IVF/ICSI Support Group

pink - thanks for the tip. I'm dropping by PP later so will grab some brazil nuts too. Who knows maybe this month natural heng-heng strike! (haha. actually dreaming coz opk show prob never ovulate but, hey, why take the chance to forgo implantation help over some nuts, rights?

Hi Ron8129

Sorry to interrupt. I just read that your fertility Dr is a certain Dr Yeung or (Yeong). are his initials CT? and he works with Dr LC Cheng?
Kindly pl let me know as I have dealings with him before and am looking for him.

Lotsa of bb dust to DJ and Lamby!!
Summer, what's the purpose of those pills before the jabs? My AF arrive yesterday, going to see Dr Cheng tomorrow. The worst thing to happen is that I'm down with flu now! Of all times, it has to be now
Hihi to all...

Im juz a silent reader who do not post much...
Today I had just started my 2ww [Horilay] @_@.

Tink this to weeks i will be yakking a lot here cos seriously i dono how to survive being 'kept at home'.

Hw are you gals doing...

Hope there are unlimited BB Dust for every1 of us.

Hi Koow, yes starbaby and I are with dr CT yeong. He's @ tow yung clinic (tanglin shopping centre). You can call the clinic @ 67374433.
hi 12bhappy> welcome!

looks like u'll be apr cycle buddy w me(i did my ET on 25th). am so happy..was abit bored wen i couldnt find any n the closest buddy i hv is bb_nn who just did her ER

enjoy ur 2ww.do take brazil nuts for implantation,n brew some dried longan/wolfberries/red dates n chix essence to warm the womb n aid the body further.
just check my chix essence brew...err,doesnt seem like alot below mayb a quarter bowl n itz light in color..did i follow e recipe wrongly?..hmmm..anybody can help?
Hi Babybun, that pills also known as fertility pills, something to do with ovulation. How's ur flu? Did u see doc? I went to see doc for my sore throat and flu yesterday, now feeling a bit better. U take care. When r u starting ur jab?

HI Lamby, pls stay positive and rest more this two days. Hope to hear good news fm u and dj. Cheers.
Hi Pink

25th was my egg collection... was excited and scare over the result in the coming 10 over days...

Oh, you mean now <2ww> can boil red dates / wolfberries &amp; dried logan drinks ?
Summer, I just saw the doctor, hopefully can recover fast.

I'm not sure when i'll be starting on the jabs. Seeing Dr Cheng tomorrow, see what he says.
hi summer>oh..u put in 1/2 chix? err..i only put in a quart chix..hahaha..no wonder so little lah but the result was a 'potent' brew tat tasted like Brand's Essence..hee

hi 12bhappy> so ur ER was 25th n ur ET was to day/28th.Congratz
how many embbies avail n how many transf?i went for 3 embbies tis time n i'm w Care/Paragon n Dr.Paul Tseng fm Thomson.Doin my 2nd FET no more embbies left liao.
hi tanny> i receive 2weeks HL fm Care for my 2ww(fm my ET date).arrgmnt can be done to hv HL issued fm Thomson if required.(but u must register w Thomson prior to tis 1st.)
Hi Star Baby >> Was waiting for DR to cal me today, no news wor, m wondering how the embbies are doing, and I wonder will the ET be tomorrow still or Sunday, but which ever the way, I will be on standby hee hee. Sure will keep all the sistas updated, better to be with all of you rather than walk this journey alone.

Hi Shainie >> yes I can understand the frustration, only reflects on how the organization /KKH works, all of them in their small world n did not consider passing on the message, sayang your darling hubby.

Hi Pink >> wah you got at a bargain, do they still have the promo, maybe I will swing by after work, yeah I know where the stall is just thought Cold Storge is cheaper, feel cheated :p never mind will go grab more.
Hey Pink

Oh mann, we are from the same place. Tink we mite be jus next to each other juz outside e OT. LOL

ER with 13eggs but 6 fertilised. But today was informed only 4 made it, kinda heartache. had trf 3... tis is my 1st try...

Wish us Luck yeah ;)
hi 12bhappy>i started on the dried longan/wolfberries/red dates since ET day.i put them all into a slow cooker n filled them w water.some sistas here alternate chix essence brew w the longan drink.for express longan brew i wld buy "ALLSWELL" Longan &amp; Red Dates drink(1000ml) n add wolfberries into it..hee..short-cut
Hi Pink
Yes, u need to cover the claypot.. Use low heat boil for three hr.. After done, it is just one small bowl and light yellow..
Hope that this receipe can help u all to bfp..;)

Thk u clb..;)
sorry Ron, I'm not too IT-savvy. How do you do PMs?

Basically, I would like to know what makes you choose him? Where will he be doing ET/ER? Not too sure if this is the right platform for the qns. Else, you can send me an email at [email protected].
I was with a clinic overseas and he happens to be one of the fertility Drs there.
hey 12bhappy> oh??really??
yes i remembered there's a couple next door.u did ur ER 1st then i went in to do my ET coz we arrive abit late..was scheduled 0800hr tat day.r u feelin much better? i overheard u were in pain n ur DH was ever so sweet...sayang u.i didnt really see u but i noticed u were wearin a bright pink cardigan w ur back facin me wen i went to rest abit more.(was very urgent to pee before tat..hee)

Rest well n dun carry heavy stuff ok?let hubby pamper u
drink more water oso.wen u goin for ur BT?me on Sat.Bountiful of bbdust to u too
hi j03> thnx for further clarification on the chix brew.i so blur i brew for ages like 6hrs on low heat..hahah..tot all dry up because i did someth wrong..hee..now i will try again tmr n hopefully more brew for me

bb_nn> i bought the nuts yest so i hope e promo still valid for u today.ther's a huge price difference abt $3 per 100gm but u can taste e difference.my DH has been enjoyin snacking away my brazil nuts w his beer...sigh..looks like i'v to go PP to top-up..
Hey Pink

ohh.. Tts you!! Lol.. Didnt hv a clear luk at u cos aftr e sedation went off, tumy kinda crampy n i bcum blur blur liaoz.

Okok, i shall try e drink tmr. Thk u ;)
oh 12bhappy..keep ur feet warm by wearing socks to sleep at nite n wen walkin ard the hse do put on bedroom slipper too
my gf(she gave birth thro ivf w Care) oso recommended me to keep tummy warm by placin "heat pads" or if u hv hot water bottle oso good.

just share some tips w u passed down by other sistas or seniors.if i remember some more wil let u knw ok?
Hi gals
Someone post abt the type of eggs to eat.. Just fyi that me hv been taking first born egg or kampong egg.. No other type of egg.. I dun trust vit E or corn egg etc as i feel not so natural egg..;) just fyi..
Hi girls,

Today is my ultrasound scan day to see if I have grown good follicles.. This ultrasound itself is already giving me the jitters and if I do go through to the 2ww and on BT day, I think I will faint first before reaching kkivf centre.. OMG, the waiting is excruciatingly awful as opposed to the needles pricking.. You girls who have gone through it really pushes me to stay on track and deal with it..

Without you sisters, I think I may have crumbled in sorrow facing everything on my own.. Your valuable experience is undoubtedly helpful to bits..

Ok, gotta get ready to face my follicles today..
Good luck. Dont stress yourself too much. U hv started on the journey so just follow the instructions and let nature takes its course. On your part, takr care of your body. Sistas here will give lots of advices on what/what not to eat/do. Gambatte!
Good morning all..

Hi silsliy
All the best to ur scan today...;)
Relax k..

Hi melodi
Hows ur hcg bt reading yesterday? Did i miss ur post? Hope it was huge number for you..;)

Hi DJ and Lamby
Positive thots.. Rest well.. Hcg will double nice nice tomorow..;) jiayou! Keep tok to ur embbies..;)

Looking forward to end of today then can hv 4days rest..;)
Hi Pink
thk u so much for sharing so much tips. ;)
Hw r u feelin? Ytd nite was terrible for mi. Bodyache n feel v uncomfy. ;(

Hi Silsilly
Great luck to ur U-scan. Not to worry. Aftr wat i personallyhd gone tru, with e help of medication n good diet, good follicles r cmg ur way. Cheers.
Morning all

J03, No I did not post yesterday. Yes it has increase double every two days according to my gynae. It was 2700+ on Wed. Now is waiting for next Wed KK heart beats scan le. Really Nervous :p
Good morning ladies

hi silsilly> good luck to ur scan today,may they grow sui sui

Dj n Lamby> good luck to ur BT tmr.hope evryth will turn out beautifully w ur numbers doubling up

hi 12bhappy> yest was ok for me.but this past 2days i tend to "cringe" alittle like body sense some foreign stuff n naturally wan to expel it.told tis to Angela n she told me itz common so ask me to relax n not 'think' abt it then the womb wil b 'relax' n not tense up..so i try not to.btw i oso tend to sneeze more often now ever since ET..hope e embbie dun 'drop out'..hee

#oh..any sistas advise on soya bean consumption durin 2ww?itz oso protein rite but read some time ago seniors against it coz got some stuff in it tatz harmful..any idea anyone?
melodi> looks like everyth is 'soon soon li li' for u.after next week heartbeat scan u can hv a peace of mind liao..at least half the battle won.may u hv an uneventful 9months ahead of u ok?n u can graduate fm this forum to the mommies-to-be forum
so HAPPY for u!
thanks pink, yes hopefully everything would be fine eventually. Same for you too and all the sisters here. We have all gone through a lots and hope all of us would be rewarded soon. You must jiayou too
Good luck!

Val, thanks. Compared to J03 and the rest mine is still not consider high at this stage but most important to see it has double every two day I am very happy already
Mine might be really a late implantation :p Hope that DJ and Lamby would be the same as mine too. Numbers would double sui sui on Sat.
I've gone for my 8th day stimulation scan..

Got 17 follies altogether.. 7 of them were more than 10mm whilst the rest were around 5mm to 8mm.. Small..

Now I'm at dr zou.. She read my pulse and said that i was stress.. Wah, read pulse also can know pple stress one.. Amazing!

Really hoping my small follies will mature.. If not, very sad leh.. Have many follies also but not mature, how to fertilize?

My ER day maybe tues or wed.. Hopefully all follies grow well..

Any tips to improve my egg quality? Help?
Silsilly, Dr Zou also said I am stress and not enough sleep by reading my pulse.. Eat more egg whites these few days before your ER. Believe KK will increase your Puregon dosage right?
Hi Pink - so im nt e oni one tt sneezin more dan nrml. And also i felt lotsa air inside my stomach n intestine. Burp n fart more. I dread bodyache... Arghhh...

Hi silsilly- i took green leafy veg esp aust broccoli n salmon.
Hi Silsilly >> You are in good hands, the DR will know how to increase dose to get the effect that he wants, so nothing to worry ok :D We are with you.. Hugz hugz.
Hi Silsilly,

At least there's no sign of OHSS which is good. I am due to go for my scan too next Fri and also worried that my follies may not be as good.

Hang in there....Am sure your follies will continue to grow!

Hi Pink >> I think Soya Bean has cooling effect wor, my Hong Kong friend did adv. if pregnant dont drink, i think same for 2ww coz we would like to keep our womb warm right.
