IVF/ICSI Support Group

Dan... U gg back to work on tue already... Maybe tat will take ur mind off all these tots... Me too... Cried for nothing yesterday... Think I think too much already... W too much time on hand... But ok now... Although still worried on the result...

happybb, I'm also hoping that work will take away some of these negative tots. I'm just worried that this is a permanent phenonmenon. Hope it will go away quickly. thanks sweeties.

*Sayang happybb*
Dandelion: once tomorrow result out u will put down that big stone in ur heart ...almost every night I didn't sleep well too cause I keep thinking whether will I get bfp anot
doctor gave me very negative remarks on my success rate n I don't have good embbies like u girls have too
but always trying to think positive n keep telling myself if fail is okay try again in feb ;) that's will make myself feel better a little bit ;) don't give urself too much stress try to relax a bit okay u will bfp one believe in urself ;)
You can go dwn kkivf and hv early BT. If they ask, you can say you had spotting or say you be travelling, want do a early bt to see if preg. They wont turn you away. But they will tell you tat if the level is low but still bfp then may hv to go back in few days for 2nd bt again. Hope this helps.
Ineedmiracle, Tks for advice.

Cheche: how do you know it is a chemical pregnancy? That is also the reason advice is not to test so early cos cp might happen...

Dandelion, happy: maybe you gals are too cooped up at home and with so much time, start thinking too much. Try getting out of the house, inviting a few friends over...anything to stop thinking about what might/ might not happen. I am going back to work tomorrow to stop myself suspecting this and that too.

Be strong all.
I tested on HPT on day 13 and I did see a line. On day 15 I went to KKH and requested for BT cos I started to have spotting. HCG level was 30 plus and when I repeated the test again on Day 17 HCG level was at 20 plus. I was so sad and depressed somemore this happened on Christmas Eve. Luckily I have my DH and families support... Will have to be strong and move on... You do not need to be bother after reading my experience cos you may be a BFP case.
Merry Xmas!!!!
Ger... D IVF messed up my cycle. I didn't manage test +ve opk. Really hope nxt mth it'll regulate to normal .
Hws u getting on? All set for ure feb FET? Metotally not on Tcm u know... Duno Hw to coz it's in between o n no o.. Haha...
hi chelchel...
sayang sayang...

hi dan,
u too bored at home like me liao... go out for a walk, shopping etc... brighten ur mood up ma...
when cope up too long at home, is norm to feel wat u feel le...

hi piggy,
hi happybb,
wats ur plans to spend ur sunday..... all waiting to test next week ar...
heehee... so awaiting to hear from u....
if ur pantang hor... jus say we got the pantang agreement... then dun need to tell us directly u bfp... =)
Chelchel: thanks for sharing cos i am preparing myself for all possibilities. Did you have any other symptoms?

Cry all you want and then try again. Will happen for you ok?
<font color="aa00aa">Dan - maybe try to engage in something else like blogging or jotting down in a diary to get your feelings out ther, its tough definitely. OR come in here and yak more

ChelChel - stay strong, take time to cry and then think of next steps. Many of us here in this thread can emphathise what you are going through - are you still going to be on leave? Maybe consider planning a short getaway or staycation or something and then start again.

HI cereaine / miracle - wave wave</font>
did you ask what gynae means when he said lining too old? As in not thick enough?I have heard of pple getting preggy with less than 8 cells, infact 3 and 4 cells de... dun despair...
iloveshoes-Thanks! I will be strong! Have gotten an appointment with Dr Loh next week. Will plan after seeing him. May I ask how long can we start FET after a failed cycle. And when will KKH send us the Final bill?
Chelchel: this cycle not successful next cycle will sure bfp for u ;) be strong..

Happybb &amp; Stickybfp: I'm outside shopping loh don't care Liao la.. Start Enjoying my hl don't want to keep staying home n wait for the answer anyway I just brought hpt but tomorrow morning then test before I decide on the insurance again hahaha ... Stupid insurance hee hee
<font color="aa00aa">Chelchel - Since you BFP before, TCM may ask you to wait for 3 cycles before you do the next FET. For my case, Dr Loh also mentioned that he would rather I wait for 3 cycles too - since I had to do a D&amp;C.

I think I received the final bill about 3-4 weeks after my ET. It will be good to start listing your questions for Dr Loh, cos he tends to be rather busy and I find myself forgetting to ask some things at times

Piggy - yay for you, enjoy shopping!</font>
76: oh she say my lining too thick 14mm 2 days after ER
thanks for ur encouragement but guess i will just leave it as it is
my hb already said dont stress myself n if god want us to try again then we just try again in feb ;)
iloveshoes am not with any TCM. I understand many ladies are with Dr Zuo. Am staying at the west hence cant see Dr Zuo. Yes you are right will write the questions for Dr Loh and may I ask when are you starting your FET. Sorry to hear that you have to do a D&amp;C.
agree with ur hubby. What will be, will be...BUT, i cant persuade myself leh!!!!!!i can say other pple, but i cant accept it myself.....sob...another day is over soon...deadline over soon.
my BT on thurs..so, 3 more days to go...sounds like those pple owe loansharks "Give me 3 more days...after 3 days, i will repay you" kind of lines...wahahhahhaa
76: haha is okay.. Guess I will have a good cry first n feel the pain on the money spent then face the reality ;) then back to tcm prepare myself for the FET in mid feb ;)
Stickybfp... I'm on my way to wedding dinner...

Me not pantang... If really bfp, will spread bbdust to all... Hehe...

Dunno why I feel scared scared cos on high heels now... Should be safe hor...
Merry xmas!!!
I oni did one accu with dr zou... Tats all! Lolz
I realised during mid cycle my ovaries are aching like those aches i hv during 2ww. Think ER wounded my ovaries....
Now oso din do much preparation.... Very slack. FET shld be in feb...... You?
I din do opk cos i be doing medicated one so din bother....
Hope everyone had a wonderful christmas! Mine was a horizontal one (in bed most of the time). Getting bored and i try walking around the house and feel guilty after a couple of minutes and return to my horizontal position.

Hi Liz, Happybb and Nip my BT is also on 3rd Jan.
Piggy your BT is rather close to ours as well. Didnt realize there's a circle of cycle buddies for morale support.
Me also been horizontal most of the time till i may get bed sore any time. first 3 days, i only out of bed for 4hrs. 4th day-6th: 5hrs Today, 4hr. the other bad thing is when i am lying down, i keep smsing my frens to kill my boredom, think next mth's bill will be damn high...The good ting is i knw of another cycle buddy who will be having BT next Tues..same gynae.
Hello 76, indeed its so reverse psychology! When at work wonder when i can get some sleep. Now that i have all the time to be in bed i m dreading it. I cant lie down any longer just sitting up in bed surfing the net or watching TV. Not as guarded as the first two times when i din leave the bed unless to run to the loo.

I have ocassional cramps now and no other symptoms - no sore nipples or hunger which i had for the previous 2 tries. Only strange thing is the itch and dont even know if that is a symptom. Please share yours.
I only have slight and faint cramps that go on and off. Also dunno whether due to inserts, or premenses cramp what..were ur previous 2 tries successful?
Chel, *hugs* Pls take time to grieve and let your body rest before begin fet. Be strong &amp; fighting! We will have a baby in our arms soon when the time is right.

I had chemical pregnancy in Oct &amp; Dr Loh advise to rest 2 cycle before do natural fet. I was suppose to start Nov af but cos me et date may crash with Dr Loh's leave in dec so postpone to start Dec af..
Morning girls : guess more or less I got my answer on this coming wed BT result ;( is bfn not even a faint line from most sensitive clear blue hpt...Anyway will just wait for BT final confirmation result on the bfn.. Guess I don't need to waste that $900 today for that insurance ;) at least can save for next round in feb my FET ;) so sad n disappointed will move on.. No worries expected ;)
Piggy: hug hug. Can you do your bt in your hospital today to reconfirm, you may never know..really.

Next time surely will bfp...have faith, k?
Nip I called just now n the nurse just refuse to let me test today n I tried very hard to push a day earlier which is wed ;) anyway congratulation to ur bfp ;) it will sure goes smoothly for u no worries ;) ya expected the answer to be negative but I still hoping there is miracle for me hahaha ;)
hugz....i know how u feel...i tried so many times (iui +ivf) and then whenever i take my hpt, i will feel a flush of hotness surging through me (nervous+scared). whatever it is, just go and do blood test and have a closure (positive or negative)....u never know....lots of bb dust on you....
Happy for you too.... rest well.....
