot to sorching hot, then he felt his head heavy, floating and dizziness and felt his hands getting v hot. Actually before my hubby went, I know he sure will have feelings cos he is a more sensitive person and got better sixth sense than me. For my ivf/ pregnancy I have no feelings (like if can feel the bb or what) except some loss of appetite, and sometimes queasy that's all. It's my hubby second time receiving reiki. First time was like v v long ago when he had an opportunity too. I think I wanna learn reiki from laoshi and reiki my bb everyday!!
I heard reiki bbs are special.. I will ask my laoshi abt it when I see her later. Anyone also keen? My hubby also want cos he wanna reiki his tennis elbow, his back pain and headaches.. Now he also believe liao. Both of us studied science actually.

Dee : Thanks! Did u go too? I wanted to say hi but was chatting with someone and saw (was it u) leaving.
Hi Tanny,
You were there??? Were you the one with a causasian girl (with vocal problems) who sat in the first row??? You'll not a Chinese?

Yes yes I was there ...... Oh man ... hope u don't mind me sharing how I came to hear about Reiki by sharing your amazing story!!! I think everyone is awed by your experience!

I was actually looking out for you & another lady but thought u girls didn't go. Darn ..... wished we've said hi last night! You not signing up for the seminar?
good morning gals!

I dunnoe why... i just feel that hubby is evading the issue of choosing whether to do IVF or not. I mean the doctor is already very clear in his explanation liao...
... then what does he wants??

When I want to talk to him, he goes online shopping or plays with his phone.

I think I am going back to depression liao if this continues
(i suffered from depression back in 2005 from working in a Jap bank).

So just to ask: if i go to do IVF without referral letter, so means no subsidy??? ...
Haven't been very active here the last few days... Super busy at work and haven't had enough sleep. Very tired...

Thanks for your consolation and encouragement! Let's jiayou together!
So long as it's a govt hosp, there'll be subsidy.

Perhaps ur hubby also needs some time to come to terms with reality, that you need assistance to conceive. Sometimes, it can be a blow to a man's ego... So try the soft approach and see whether he opens up? Take care!
Hi saggiegirl, LuvNhope has said it all. Dnt b despaired. There's always a way out. Just try talking to him nicely and find a right time to bring up the topic to him. Hugs

Morning LuvNhope, was kinda wondering u run go where these few days. Hahaha. Weekend le. Rest, relax & re-charge ya
LuvNhope> i c...so only KKH, NUH niah... then SGH dun have??? I was considering Gleneagles or Raffles but i know they are private and more ex

My in-laws keep pressuring me until i cannot take it anymore. Was about going to tell them the truth but i swallowed it back. Was i being mean by not telling them the truth??
Saggiegirl, can your in-laws accept? i mean whether they understand what is IVF or not? not many parents understand the process and procedure. to me i will make my luv one to understand the procedure ( i draw the process / picture to my mother, as her english not strong la, cannot understand....); and it's not about to success or not, whatever the result turn to be, i want my mother close to me, and i want my luv one to know i am okay.
HOPE> my parents can understand. They are far more open-minded and more receptive than I thought.

My mum ask me to do but I cannot do it without hubby!!! *faint*...

I am not sure if my in-laws can accept. My hubby has a tendency to shout at me if i dun do things his way or not.

Come to think of that, God knows that a baby will not be happy, so never give me a baby.
BB: if currently u w kkivf/dr.tan,ur case notes will stay there,ruling is tat itz confidential.u just nid to explain to the nurse(kkh) ther tat u wish to transfer out (any remaining embbies/no partial allowed) to anoth hospital.they ask u to to fix a date/call them and they will get ready the paperwork for both u n hubby to sign.they will oso gv u a rough info wat protocols u did ther n wat meds u were on(ur ivf history).at the new hospital u must re-do test etc unless itz less than 1year old then u dont hv to repeat.u must also sign consent forms there w hubby to 'accept' transfer embbies fm kkivf.
Saggiegirl, aiya you think too much la. we all love baby, that's why we are fighting! with luv sure the baby happy....
saggie: as long u 1st time ivf..u can use medisave $6k,2nd time $5k,3rd time $4k.usually couples use them durin fresh coz fresh r more costly,for FET itz usually less than $3k..so they tend to use their own cash.

as for co-fund by the gov,only couples w a s'porean spouse able to receive them(PR+SG,foreigner+SG,SG+SG).me and hubby both PR so we not elig.these are all explained in detailed wen u attend SGH counselling talk.
Saggiegirl - dun rush into it. Take some time as the IVF journey will be very tough if Hubby is not ready (mentally, emotionally).

Sometimes either party in the couple needs some time to accept that there needs to be "alternative" path or "need help" to what seems to have to come naturally (ie. normal love making) for everyone.

As Luvhope says, try different approach - dun stress, and dun feel that u have to rush into it, ok?
Thanks PinkCapri for your info. Noted

Hey Saggiegirl, erm, is it a must to let your in-laws know? no need ma. at least I tink no necessary. If I were to let me in laws know, I will ask my hub to tell and say the prob lies with him not me. Hehe. & dnt mind me saying, it aint very nice of a husband to any o how shout at the wife right...

Co-funding is 3K, 1st fresh u can deduct medisave up to 6K. Meaning if you do 1st fresh at KKIVF, total cost abt 11K, u only need to pay 2K cash. If u do 2nd fresh, u can deduct medisave 5K and govt grant 3K, total cost assuming is 11K again, means u pay 3K cash...get it? ;)
Haro Cherrie, u went for BT le ma? Y u thinking such tings? B positive lah! BFP no need think of FET le ma
Sisters, I got a stupid question here hor, assuming I went for 3 tries of fresh liao lah. Still no success lai kong hor, if I go 4th fresh means what, all must pay cash? No more medisave deduction ah?
ron8129> thanks
..yeah i can understand... seeing the explanation online via KKH website makes it too complicated

i1bb> he always like to shout and speak and yell loudly like his mum.

OK got the numbers correct...

I am very scared of the needles especially poking my body. Although I am not scared of blood tests...funny right??

My current workplace (stat board) may not be supportive of me having a kid. My boss is a MCP
Haha. Very negative hor? Just felt no chance
so hope to find out more info so not to lose time. Desperate Liao. Age catching up, money issue n mentally exhausted. Just finish my blood test, result out from 1-4pm. Kkivf really very quiet now, less than 5 patient there when I reach ard 930am
Saggie, dun worry too much about the poking, some sistas here kinda like the poking LOLx.
what is MCP? man with no family?
Hi i1BB, Thanks dear! fingers, toes..crossed!!

Saggiegirl, if the others are pressuring you, you shouldn't pressure yourself la. I already stop pressuring myself with all the talkings, the Chinese herbs (crazy i know, mum made that for me).. You should go out with your hubby and have a great time together then you can start the conversation again. He must be stress too i am sure. You have our backs! Take care sister!!
Saggiegirl ah, dnt worry abt the needles. It's all very fine u cnt feel a thing lah. As for your job, Erm, u hafta weigh your priorities in life first. For me, I m not so lucky To have very supportive colleagues n boss (although they appear to b supportive but r all fakies, cnt blame them though cos they hafta cover me when I'm on HL), thus I resigned to concentrate on ttc. I told myself one year, in one year's time if dnt have, I'll have to go find a job le..& probably forget abt bundle of joy. Plus my job is quite stressful so I guess resigning might b good lah....
Claire> thanks...i dun take Chinese herbs although i sometimes take those chicken soups outside.

LOL some sisters love poking?! Not pain meh...

MCP- male chauvinist pig!!!!!!!!
Cherrie, tat time after my failed FET, I also left with balance 1 embryo. I went for 2nd fresh lor cos if I pay same amount of money to transfer 1, I might as well pay same amt of money to transfer 2 to have a better chance n also not to waste the money... Tats how I think lah. Cos transfer 1 or 2 same charge wor. So I went 2nd fresh lor to create more embbies. Anyway mine didn't work out whatsoever... Tmd... Zzzz
i1BB, That's exactly what i told myself! I am after you, baby! Job's too stressful and my master is so tough. If i am into those things now, i will forget about the baby like 4 years ago. But i only give myself 2-3 months tho
(too bored right now)!!
O ya saggiegirl, 1 more thing hor. U mentioned u had depression b4 ya. Bear in mind IVF journey may or may not b smooth sailing ya. Alot of emotional roller coaster rides hor. "Ups & Downs + Neither here nor there + dnt knw yes or no" these r the common emotions u will encounter. So u must prepare yourself n yr hub to b mentally strong to encounter all these! Jia yo girl
i1BB> same here. All fake ppl. where u working??

I resigned from my banking career to work nearer to home and take care of house. And I feel that I am not appreciated. Expect me to cook a feast sometimes when I am really dead tired.

Ytd while doing laundry, was crying myself and dunnoe whether soap water got go into my eyes or not....

Sounds like those 50s Cantonese drama??
I (was) a secretary. Lotsa deadlines to meet, reminders reminders reminders n trivial nitty gritty things I constantly have to take care of... Zzzz
Saggiegirl> i sometimes hate to be a lady! so many expectations! it doesn't matter whether you earn $$$$ or not, you still need baby!! anyway, we can do it!! Stay strong mommy! Later if you are pissed off, tell them to eat at Food court la!!
Ya man! Y must u cook?! U sound as if u r living in the ancient times n yr hub sounds kinda MCP wor... *sayang
Saggiegirl...hw old are you this yr..?.what abt yr hubby?.is it bcoz yr hubby dun like kids that y behave like that...if u mention that yr hubby is a mcp..it is not easy to get him to embark on ivf together with you..to guys who are mcp,it all voice down to face value...they take it more impt than anything..

As many friends mention,ivf is draining..mentally,physically n if u go pte practise,it is financially draining...so there are 3 types of draining here..if we get hyper stimulation,you get water draining from stomach...so actually...I get 4 types of draining from ivf...

Yr hubby must b real supportive if not u will get depression easily ESP with the jabs that stimulate yr hormones n u will get haywire..are you going to embark into ivf thru pte practise or govt practise...

Based on yr scenario..u need a dr to convince yr hubby since he turn into a deaf ear or act blur when you tell him...
i1BB> similar to me...i am working as snr exec doing admin at a stat board. Sounds big name, but doing sai kang. Reporting to a Asst director who thinks that he can boss ppl around..
wendy> I am 33 this coming Dec 2012. Hubby same year as me.

I can understand..the mental pain, physically getting ready, $$$$ out of pocket/medisave...how come got water draining from stomach??????

I am not sure where to go - was thinking of either KKH or Thomson or Gleneagles....
Saggiegirl...I get ohss after hyper stimulation...so stomach was bloated with water..can't pee,can't eat bcoz of the water n the water hit my lung so can't breathe well..in the end..got to tap water out from my stomach since I can't pee anymore...

If you plan to go tmc,best to find dr loh sf which most sisters did..but you have to understand dr loh have a lot of patients...so he might not have too much time for every patient n to explain to yr mcp hubby...

If you plan to go glean eagles..since they aso belong to parkway group..perhaps you can try dr Roland @ parkway east. Cheaper compared to mt e n glean..n he is really patient n explain in details...I get all my knowledge of ivf from him previously when I am with him..he charges a flat rate n he can explain n perhaps help u to convince yr hubby..he can spent hours with you if he don't have apptments or delivery..

Personally,i think dr loh sf n dr Roland is very gd n professional..you can visit them secretly 1st n decide which 1 you like then bring yr hubby there

Saggie dear,
You are under a lot of stress and pressure now. I am not surprised if you are on the verge of depression now too. It could have been the ego thing to know that his tadpoles are not very good. So you got to broach the topic gently to him. Until he warms up to it, u can maybe just continue with clomid first?

It's very discouraging when our DH don't share the same urgency or opinions with us. Come talk to us here if you need to. Why don't you & DH go for a short getaway over the weekend? Go Bintan, go Phuket, or maybe book a really nice hotel in Spore surprise him & de-stress? [U want Capella? I can get "special" rates .. ]

If you don't attune yourself and think happy thoughts, the IVF process may worsen the depression.

Hmm .... why don't you go check out the reiki healing by Tanny's lao shi? It may help calm you down, give you some peace, reduce your stress levels, enhance sleep and maybe help you find the "golden light" in every situation.
