IVF/ICSI Support Group


I din ask for my prog level during my last fresh 'coz first time mah, blur blur wan the nurse call to say "your BT is ok, no need extra juz continue with the jabs you have at home". So I just happy happy continue my jabs lor.

It is only after BFN then I know orh got E2 BT, Prog BT, HCG BT ... hiaz but this time I think I will ask la
Daintreez, you BFP already is it? You sound like it wor
Dainztree..drinking tis is ok for anyone izit?? Izit heaty?cos if it's gd I also wanna boil tis.. Wats the benefits ? juz worried abt the constipation only .. Can eat the ingredients or throw?
DH, the scan done on the abdomen. Nothing to prepare lah. Just need to have full bladder so can see better. My bladder not full so have to drink water and wait lor.

Koirc, I m not changing gynae. Seeing the same one thru to delivery.

Summer/Mabel, ya... A step closer. 8 more month ahead...

Silsilly, congratulations!!! Can imagine how happy u r...! :D
Sara, generally Longan/ Red Dates/ Wolfberries is good for blood circulation... usually chinese doc will recommend for patients with low blood or those who are 'cold' by nature and also during confinement ... u can drink moderately first and see if you constipate, cos some people are heaty by nature... if u drink moderately and u find yourself totally ok with no signs of heatiness or slight only, then u increase quantity
it tastes good also...
flower, u like me leh..during fresh blur blur :p
Nurse said my P ok so think its safe already.. Then b4 BT af reported feel like wahh how come my P ok then got af.. Now everything must ask..
Nell, hehe, can imagine.. i dont know how many times I have seen the pic taken by the embryologist for my 2 embbies even after the ET i was already excited they r in me... though it was still too early then... hehe...
Burlet, Sara, thanks...

Sara, I just downloaded Dr Miriam Stoppard apps on pregnancy. There are quite a few, just go apps store n search pregnancy. Happy downloading
Shaine, ya lor ya lor I think many gals are blur blur during their first cycle de. Some luck ones will bfp lor, while the rest will try to learn more abt IVF n eat lots if supplements hehe

Opps I forgot to take my folic acid today
Nell, I know but you did your IVF with KKH right? What I meant is after IVF you return straight back to your gynae?
Hi All

Can I check what does ET is ultrasound means. Becos I am given a 20mm for et and another 6x6x9mm so want to know which is the dimension. Just went for another scan on my own, n the sotong doctor do not want to do a vaginal scan foe me and just tell me the sac size is 14mm so I like to know if it is growing or shrinking
Nell, thank you so much. Forgot to congratulate you. I am very excited and anxious for the upcoming scan. Been praying real hard too. My wife had gone thru much for this, like all of you had.
Jass - I did early BT when I started to bleed. The reading was 7. But it dropped after I went back again on my actual BT. I think they derived it's chemical pregnancy from my bt report.

Koirc - I went to Dr Zou after seeing so many sisters go to her. She will do 20 min acu front and 20min back. This should help to relax the womb and improve blood circulation. Being kiasu, I also took her medicine. Really hope all this will help this time...
Koirc, I did my ivf at Mt E.

DH, glad to hear that you r so happy and so involved in the whole process. Enjoy the journey. My hubby very cool or rather quite emotionless. Me alone self high n self swing. He like 1 pillar standing straight straight. It is just him!
JT, pray that you it will be successful this time! btw i just send you a PM..

jass, hope you are feeling better.. i am!! planning for FET soon? i just appt to see Dr loh on 14 June, will be planning for my FET is July if Dr Loh allow... btw you dont accept PM? wanna ask for your contact number..
Nell - Oh, you did? I am so blur! I thought you did in KKH like the other sisters.

I can't wait to see the doctor next Monday so that I can plan for my FET. Hope can do it in July... Is it too soon?
Hi ladies i just returned from hospital. But guess not very great news. Dr fpund no gestational sag. He suspect ectopic n i will be going for a detail scan this thursday. I really hope not ectopic as i hate the idea of losing a tube. So far no bleeding n acute pain. Dun understand *sigh*
Hey Mabel, keep the faith up. You know when I went to the hospital on Sat night, the doctor told me that IVF very unlikely to be ectopic.

Don't want to bring up sad stories but sisters who had chemical pregnancy before, do you all feel soreness in your abdominal, sides (hip area) and back?

The pain is really bad. Nurse asked me to take pain killers. I don't know what this is and how long this is going to hurt. It's not even the normal menstral cramps that I get.
Koirc, oic. Hehe sorry duno why I confused and thought u were there earlier. Yikes must be the effects of waking up from a short slumber at her plc earlier. Sorry abt it again!
How r u? :D
Jass - I've done my medicated fet and in my 2ww now. Bt this Thurs...

Koirc - I dont feel any pain the last time. Just take pain killer and rest well.

Mabel - dont worry too much now. Just rest well and wait for your Thurs scan.

Bingo - discuss with Dr Loh next week and if he gives u the green light, just go for the July fet!
He did though he hesitated at first since i am on pregnyl jabs. But in the end he just ordered it together with a detailed scan this thurs. Wat do they do at detail scan? Similar to v scan?
Mabel, they will try to find the sac. The thing Is we did ivf so the growth of the embyro is predictable unlike those who conceived naturally. For the latter, can be too early to see a sac cox we nv know when conception happened. Ur bloatedness should be caused by pregnyl jabs. If a foetus is growing well, bhcg will be produced everyday & increasing. So, bloatedness will get worse from implantation onwards if patient is still on pregnyl jabs. Pregnyl is also bhcg.

If u dun get any pain or discomfort now I dun think is etopic pregnsncy.
Sisters, need advice.. Especially hazel (info guru)

I went for v scan today but my actual scan is at Amc tomoro.. Does doing scans at very close intervals affect embbies? Should I just forgo the scan tomoro and use scan results today?

I will b seeing my ivf doctor tomoro supposedly after scan..

Mabel, sorry to hear abt it.. How many weeks u supposed to b today? Maybe too small?

Thks sisters for the congratulations.. My worrying has toned down abit.. But im still cautious every step of the way.. I think my hormones are depression inducing.. Cos I still feel depressed.. It's weird I know.. Should I get anti depressants? Cos I think it's affecting me real bad..
Hazel - Yah, I am just wondering where is the sac if not ectopic. One possibility is that it has never developed to have a sac even after implantation.
Mabel, be positive and let dr do the detailed scan for u this Thurday... will be praying for u... pls rest well these two days and take care...
Mabel, hope this Thursday you can see the sac.
It may be hidden somewhere. With detailed scan I assume they are using better machine, it may be clearer n better.
Daintreez - Thanks! In a way, I went prepared for good or bad you see. When I see him scanning for so long, I know something is amiss. When he told me can't find sac, it was like a cold pail of water just flushed down on me. I was emotionless for awhile. I did not cry. Just disappointed once again. But the sight of my boy when I returned home, perked me up again and told myself, he is so so precious to me and I so want to give him a sibling but it seems that it may not happen again. I got a little emotional at the thought of that though.

Silsilly, ultra sound is a bouncing of waves to get an image on the screen. Previously if I hv done a scan outside, I will bring the report over to dr Loh the next day if not on same day. He wun scan again as he will tell me dun disturb the bb. It wun harm the bb though. But if I asked him to scan again he will.

At KKH, patients who got pregnantly naturally, dun do their scan at AMC. They will just be scanned in the dr's room. A few yrs bk dr Loh also did that. But the scan machine in AMC is bigger & clearer. But an experienced dr can use either machine.

Is ur choice if u wan to scan again b'coz it wun harm the foetus. Just disturb only due to the bouncing of waves. If u dun scan again, u need to give a copy of ur scan n report to ur dr for record.

Hope this helps.
