IVF/ICSI Support Group

morning gals...

hi piggy...
*hugs* u noe hor... i still think u got chance... haha... i dunno where the faith comes from.... but i truly believe... could be abit early... u sure ur hpt not expire de ma?
tokkie u ard ma?
how u feeling?

hi gals,
i havent plan out my diet and activities for fet... hm... abit lost... any tips?
i keeping my ginger and red date tea going...
hm... need to bu qi... should i continue daily chicken essence?
i have remainings tcm med from dr zou..but i do not know how to start them, coz the opk lines playing trick on me. when i expects
+ve ..it faints again. when i expect a fainter line..it gets darker.end up i didnt take any tcm med since dr zou not around till mth end.
yah, me slack too...took cold drinks on-off and feels so guilty..haha
immunocal, not taking le. though vits contueing.

this xmas season, i longed for kids even more. lets jiayou and one fine day, our dream will come true
hey ladies..
congrats to sistas who BFP!! take care and enjoy ure pregnancy..
for those in 2ww BT etc..good luck!!

those whom BFN, hugs hugs..lets jiayou together okie!
76: ya will stay away from carrying heavy things till BT this wed hee Hee ;)

Happybb: 100% brand new clear blue haha is okay la no worries still got 3 embbies waiting for me this feb FET so still okay ;) thanks for believing my embbies hahaha hope that is a late implantation thats why still negative in hpt hahaha ;)
Shoes : hihi!! Aiyoh... I'm super bored!! Was telling hb each 2ww is getting worse n time is passing so slowly.... Wondering if it could due to festive season n I'm stuck at hm.....

StickyBFP : yah I'm here.... Super bored... N time is passing so slowly...
hi tokkie..
ya... time passes by so slowly...haha...
i already stayed home for a whole mth... and acheived nothing at home... lolz...

hi piggy...
gg to do the 3 embbies for fet? hm... okies... u paying cash for fet or medisave? hey, maybe no need fet at all le...
StickyBFP : yah... N i think I'm sore from lying in bed for so long...... Can't stand it le but today only d5pd2t.... Still have a super long way to go..... Hope it will be worth it n it will be it!

Shoes : thanks!!!
boring hor... stay home... omgosh... gotto find something do....
was discussing with my dh... gg to stay home in jan for the fet too... another mth... lolx...
Piggy, dun give up hope so fast! You are consider pregnant unless proven not. When is your actual BT date?

You shouldn't call to ask if can do early bt cos confirm will kena reject. Just go down & tell them you spotting & require early bt, they will sure do for you. If your hcg level didn't hit hospital require hcg lvl (e.g: kkh need 250), you may need to re-take bt.
i used my medisave this time round coz i doubt i will wana go through any more fresh cycles liao...close shop if my current one fails....
Dear ladies, anyone out there that had BFN and will do another round? Me quite confused over FET and fresh FET... Me do not hv any frozen embbies so if need to do, does it mean got to do everything all over again? Sob sob sob...my BT was 23/12 and that was my worst xmas present but luckily I am prepared so at least hv the festive period to help me recover...was debating whether to try again or not as I am old Liao 40 next year u know think me the oldest here haha
I had BFN during my first fresh IVF before 2 yrs back. Then i went for FET (frozen)wch was again negative. After which, i got no more frozen embies. So i started on a 2nd fresh IVF with a new clinic. I succeeded on the 2nd fresh cycle.So, now trying FET using the eggs harvested from that fresh cycle. After this round, no more embyos liao, meaning, i am not going to try again if fail this time.coz that will mean a 3rd IVF (=ER, getting eggs, jabs and all...) very tortorous mentally and physically,
Lily, I am 40, so I am older than you! If I were you, I would discuss with Angela and see if she could try a different protocol next time. My first IVF cycle was with Dr F at Glen E, but I failed both fresh and FET. The reason I changed to CARE was mainly because they do Day 5 transfer.

I wish you all the best whatever you decide to do.
And to answer ur qn, yes, if you do not have any more stored embryo, it means you have to start all over again...getting eggs with you going thru GA, then OR and the rest of the story you know lah..did u ask gynae how u shld proceed from here given ur age? Is TCM an option? DO you have kids already? Sorry to be kaypoh
Minako: okay ... My BT this wed n it will be 12dp3dt ;) one day earlier then they arrange for me ;)

76: I'm different from u
at least u still have a twin ;) so got to try till I have hahaha ;)
Nip... How r u today? Back to work already?

I've extended my hl till bt cos too gan cheong on the result liao... Dun think i can concentrate on my work... Yesterday went coll's wedding dinner already ganna asked on my leave... Asked why my boss allow me to take leave during peak... Wah... I create excuses n try not to answer...
i understand. Tho i have done a couple of treatments before, it does not make my 2ww any better. Sigh... my BT is this Thur..so i got 2 more days. i think i cant sleep on wed...I am counting down man....
Piggy... Agree w u... At least 76 already has a pair of twins... Hope can hv at least 1... If I hv 1, will be contented liao cos not like those fortunate ppl, any time can conceive...

Hv 1 ex-coll... 40+.... Had 2 teenage children... She went for abortion a few times... At her age, still so fertile... Wah... I wan 1 so difficult... She dun wan... Still ganna so many times...
piggy and happybb
there is hope...dun wory. i used to be sooo damn sian over my fate...like u, i see other pple ez ez preggy, suka suka abort...as for me, i never been 'heng' before in my life - never win prizes in lucky draws etc...but i suppose the twins is my best and only lucky thing that has happened to me. I dun think i will be this lucky again.
Merry X'mas to all ladies here..

hi Minakochang,
my mum's place is near to Dr Zou Yumin's clinic.
Am considering to go there for my acup. Do you know her rates? Have you tried her acup before?
Hi pinkbubbles, I did day2 trf with CARE leh, is it better to do day 5 trf cos chances higher? Maybe will check with angela.

I have a 4yr old gal turning 5 next year.
Hi ladies, i have been tested bfn since 17 dec.. Felt very low & had been having this "grieve" feeling like I have lost someone.. I have lost my love for most things. Coffee, alcohol & handbags etc nothing fancy or brighten me up anymore. Worst, I don't even feel like seeing people or attending parties... Am I going depression soon?? Sigh... I felt so sad but I just couldn't cry my heart out.. Any ladies had this same experience?
Vio, Dr Zou acu is $25 per session (20mins front, 20mins back). I only feel slight discomfort when the needles goes in & out. During process, no feel except current passing through. If you feel pain, can ask Dr Zou reduce voltage. The medicine depends estimate about $50-$60 per week. She will recommend to go acu 2x per wk and tiao 3mth before begin any fresh/fet cycle. She is currently on leave till 31Dec.
perhaps befre we start any ivf sessions, we dun raise our hope too high, then disappointment wun be too high too. God bless you.
hi ann,
hang in there... the feeling will pass de... jus got to think positive tots...
was telling my mates... i rather bfn in any cycle then bfp then mc... it hurts so much... so my point is, u got lots of blessings to count... ivf is jus one of them... =) when bfp do come, let it be a super sticky one...
Aanling, it's normal to feel that way. It happened to me for my 2nd fresh. Nothing interest me. I don't feelike going back to work I had fear abt ppl asking me questions. It took me some time before I was ok. I hope you'll overcome this soon. If anything, you can pm me.
Annling, DH and I were very devastated when I had chemical pregnancy in Oct. DH didn't talk to me for days and I was also very emotional. It was so difficult to resume work as I'm waiting for 'miscarriage' to occur. Not to mention, I had to go kkh re-take bt 3x to see if hcg level had drop to <5. When af finally came 1 wk later, I was crying like hell becos I have no choice but come to terms that I had lost my precious 2 babies.

Give yourself time to grieve and slowly recover from it! Must have faith &amp; continue fighting! Like I advise Chel.. I believe God will grant us a baby in our arms when the time is right *Big hugs to you*
Hi annling, I really know how you feel. I also BFN and had chemical pregnancy.(I was intitially so happy and thou I BFP...) guess we have to move on and like other sisters said to look at the bright side at least we have the support from DH and families. I believe thru this experience we will be stronger person. Have faith our dream of having a baby will come true.
Sistas, I'm reporting back on my blood test. It's a BFP and I'm really surprised cause of my OHSS condition, was going in and out of hospital. In fact, I had my AF cramp and I really thought AF was coming. Now, this really surprises me. My reading was 981. Not sure what that means though.
We were also crushed when we failed our 1st fresh in June this year. DH &amp; I didn't talk from BT day (Mon) till Fri. On that Fri, he suddenly turned to me &amp; said, "I was so disappointed, I can't handle this disappointment." it really broke my heart. But I couldn't shed a tear cos if I did he would say we should not try IVF again. I even remembered the exact song that was playing on radio while I sneaked out of bed to do HPT on BT day morning (he didn't let me do). Till now I will still cringe if I hear that stupid song again cos I can totally relate the heartbreak that I felt then when the song was playing.

What we did was to take a trip to Bali, just the 2 of us in a private villa. It helped mend the relationship &amp; finally we could look ahead &amp; not back at the past.

After that, it was a mad routine of acupuncture, TCM, cocktail of supplements before natural FET in Oct. Which was later abandoned due to late ovulation. Medicated FET in Nov was a BFP. We really couldn't believe it. But it really did happen.

You can do it too, believe in yourself.
Thanks gals, I'm still in lala land, still can't believe this is happening.

Minako, today is 17 days past ET. In fact, I used HPT on day 9 and it was -ve but sistas here encouraged me and said it was too early so I pressed on. Piggy, yours could be the case too. Don't give up.
Hi sisters, thanks for the comforting words. I really hope that time will heal n I can be back to normal soon.
Hi Dan, congratulations! Take care n rest well

Wow dandelion.. U brighten up my day haha guess I still have that little hope till wed BT result out hahaha but like I said today day 10 still negative this morning
anyway congratulation finally all ur pain n hardwork n even bad ohss make u bfp that's so wonderful ;) all the best!!! Graduated from here hahahaha
