IVF/ICSI Support Group

nell, seeing your post make me feel much better. thanks! but now having some spotting. worried now

koirc, i prefer to play on the safe side by just taking the whites.

Koirc, thanks

Bb nn, ur bhcg reading is 300 or 500 or above range?
Nell, Oh, i means stay at hm for medical leave or HL with salary then good. No salary really not shiok. 20min to TST is quite good hor. Can take MTR and go shopping. Can shop for maternity wear?

Btw, before u start the IVF, did u take any tcm med or do acupunture etc?
My hubby say too early. Pass 1st trimester first. He super cold water lor. Anyway, went to h&m to bought some looser clothes last week already. Tummy feeling fat.

I din take any Chinese medicine n acupuncture. I scare pain. Only thing is I did my fibroids removal surgery last December to prepare for this ivf
Nell, ur DH is right... pass 1st tri 1st then can buy lots of bb stuff.

I also will not take chinese med this round as the moment i smell the taste i feel dizzy. hahahahaha. But i did went for acupunture.
Big congrats to sisiters who bfp.... grabbing baby dust from you

Just did my ET today. Today KK super crowded. Got 10 ETs today and I waited almost 2 over hours for my turn! Only transfered 1 Grade 3 and 1 Grade 4 for my FET this time. But as what Dr Loh always said, grading does not mean anything. I had a Grade 5 and 4 last round also failed... so i think most important is to take good care of ourselves during these 2 weeks....
We are officially 5 weeks preggers today.. We count from ovulation day(ovum pick up) to today is 3 weeks and then add 2 weeks to that to complete a cycle..

Our due date will be 23 Jan 2012 for singleton and for twins, it will be 1 Jan 2012.. But the correct EDD will only be given after they have done the scan and age our sacs.. That is all I know for now.. We will be having our first scan around 7 weeks of our pregnancy..
Silsilly, funny, my hubby also says he heard 6th week. Koiric's recommendation of the ivf calculator is quite interesting
Ay, I was hoping for a dragon year bb, but rabbit year also not bad la.
Dain- my tcm dr say 1st week of 2ww, k do , but not on the 2nd week.
Last cycle I did not do, but plan to do on next cycle.
It is to have better bld circulation
Hi girls. I need to catch baby dust!!!! Congrats to u all that Bfp! I'm so tired- feel so drained from work and just left office.. Gosh...

Does the stimulation stage (injections) pass v fast? Quite scared thinking abt it...
bluenosebear - thanks for your advice ^_^ I did my ET on 18th last Wed, so today is the last day of 1ww?? Lol :p what about after 2ww, do we still need to do?

tanny - the stimulation stage passes very fast
since its shorter than suppression usually.. depending on your reaction to the stimulation... i finished mine in 10 days
Hi RitzC>> mine BT results was 67.8 under the 1 - 2 weeks, passing was 50 consider low, that was y dr told me no celebration till we hear heartbeat.
Bb nn, the wait til the next scan is frustrating, particularly with the disparity in hcg readings and benchmark. Inevitably full of self- doubts, but I won't do my own tracking of hcg coz I refuse to be further stress out
Hi all I'm new here. My hubby and I have decided to go through IVF if his hormone test and chromosome test pass. Still cannot make up my mind if we should go ahead with the govt or private suite? Read alot of negative remarks abt the govt of their unprofessionism. So now considering Dr SF Loh. Anyone has done your IVF with Dr Loh, and how's his charges?
Hi RitzC >> yes I know what you mean but no matter my spot with dr is on the 26 may, just hope for the best n cross fingers.
Bb nn, ur reading is taken quite early so should be quite high by now, and u conceive before, should have higher chance, all the best
my reading is average but got rashes, backache, zits outbreak after bfp. really hope all these annoying symptoms are worthwhile. Just venting la
hi bb nn, so did your doc ask you to take anything to increase the bhcg level? which day did you do your ET? mine is on polling day
Ritzc - When did your tummy start to be less bloat after BFP? Mine is still bloated like a ball. Like 5 to 6 mths pregnant. Gotta wear baby doll blouses.
Mabel, about a day or two before BT I'm already less bloated, though still puffy. I also look like two months preggy now. Think this could be side effect of the pregynel jabs coz I initially lost the bloated feeling after ET but got it all back after the additional pregynel jabs.
Backache not as bad as the first 2 days, but still got dull ache now and then and generally worsen at night. How r u feeling?
Bingo, after ET, Dr Sadhana prescribed 4 pregynel jabs for me at 3 days interval. Maybe coz I only have 10 follicles retrieved so was not given the cris inserts, only the jabs.
After bfp, I'm only given medicine to support the pregnancy and folic acid. Think different doctors have different protocols, esp coz we all have different numbers of follicles
oic ritz... i was given the insert.. i thought KKH alwys give insert.. wierd ah, same hospital but kind of differnt protocol..
anyway the insert is quite ..... arrrrgghhhhh.. disgusting is the word to use... hahaha
Ritz - me feeling as bloated, tight tummy. Still hungry most of the time but gets really uncomfortable after feeling the tummy. feeling different types of cramps here and then around different parts of the lower abdomen. Abit of constipation.
Hey Sweet Angel, I did mine at SGH with Dr. Yu. She was highly recommended by my gynae (she's in private practice). Because public hospital is cheaper and there's govt subsidy, I did it at public hospital instead.

I think a lot of the sisters here are with Dr. Loh at KKH.
Bingo, less than 15 eggs retrieved 2ww support is pregnyl jabs every 3 days. If > 15 eggs, high risk of ohss n pregnyl will worsen ohss. So for these women, inserts support r given instead
Bingo, after each pregynel jab I tend to get very bad stomach pain at night, nurse later tell me that it is most prob gastric pain. Think not everyone gets such side effects but it is quite terrible pain. Wouldn't mind getting inserts if the side effects are lesser. Anyway hope u have a smooth 2ww
Thank you - daintree!

Hmm I keep seeing this aroun " I'm a poor responder ". What does it mean huh? Is it means can't respond to the stimulation drugs? Then means follicle not growing well? So dr need to switch hormone drugs?

I'm can't relax easily n feel very uptight with work n this ivf treatment to come. Tell myself to relax relax especially when coming to it but my heart is heavy n like a load weighing on it evenwhere I'm trying to sleep now.. What shld I do ..... How to make me more relaxed...... Is it my work or is it me....Sorry just venting ... My topic a bit off here....

I love to hear u all getting Bfp! Everyday im glued to this forum , listening to yr updates. Really pei fu u ladies being so brave throughout this emotional journey... Can feel the ups and downs through out..... Everyone jia you!!! Including me!
Me and my crazy thoughts again... How will the suppression stage be impacted if we can't relax to the best? Maybe the eggs quality is lousy? Pls share with me... As my work place is terribly shorthanded, I having a dilemna whether to apply 2 wks to 1 month (paid n unpaid) leave prior to stimulation/ injection or sanyonara totally.... I'm must admit I'm a bad handler at stress... I get uptied easily...

Btw, is stimulation n suppression the same or different stages?
Tanny- stimulation was alright. It is after ER which gets uncomfortable. And also after ET, it is best to rest a few days. For me, I took off after ER till first wk into 2ww. 2nd wk of 2ww, I took half day off everyday. If luxury permits, take whole stretch off is good for u to relax .
Tanny, if u r w kkh and doing a fresh cycle, u will be given 2 weeks hospitalization leave from ur ER til ur bhcg (pregnancy) bloodtest. That would be paid for by ur company.

It is good to keep a job for financial freedom and meaningful thing to get through the days. My job poses occupational hazard so I took a year off, but just wondering yesterday how I'm going to pass my time. I do online trading occasionally but not the adventurous type. Maybe I will do home tuition. If u have a job, dun have to think so much.
Tanny - dont stress dont stress... sometimes i realized, its the stress that we tell ourselves not to be stressed that causes us unduly stresses

whitetiger and ritz is right.... u can either rest throughout if u have the luxury of time, otherwise taking this rest during 2ww is ok too ^_^
Dear Sistas, is it common to feel lower abdomen soreness and backaches during this 2ww? Sometimes when I am lying down or walking, can feel slight twitching pain/ discomfort where uterus is... and backache is getting more frequent
feels like an old lady...
Koiric, after bhcg BT u have to wait 2 more weeks for scan to know whether u get singleton or twins.

Daintreez, I get backaches thru out 2ww and even after I bfp, but the rest of the ladies who did ER with me dun seems to have. Everybody responses differently to the meds.
Thanks, RitzC! It's gonna be another wait. I am going crazy with this... Every two weeks, we're waiting for something! :S

Hi RitzC >> I hope so too, tomorrow have to see DR at noon time, cross fingers and hope everything will be fine, i will update when i am back to the office after the scan.

For me also the same, my face skin started to get dry and is peeling, i see my face like that i also scared lor, this morning has gone to my nose also.

Hi Sophia >> Dr just told me to continue with the 8% inserts till he sees me tomorrow, aside to that just folic acid that is all. My ET day on the 1st May - Labour Day hehehe.
