IVF/ICSI Support Group

Mabel, a gf of my conceived naturally after trying every mth using OPK for 3 yrs since her last etopic. She got pregnant in the mth she was supposed to go see dr Loh. She went to see dr tee immediately when she found out HPT is positive as she was worried of another etopic. Dr tee scanned in his room but can't find anything. Got worried, coz of her history. Immediately warded her for observation n further checks. They finally found the sac. She shld be close to 5 mths preg now.

So, dun give up. The battle is not lost!

Mable.. I pray for u tat all is gonna be fine eventually.. But ur very blessed cos u hVe got a boy rite?? So ur alot luckier then alot of pple out there
thus dun feel down...
Mabel, yes I agree our boy has really given us the strength to do it and the strength to accept it... we are supposed to be stronger for the sake of our darling at home which is currently our priority...

of course if we could we will give them something more within our ability.. but if we cant, which i was also prepared when i started to embark on IVF, i know it will not change my life and the way i love my son... but then again, having stepped into it, we give it our best shot...

i believe for everything that we get and lost, its what god had planned for us... let's all keep our fingers crossed and faith up for now that your little BB is just playing hide n seek for now till Thursday.. let your boy touch your tummy, for some magical reasons, my son touched my tummy more than my DH and he told me he felt something in there...

Hugz my dear...
Mabel, ya cysts. My scan report given to dr loh mentioned that so my husband emailed dr loh and asked him if it is the gestational sac.

You scan at AMC KK rite.
Thanks ladies. You all are great listeners and support. I will see wat my scan says on Thurs

Sara - Yes, my boy is a miracle baby too through my first IUI. A strong boy since he was an embryo hehe. Never given me any issues throughout my pregnancy with him. Not even now. He is one little sunshine
qing - I am with NUH. My doc scanned me personally. He did mentioned got small cysts but I told him no one ever told me. Not my previous gynae, not him either until today.
Mabel, maybe that cyst is the gestational sac. I also earlier thought I have cyst in the uterus but dr loh said it is actually gestational sac give me some hope. Even though the chances are 30% but I trying to tell myself to be positive.

Let's be strong together. You still got your boy for support for me very stressed as no kid yet
mabel, sincerely hope u will get a good result on thurs scan. Meanwhile, stay positive n rest well.

qing, jia you n rest well.
dear sistas, i think i am having a fever now...is it something bad??temperature 37.8 now... been feeling nausea in the night pass few days... body aches started today...
do i need to see a doc for the fever or should i call kk tomorrow for the fever?
sorry qing, i meant next scan will be good news... must be the fever and bodyaches... my hands and mind are not in sync...
Dain, go see a doc now! Weather hasn't been good. You might have caught a cold. I caught cold today, guess it is when I bring my MIL out for lunch. Don't forget to keep hydrated.
Chris, Qing, Nell...

Ok , maybe i'll ask DH to drive me to a doc now... shouldnt be due to the embbies right? i know my temp is on the higher side last few days but was lower than 37.5...now its 37.8
Ladies - thank you for all the support. I will stay positive and see what it says.

Just awhile ago, my boy was telling me about his meeting with a new neighbour, an Indian boy. I asked him if his new friend is the only child at home, he says, "Yes, like me." I said "Yah" then he said "but I will have a sibling soon"....*sigh* I dunno what to say to him.
hi ladies. got a silly question. i have some left over medicine from my iui few months back - Progynova (1 box/2 mg) and utrogestan (100mg). Am thinking of whether I can use it after my BD...
Mabel, maybe ur scan is early being at week 6; mine is scheduled at week 7, this Thursday. Hope ur this Thursday scan turns out positive too, take care, hugs
usually how many days into stimulation will hv the bloat? i read many of u here feel the bloat and i'm now on D5 purgeon but no feeling at all, is it normal? or is it too early for bloat? how does a bloat feel? my first scan is this thur, worried that i didn't response well to the drugs.
jass, we have brown discharge on the same day rem? bfn lor, planning for my FET liao... most likely july...
if you can, PM me your contact number... thks
hi girls!

may i know what is the purpose of baby aspirin in FET? my gynae didnt prescribe any medications or supports for my FET, is it normal?

i also read that pineapples (including the core) helps with implantation... anyone know of this?

is there a FET diet?

Morning gals

Been overdosing on Korean dramas - so didn't post. Today is 9dpt, been feeling crampy over the weekend and a super huge craving for sour n spicy foods. And being hungry all the time. Tested this morning n got a super faint line. Now more anxious than ever!!!

Pau le
Fet shd have progesterone support cos yr body not producing any ESP if medicated fet.

Pineapples are good as it contains selenium which helps with implantation but pineapples Chinese believe also cause cramps, so on safe side better to avoid.

Selenium cam be found in brazil nuts, abt 4-5 pieces a day sufficient.

Hang in there, sometimes, the sac cannot be seen so soon. Anyways although hcg is not accurate with pregnyl jabs, they cam still calculate roughly natural occuronh hcg by estimating the half life of pregynl based on when u jab n amt.
Babymaking, actually is d11 for u today! Your ER is on fri, ET on a Monday, which is a day 3 transfer. That means today is d11 for you and d10 for me. My ER was a sat n ET was on a mon. That is why your bhcg BT is one day earlier than me!

Congrats!!!!! So no need ohss to get preg! BFP BFP!!!
Ah hazel, I count from days of transfer. Now thinking whether to get increased progesterone support in view of crampy womb. What do u think?
Morning gals, sorry din have time to catch up on posts. I hope everyone is doing well

Mabel, have faith ya

Daintreez, hope that you are feeling better
Babymaking, did u ask wat's ur progesterone level when u did the progesterone BT? If the reading is high enough dun think u need additional progesterone support. The passing mark is 60. My is 433.

Should based on embyro age when u count. I m having cramps now m then also. Mg bloating seems To worsen from yesterday. I still hv one last pregnyl jab tomorrow.
Hazel, sounds like good signs.

P level was only 185, my concern is cramps...which indicate not enough p support. Wonder if Kkh will do hcg bt now?
Babymaking, why not write dr loh an email & tell him u r cramping n progesterone reading is 185? Ask him u wsn more support but needs his approval if not KKIVF or 24 hrs wun give. Though he is on holidays he does check email. Once he responded u can just go down for more support.

Do u hv history of spotting when preg? If have cdn remind him. Yes, progestrone level is womb lining. If you do early BT, the level will still be low now & they may not give u any support until u spot. U know these nurses go by protocol.
flowers, thanks.. i emailed Dr Loh just now and he replied very fast... was advised to drink lots of water, pop vitamin c and if temp go up take panadol or see gp..
will keep track of my temp.. thanks
Babymaking, for me, must wait till I finish all the pregnyl jabs n see how. the nurse did tell me next wk last 2 jabs are impt n if I bloat even more dun hv to worry. Is Progesterone level co related to getting preg? I know when preg the body will secrete progestrone everyday to support. But it does not mean high progestrone = pregnant.
Daintreez. What's Loh Sf email?

Bingo. Not yet. Maybe next week. When ia your actual AF after u went to O&G last Sunday?
