IVF/ICSI Support Group

Had abt 14 follicles on day of scan of trigger jab, did not expect 26 eggs retrieved - now feeling so sick and puking like no body business. Tummy area bloated despite egg whites. Feels like ohss... :-(

kimmy... haha ya my body guard said can go out liao.. but i have the same concern as queenie the other time.. i have to do digusting insert at 3pm then rest for at least 30 mins..so either we can go out after that or i have to rush home by 3pm..
bingo, i will write down the symptoms before i sleep everyday.

ron, can u scroll up n read my post @5.21pm.

hazel, take care n wish u a smooth ER tmr.
i also wanted to ask the same question as Bingo...

dear sistas, anyone of you did HPT before BT? Results good? Or HPT is not recommended at all?

I read somewhere online that results can be known as early as 10-12dpt.. any clues if its true??

Thanks ^_^
Fi Hozali - I am feeling on and off feelings of cramps. and most of the time, no feeling....
what about u ?
fi, sure we can meet up next week... but need to do the insert leh at 3pm... so dont know how to meet..
i wonder those that went back to work, how they insert ah? hide at office toilet and stay there for at least 15 mins?
Daintreez- re hpt, i did mine during last cycle it wasnt gd. N i didnt reach d bt day. I had full menses 2 days b4 bt. Hopefully this cycle all goes well.
feeling ok. Fluey feeling cleared. Sore throat nt sore wif honey.
bloatedness started aft i woke up this aftnn. Otherwise ok.
Bingo- im picturing wat u said, wahahaha.. Hide in toilet n do. Lol... If me cannot mk it, i will b lying in flr to insert. :p imagine ppl come in n see me, will run screaming. Heeheehee.
haha fi... ya sit down how to insert?? mmmust lie down ma.. i will be lying on the floor too.. or if office got sick bay or resting area.. i will complain sick everyday at 3pm... haha
oic summer.. i am still comptemplating if i should test if the day comes.. maybe i will not also.. "scare"

fi, you are doing the insert also? for my sake, can meet at east? haha need to rush back lar.. if not meet for high tea at maybe 4pm... then no need to rush? i am fine with both arrangement...
I Oso dun dare to test, scare I will faint wahaha.

Times really flies very slow. Everyday I will only lying down watch tv n surf net till my whole body very numb no blood flow, boring
Jass, I had constipation since ER. Only day 5 post ET then manage to poo. After that I get my sister to acc me to buy prune juice. Drinking 1 bottle daily since then.
Wow!! Have not been in the whole afternoon as I've got visitors and the thread is moving super fast! Trying to catch up now....ok first of all...

Summer - CONGRATULATIONS!! So happy for you. Take good care

Nell - Since your hubby is a medical practitioner, it makes even more sense to have him with you during this whole process.

Whitetiger - big *hugs*. Do not be dishearten. We all understand how it feels. It is great that you are picking yourself up immediately and going to DR Zou for advise. IVF is a "Long and Winding road" as the song goes....hang in there!
Jass, I not sure leh coz so far I read up is prune juice is safe for pregnant ladies to drink if constipation. I also don't have immediate effect after prune juice. It took me 3 days then poo abit.

Any sister here noe if canberry can be taken during 2ww?
Cool, downtown east sounds good
so meet b4 3pm or from 4pm for kopi? Parkway oso can. Yay outing! So nice to see 'sisters' again! Can all order warm water again!
Hello sisters, ok here's 30 ways to boost your health and safeguard your unborn baby. I will send this in "batches". Those in 2WW can note the points that are applicable.

1. Folate foods. Take 400mcg supplement from pre-conception till end of week 12. Take folate rich diet with plenty of green vegetables, fortified bread and breakfast cereal.

2. Sleep on you side. Lying on your LEFT side allows the maximum possible blood flow to your little one.

3. Get used to eating for two. Doesn't mean double the amount. Your calorie intake increases by only 200-300 calories - equivalent of 2 slices of toast with margarine.

4. Go to the dentist. Pregnant women are more prone to gum disease which is linked to premature birth.

5. Ditch your anti-aging cream. Many such products contain small amounts of vit A or retinol which is linked to birth defects when taken in high quantities. Opt for retinol-free products.
6. Don't skip antenatal appointments. 

7. Be honest about your medical history. 

8. Ask your mum and grandma. If they suffered from pre-eclampsia or diabetes, you may be more at risk so your doctor needs to pay more attention.

9. Eat oily fish - salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines. Good for baby brain devt. Aim for 2 servings per wk.

10. Request a change in job scope. Get your employer to minimize any potential hazards you may face or find you alternative duties.

11. Don't hold it in. Waiting till you're bursting to pee increases risk of UTI which in extreme cases can trigger premature birth.

12. Avoid jacuzzi. 

13. Get some exercise.

14. Go outdoors. Sunshine boosts your body's absorption of magnesium, calcium and phosphorous. Avoid 10am - 4pm sun.

15. Steer clear of smokers.
16. Do not drink.

17. Think positive. 

18. Eat your greens, red meat, eggs, dried fruit and wheat. Wash iron-rich food down with orange juice. It quadrupled your iron absorption.

19. Have a dose of probiotics. Found in yoghurt, yakult and vitagen.

20. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

21. Be careful of peanuts. Peanuts and peanut products could trigger allergies in your baby. All other nuts are safe.

22. Eat foods with vit E. 

23. Belt up in your car.

24. Cut down caffeine intake. Take less than 200mg per day. About a cup of coffee.

25. Take prenatal vitamin supplements.
26. Don't self-medicate. Always see a doctor.

27. Don't put your feet up yet. Propping your bottom on a cushion will tilt your pelvis forward.

28. Turn a blind eye to your dog's poop and weeds in plants. Wear gloves or get your husband to help. 

29. Trust your instincts. Call for help when something does not feel right.

30. Talk to your baby. Stimulate your baby with sound and touch.

I think #30 is great. You know after my ET, I keep putting my hand on my abdomen and say, "baby, pls be cooperative. Mummy went through a lot to have you. " My hubby thinks I'm crazy! Haha...
Bingo, next week when? Hope I will be back in SG by then.

Mabel, I m lonely here. Other than seeing him for dinner. I m like a bird in cage for the rest of the day.
Hi kimmy, did u go check with doc why it was delayed? I am like faithbb afraid to face the answer. Be cos I hv endo that why I think my chances to preggie naturally is very low. I can't wait to tues to see wa doc say...
Gd morning all!! Mr sun is awake n so am i!

Bingo, kimmy, carrot, daintreez, nell and othr 2ww ladies, Im free to mit up mon day to wednesday frm morning till 3. Thursday n friday only till 2. Do let me knw.
have a Great weekend!
Good morning sistas

Fi Hozali - My son's school holiday starts today hehe... so gotta work around his timing... please go ahead and plan but let me know day and time, I'll fit myself in if there's no lessons for my boy that day ^_^
Gd morning everyone! *waves*

Fatefully - ahha no I didn't check. I'm just doing the 'waiting' game. The last time I went to check (which was last yr) I only heard all negative things and to just wait for it to come. Had to pay $70 for the scan and to hear that...so yeah. But for you, who knows :D ++++

Nell - We haven't fix on the day yet. Most prolly it'd be Friday I think but will see bingo's availability too. Let us know your schedule back to sg too? Wld love to meet up with u too!

Fi - Okie, got that in mind on yr schedule :D

daintreez - okay u see schedule then let us know k?

Its the weekend! Anyone watching Kung Fu Panda 2? Heard its quite funny..maybe can tickle those bones and destress a bit for 2ww sisters...:D
btw, my newly ordered book: Eat Your way to Parenthood by Gabriela Rosa (The Bringer of Babies) just arrived and they have recipes and healthy eating (like what to eat/avoid) so I hope to share some tips for those preparing for ivf so that we can all boost our chances together!!!
hi sisters,

i'm new here. on my way to kk to pick up my med. i'm on long protocol w dr loh. ;)

i didn't do anything to prepare for tis ivf. juz start to take blackmores conceive well gold yesterdae. but i hv been on long term tcm med while trying to conceive naturally. so i believe tcm med wil helps abit. haha. ;p
Hi Jass - do try the prune juice (can get in most fairprice/C.Storage), dunno abt cranberry. Can also try to up leafy veg and fruits to get regular. Nurse advise try not to <kek> when poo-ing
<jiayou> for rest of 2ww

Sisters, I m the only patient today for ER. Bait disappointed, only 8 eggs retrieved. That means the rest of the follicles are empty.. Also dunno how many of the 8 r useable n if they will become gd embyro.. Haiz
