IVF/ICSI Support Group

Annling : u will sure bfp next round ;) like Minako said God will sure Grant us a baby to our arm when the time is right this time not right maybe next time is right ;) even I know this round it will be a bfn for me it doesn't matter although disappointment n heart pain will sure have but I believe in feb my FET start I will sure bfp n graduate from here ;) cheer up okay ;)

Minako, tks! the rates seem reasonable. okie, will book her apt when she come bk.

For me, i hv been seeing my TCM doctor fr Tongji hospital (she doesnt do acup) for months.. during my last consultation w her in Dec, i told her i decided to go for ivf in Jan 2011. She told mi tat she will not let mi eat d chinese medicine, scared will cause implications w the hormone med. not sure if its true, but anyway, i hv stopped consulting her since then.
<font color="aa00aa">Pink M, thanks for sharing your story - its nice that your DH can vocalise, mine can't and its hard when he doesn't , I feel alone so seek solace myself.

Now BFP already can move forward la, find a new song for the new memory - haha, poor song, kena blacklisted!</font>
Hello gals
Am back fr my Holiday.. Sianz...Wah.. Miss so many days posting.. Got to burn midnight oil finish reading all..anyway, my AF hv finally report two days ago after worry so much that it will come during begin of my holiday.. Recall? Lucky am back now so i am ok to hv AF now..;)

Hi Dan
Congrat to u!! U must be crying when know abt the high reading.. Think u having twins leh.. Btw, after u test hpt on day 9, u stop testing again huh? Care to share wht u eat n drink before u embark on ivf and during ur 2ww so that we can learn fr u? Is this ur first ivf? Really happy for u and thanks for ur bb dust..;)

Hi piggy
Relax, it maybe too early to do any hpt now.. Positive thots k as u will get bfp next on coming wed bt result.. Jiayou..

Hi Ann
I agree with wht sticky say too.. Is better to bfn know ur embroye is not healthy than bfp, then mc.. Think at the positive side k.. I hv two bfp via Iui last year and i am so happybut both end up is mc after 6th wk.. Am so upset then as is short happiness.. Think on a brighter side k.. Dun giveup too..;) we will jiayou together here..
hi gals,
knowing tat eggs/egg whites is gd for those trying for ivf.. how many eggs/egg whites do you all eat in a day? how do you prepare it? i mean is it as an omelette or steam it? can help to advise?
iloveshoes, yes, i m bit shocked to hear tis too.. i tot d more we tio our body, d better chances we will hv. i tot i better listen to her lor...but my hubby seeing her to tio his body nw. I duno whether his 'soldiers' can make it by then.
<font color="aa00aa">Vio- I think some of us here take 2-3 per day, building up to more during stims. I'm doing Immunocal as I don't think I can stomach so many whites a day - not to mention that I find it hard enough to remember to drink my Immunocal!</font>
Joanne : maybe but day 10 Liao leh not 9 like dandelion maybe if she dare to test on day 10 she will have seen a faint line loh ;)

Dandelion : u didnt test on day 10 right ;) u wait till ur BT today right..
Vio, Dr Zou advise to take 4-6 eggwhites for fresh cycle &amp; 2-3 eggwhites for fet cycle. It best to take 1/2 boil like those ya kun types. If unable to stomach, try quail eggs instead.
iloveshoes, heee.. thanks for your encouragement n advise.

er, is immunocal a supplement and replacement for whites? er, wat's stims? Mi jus started my lurin, n will be going for FET somewhere 1 wk before cny...scared will clash w cny.. *cross fingers*
Minako, okie noted.
btw, will Dr Zou insist her patients to eat her prescribed medicine while seeing her on acup? i noe some doctors will insist wan.
hi love,
my dh same as urs... wont talk abt their tots and emotions... so i can relate to ur lonely battle... =)

hi dan,
congrats... =) now must rest more and enjoy ur pregnancy...

hi vio,
me took 5 egg whites every morning, half boil type... for 2 mths before ivf cycle... then during ivf... i hit abt 8 egg whites to 10 egg whites per day... plus immunocal from once increase to 2 to 3 times a day....
cannot be fully cooked egg whites... must be half boil or raw... for raw, u can mix with milo and drink...
Regarding egg whites, is there anyone taking Quail egg whites instead of Chicken egg white?

I google on quail egg and it stated that 1 quail egg contain of 13% protein while chicken egg only abut 11%(large egg).
Dr Zou also say can take quail egg n I was asking her, if i need to take 6 chicken egg whites, then how many quail egg white should I take? And she said, take 6 for quail egg too.

So, is there any reason why not many are taking quail egg....just find it puzzle...Cos quail egg small mah..no need to stuff so much whites compare to taking chicken egg whites.....
quail eggs are too small...
so half boil them is hard... mostly hard boil is easier to make and eat... but we suppose to soft boil... and we got to eat less yolk cos of the high fat and cholestrol content...
so chicken eggs are easier to seperate yolks and whites... quail one very hard...
hi vio,
me ur buddy,
i doing fet one week before cny too...
today me on day 4 lucrin too....
immunocal is a substitute for egg whites...
stickyBFP, okie,tks for yr advise! wah, tat's a lot of eggwhites!
i think i will try half-boil and 1 raw into milo...

btw, my Hb n i hv been eating 3 tsp of liquid royal jelly (bought fr GNC)everyday since 1 month ago..d benefits is gd beside d whites. u all try it too!
hi vio,
mine too... but my dh eat twice a day royal jelly... so onli 2 tsp... haha... seems like we got alot in common, other than same cycle... lolx...
best of luck buddy...
hee.. yes, i read it somewhere.. u hv it at KKH? mine is Dr Sadhana. Today i m on 2nd day lurin. the staff advised tat my FET will be fr 26th to 31Dec. yours leh? i really scared it will clash w cny...coz my in-laws still dunno we goin for ivf.

okie, thanks.. i thk will buy d emmunocal too. Where can i get it? fr any pharmacy?
stickyBFP, hee..yes, alot of common.. oh, can take more.. coz d packaging advised up to 3tsp. N must eat w empty stomach for better absorption. Can have meals after 30min to 45mins. Usually, we will hv it in d morning.

best of luck too! May God bless all of us...
hi vio,
from OG have... $100, OG member is onli $95
then can order online too
free delivery for 2 boxes... $100 each
thanks to our forum mates for these infos...

me same le... nobody noes abt my ivf... expect my mil... and i live with her... then day 1 of cny she asking relatives to come our place... which is no good for me... cos i got to bed rest... my dh says i jus lie there on the bed and look very very sick can liao...
then i planning to tell my parents i not visiting during cny cos too sick... heehee...
dun care ar... got sticky sticky bfp news is good enough for me...
my fet also scheduled on last week of jan... =)
ya lor ya lor...
empty stomach better absorption... my dh complain le... cos during the fresh cycle... he takes royal honey, after breakfast then wait awhile take multi vit, COQ 10... plus i got him take chicken essence 1 bottle everyday, plus walnut... haha... he says eat supplements already full full liao... can skip breakfast liao... haha... poor guys...
stickyBFP, okie, thanks for d info. Ok, will go buy today fr OG orchard later.

oh.. yes, mi too live w my in-laws. sad for mi, coz my hb said if i din go visiting w him, my in-laws will be unhappy w mi. I thk will try yr method.. hee.. yes, we nid to bedrest ..gd for u, your dh support u all d way.
Stickybfp: I don't think so .. Is never too late if u want to do something ;) usually before ET is straight 5 days but for FET case not too sure Liao.. I also need to check with her when she back this Thursday ;)
hi piggy, tks for your info abt Dr Zou.

StickyBFP, er..i hvent did any acup, intend to do it veri soon.. actually, i still gt remaining acup w TMC. thk will go to both concurrently w my TMC doc n Dr Zou. But after my FET, i intend to find some excuse to go to my mum plc for tat 2ww...
oh yes, i saw it from some forum tat hv to go for acup within 24hrs after FET. So, hv to arrange w Dr immediately once FET date is confirmed.
neh... my dh not that supportive de la... haha...
gals heart, guys dun really understand... even if they understand, they dun really please us...
vio, i consider awhile, see if i wanna do accu... i really got too many needles poke everyday liao... very reluctant de...

hi piggy,
=) i look forward to ur positive news ar...
ya, got buddies is good...
here some other infor to share w all...hv gathered from some posts in d forum:
1. Men shld abstain from sex anywhere from 2 to 7days
2. Abstain from sex after embroyo transfer till pregnancy confirm
3. Have low impact exercise
4. Go for accup
5. Eat protein foods
6. Guys to refrain from vigorous exercise, which might kill sperm cells.
haha... not applicable to our fet liao... heehee.... told my dh, i dun need him liao...

how many embbies u store? dr sadhana got say how ur gradings etc?
stickybfp, haaha.. looked at what he said to u aiyo, alreadi means he put u 1st. my dh hor, onli scared of his parents not happy w mi..
ya, its true guys dun really understand us..haha..sometimes i oso call my dh a blockhead... pissed him off.. haaha.:p
hmm..i thk dun nid to do acup everyday ler. gt some protocol wan. ok, let mi find out n let u noe.

piggy, yes, stay positive nw, we shall look forward to good news!
stickybfp, oh..u mean transferring hw many embroyo is it? i will transfer 2. N will store all good embroyos for my 2nd one if i onli hv one from my 1st successful ivf cycle. oh, she din mention abt my gradings ler. infact, she din mention anythg..jus say we may hv to go for icsi.
stickybfp, found these info on acup fr TMC -TCM:


Acupuncture used in conjunction with assisted reproductive therapies may increase a couple’s chances of conception[1]. Apart from helping patients to de-stress, it also improves blood flow to the reproductive organs which in turn can enhance ovarian function and strengthen the uterine lining that is vital for good quality embryos and successful implantation.

Designed to complement conventional assisted reproductive therapies, the AART program will commence and complete within the IUI/IVF cycle.

Schedule of treatments
2 sessions before IUI
2 sessions on day of IUI (before and after)
2 sessions after IUI (within a week from IUI)

2 sessions before egg retrieval
2 sessions on day of embryo transfer
2 sessions after embryo transfer
but hor TMC-TCM rates r exp as compared to Dr Zou wan. The other time i signed as a promotional package, its alreadi $600+. Aiyo.. veri exp.. You can follow tis protocol as guidelines if u r going for acup w another doc.
Thanks stickyb.

Piggy and Joanne, I stopped testing after I tested negative on Day 9, too scary and emo to experience that a second time.

JOanne, this is my first fresh cycle. Did SO-IUI once but bfn. So, am feeling very thankful this time. I didn't eat anything special. Just like what the sistas here do, take protein food(for my ohss), brazil nuts. Daily meals are pretty much the same but i drank more soup. I did not take any cold drinks at all.

Before ER and ET, I went for acupuncture and MIL also made PAO SHEN for me for to drink the 2-3 days before ER. During 2WW, I also tried to take slow and small steps. I'm also not sure which of the above helps but just sharing what I've been doing. Anyway, I dun think I've said it here, I'm 28 this year.

Really thankful for the sistas here that share info and keep one another company. I was pretty much clueless but the info here is just bounderless.
Hi iloveshoe
Haha.. Ok wont burn midnight but must try finish read all..;)

Hi piggy
Just one day difference may not be able to detect yet too.. If urs is singleton then is really too early to test now.. Positive thots k..;)
hi Dandelion, dun feel despair okie. Must believe good things come at the right time. Yes,go for the 2nd time when u r feeling emotionally ok. most imptly, u r still veri young! Jiayou!

tks for sharing w your info too..
hi Dandelion, sorrie.. gt bit confused..paiseh..

so, is it gd news? wat's BP? positive? sorrie, i m still new to these short forms..some i noe..
Hi Congrats Dandelion. Please sprinkle your babydust on us.

Piggy &amp; 76, don cave in so quickly, think positive. I am psyching myself now, not even to think about it or detect symptoms anymore.
oh... vio, urs is a fresh cycle ar?
sounds like a fresh cycle to me le... no wonder u mention ur dh's diet...
me did my fresh this mth liao... so got 60 follicies and extracted 32, 25 mature, 18 fertilised and finally frozen 13...
i didnt get to do my et, embryo transfer this fresh cycle cos of ohss...
so doc postpone to next mth for my fet, frozen embryo transfer...
