IVF/ICSI Support Group

summer, i also poor respinder as last time my stimulation stage is 14 days which consider long and everytime increase dosage.

Ur BHCG is high....
Ur embryos is strong.

Hazel, u try take few eggwhites n see whether can feel better? tomoro need to do ER so if u take after ER might feel better?

Dun feel sianz ok... tomoro er very excited leh.
Hi All,

I'm nt new in this thread but after my failure last yr I dun hv the courage to try again. Is almost a yr leh n I decided to go ahead with my FET once AF is here. I wante to start last cycle n took my proyonva pill on the 4th day of menses. But the next day I was ill n hence I decided to stop the pill n postpone to next mth cycle. Strangely this mth I had spotting or should I describe as light flow; brownish n pinkish flow ( sorry for being gross) I went to count my days fr my last menses and was barely 28 days; about 22/23 days. But I have irregular menses ranging fr 30-50 days. So I wanted but it did nt get full blown n stopped on the 3rd day. I'm worried co's I badly wanted to start my cycle as my embroyos are alr stored more than a yr and worried it affect the quality of it? Any advise fr the gals here? Should I go a doc? Aft the spotting I hv sympthons of nausea, dizzy n slight sore nipples but totally gone by the 3rd days n hence I don't think I hv hit the jackpot. Any advise is greatly appreciated.

Contests to all those who hv BFP, pls cont to pass the
bbdust in this thread co's we all need it desperately!
Hazel, last time when i do scan i only have abt 14 follicles and at the end retrieve 19. So urs sure will retrieve more than 12. Did u feel bloat last time? If u drink a lot of milk mayb also can reduce a bit as milk will make us feel bloat.

Btw, feel bloated is a good sign for success. Last time i everyday keep monitor n want the feeling of bloat but nv feel it.
may i know how many red dates u put in ur flask each day u make? U cut half open right

congrat!! Nice reading. ;) u put in the remain 2? U r so lucky. ;)

hugz. Never give up. We try fet again after few mths k? Maybe cycle buddy. U still hv how many embbies wait for u? Lets tiao ourselves well first.
Sarah, how many embies u hv out of the 19 retrieved? I dun drink milk. Only drink when I m preg... But bb's sake.

Higher chance if success is bloat after ET n in 2ww right?

I didn't hv bloated feeling in last fresh cycle until 2ww... Only saw a few follicles during scan...
Hazel, Mine only fertilise 7.

Dr Zou said before ER if feel bloated the chance is high also. And is good if feel bloat for the 2ww. Last time one of my cycle buddy she feel bloated before ER and that time dr zou told me her chance of success is very high. N indeed she really success.
hi faithbb / faithfully,

Go buy a pregnancy test kit to test if you have BFT 1st or u can test your temp by using a basel thermometer. if temp above 36.8 or more may have BFT.

Best go see a doc.
thank you but if dun cut half, i think the taste diffcult to come out. Is not cut half to take out seed but cut half to hv a better taste?

Faithbb n fatefully>
yes, pls do a hpt soon. Else go for a check at ur gynea place. Take care.
Hi Chris bb,

Haha... I don't dare to cos dont have the preggy feel and if really BFP the sympthons should substain right.
我不感面對現事, even thou is matter of time.
But jus hoping of co's that 1 pill n affect my body's hormones and affect my FET.
Gambatte, the taste will still come out even didnt cut half. Coz previously i always cut half as sometime although i bot seedless reddates but it still got some seed for some of the red dates. But this time round i purchase from ZTP and it is hard till i not able to cut so i just take like that n the taste still same.
Faithbb, some pple dun have any symptoms at all.

summer, congratz!!! You have given us who are on short protocol hope that we have chance of bfp when it is our turn!!!

Hazel, Who knows, ur eggs have caught up to the big ones too! Have a Good ER and pleasant surprise of many many good eggs collected!
Tks ladies for the congratulations. Hope I can clear every step till baby is born.

Hazel, I only went for one scan then scheduled to do trigger shot the next day. Saw 6 follicles but 3 very small. Think this is the shortage of short protocol.

Sarah, am on 5 days Letrozole n 6 days 200iu Puregon then ER. I am shocked.
Thanks all for the gd words, maybe I will try the cheap method of using bbt tomorrow morn.

Can i ask u gals abt the red dates drink co's fr wat I kn unless is boiled if nt the effect is nt so ideal rite? N hw do u gals take care of ur meal during 2ww?
FaithBB, the effect shld be same.
My meal for 2ww last time is taking care by my mom. For my coming cycle also will be same but DH will also take 1 week leave to accompany.
Faithbb- my mum said red dates drink must boil for abt an hr, if we just soak it in thermal flask, it will be diluted.

Currently my 2ww, I will have porridge, fish, green vege n brown rice n oso miced pork or chicken. Will take everything light. Last but not least, fruits are very important. Must eat healthy. Ohh my mum will help mi prepare all my meals. If she is not free, I will just steam fish n vege myself le.
Koirc, will be gg down to collect medicine tmr and know when is the scan.

Gambatte, ya....put in 2 embryos.

Blurlet, ya....hv faith n u will success.

Carrot L,
3dpt-I had very vary bad cramp, thought gone case liao. Maybe due to pregynl jab???
9dpt-Light brown water mark on panty & bad cramp at night & lower back pain.
11dpt-tooth super pain, took 4 normal panadol.
8dpt till now-bloat after each meal, cramp on off n lower back pain.
Above r my symptoms during 2WW but everyone r different. Some ladies here with no symptons also BFP.
Summer! Congrats! I rem. you...Dr Loh also gave me letrozole. Still waiting to be used
Wow, only went for one scan? On what day was that?
Sarah n carrot both of u are lucky. I nv tell my parents if nt will get them upset n worried. Hence I nd to think of my meal during 2ww. By preparing meals ourselves then won't we hv to stand for sometimes as we need to wash n cut n near the stove they say no gd is it so?
Come to think of it even thou I refrain fr going but the result also like this, maybe this round jus take it easy ba.
Blurlet - Im on short protocol too! :D Its very reassuring to hear from summer ..i recall dr zou was initially concerned about short protocol when i told her then she realized that more of her patients were given short protocol recently too..
Fatefully...my af due on 19 may too. but till now still delayed...
uhm i also got no symptoms but i tested anyways and it was -ve because hubby keeps believing that it might be good news.
so i roughly understand how u feel and what you're going thru. u want af to report so that can move on with the cycle right? that's how i felt for the past few days...
sarah, what i understand from dr zou is that dr loh may be trying to see if short protocol works because one of her patient, long and short protocol also have same number of eggs. so conclusion is then might as well keep to short protocol and reduce the no. of drugs used.

dr zou also said some docs refer short protocol as 'natural' because it relies on your natural ovulation too...tho she said how strange for it to be called 'natural' if there's injections involved. but that's apparently the term docs use...

I was apprehensive initially...but i think after hearing dr zou and summer's success...i'm a little more reassured.
Faithbb-initially I thought of order tinkat but I find tat they have herbal, seafood, spicy n some vege which is liang. So it quite troublesome to tell them I can't eat this n that.

Maybe u can stock up some vege n fish. U can sit down while do washing or cutting of vege.
Bingo, I had written down my symptons @ 5.42pm. Scroll up and read. Tks.

Kimmy, haha.....is Dr Loh talking about me? My first long cycle retrieved 2 eggs & this round short cycle retrived 3 eggs.
hello kimmy!!! your af soooo long havent visit you... did you ask dr zou about this? yes finally 1WW is ending and means i can go out! haha

summer, wow you can remember which dpt you have what symptons...
Carrot I thought of ordering tingkat, they hv meals for confinement hence maybe more suitable will check that out. So u hv graduated?

Summer ur sympthons sound gd. The last round I hv none at all, no bloat, no lower bk pain, jus some twitching feeling n to think that on my by day, my husband was asking the nurse I dun feel anything diff so does that mean is gone case. N the nurse was saying if gone case maybe menses would hv come by then so we were relief. Bef I left KK I went toilet n out gush the blood... :"(
Summer >> haha oh the one that told me is dr zou, not dr loh.

Bingo >> tell me about it, I never hide nor seek liao. just wait and accept loh. Yay, u can go out liaos ah?? means u can go out next fri? dh allow? heheheehhe
Hi Summer > would you mind sharing what meds/jabs you were given from start till ER? Just curious what KK gives for short protocol.
Blurlet, yesterday scan only see 12 follicles n I did the trigger shot yesterday too. ER tomorrow. Not alot of follicles wun get ohss right?

I wan to puke with water.. Egg white nv take this round.

Feel uncomfortable more than excited. Sianz
hazel i think it is the trigger shot bah. It is preggy hormones mah.. together with the high amt of injected hormones, you feel sick. Try upping your proteins. This may help.
