IVF/ICSI Support Group

Apple, I took but after preggy I stopped. Most of the time I m at home except going for bt n jab. Come here to chat lor lol

Hi, Ladies trying to catch today post. Finally finish. Keke

Thanks gals for all the well wishes.

Someone asked me is this my 1st fresh cycle. Yes it is.

Nip1, mine is 19dpt that why hcg so high wor. Do u still remember your hcg lvl is which day past transfer?

Janice, Remember hcg will double everyday lor...moreover yr reading is 1 day earlier than mine. Yrs today might be also 2000plus too.

Joanne, during 2ww, i didnt bedrest all the time. Mainly at sofa watch korea drama. But i make a point to nap once a day and sleep with socks. I went back to work @ 10dpt.

apple, I had wrote a long list abt what i had eat before and during 2ww. U may refer want to refer back the archive dated 5 March 2011 @ 12.43pm for info.

Btw, i will go u/s on 18 March which is next Friday. Janice, when is yours?
hi love,
haha... poor thing...
*sayang sayang*
pain pain go away, dun come again another day...

hi apple,
use ur fingers... no application de... no worries... u will get the hang of it...
Yah dr loh will not be able to pinpoint the cause. Generally it could be many many reasons at play. He could list the possibilties but unable to pinpoint to individual. I asked him if i shld do fresh or fet, he immediately say fet. He did share wif me one of the possible reasons for bfn cld also be due to all the chemicals in our body during fresh cycle, so doing fet may be good.
i wanna eat pizza... looking at the delicious leaflet... i come eat the whole paper down my throat... arggghhhh... ren ren ren.... prob eat it on sat or sun... so tempting...
dun kiss her thigh... later her butt pain then u got to kiss her butt le... eeee... dun wan... jus pat pat sayang can liao...
Shoes- then I pat pat yr head.
Apple- is not so difficult de, u k use the squatting method, hold the end of the tube & insert in. Press the square end of the tube & do not release (once release the cream will back flow back into the tube) & remove the tube
hope tis helps
Shoes, u use d cold n hot treatment lah. I feel better leh. Actually I m very lazy to do it but for the sake of my bum no choice
Janice, oic. Think should be soon also ba.

Blue, Must stay zen! Sure BFP de. Do u intend to test HPT before BT? Pouring Baby Dust to u!
Sticky, lol I kiss her cheek lah.. If I kiss her bum then she oso got to kiss mine leh cos my butt pain pain too wahahaha
1 egg tart onli ma... haha...

hi gals,
any objection to valteen suggestion???
if not i will open a closed group on fb...
closed group works in a way that all ur frens cant see ur post on the group... and u can post anything u wan including pics etc on it...
also u need not add the members as frens on closed group, so u can keep ur privacy... how???
let me think of a name for the group....
Yo Val, no la I Dnt expect him to pinpoint la but Mayb can discuss Wat r the possibilities of failure so at least nxt x round can improve lor... Now I'm worried abt my bal meagre 3 embbies... Dnt knw they can Tahan the thaw or not
Thanks Leor.
Don know I have the courage to do the urine hcg or not.
Had bought like 5 pcs, Watson brand, clearblue & clearblue digital. But kept in secret place, 
If hubby know sure will disagree to test early, becoz he feel that I be very stress le. He said only k test on BT that morning with him around.
hi piggy,
u still ard?
or u went for ur intensive accu???
fri is the day... they thawing in the morning hor...

hi ceo,
have faith, they will make it
Blue, if u feel stress better dun test till yr actual BT day ba. My hubby didnt knw i had tested hpt lor even now, he still dun knw abt it. Keke...
Leor I say only, by next week I boi tahan sure will start testing de. I feel that at least I know & get myself prepare for the result ba.
See how la.
My friend test on 8dpt, & she got faint line lor, but she has twins that's why k see from the kit la.
Likely I be testing from 11 or 12 dpt ba.
U tested on 12dpt?
<font color="aa00aa">Think Leor very brave la...plus she follow the Tong Shu day/timing right? hee hee hee worked for you Leor!

So back to work tomrorow?</font>

I ask dr Loh wat is the survival rate of thawing embbies , he say 60%, I ask him how come? .... and he so damn cool .... ask me back "put u in the fridge, u can survive or not" ...... gua gua ....
Me hv 4 frozen and like u also scared scared can even proceed or not! Lets hope our embbies strong strong can withstand feng chui yu da!

I sayang you too.
When you BFP, you would feel it's all worth it! Can tell your baby - you're worth it! (Proceeds to flip long luscious hair.)
Ur embbies like cold weather. Maybe shld do the transfer in hokkaido and stay there until delivery! Kekekeke... Hmmm but how to know in advance they like cold or warm leh??
hi flowers,
dun say that...
our embryo went through alot alot... =)
and most impt, is not ur fault
ivf is a number game... the more fertilised we betting on higher chance... doesnt mean anything personal hor...
=) mine also never made it... rem i tested every single day...
Blue, i tested 12dpt -ve but 13dpt +ve. So u see how ba.

Shoes, Yap
I try follow tong shu and timing keke...lucky it work lor. LOLz
