IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Snuggly! Hi Sticky! All the best!
Hi Stickybfp...
Positive thots k... all is not over unless u see red... jiayou!!

Hi Snuggly..
Another two hours to go to end your waiting... dun think negative... :)

Hi gals
Anymore contacts for part time maid please?? I need more to try out... very headache on this...thank you gals...
now on my way home... u good la... Dh accompany u all the way today... My dh working whole day... I'll onli see him in another 12hours ba...
Hi Miracle, have you completed your ocp? Mine ended on Sat.

Hi Piggy, you are also doing FET end of this month right? Have you completed your ocp too?
I juz came out fm gp... Wah sai.... One full bag of medi. I hv got very bad flu man!!! Got antibiotics, panadol, cough syrup, nasal spray etc....u name it I hv it kind of medi.... Faintz
Buddy, got dh not necessarily good wor. Like just now, I wanted to tape his mouth.

Your dh not around nvm, u have us and u have my mobile. Just ring me if u wanna talk.
Stickybb, take care le..

Joanne, I've one who is with us for more than 1 yr but she's not dat good, a bit 破坏王 but we juz close 1 eye cos lazy to change n tell new one wat to do. She's a PRC n I tried one fr myanmar worst so still to this existing one. Not sure if u want to try this prc de.
Tat nurse why like tat de. Tell her u alot money to spent lland alot blood to draw lah. Haha not say we dun pay for the bhcg.

I stopped ocp 8 days back. Now on buserelin, progynova & baby aspirin. feeling so sleepy again.....
Hi Janice,
she spoilt many of your things?? Is she fast worker?? As long as she did the cleaning well... I am fine with it... can pm me her contacts and rates?? I dun mind PRC as I have been using PRC too... Thank you gal...
Take care Stickybb... :) Drink more more water... weather not so good and due to CNY, many pp see doctor... so we have been saying that after CNY, doctor will strike rich as many pp sick due to all heaty goodies...rest well k...
Joanne: If you don't mind you can try this PRC lady too
She is quite fast and clean..i recommend to my colleague n she quite like her too

StickyBB: Remember to drink more water and rest well
Hi piggy
Thank thanks.. Can pm me her contact?? U using her?
Really hope to find one cleaner soon as hv been thinking abt it these few days.. Worried and stress..;(
I like that, " tape dh mouth!!!"
Dun give up yet, wait for the call.
I was quite disheartened when i went for BT,tested slight +ve on 15post ET hpt, then tested -ve on 17. On BT day, actually gave up le,but i told myself to hold on to positive thots n still take things slowly. But when the -ve news came, I threw away everything and bring my dogs for a long walk le. But that's me la, my result -ve la, it won't happen to you one la.

So dun give up hope and take things slowly yet, k?

All the Best to you!!!
Joanne, pm u le. Overall she's ok but can b very rough so spoil my things lor. Sometimes I got tell her to b careful n hor she sometimes will ask me to do things for her lol unless I find a better one else I wl not change ba

Juz out fr scan. Only 9 follicles how ah? Doc said ok wor too many oso no gd cos nutrients will b shared. My last cycle oso only 9 ended up only 3 usable :s
Miracle: I never liked this nurse anyway. Can't be bothered to talk to her.

Bobzai, so u test +ve on hpt then -ve for bhcg? Oops chumz liao.
Snuuggly: yah lor, I Tot i read somewhere that inserts would not affect hpt one leh. But whatever it is, just wait for the result. Ur +ve result is very high lor!
Joanne, btw she hand wash my floor mats leh n did ironing for me. Sometimes u hv to tell her if some places not clean. I think mostly r like dat ba cannot hiam unless do it ourselves. Overall she's ok n quite fast. Too fast oso no gd leh
Dun worry, yours is a dark +ve rite?
Mine is a slight one, see, the diff is there, dark n light.
Maybe mine is the hpt playing a joke on me.
What is your brand?
I used Clearblue. For the next round, i will go online order cheapo one le. But, i also standby 2 sticks of Clearblue.

Hmm..now think back, maybe i bought a wrong hpt, bought a prank positive hpt...haha..
Hi Janice
Ya.. Agree.. As long as she dun purposely cut clean here and there. We hv to close one eye sometime..;) thks.. Will contact her..

Hi piggy
U still there? Can i hv her contact pls?

Hi snuggly
Relax relax.. U will get bfp k.. Dun worry too much..;)
hi stickybb,
get well soon...
now i thinking whether to rest or go ahead with the last fet next mth... last 6 embbies... finish and be done with it... hm... thinking...
Piggy: I have finished my ocp on Sat. Now waiting for af to report to see dr.

Miracle: Why do you need buserelin, progynova & baby aspirin? What are they for? I have started Lucrin 5 days before ocp ends. I am now on my 8th day of lucrin. I think my FET will be between 21 to 25 Feb. I think.

Piggy & Miracle: any idea want can help to improve the lining? Last time I saw someone posted taking walnut can help??? are you also on CoQ10 and Omega3?
hi janice,
wat u mean by how? haha...
9 is good la... ur doc is rite... mine got 60 plus end up all cannot withstand thawing... lesser may not be bad... jus eat well, sleep well... things will be good good de...

thanks blue
Sun: Take Bazil Nuts and red bean soup everyday to increase your lining
Sisters here taught me that

Joanne & Janice: PM you her number liao
I will sms her to let her know i pass her number to you
Joanne, thank u..

Sticky, wait for yr BT 1st then think of yr next FET lah. For a u noe mayb no nd le ;). Haha I ask how co's like very little lor. My last oso 9 mah... Hv not been resting well cos of cny. Dh nagging me say I must rest well n cannot move too much now. Been talking him nd to stock fish cos I nd to take he juz dun bother only noe to remind me abt egg whites. after d scan nw then say nd to go buy fish to eat... So gugu de Haha
Ladies, I am happy to announce, it's a BFP!!!
I think I heard my hcg is 321 but I was in shock, so didn't hear clearly.
Thank you all very much for your support!
I've ever test on stick on the day of BT, negative result but BT positive


Snuggly, Sticky.... All the best to you & All the ladies here!!!

Baby Dust to ALL..... Jia You!!
Snuuggly, Congrats!!! you got high hcg level.. no wonder you manage to BFP on hpt so early! Grab your bb dusts!

Share wat you did during 2ww le..

Stickybfp, you got pm!
Hi Piggy
Thank u soooo much..;)

Hi snuggly
Congrat to u.. Today is consider how many dpo? That is quite high hcg level since u do early test..;) u may be having twins.. So u going to kkh today to get support medi? Pls give us tons of bb dust..;) i hope i hv grab ur bb dust since getting ur pills.;;) care to share wht u eat and do before ur ivf and during ur 2ww??
