IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Sistas >> Can anyone adv, can we go for body massage before our BT? Coz they will press the stomach area, any concern?


No leh.. They didn't increase dosage yet.. They just want to see how fast they grow by tomorrow and then decide later.. They also stopped me from jabbing..

Wahlao, so stress leh!

Dear follies, please be nice to me..
Hi Silsilly >> Did they explain why they requested for a stop? Are they trying to control the growth?

I guess you will be dropping by to see DR tomorrow again for them to monitor.
Why are they not increasing your dosage but asking you to stop instead? Maybe they are happy with the numbers and size? Fingers crossed that your follies will grow grow grow!
Silsilly: they ask u to stop..Hmm Strange ur size havent even reach the 18mm mark yet.U r sure they ask u to stop? Mustn't stop Lucrin though...

Try to relax and rest more...up protein intake...egg will grow more...;-)
Hi JT, just out of consultation w dr cheng this morn. The MOH notice has taken effect immediately to restrict all fresh & frozen to 2 embryos. Only on some circumstance will allow > 2. I asked my 2ivf failures + 35yo doesn't qualify
you may want to check w dr Loh.

Hi BNB, looks like we will <cheong> fresh cycle together in June

Hi Melodi, great to hear progressive doubling!
I dunno.. Just had a good cry.. Starting to get pissed with my fate again..

I just wait n see wat they say tomoro..

Wish me luck sisters..
Silsilly: Pls call KKIVF and confirm that they ask u to stop jabbing...Dun worry u hv quite a no. of good follicles...they will grow...U just need to relax...rest ..eat tons of protein...Go out during this lond weekend to recompose urself...All will be fine..
I tink tomoro when they scan again, they will start me on a new dose..
Just wait and see.. I'm eating proteins right now.. Eggs and meat..
Summer and anyone who will be my cycle buddies, I just saw Dr Cheng today. Started on my first stimulation jab, gonal f 150. Nurse ask me to take folic acid and baby aspirins. What's baby aspirins for?
Melodi -
good news, another obstacle overcome. Wed will be the next, sure soon soon.
I've not been sleeping well at
Night, legs keep aching. MS also keep in liao. How are u?

J03- is my package reasonable priced? I din compare to others at all.

Pink- I recalled other sisters said after ET if put hot pad on tummy not to be too hot n too long. Tat time I cramp real bad but kiasi, so din put in the end.
Hi, Todae i went for E2 test.. &amp; m told to start my gonal f jabs tmr le.. Today is d14 of lucrin jabs.. Seem very fast pace.. Is tis the norm? So whn is my ER estimated to b?
Who's starting gonal f todae huh?
Silsilly- try to up egg white protein. Senior sister told me protein fr meat not so helpful in eggs growth, as not as easily absorbed by body etc can't rem but best is to derive protein fr egg whites. Take meat in moderation.
Ok, "operation: egg white" here I come...

*scrambling to the kitchen to get eggs*

Wish me luck for tomorrow girls.. Tks 4 the advice!
Hi Baby Star >> Just got a call from the clinic, said the ET will be on Sunday morning at 0900 hours. so i have to be at the hospital at 0800 hours. But did not tell me how many good ones, or what are the stages and all, the clinic will only inform me on the day the ET is done, not sure if it will be before or after the ET done. Cross fingers and pray.

I asked the clinic what will they be providing me, they mentionoed only gel to insert, is that all?
silsilly> go out n de-stress urslf ..mayb retail therapy? it alwaz works! mayb meet up w gd company/gf's n indulge in ur fav dessert
everyth will b fine ok dun thk so much?just hang in there..one step at a time..we wait for the follicles to respond n grow as we want it to be..

bb_nn> thnx for the soya bean advs..sigh it my fav drink n i'v to avoid it meantime..now plain humble water is my only FREN..haha.not sure abt massage before BT..mayb can ask dr.zou?she v knwldgeable.but no massage/facial durin 2ww or throughout preg,def a big NO NO..

12bhappy> well only 'achoo' now n then but def more than normal.but i dun hv bodyache leh,oso tummy mayb abit bloated like 'preg..haha,some of my pants tight ard waist liao must wear those w drawstring..haha.hmm..no burps or farts oso.u wan to chk w angela or ning?mayb due to ur support?btw wat supports u gvn?
Hi BBNN, looking good! Sunday would make it day5 transfer? That prob means you have many embryos so they can take them to Day5.
hi babybun, looks like we will be cycle buddies. I am starting my puregon jabs tonight. If I am not wrong, baby aspirin helps to thin the blood and increases blood circulation to the womb. This will help to thicken the womb lining.

Oh good luck bb_nn! Progesterone gels to support? Any jabs?
Hi Silsilly >> We are all in good hands, some have to run long route, some short and easy route, all of is are taking the long route, but we all reach there, dont get pissed with yourself or anyone ok. Hugz hugz. We are all here, u can tell us your frustrations, each of us have our own journey, so we can share some experiences with you.

Why shed tears of pain and self blame when you can save them for tears of JOY. Hang in there ok. If you dont feel comfortable, ask DR, could be a case of tooo many folicles, or the growth rate is on schedule, and the DR dont want to over situmate since nature is at work.
Hi Silsilly >> hehe, u must think i am a nag, bottom line of what i am trying to say, THINK POSITIVE and half the battle is already won!!!
Hi Queenie - I'm starting Gonal-F today too.Stage 2 - stimulation stage. Dosage 150. I went for E2 test last Wed. The level is 109. Is this level normal?

Last Wed- scanning Right 7 follicles, Left 6 follicles. Hopefully by next Tuesday scanning- it's will grow more.

Ladies - any side effect from Gonal-f?
Hi Pink >> Just tahan, after 09 months, can drown ourselves in soya bean drink :p O

k noted on the body and facial, maybe dont take risk, i scared later the lady use strength and press and dont know damage what inside :p Ok never mind, this journey more important, being vain can wait :p
Hi Ron >> i guess should be enough, end up just nice 02 embbies :D But which ever the way, i am happy. Cannot wait to sit at home and shake legs and chit chat with you guys.

Hi Star Baby >> Clinic only mentioned gel but no jabs? Do we need jabs? If so what jabs, i can call them and double check if i need to get Jabs as well, coz i dont want to run up and down after the ET, just wanna sit at home and shake legs.
bb_nn> all the best in ur ET on Sun!
u can ask abt ur embbies durin the procedure coz u'll b awake or later gvn a report/pix.

ron> so MOH regulation has kick in rgdin limitation on 2 embbies max transf? oh man...

clb> thnx for the extra info
Hi Pink >> i think during the procesure, i will be too "kan cheong" to ask, most probably will do so before or after whichever time permits, later talk talk to DR, he miss "Q". Dont know Sunday he will have time to talk to me bo.
clb, thanks! I think I start to have some ms too and esp after every meal, I feel bloated and need to eat sour plum. Very sleepy and backache too but at night also hard to sleep.

Silsilly, don't worry. You number of follicles and size is consider good already. Just try to up your protein from today like those sisters said will be no problem on your er date. Mine only have 6 and 1 more than 10mm only for 1st scan. For ER only retrieve 6 and ET only 2 low grades of eggs can be used. So don't worry, like what they said, you only need one to success. Jia you and good luck hor. GO for a walk today and enjoy your and your follicles would grow faster.
hi bb_nn> drowning myslf in a pool of soya bean drink?WOW!!..tat sounds so sinfully GOOD..Hahaha..i would like tat very much

oh foot reflex oso..a No No. after ur 9mths;) u can enjoy ur jamu slimming package..even better rite! u can relax n can hv ur svelte body back...woohoo
tahan now but at the end of e tunnel..sweetness awaits u
bb_nn> i remember my experiences w ET(3x), the embryiologists r the ones briefing us on the embbie report(grading/eggs collected/whether natural hatching or ICSI etc) rather than the doc.Dr more on the procedure n overall report.remember to hv a full bladder before the ET ok..very important!try to request to lie down further if permitted do not get up immediately after the procedure.

after my ET w Care,i was given Crinone(8% progesterone gel insert/2x daily) n Utro(3x daily) on top of my other meds.i'm oso on Fraxiparine jabs(to thin the blood further) on top of baby aspirin.
Hi Pink >> Just called the clinic, they mentioned will only give me Crinone 8% (insert x2 daily) nothing else. And after ET Day 6 to go back to the clinic again to see if need more Crinone, strange.....
bb_nn> Ya Ya...instd of Milk Bath/Spa...we can go for the Soya Bean Bath/Spa...hahaha..sure our skin will b flawless n as smooth as a baby's bottom...i'm sure our DH wouldnt mind tat at all..hint hint ;)
bb_nn> crinone inserts works like a tampon w applicator so itz really quick n non-messy..mayb occasional clump but noth to worry abt.i'v been gvn fraxiparine jab bcoz tis mth my mense was only 1day.latest report she has she mentioned tat my progesterone level was not wat she hopes see,so if it doesnt increase she give me extra support(i'll hv to wait for Sat n anoth BT done).waiting game for me too...
hi bb,

I think u retrieve more than 15 eggs. Normally if more than 15 they will give crinone to insert. Mine also crinone insert 3x a day during my fresh.
hi nadia,

Just wanna ask u abt FET procedure. Do we need a nite jab 36hrs b4 ET? Coz during fresh we need to hv last gonal jab.. How abt for FET
Hi Pink >> Ok noted, i think maybe along the way as i go into my 2ww journey the DR will cater to what ever condition, just have to wait and see lor. I am just excited now, excited that it is weekend tomorrow. Excited about my ET and also excited about my 2ww :D
Ron: do u mean we r now only allowed to transfer max of 2 embbies only w Dr Cheng even we r above 35 of age? Then, I wonder how many embbies should I thaw?? Thaw 6 will be too many. Thaw 4 will be too little. Thaw 5, will left w 1.
Ron, thanks for your info. Was deciding between 2 and 3 previously. Now no need to think liao :p

Sun, think the clinic will thaw 2 first. If 1 fail, will then take another 1 to thaw so no wastage...
Hi, farisah, yeah.. Got a close cycle buddy.. But todae is ur hw many days of lucrin? U started ur lucrin on d16 or d21 of menses? Cos I was wondering y I so fast moved to gonal f, aft 14 days of lucrin.. Err.. Nurse oni told me E2 ok.. Didn't tell me level.. M I supposed to ask? &amp; wat follicles scan u toking abt? The v scan I did todae? I tot tt one is to scan lining? No? &amp; oso my gonal f is @ 225.. But I read urs &amp; babybun one is oni 150?
Goodness.. I hv many question marks liao.. Any experienced sisters can advise? Thanks a million..

Hi, bingo, I rem we r oni like 4 days apart in lucrin jabs.. But I gg start gonal f tmr le while ur scan is oni next week, rite? Mine is so fast &amp; I feel abit overwhelmed.. Miss u as my cycle buddy.. Heehee...
Queenie, i started suprefact on day 21 of my menses. 14 days on Suprefact. Last wed- went for E2 test and scanning. Today is my day 16 of suprefact and day 1 of gonal-f.

Any side effect for Gonal-F?

Arh... Ladies,
I'm scare.. I suddenly hv a swollen foot.. No pain one but is reali swollen lo.. Anyone experienced tis bef? But I m oni @ lucrin stage wor
