IVF/ICSI Support Group

StickyBFP: ya dear hang in there... Miracles do happen... U hv been so +ve thrghout.. So continue to be +ve...;-)

minako... u hv a mail
hi stickybb,
i believe u... we jiayou jiayou together...

hi snuuggly,
poas = pee on a stick... hpt...
=) ya i using strips.... buay zun meh? lolz...
i still very positive in life... but haha... abit neg abt my hpt -ve... lolz...
but hey, i believe sadness will pass and life goes on.... =)
valteen, sorry to hear that...

this will be my first ivf. i've done one soiui back in 2009 but failed. i've delayed ivf as my dh & myself were not ready to go thru the stressful journey. i then went ahead to further study. now, i'm nearing the end of my course, i'm all ready for ivf!
Hi stickybfp
Nothing is confirm till hcg test k..;) dun give up yet..;) u will bfp de...

Hi gals
Did u all go pray today? I heard the god is back to work today after go report to heaven for three days of wht happen in human world.. I heard fr my dad that past few days will not hv pp go qiu qian at si ma lu as goodness of mercy had go back to heaven for meeting.. Today they will be back so i am going pray pray at shuang lin shi later to zhu sheng nian nian and tai sui as i am 犯太岁 this year..
Stickybfp... Oh no... Ur niece must be crying her heart out again... Ur bil bad mood, taking it out on his poor girl again?

Dun be -ve yet... Nothing is confirm as long as u haven see red... Wait for tmr's bt... Really hope u can bfp... Bbdust for u... 加油! 加油!
Joanne: Any idea what animals fan tai sui this year ah?

Sticky: Yes, good to hv positive ions in here.
Thanks for always being so bright and shiny for us.
Sticky buddy, strips buay zun. Last time I use opk strips also always negative. Pek chek went to get the digital smiley face then can see. Guess sometimes the strips just not sensitive enough bah.
Hallo everyone!

Congrats snuuggly! So happy for you!!!

I'm on my 2nd day of Puregon, and the sides of my womb are aching and back aching also. Is it normal?

Should i start drinking 100Plus already?
ya lor piggy...
So sad... She full liao cos sil took too much dinner for her... So niece spit out the food, then next one she kept the food in her mouth, dun wanna swallow... Then kanna slap... Poor gal...
Joanne, ya lor time flies... I also getting old. Lol.

This yr went visiting damn sian. Relatives say I put on weight n keep asking me how many mths preggy. So depressing loh.

Stickybfp, $300 only including ET? So cheap? Btw all the best for ur bt tmr. No red yet means still got hope k. Ur bil really ah...

Gals ask u all ah, royal jelly old ppl take got any use? Was thinking of giving my mil n mum since I can't take n can't find anyone who wants. My dh dun wanna take he say it doesn't taste nice. Haiz.
Hokkaido, og Chinatown told me orchard have.

Ladies, do I need to continue immunocal if bfp? I still got one whole new box.....hmmmm
Thanks snuuggly. Me on my way to orchard to get it now. When should I start taking it? Me still waiting for af to report in the lucrin stage.

Sticky, I will pray for you. Don't lose hopes! We are always here for you!
Hi Val
Woah... Many pp at the temple.. Very heavy jam so we go back.. Plan to visit again tomorow.. Let u know again tomorow k..

Hi calzz
No lah.. U not old .. Always young at heart right..;)
Snuuggly, congrates!!!

Bcube, u already on 2ww? Me 1 more wk to go, Tmr go dr paul for scanning.

Hmmm yesterday frens came over n then mahjong till almost 5am. Me now very goggy n nd to go uncle's Hse later... Now very worry will affect my growth or not leh
Jiayou jiayou!!

waiting to collect baby dusts from you. most likely you are having twins (transferred 2 right?) as you are able to detect clear line at earli stage. CONGRATS!!!

Yesterday morning went to KK for blood test. Afternoon they call to inform the result. Did not believe at first cos tis time round no symptom & had a dream that not successful.....

Tomm. goin to collect med. ard 10am.
<font color="aa00aa">SNugggly, Faz, congrats congrats
Sticky, remember to update tomorrow, am sure we'll see our 3rd baby of the CNY!! </font>
Stickybfp : kid is like that ur bil shouldn't slap her because of that
anyway pity her nowonder she likes u more ;) btw u will sure bfp okay hope to hear ur good news tomorrow
Thanks all for the wishes...

Piggy : FET, was successful for my fresh cycle too! Now my gerl is turning 4 tis sept.

Ineedmiracle : Didn't ask the hcg level, actually hubby answer the phone, me too scared to hear the news
I put in two embbies tho.

Snuggly n faz,
Congrats!!!!!Snuggly, pls shower bb dust on me too...

Faz, u r so lucky... Twice succeeded. Can I grab ure bb dust for my natural FET this mth :)
U did medicated or natural this rd?? Enjoy ure preggy
