IVF/ICSI Support Group

Miracle, janice, calzz, you girls really nv go to work for 2 ww? i told my boss i m on 3 days MC ... wah he like very big deal leh .... complain to my colleagues and say i nv tell him why i need 3 day MC even after i told him i did a procedure

Flowers, ya nvr go work but I still do some work @ home. My dh my courier man. I've colleagues who stay near me so they help me bring back doc n my dh go collect or my dh go my off send n collect for me. Actually I m very blessed. My boss is understanding, he even asked my to take 3 months to rest hahaha.... But I know he say say only lah
Flowers ya I took 1 week HL. But I also brought laptop to work fr home. Next week go back work duno how. Coz office got no lift. Have to climb 4th floor.
calzz, can get colleague to help with your laptop while you slowly make your way up?

janice, your boss so nice envy leh, is he aware that you are IVF-ing?
Janice: how many days are you now in 2ww? Are you taking any supplement during this timing? Can we run during 2ww? Sometimes, I will run after bus or climb on the escalator in the mrt stn to speed up my time. Do you think this is ok?
Sad to say i havent O yet... Aii aii...

Hi sun,
Ya failed that jan cycle...

Hi valteen,
Now the virus very strong de... Must rest well hor...
Sun, actually I m off b4 er so I guess total 3 weeks. Will b given hl till bt day. Of course u cannot run, even after bfp oso cannot. Everything must do slowly, most critical period is 1st week.

Currently, me still taking conceive well, folic acid, co q10 n oso chinese med.
Lynn, cannot take longer leh. Few mths back during fresh cycle i took 2 wks plus liao.

Flowers, Janice, yup prob ask dh or colleague to help me carry. Lunch time ask colleagues to buy.

Bosses with no life can never understand what we are going thru de.
Janice: so you are how many days pass ET? I better stay at home during the 1st wk... did you do your et immediately after the lining scan? I don't know when will be my date... I will be doing the lining scan tomorrow.

Leave is my worry too. I deliberately timed my fresh cycle so my 2ww would coincide with the CNY holidays.

I would really like to do my FET in June...But I don't know if I can still take 2 entire weeks off and not check my email at all.
Calzz, take care leh, try not to move so much in off

Sun, sorry u going for fet or fresh? If fet I m not sure leh
Flowers, yup hope we all bfp!

Dawn, ya I also timed based on work schedule. If I fail again this time, think can only do another round of fresh after July.
calzz, how come u r on prog jabs? I m only on inserts?

dr loh very candid today, he ask me if this round fail want to try again? then he booked for me in may and also his prescription ... lol
Flowers, coz they did bt after ET n my prog was low. So now got additional jab.

Janice, got ah. Ytdy's jab still pain. Tdy jab other butt so now both pain. Haha.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi all, me just back from my day's outing, just nice raining.

Miracle - nice, 3 embies !!! enjoy your 2ww, me joining soon too</font>
Calzzz, jia you! Dun worry too much. Things will work out one. just remember to walk slowly can already. My office on 2nd floor but need to walk very very long way from the main entrance.
Hi All,

I'm a newbie here....been advised by gynae yesterday dat i gotta do IVF due to my right fallopian tube and low sperm count...

Can you people share with me ur experiences as wat to go thru first etc and the pymt terms like...

Thanks in advance
hey ladies, just wanna ask.. the coq10 you taking is wat dosage? I saw over the counter got 50mg, 100mg, 150mg. Also can still take conceive well &amp; Coq10 during 2ww?
Oh thanks ladies. If so then i must plan to take some of my own leave to make up a week. Guess first week is impt. Do u gals take a week too then?
hmm..ok...since its HL then ok...I was also worrying that it will be MC instead of HL..

Me also thinking if can only take 3 days, then I take a few more days to make up 1 week(inclusive sat n sun) then go back to work on day 8.
Janice: I think fresh et and fet still need the same supplements. What will you be taking for supplement during the 2ww?

Flower: you are right. Once bfp, can tell the world that we are pregant. But now, I keep to myself about my ivf procedure....
Miracle, eh... U mean my 1st bt after et? I dunno leh Ning didn't call me. Tmr I'll ask. Is our e2 suppose to b high or low at this time huh?

Sun, yes same supplement. Taking conceive well, folic acid, co q10 n tcm med. Hee juz now u ask when et mah, fresh n fet different ba

minako, I m taking 100mg co q10 n conceive well. 1 day max is 200mg co q &amp; conceive well already hv 60mg. I dun wan to overdose lor
Hi Irah,


While in broad terms, the IVF process is the same for each of us - suppression (if on long protoccol), stimulation, egg retrieval, embryo transfer, pregnancy blood test, you will realise from our entries that each of us has a different experience e.g. dosage, number of days of stimulation, injections / supplements post embryo retrieval. Every one of us is different and the treatment will vary to suit our needs.

It's difficult for us to go into details with you as such (and it may well confuse you to read of our different experiences). The cost also depends on whether you go to a public hospital or a private clinic, as well as the dosage of stimulation drugs (they are a significant part of the costs).

I would suggest that you ask your gynae for a recommendation and speak with the fertility specialist you are referred to. Only the doctor can advise you on the suitable protoccol for you and the costs involved.

If you have questions arising from that discussion, you can then check with us whether we went through the same.
